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aproximativ 47 de milioane de indivizi, dintre care 35,9 milioane erau europeni, precizîndu-se că „The stream was relatively continuous from 1820 to 1924 with only brief interruptions caused by the Civil War and occasional periods of economic downturns such as the depression of the 1890’s, the panic of 1907-1908, and the Great Depression of the 1930s. World War II, of course, also greatly reduced the numbers emigrating. In fact, 32 million of the 35,9 million Europeans who came
many if not most, of the Romanians immigrating in the first two decades of the twentieth century were not immigrants at all, for they had little intention of staying in America permanently. It was the phase known in Romanian parlance as Mia și drumul, a thousand dollars and home again”. Deși problema comportă Încă discuții, considerăm că putem vorbi despre o emigrație a românilor În SUA În deceniul ce precedă izbucnirea Primului Război Mondial, chiar dacă mulți transilvăneni, bucovineni și bănățeni se Întorceau În
stabilit că „the greatest numbers of Romanians settled in the industrial heartland of the mid-Atlantic and Great Lakes states. The largest concentrations and the most active communal life were in New York, Chicago, Philadelphia, Detroit, Pittsburgh and Cleveland. Moderate-seized cities such as Youngstown, Canton, Alliance, Warren, and Akron, Ohio; Farrell, Sharon, New Castle, Ellwood City, McKeesport, Homestead, Erie, Johanstown, and Scalp Level, Pa.; and East Chicago and Gary, Ind., also developed substantial colonies. Romanians could be found in Minneapolis and South St
fellow nationals from the same region or village lived”. Convingerea acestui istoric, informat și pertinent În afirmațiile avansate În această chestiune, este că „perhaps one-third of the Romanian newcomers in the larger cities were solitary migrants who had not come as part of a chain migration; these were the most likely eventually to return home”. În chiar zilele noastre, Alexandru Nemoianu considera că „În covîrșitoarea lor majoritate românii emigrați la Începutul veacului al XX-lea s-au așezat În marile orașe
numaidecît un excedent În țara lor de origine, noii imigranți nu erau primiți cu entuziasm de nativi, indiferent dacă aceștia din urmă erau asimilați Întru totul sau Își afișau americanismul ca pe o virtute personală. Așa cum se recunoaște de altfel, „as sincere as some of the Americanizers were, in the end they imposed a standard of immigrant performance that left those who did not conform extremely vulnerable to nativist attacks. In the wake of World War I, anti-foreignism surfaced again in
excedent În țara lor de origine, noii imigranți nu erau primiți cu entuziasm de nativi, indiferent dacă aceștia din urmă erau asimilați Întru totul sau Își afișau americanismul ca pe o virtute personală. Așa cum se recunoaște de altfel, „as sincere as some of the Americanizers were, in the end they imposed a standard of immigrant performance that left those who did not conform extremely vulnerable to nativist attacks. In the wake of World War I, anti-foreignism surfaced again in a particularly
el arăta că „the first migration took place in the last two decades of the nineteenth century and the first two decades of the twentieth century”. „In this period, Își continua el expunerea, Romanians coming to America are best discussed as migrant laborers. They are characterized as a phenomenon induced by economic opportunities, on the one hand, and lack there of, on the other hand”. Al doilea val, așa cum au ajuns a fi numite aceste „exoduri” migratorii, a fost, considera același
took place in the last two decades of the nineteenth century and the first two decades of the twentieth century”. „In this period, Își continua el expunerea, Romanians coming to America are best discussed as migrant laborers. They are characterized as a phenomenon induced by economic opportunities, on the one hand, and lack there of, on the other hand”. Al doilea val, așa cum au ajuns a fi numite aceste „exoduri” migratorii, a fost, considera același studios, the political migration period, survenit
același studios, the political migration period, survenit după al Doilea Război Mondial. „This was a process that has received little attention. Given revolutionary changes occurring in Romania, most people - scria el - arriving in the United States at this time came as a result of political duress. Many were intellectuals, administrators, and politicians involved in various interwar government. Members of the clergy were among them as well”. Un alt motiv al „exploziei” emigrației românești transoceanice ar fi fost, afirmă Samuel Beck, the
occurring in Romania, most people - scria el - arriving in the United States at this time came as a result of political duress. Many were intellectuals, administrators, and politicians involved in various interwar government. Members of the clergy were among them as well”. Un alt motiv al „exploziei” emigrației românești transoceanice ar fi fost, afirmă Samuel Beck, the family reunification period, explicînd că „the third major exodus has occured since 1965 and the emergence of Romania as a developing socialist country. Here
the clergy were among them as well”. Un alt motiv al „exploziei” emigrației românești transoceanice ar fi fost, afirmă Samuel Beck, the family reunification period, explicînd că „the third major exodus has occured since 1965 and the emergence of Romania as a developing socialist country. Here the criteria for immigration are ambiguous and are a mixture of political and economic motives. Ostensibly the reunion of family members initiates the legal process, although political and economic motives may be the actual driving
fără să «conștientizeze», comunitatea românilor-americani a devenit parte a Lumii Noi și și-a stabilit caracterul pe care Îl are și astăzi”. Gerald J. Bobango, În schimb, se arăta convins că „a second large wave of Romanians entered the country as restriction on leaving Romania eased with the end of the First World War”, val ce a continuat pînă la sfîrșitul celui de al Doilea Război Mondial. Fără a respinge ori a eluda punctele de vedere menționate, considerăm că al doilea
of the first generation by the 1970s, and the end of unlimited immigration, a recent estimate of some 85,000 ethnic Romanians in the United States and Canada, i.e., those themselves or with parents born abroad, might be fairly valid as of 1978”. Radu Toma concluziona, În 1979, că „it is presently estimated at about 200-230,000 people. This means that one out of every thousand Americans is of Romanian stock”. Așa cum am mai afirmat, interstițiul 1945-1989 a fost, pentru emigrația
foarte complicată, iar aceste cifre sînt cunoscute, chiar dacă ele suscită Încă unele Îndoieli ce ar reclama eventuale reajustări. Trebuie să recunoaștem, așa cum releva În 1988 Samuel Beck, că „Romanians started arriving in the United States at about the same time as other southern and eastern Europeans to make their fortunes and return home with affluence. While Romanians have been coming to America since the third quarter of the nineteenth century, they still remain one of the least studied European groups in
return home with affluence. While Romanians have been coming to America since the third quarter of the nineteenth century, they still remain one of the least studied European groups in America. One reason for this situation is that Romania emerged as a unified state only after 1918, its population and status developing as an aspect of competing empires and, much like the rest of the Balkans, Romania was less critical to capitalist expansion than the colonies created in Africa, Asia, and
the third quarter of the nineteenth century, they still remain one of the least studied European groups in America. One reason for this situation is that Romania emerged as a unified state only after 1918, its population and status developing as an aspect of competing empires and, much like the rest of the Balkans, Romania was less critical to capitalist expansion than the colonies created in Africa, Asia, and South Africa. Romania lacked Anglo-American social scientific notoriety due to the perplexing
less critical to capitalist expansion than the colonies created in Africa, Asia, and South Africa. Romania lacked Anglo-American social scientific notoriety due to the perplexing complexities of its society and to the confusion to which this leads. «Balkanism» has served as an explanation for what happened in Romania in the past, much as «communism» or «totalitarism» serves to explain what happends there in the present. Relatively few Romanians live in the United States, 300,000 according to some estimates. Furthermore, unlike
and South Africa. Romania lacked Anglo-American social scientific notoriety due to the perplexing complexities of its society and to the confusion to which this leads. «Balkanism» has served as an explanation for what happened in Romania in the past, much as «communism» or «totalitarism» serves to explain what happends there in the present. Relatively few Romanians live in the United States, 300,000 according to some estimates. Furthermore, unlike the Hungarians, Czechs, Poles, or Yugoslavs, Romanians have not rebelled against their
explain what happends there in the present. Relatively few Romanians live in the United States, 300,000 according to some estimates. Furthermore, unlike the Hungarians, Czechs, Poles, or Yugoslavs, Romanians have not rebelled against their leadership to such an extent as to generate an influx of unsympathetic, anti-communist refugees and exiles. A community of exile intellectuals, if it can be said to exist, is only presently in formation. Few Romanian Americans have developed scholarly directions in the study of their fellow
Americans have developed scholarly directions in the study of their fellow compatriots, and have brought their work into public circulation. Finally, Romania has not been of such strategic importance to America to merit the study of its peoples and cultures as a high priority. In summary, lack of interest and the apparent absence of intellectually interesting question has generated little interest in studying Romania and even less in Romanian Americans. As a result, much work needs to be carried out to
America to merit the study of its peoples and cultures as a high priority. In summary, lack of interest and the apparent absence of intellectually interesting question has generated little interest in studying Romania and even less in Romanian Americans. As a result, much work needs to be carried out to uncover the past and recover the experience of yet living people and their memories”. SÎntem siguri că mulți studioși români nu vor Împărtăși Întru totul aceste observații. Nici românii americani
amintim că un practician ilustru al realismului politic, Henry Kissinger (care, de altfel, a vizitat și el România În 1974), rostea la un moment dat o frază antologică, reluînd formula lui Margaret Thatcher: „Human rights? There is no such thing as human rights!” (Drepturile omului? Nu există așa ceva!). Experiența arată că, Într-adevăr, administrațiile americane nu se jenaseră să colaboreze cu regimuri dictatoriale, dacă interesele geopolitice o cereau... Incapabil să anticipeze sau să observe, o dată faptul petrecut, „umanizarea” Uniunii Sovietice și
atestare a soluției propuse de Churchill, la 31 mai 1944. De fapt, cu două săptămîni mai devreme, sovieticii o discutaseră cu Eden, arătînd o prudentă rezervă: „We therefore suggested to the Soviet Ambassador here that we should agree between ourselves as a practical matter that the Soviet Government would take the lead in Roumanian affairs, while we would take the lead in Greek affairs, each government giving the other help in the respective countries. Such an arrangement would be a natural
În Iugoslavia. Răspunsul lui Roosevelt a fost cît se poate de limpede și el este tot atît de caracteristic și pentru politica următorilor președinți americani: „my active interest at the present time in the Balkan area is that such steps as are practicable should be taken to insure against the Balkans getting us into a future international war”. Cu alte cuvinte, pentru Statele Unite, În aceeași măsură ca pentru Marea Britanie, problema era cum să obțină de la Stalin respectarea acordurilor Între Aliați fără
Immigration and the National Interest, ed. a II-a, M.E. Sharpe, Armonk, New York, 1996. Stanford J. Ungar, Fresh Blood: The New American Immigrants, Simon & Schuster, New York, 1996. Peter D. Salins, Assimilation American Style: An Impassioned Defense of Immigration and Assimilation as the Foundation of American Greatness and the American Dream, Basic Books, New York, 1997. John Isbister, The Immigration Debate: Remaking America, Kumarian Press, Inc., Hartford, Connecticut, 1996. David M. Reimers, „The Immigration Debate”, Journal of American Ethnic History, primăvara 1998, vol