9,681 matches
condițiilor sociale, aprilie 2003. * * *, Jurnal de Chișinău, 26 decembrie 2003. * * *, Monitorul social: cercetare de opinie publică, Chișinău, octombrie 2004. Abstract The article analyses the opinions of the citizens in the Republic of Moldova regarding democracy as a political principle and as it is implemented in the particular social context of the Republic. The article is based on empirical data from opinion polls that have taken place in the period 2001-2004. Data indicate low levels of satisfaction and value internalization regarding the
din Rusia pare să se dezvolte În toate aceste direcții, rămânând de văzut dacă el va fi unul original sau nu. O comunicare așteptată cu viu interes a fost cea a lui Grzegorz Forys, de la Universitatea din Cracovia, Polonia: Protes as a Way of Participating in the Public Sphere: Two Waves of Polish Protests Under Post-Communism. Cercetările au confirmat faptul că rădăcinile protestelor țărănești din Polonia aveau un conținut economic, din 1989 și până În 1994, de pildă, În Polonia scăzând veniturile
Mosely (USA). In criticizing introspective psychology with its metaphysical “phantoms,” Durkheim was continuing Auguste Comte’s line of thought. R, Maunier had been the student, not only of Durkheim, but also of Tarde and Worms. His work in general sociology as well as that in colonial sociology were widely appreciated in Romania, the last because of its applicability to the problems of Romanian Europeanization and urbanization. On the occasion of Maunier’s visit to Romania, A. Golopenția (1938 a) wrote: “Professor
In criticizing introspective psychology with its metaphysical “phantoms,” Durkheim was continuing Auguste Comte’s line of thought. R, Maunier had been the student, not only of Durkheim, but also of Tarde and Worms. His work in general sociology as well as that in colonial sociology were widely appreciated in Romania, the last because of its applicability to the problems of Romanian Europeanization and urbanization. On the occasion of Maunier’s visit to Romania, A. Golopenția (1938 a) wrote: “Professor Maunier’s
lecture on the “Characteristics of the Caucasian languages” (on Thursday, 22 February [1934]). Bernea is here citing a passage from A. Golopenția’s previous letter. Ernest Bernea. Ion Ionică. This sociological “museum” had been presented at the University of Bucharest as well as in Barcelona. It consisted of field notes, statistics, archival items, photographs of people, places and activities, musical and spoken records, as well as artifacts by the Drăguș women and men. The material had been organized according to Gusti
the “Characteristics of the Caucasian languages” (on Thursday, 22 February [1934]). Bernea is here citing a passage from A. Golopenția’s previous letter. Ernest Bernea. Ion Ionică. This sociological “museum” had been presented at the University of Bucharest as well as in Barcelona. It consisted of field notes, statistics, archival items, photographs of people, places and activities, musical and spoken records, as well as artifacts by the Drăguș women and men. The material had been organized according to Gusti’s methodological
previous letter. Ernest Bernea. Ion Ionică. This sociological “museum” had been presented at the University of Bucharest as well as in Barcelona. It consisted of field notes, statistics, archival items, photographs of people, places and activities, musical and spoken records, as well as artifacts by the Drăguș women and men. The material had been organized according to Gusti’s methodological scheme for the articulation of collected data into an exhaustive monograph. Who was studying in France, like Ionică did. Soon to
Ernest Bernea. Ion Ionică. This sociological “museum” had been presented at the University of Bucharest as well as in Barcelona. It consisted of field notes, statistics, archival items, photographs of people, places and activities, musical and spoken records, as well as artifacts by the Drăguș women and men. The material had been organized according to Gusti’s methodological scheme for the articulation of collected data into an exhaustive monograph. Who was studying in France, like Ionică did. Soon to become Musée
Ioana Zirra, RAO, București, 2000, p. 471), indică, pentru semnificația straielor de slavă, următoarele studii : S.P. Brock, Jewish Traditions in Syriac Sources, Journal of Jewish Studies, 30, 1979, pp. 212-232 (în special pp. 221-223), și, de același autor, Clothing Metaphors as Means of Theological Expression in Syriac Tradition, în M. Schmidt și C.F. Geyer (eds.), Typus, Symbol und Allegorie bei den östlichen Vätern, Pustet, Regensburg, 1981, pp. 11-40. De asemenea, P.F. Beatrice, Le tuniche di pelle, în Ugo Bianchi (ed.), La
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1997. Fava și al., 1998 a și b. Paykel și al., 1999. Bockting și al., 2005. Basco și Rush, 1995; Colom și al., 1998. Lam și al., 2003. Lam și al., 2003. Treatment as usual. Scott și al., 2006. Treatment as usual. Svartberg și al., 2004. Paris, 2005. Dialectical Behavioral Therapy constituie o forma specială de TCC. Miller și Wilbourne, 2002. Bottlender și al., 2006. Anton și al., 1999. Anton și al., 2001. Anton și al., 2001. Balldin și al., 2003
Gusti, Dimitrie, (1968). Opere, vol. I. București: Editura Academiei Române. Stahl, Paul. (1998). Pays et communautés de vallée: Exemples roumains et européens. în Revue roumaine d’histoire, București, XXXVII, 3-4. Abstract The Gusti School was usually perceived, in a simplifying manner, as a school of village monographs. The originality of the Gustian paradigm lies in its being the first school of sociology that has created a methodology of comparative-progressive research of social units, ranging from family up to village, super-village communities, national
Gustian paradigm lies in its being the first school of sociology that has created a methodology of comparative-progressive research of social units, ranging from family up to village, super-village communities, national and international societies constituted into groups of nations such as the League of Nations, or as the ones attested by the Balkan ethno-sociology of Paul H. Stahl, wherefrom the passage towards that social unit called humanity can be made. The incontestable merit of the Gusti School is certified by the
the first school of sociology that has created a methodology of comparative-progressive research of social units, ranging from family up to village, super-village communities, national and international societies constituted into groups of nations such as the League of Nations, or as the ones attested by the Balkan ethno-sociology of Paul H. Stahl, wherefrom the passage towards that social unit called humanity can be made. The incontestable merit of the Gusti School is certified by the originality of the paradigm that it
attested by the Balkan ethno-sociology of Paul H. Stahl, wherefrom the passage towards that social unit called humanity can be made. The incontestable merit of the Gusti School is certified by the originality of the paradigm that it has created, as well as by the nobleness of the soul opened towards the anonymous world of peasants. Primit la redacție: aprilie 2005 Ce a lăsat Dimitrie Gusti sociologiei postbelice? Cătălin Zamfir Universitatea București Autorul evaluează influența personalității științifice a lui Dimitrie Gusti
the Balkan ethno-sociology of Paul H. Stahl, wherefrom the passage towards that social unit called humanity can be made. The incontestable merit of the Gusti School is certified by the originality of the paradigm that it has created, as well as by the nobleness of the soul opened towards the anonymous world of peasants. Primit la redacție: aprilie 2005 Ce a lăsat Dimitrie Gusti sociologiei postbelice? Cătălin Zamfir Universitatea București Autorul evaluează influența personalității științifice a lui Dimitrie Gusti asupra sociologiei
decât suntem tentați să credem la o reflecție superficială. Abstract The author evaluates the influence of the Dimitrie Gusti’s scientific personality on the Romanian sociology and society, in four main aspects. One direction refers to the constitution of sociology as a science in Romania, with international prestige and a broad national involvement. The second direction refers to the creation of sociology as a science of the nation, with the mission of creating self-knowledge in the Romanian society and to further