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pedepsește în conformitate cu Legea nr. 8/1996. Printed in ROMANIA Preț 24 lei LUCIAN-MIRCEA POPESCU Foucault, cunoașterea și istoria INSTITUTUL EUROPEAN 2011 Lui Hayden White și tuturor celor interesați de gândirea lui Foucault Foucault writes "history" in order to destroy it, as a discipline, as a mode of consciousness, and as a mode of (social) existence. Hayden White, 1973 "Foucault was primarily a historian. A restricted theory of interpretation determined the scope of his concerns. He provided understanding of acknowledged intentions and
Foucault, cunoaşterea şi istoria by Lucian-Mircea Popescu [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1446_a_2688]
nr. 8/1996. Printed in ROMANIA Preț 24 lei LUCIAN-MIRCEA POPESCU Foucault, cunoașterea și istoria INSTITUTUL EUROPEAN 2011 Lui Hayden White și tuturor celor interesați de gândirea lui Foucault Foucault writes "history" in order to destroy it, as a discipline, as a mode of consciousness, and as a mode of (social) existence. Hayden White, 1973 "Foucault was primarily a historian. A restricted theory of interpretation determined the scope of his concerns. He provided understanding of acknowledged intentions and beliefs of promoters
Foucault, cunoaşterea şi istoria by Lucian-Mircea Popescu [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1446_a_2688]
Preț 24 lei LUCIAN-MIRCEA POPESCU Foucault, cunoașterea și istoria INSTITUTUL EUROPEAN 2011 Lui Hayden White și tuturor celor interesați de gândirea lui Foucault Foucault writes "history" in order to destroy it, as a discipline, as a mode of consciousness, and as a mode of (social) existence. Hayden White, 1973 "Foucault was primarily a historian. A restricted theory of interpretation determined the scope of his concerns. He provided understanding of acknowledged intentions and beliefs of promoters of social practices independently of what
Foucault, cunoaşterea şi istoria by Lucian-Mircea Popescu [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1446_a_2688]
simplu gând reprezentat, nu este nimic fără acțiunea umană care dezvoltă istoria, o face posibilă. Platon și cultul ideilor nu au nicio însemnătate practică pentru filosofia istoriei. O idee devine "un dat" doar în urma unor mari acțiuni umane. "Large Ideas as Facts of History" își denumea istoricul ideilor și al culturii Jacques Barzun (n. 1907) un capitol din celebra sa carte The Modern Researcher (1957), pentru că aceste mari idei nu s-au impus în istorie și în conștiința oamenilor decât printr-
Foucault, cunoaşterea şi istoria by Lucian-Mircea Popescu [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1446_a_2688]
evidență a faptelor și acțiunilor, dincolo de vorbe și de interpretări, dincolo de semne și de semnificații, dincolo de manipulările și instrumentalizările ce se pot institui pe baza conținuturilor de cunoaștere istorică, dincolo de funcționalitățile ce se pot institui prin aceste cunoașteri. Acea history as evidence dezautorizează atât istoria propusă de sistem(e), cât și proliferarea interpretărilor, a configurațiilor intelectuale pe baza enunțurilor din istorie. Evidența istoriei ne pune în dificultatea lui No Comment!, pentru că această evidență nu este stabilită de unul sau mai mulți
Foucault, cunoaşterea şi istoria by Lucian-Mircea Popescu [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1446_a_2688]
some of his generalizations concerning this concept. Power is not everywhere... "Problems", in Foucault's acception, include: how power works from the bottom to the top of societies and vice versa, from citizens to politicians and from politicians to citizens, as a circular and diffuse phenomenon; how sexuality became an important discourse and what implications it has for our contemporary mentality; how madness was defined and elaborated by socio-political powers; how and why our intellectual texts and discourses are controlled, repressed
Foucault, cunoaşterea şi istoria by Lucian-Mircea Popescu [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1446_a_2688]
intellectual texts and discourses are controlled, repressed, modelled or, in extreme cases, censured and prohibited by socio-political institutions. The book has an introductory part, which explains why Foucault rejected the idea of the author and how he conceived his books as a series of vivid representations in which he paints his thoughts in chiaroscuro tones. Concrete examples from his works illustrate his chiaroscuro manner of thinking/writing. In the chapter Madness, I criticized Foucault's idea that the relationship normal-abnormal-normalization is
Foucault, cunoaşterea şi istoria by Lucian-Mircea Popescu [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1446_a_2688]
which he paints his thoughts in chiaroscuro tones. Concrete examples from his works illustrate his chiaroscuro manner of thinking/writing. In the chapter Madness, I criticized Foucault's idea that the relationship normal-abnormal-normalization is... a report which is "historically well-localized", as he said in Madness and Civilization. I presented how and why Foucault conceived madness as a part of our rational thinking. Foucault argued that madness is internal to reason and not something opposed to it. The next pages of the
Foucault, cunoaşterea şi istoria by Lucian-Mircea Popescu [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1446_a_2688]
chiaroscuro manner of thinking/writing. In the chapter Madness, I criticized Foucault's idea that the relationship normal-abnormal-normalization is... a report which is "historically well-localized", as he said in Madness and Civilization. I presented how and why Foucault conceived madness as a part of our rational thinking. Foucault argued that madness is internal to reason and not something opposed to it. The next pages of the book debate Foucault's definition of reason in terms of unreason. The concept of 'unreason
Foucault, cunoaşterea şi istoria by Lucian-Mircea Popescu [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1446_a_2688]
the book cannot be conflated with 'madness' or 'irrationality'. I tried to depict how reason and unreason complete each other in a modern socio-political space beyond the control of political authorities. In the third chapter Sexuality, I presented how sexuality as a historical and socio-political practice became "a problem" and why this discourse has been controlled and modelled by political systems. I debated how a new politics of human interrelationships is derived from this complex discursive practice called "sexuality". I described
Foucault, cunoaşterea şi istoria by Lucian-Mircea Popescu [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1446_a_2688]
individualization, discourse, truth and market of ideas, I established some connections between these six concepts, depicting how modern society was developed and, at the same time, politicized. I tried to make sense to question: Why is the modern political state, as a valuable entity, the product of modern nations and of our political economies? I gave a historical explanation of Foucault's idea: "The modern state was born where no nation and no economy have ever existed." The triad discourse-truth-market of
Foucault, cunoaşterea şi istoria by Lucian-Mircea Popescu [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1446_a_2688]
are the elements and the strengths of a discourse. The chapter Foucault's conception of knowledge presents some original ideas about Foucault's epistemological conception, criticizing his essential thoughts about knowledge. In my view, the ideas and thoughts offered here as a counterweight to those of the French thinker can be fruitfully explored in new humanist studies. New ideas about the concept of 'representation' are also sketched. I also continue some ideas and concepts presented in my previous book Historical Knowledge
Foucault, cunoaşterea şi istoria by Lucian-Mircea Popescu [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1446_a_2688]
also sketched. I also continue some ideas and concepts presented in my previous book Historical Knowledge in Western Civilization: Studies beyond the Sovereign View (2008, 2009), in which I try to go beyond the ideas of interpretation and of representation as valuable concepts for our humanist knowledge. Will 'representations' and 'interpretations' remain the 'sovereigns' of our thinking? The last chapter of this synthesis focuses on Foucault's constructive and original ideas about written history and historical research. I consider Foucault the
Foucault, cunoaşterea şi istoria by Lucian-Mircea Popescu [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1446_a_2688]
sovereigns' of our thinking? The last chapter of this synthesis focuses on Foucault's constructive and original ideas about written history and historical research. I consider Foucault the most important thinker 'with history' from the 20th century. Thinking with history, as Carl Schorske coined this concept, is something different from philosophy of history. In an interview Foucault himself declared that he is a historian like any other, not a philosopher of history. He stated: "I am not Toynbee!" History requires a
Foucault, cunoaşterea şi istoria by Lucian-Mircea Popescu [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1446_a_2688]
a historian like any other, not a philosopher of history. He stated: "I am not Toynbee!" History requires a special understanding which cannot be provided by philosophy or by social sciences. The book debates cardinal ideas for humanities and history as set out in books, essays, and interviews by Foucault which have been forgotten by the most prominent scholars who wrote about his works. I argue why history is 'a structure of powers' and how this 'structure' functions among citizens and
Foucault, cunoaşterea şi istoria by Lucian-Mircea Popescu [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1446_a_2688]
that written history becomes evanescent and even 'useless' during the decades is this presence of a certain way of thinking and knowing in our historical books, which is over-passed by subsequent ways of thinking. I like to see written history as a painting of chiaroscuro representations derived from the historian's knowing and thinking. History is the result of choosing a certain path at the expense of others and this dialectic of power among people creates history. I also presented useful
Foucault, cunoaşterea şi istoria by Lucian-Mircea Popescu [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1446_a_2688]
Foucaults into one natural and understandable Foucault, beyond the mystification of "postmodernism", beyond the mythology created around his personality and thinking, including the "literary theme" proposed by Hayden White, that of Foucault the destroyer of history. The book is conceived as a general "method" of understanding Foucault, not a biased and subjective way of arguing some ideas depicted from the French thinker. The strong point is that my book explains Foucault's thinking through his words. This cultural synthesis offers a
Foucault, cunoaşterea şi istoria by Lucian-Mircea Popescu [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1446_a_2688]
is that my book explains Foucault's thinking through his words. This cultural synthesis offers a complex picture of contemporary historical and political theory, condensing in it the most important philosophical and historical modern ideas. It can also be regarded as a brief history of political and historical ideas of the last two hundred years, starting from Foucault's "archaeological" work. I mean his historical investigations in archives, "these places without glory," as he emphasized in Discipline and Punish. Many outstanding
Foucault, cunoaşterea şi istoria by Lucian-Mircea Popescu [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1446_a_2688]
historical modern ideas. It can also be regarded as a brief history of political and historical ideas of the last two hundred years, starting from Foucault's "archaeological" work. I mean his historical investigations in archives, "these places without glory," as he emphasized in Discipline and Punish. Many outstanding scholars (Deleuze, Veyne, Rabinow, etc) have written about Foucault, and there are more than 200 books dealing with Foucault's works, ideas and methods. Adopting a different approach, this book analyzes Foucault
Foucault, cunoaşterea şi istoria by Lucian-Mircea Popescu [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1446_a_2688]