9,681 matches
on the Romanian sociology and society, in four main aspects. One direction refers to the constitution of sociology as a science in Romania, with international prestige and a broad national involvement. The second direction refers to the creation of sociology as a science of the nation, with the mission of creating self-knowledge in the Romanian society and to further social modernization. This led to a dominantly descriptive and empirical orientation of sociology, based though on a high-level theoretical conception. This orientation
economice. Prolegomene la studiul morfologiei economice a unui sat. În Arhiva pentru știința și reforma socială, anul X, 1-4. Abstract The article focuses on D. Gusti’s personality and activity of creating the system of the sociological monography, further used as an analytical basis for the direct field research in the villages. The study points to the fact that the Gustian sociological system is an original, creative synthesis of some of the highest European scientific contributions, especially German, French and Romanian
and modalities. Being a European Institution, with multiple functions, the „Brotherhood” has regularly exercised, within the community life, certain effects of selfregulation of the moral structure of the Romanian customer rights. As a social function controlling institutionemphasizing the moral mistakes, as a result of the shared practices, and also hardened by the village communities and continued on a different plan by „The Brotherhood Institution”it has a dominant influence in the Romanian village social life from „Mărginimea Sibiului”. Primit la redacție
are better predicted if we monitor the individuals on longer time intervals than if we adopt a static perspective (based on cross-sectional surveys). Moreover, the weak relationship between them is mainly due to the period the data covers, becoming clearer as we enlarge the observation time. Primit la redacție: iunie 2005 ANEXĂ Tabelul SEQ Tabel \* ARABIC 4. Diferența între subeșantioane în 1995, (%) Gospodăria nu este în panel Gospodăria este în panel Total Indivizii nu sunt în panel Indivizii sunt în panel
Hall Publishers. Bushe, G.R. (2001). Five theories of change embedded in apreciative inquiry. În D.L. Cooperrider, P. Sorensen, D. Withney, T. Yeager, Apreciative inquiry. An emerging direction for organization development. Champaign, IL: Stipes. Bushe, G.R. (1995). Advances in appreciative inquiry as an organizational development intervention, în Organization Development Journal, 13 (3),14-22 toamna. Cazacu, A., Bădescu, I. (1981). Metode și tehnici de cercetare sociologică. Ghid pentru lucrări aplicative. București; Universitatea București. Chelcea, S. (1982). Experimentul în psihosociologie. București: Editura Științifică și
de teren în casele localnicilor. Pe această cale, autorul dorește să mulțumească domnului profesor Dumitru Sandu și domnului asistent Sebastian Lăzăroiu pentru sprijinul financiar și încrederea acordată. „Almost anything else that affects the desirability of living/working in the destination as opposed to source country.” „There is no direct link between poverty, economic development, population growth, and social and political change on the one hand, and international migration on the other.” „During the years the restrictive politics transform the Europe in
a real «fortress». „Unemployment is the greatest danger to the future of EU integration.” Denumirea dată inițiatorului rețelei și totodată principalului subiect al acesteia. Comunitatea Autonomă a Sindicatelor și Întreprinderilor „Migration and development are linked in many ways.” „Migra-euros serve as an engine of economic growth.” Bibliografie Abadan-Unat, Nermin. (1992). East-West vs. South-North migration: Effects upon the recruitment areas of the 1960s, International Migration 26, 2. The New Europe and International Migration, published by Blackwell Publisher Ltd, Oxford, 401-412. Afolayan, A
The wave of the future?, International Migration, 39 (6) SI2. Kivisto, Peter. (2001). Theorizing transnational immigration: A critical review of current efforts, Ethnic and Racial Studies, 24, 4, 549-577. Konstantinov, Yulian. (1996). Patterns of reinterpretation: trader-tourism in the Balkans (Bulgaria) as a picaresque metaphorical enactment of post-totalitarianism, American Ethnologist, 23 (4), American Anthropological Association, 762-782. Lăzăroiu, Sebastian. (2000). Trafic de femei - o perspectivă sociologică, Sociologie românească, serie nouă, 2, București. Lucassen, Jan și Lucassen, Leo. (eds.) (1997). Migration, migration history, history
in the European Union, the presidential elections in this country take another dimension. On the one hand, they coincide in every resumption with the general and senatorial election. Consequently, the electoral results offer an angle of analysis which becomes revealing as for the reforms, the process of democratization, the fragmentation of the partisan space, the difficulties in the emergence of a competent and professional political class and those of an at least delicate economic and social situation. On the other hand
space, the difficulties in the emergence of a competent and professional political class and those of an at least delicate economic and social situation. On the other hand, the theme of membership has made, for some time, the political consensus as for the objectives of the foreign policy. Resumed by all the political parties, the external factor does not manage to surmount the cleavage which remains between urban Romania and rural Romania. The very tight results between the two main candidates
Altfel spus, modificările în componenta bugetară totală pot fi descompuse în: 1) modificări în soldul ciclic ca răspuns automat la modificările în decalajul de producție; 2) modificări în soldul structural ca răspuns al politicii fiscale discreționare. ΔOB = ΔCPB + ΔCAPB (2) AS = ΔCPB = ΔOB - ΔCAPB, (3) unde: AS - stabilizatori automați. „Stabilizatorii automați sunt unii dintre factorii care explică modificările în soldurile bugetare totale (ΔOB). Denumirea acestora provine de la faptul că ambii ajută la „stabilizarea” ciclului de afaceri și sunt activați „automat”. De
România spre Compactul Fiscal by Cristian SOCOL () [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/206_a_422]
totală pot fi descompuse în: 1) modificări în soldul ciclic ca răspuns automat la modificările în decalajul de producție; 2) modificări în soldul structural ca răspuns al politicii fiscale discreționare. ΔOB = ΔCPB + ΔCAPB (2) AS = ΔCPB = ΔOB - ΔCAPB, (3) unde: AS - stabilizatori automați. „Stabilizatorii automați sunt unii dintre factorii care explică modificările în soldurile bugetare totale (ΔOB). Denumirea acestora provine de la faptul că ambii ajută la „stabilizarea” ciclului de afaceri și sunt activați „automat”. De exemplu, taxele care sunt senzitive la
România spre Compactul Fiscal by Cristian SOCOL () [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/206_a_422]
de Cel Iluminat este strălucirea și universalitatea ființei sale, puterea de a ajunge la inima oricărei făpturi cu razele compasiunii sale nemărginite, capacitatea infinită de a împărți bucuriile și suferințele altora, fără a fi sfâșiat sau dirijat de ele, fără ași pierde sau limita universalitatea. Puterea aceasta stabilește legătura lăuntrică cu tot ceea ce este viu și mai ales cu toți cei care se apropie de el. Buddha nu este o divinitate distantă și intangibilă către care să-ți ridici privirile cu
BUDDHA REALITATE ŞI LEGENDĂ by EMIL VACARIU () [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/463_a_1294]
Culoarea blănii variază în limite mari: aproape albă, roșcat aprinsă, neagră - argintie. În timpul zborului emit impulsuri ultrasonore de ecolocație, de frecvență înaltă și consatantă (110 (110-130KHz) 130KHz) - semnale de tip CF. Durata impulsului este destul de lungă (câteva zecimi de ms), as astfel încât se produce un evident efect Doppler. Acest e efect este folosit de lilieci pentru prinderea insectelor după bătăile aripilor chiar și în desimea de crengi și frunze. Deseori rinolofidele folosesc strategia vânatului din ascunziș, asemănătoare cu cea a păsărilor
Zburătorii din amurg by Emilia Elena Bîrgău () [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/91630_a_92914]
A Reader, (coordonatori L. Samovar, R. Porter), Thomson Wadsworth, 2003; Baya, Adina, The Concentration of Media Ownership în Romania, Editura Institutul European, Iași, 2012; Badău Horea Mihai, Tehnici de comunicare în social media, Editura Polirom, Iași, 2011; Bauman, Zygmunt, Culture as Praxis, SAGE Publications, London, Thousand Oaks, New Delhi, 2000; Bauby, Pierre, La construction originale d'un intérêt général européen, în volumul Le bien commun comme reponse politique à la mondialisation, coordonat de Olivier Delas și Christian Deblock, éditions Bruylant, Bruxelles
Comunicarea interculturală. Paradigmă pentru managementul diversităţii by Silvia Popescu [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/923_a_2431]
argument that it has ground Intercultural Communication în the effective management of cultural diversity. The purposes specified, the proposed approach begins by proposing and developing a theoretical model to explain the new interdisciplinary relationships where cultural identities are from Europe, as a result of an intense process of intercultural communication, communication becomes half by itself a paradigm managing diversity în the contemporary world. We call this new paradigm conjunctive model to highlight the interdisciplinary dimension, concerned with methodology, as well as
Comunicarea interculturală. Paradigmă pentru managementul diversităţii by Silvia Popescu [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/923_a_2431]
from Europe, as a result of an intense process of intercultural communication, communication becomes half by itself a paradigm managing diversity în the contemporary world. We call this new paradigm conjunctive model to highlight the interdisciplinary dimension, concerned with methodology, as well as a reference that is a real process of increasing interference of national cultures, advancing to a new way of conceptualizing complementary report and interaction between European cultures, compared codified în EU motto "united în diversity" and will complete
Comunicarea interculturală. Paradigmă pentru managementul diversităţii by Silvia Popescu [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/923_a_2431]
as a result of an intense process of intercultural communication, communication becomes half by itself a paradigm managing diversity în the contemporary world. We call this new paradigm conjunctive model to highlight the interdisciplinary dimension, concerned with methodology, as well as a reference that is a real process of increasing interference of national cultures, advancing to a new way of conceptualizing complementary report and interaction between European cultures, compared codified în EU motto "united în diversity" and will complete "for a
Comunicarea interculturală. Paradigmă pentru managementul diversităţii by Silvia Popescu [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/923_a_2431]
new alliance' knowledge of the field or interdisciplinary approaches, but a restructuring of values and existential rearrangement of relations between cultural identities în their new environment globally. Unity în diversity is perhaps one of the most important challenges of modernity as manifested still quite strong ethnic and religious conflicts, domestic violence, seclusion în national values, relationship difficulties at all levels, migration of population from one area to another world. For an economic and efficient intercultural communication to foster, support and promote
Comunicarea interculturală. Paradigmă pentru managementul diversităţii by Silvia Popescu [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/923_a_2431]
of the present volume. Empirical research was conducted during October 2011-august 2012 and includes questionnaires, structured interviews and in-depth with the major themes: "Women and men în organizations" în Romania, "Women and men în organizations" în Italy, "Diversity at work as a performance enhancer. "We started from the assumption that society as a whole, and each "micro-society", including corporate, becoming more "cosmopolitan". We identified a phenomenon that is retained în the business potential of cultural diversity and diversity management efficiency by
Comunicarea interculturală. Paradigmă pentru managementul diversităţii by Silvia Popescu [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/923_a_2431]
2012 and includes questionnaires, structured interviews and in-depth with the major themes: "Women and men în organizations" în Romania, "Women and men în organizations" în Italy, "Diversity at work as a performance enhancer. "We started from the assumption that society as a whole, and each "micro-society", including corporate, becoming more "cosmopolitan". We identified a phenomenon that is retained în the business potential of cultural diversity and diversity management efficiency by practicing firms. Intercultural communication quality is based on how each understands
Comunicarea interculturală. Paradigmă pentru managementul diversităţii by Silvia Popescu [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/923_a_2431]
and to exploit the huge potential that diversity can play în developing an organization. Lately, they speak even a new profession, that of manager of corporate diversity, which is obviously the result of identifying the contemporary reality of intercultural communication as diversity management paradigm. At the end of the volume are presented în a separate set of appendices that include types and models free questionnaires and structured interview form, some of which were used în the volume, others are recommended for
Comunicarea interculturală. Paradigmă pentru managementul diversităţii by Silvia Popescu [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/923_a_2431]
elsewhere came to America. Some were fleeing religious persecution and political turmoil. Most, however, came for economic reasons and were part of extensive migratory sistems that responded to changing demands in labour markets. Their experience in the United States was as diverse as their backgrounds and aspirations. Some became farmers and others toiled in factories. Some settled permanently and others returned to their homeland. Collectively, however, they contributed to the building of a nation by providing a constant source of inexpensive
to America. Some were fleeing religious persecution and political turmoil. Most, however, came for economic reasons and were part of extensive migratory sistems that responded to changing demands in labour markets. Their experience in the United States was as diverse as their backgrounds and aspirations. Some became farmers and others toiled in factories. Some settled permanently and others returned to their homeland. Collectively, however, they contributed to the building of a nation by providing a constant source of inexpensive labour, by
the new arrivals became farmers. By the 1880s, however, much of the best land was gone, and a giant American industry was pulling into factories the former peasants from Poland, the Ukraine, Serbia, Greece, Romania, and the south of Italy. As in the past, most of Europeans settled in the Northeast or Midwest; few went to the South. Wherever they put down roots, they planted their Old World customs and traditions. Most fundamental of these was religion, which for most of