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by himself that they cannot be used, but that what they do in their colonies is indeed apocalyptic. As a curious and scientific (with the accent on the last i) man, I asked him to enlighten me in this respect as well. And he told me that, right now, they have a formidable expedition in Mexic, where they hope to collect a remarkable material. When I asked him who is studying music, he answered, quite embarassed: ‘You see, this is a
a remarkable material. When I asked him who is studying music, he answered, quite embarassed: ‘You see, this is a difficult thing, I asked the engineer of the expedition to also collect the songs there.’ When I heard this declaration as well, I got some courage and I started to tell him about our campaigns and how we work, that the engineer, the musicologist, the anthropologist, and the coordinator are apart and that, in our way of doing research, we concentrate
you are saying, what you do is magnificent, if indeed you succeed to do so, what we lack is a musicologist that would occupy himself only with music and, after all, what we do is but a sort of propaganda. As you see, Anton dear, in the end, by putting to use the monographic method of investigation, I managed to realize what the ethnography and anthropology of the great Trocadéro consist of: propaganda’. I can’t describe to you the joy
why the dialogue between Brauner and Schaeffner did not start in the best possible way. Like in Romania, folklore was an important discipline, well represented in the sociologist French movement. It so happened, however, that the French ethnomusicologists viewed it as an obsolete specialty, although the President of the Folklore Society, Maunier was a distinguished ethnographer, folklorist and sociologist. While sociology was quite dynamic in France at the time, its achievements went in a direction quite different from the one adopted
character. The lady on the stage tried to convince the honorable public that, in fact, exotic music can’t be analyzed until one comes to like it, to feel it, and so she proceeded to make us feel it so as to understand it. She put some rather interesting records but didn’t let any of them go till the end, for princess Kura-go had told her that that song sounded better in this way and, as soon as saying so
us feel it so as to understand it. She put some rather interesting records but didn’t let any of them go till the end, for princess Kura-go had told her that that song sounded better in this way and, as soon as saying so, she would start singing in Cambodgian (better than the recorded singers) and beating some pans. I couldn’t hold my laughter, but the French in the hall fell into a hysterical trance and applauded till they
it so as to understand it. She put some rather interesting records but didn’t let any of them go till the end, for princess Kura-go had told her that that song sounded better in this way and, as soon as saying so, she would start singing in Cambodgian (better than the recorded singers) and beating some pans. I couldn’t hold my laughter, but the French in the hall fell into a hysterical trance and applauded till they could clap
wissen Sie, mein Herră And at some point, with no remorse, the lady made a revolutionary declaration: in general, Cambodgian songs resemble Romanian doina-s (I jumped from my chair, ears pricked up, and waited in suspense for the explanation.) As a supreme argument, the lady cleared her throat, beat in the pan a bit, started a Cambodgian melody, after which, smiling, she sang a DOINA (probably learned from Vulpescu or God knows who). People, enthusiastic, went on and on applauding
was the brother of painter Victor Brauner, gives us a vivid sketch of another aspect of Romanian sociology that was quite developed with respect to what was being done in France at the time, namely the sociological film. Dimitrie Gusti, as I was saying above, had been deeply preoccupied with the ways in which the results of the “monographic” campaigns could not only be used by specialists in sociology in order to develop the theory and methods of their discipline, but
with lots of money, by a French expedition. The meeting started with a presentation of the two explorers by Dr. Rivet, who proudly, but really proudly, said that they had managed to put together an ethnographer and a geographer and, as a result, the expedition appeared to be most serious. And he passed the word to the geographer who delivered a sort of entertaining and funny lecture (if I may say so). The ethnographer was tricksier, he put on his head
documentary film. I had a discussion in which I told them that, with us, documentary films involve not only geographers and ethnographers and that music, when the film has no sound track, is restored exactly with the help of phonograms (as we did with the Drăguș film when it was presented at the National [Theater in Bucharest]). They liked what I said a lot, I believe though that they began to think the Romanian state sent me here for propaganda and
what I said a lot, I believe though that they began to think the Romanian state sent me here for propaganda and, truth to tell, I never praised our little country so much, neither was I so proud of it as I was on that occasion. Now, for the first time, I seriously realize what monographic research (monografia) means and I am convinced that, even were I in Germany, I would get to the same conclusion” [3.IV.1933]. Brauner’s
trying to learn more about the wide range of ethnomusicological research in French colonies or the manner in which the Trocadéro library had been organized, Brauner decided to go back to Romania for other monographic campaigns rather than to India, as it had been proposed to him by his French mentors: “I am now working here so that I can say that time goes by unnoticed. And day by day I realize that, as I wrote you already, our monograph[ic
other monographic campaigns rather than to India, as it had been proposed to him by his French mentors: “I am now working here so that I can say that time goes by unnoticed. And day by day I realize that, as I wrote you already, our monograph[ic research] is more than all that I have seen here, with the risk of appearing to lack modesty, [I can really say] that the way we work in the domain of music in
respect to French culture rather than the yielding to a “superior” culture that it had represented during the 19th century), and relaxed. The possibilities offered by French sociology to the four young sociologists whose reactions we have examined were appreciated as well as professionally problematized in the context of a relaxed francophilia that combined at times with the oppositions Eastern/Western or developing/fully developed culture. While French sociologisme, still mostly fed by the ethnology of primitive peoples, could open up
French culture rather than the yielding to a “superior” culture that it had represented during the 19th century), and relaxed. The possibilities offered by French sociology to the four young sociologists whose reactions we have examined were appreciated as well as professionally problematized in the context of a relaxed francophilia that combined at times with the oppositions Eastern/Western or developing/fully developed culture. While French sociologisme, still mostly fed by the ethnology of primitive peoples, could open up new general
București: Editura Expert. Abstract In Romania, the official police and justice statistics offer few information and data about the intensity of violent crimes and their victims. Only few research projects are trying to explain the causes and motives of crime, as well as the role of the victim in the genesis of crime. This study is trying to focus on the main tendencies in the evolution of violent crimes, on the typology of victims and aggressors in intra and extra familial
Expert. Abstract In Romania, the official police and justice statistics offer few information and data about the intensity of violent crimes and their victims. Only few research projects are trying to explain the causes and motives of crime, as well as the role of the victim in the genesis of crime. This study is trying to focus on the main tendencies in the evolution of violent crimes, on the typology of victims and aggressors in intra and extra familial surrounds, in
Opinion Quarterly, 27, 2, 217-229. Bushman, R.J. și Green, R.G. (1990). Role of cognitive-emotional mediators and individual differences in the effects of media violence on aggression. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 58, 156-163. Centerwall, B.S. (1989). Exposure to television as a cause of violence. Public Communication and Behavior, ed. G. Comstock, 2, 1-58. Eckhardt, Christopher I. și Dye, Melanie I. (2000). The Cognitive Characteristics of Maritally Violent Men: Theory and Evidence. Cognitive Theory and Research, 24, 2, 139-158. Eron, L.D.
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on violence and health (2004). Geneva: World Health Organization. Abstract In this article the psycho-sociological perspective of media violence is analyzed. The violence generated by television influences people’s attitudes, values and behavior. The main categories of media violence effects as well as research and experiments underlining contradictory results are emphasized. The situational effects and theoretical explanations complete the analysis, supporting the fact that interindividual differences must be taking into account when we talk about exposure to media violence. Primit la
and health (2004). Geneva: World Health Organization. Abstract In this article the psycho-sociological perspective of media violence is analyzed. The violence generated by television influences people’s attitudes, values and behavior. The main categories of media violence effects as well as research and experiments underlining contradictory results are emphasized. The situational effects and theoretical explanations complete the analysis, supporting the fact that interindividual differences must be taking into account when we talk about exposure to media violence. Primit la redacție: ianuarie
social mobility performs an important part in the functioning and the cultural influence of the “intermediary social solidarities”, understood in a Durkheimian way. The transfers between generations happen both by interfamily interactions and through the agency of social change mediators, as trade unions, links of work within the framework of formal groups etc. Second, it has been demonstrated that the relations between sexes directly influence the relations between generations. In spite of the inertia of practices and contradictions between men and
Second, it has been demonstrated that the relations between sexes directly influence the relations between generations. In spite of the inertia of practices and contradictions between men and women, the relations between the two sexes change in the same direction as those between generations, namely in the replacing the traditional hierarchical principles. The cultural influence of children over their parents takes part from the returning effects to the social mobility. The conclusion of the investigation is that, generally, no matter which
asupra valorilor, atitudinilor, participării și condițiilor sociale, aprilie 2003. * * *, Jurnal de Chișinău, 26 decembrie 2003. * * *, Monitorul social: cercetare de opinie publică, Chișinău, octombrie 2004. Abstract The article analyses the opinions of the citizens in the Republic of Moldova regarding democracy as a political principle and as it is implemented in the particular social context of the Republic. The article is based on empirical data from opinion polls that have taken place in the period 2001-2004. Data indicate low levels of satisfaction