9,681 matches
president of the party was asked to part take in the government by the majority of political representatives which formed the governments during 1931 and 1937, but always refused these offers, out of political reasons or because of moral considerations. As a defender of the constitutional monarchy, he criticized the attempts of the authorities to violate fundamental rights and freedoms or to establish censorship and the state of siege after 1934. As the Camarila involved itself in governing, the president of
by GABRIELA GRUBER [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/943_a_2451]
out of political reasons or because of moral considerations. As a defender of the constitutional monarchy, he criticized the attempts of the authorities to violate fundamental rights and freedoms or to establish censorship and the state of siege after 1934. As the Camarila involved itself in governing, the president of the party adopted an attitude of criticism concerning both the sovereign and the Liberal governments. The results obtained during the general elections and the alliances with other political structures represented the
by GABRIELA GRUBER [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/943_a_2451]
put Romanian economy in a position of disadvantage. During the negotiations between Romania and the U.S.S.R for adopting a non aggression or mutual assistance pact, the Georgist leaders expressed their distrust in the Soviets` intentions, suspecting some expansionist objectives. As the international situation deteriorated, the Gerogists adapted their external policy to the new international realities, in order to assure guarantees for the integrity of the national territory. This position situated Gheorghe Bratianu in opposition to the official policy sustained by
by GABRIELA GRUBER [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/943_a_2451]
în opere existente. Astfel de cazuri sunt Kitab al-’Asm"’ wa œ-œif"t de Al-lubb"’ , ce se regăsește, probabil, în mare parte, în cele două capitole din Mughn de ‘Abd al-labb"r ce tratează despre numele divine, sau Tafsr ’as"m al-Rabb ‘azza wa malla de Abó Sulaym"n al-‚att"b, citată în peste o sută de locuri în lucrarea lui Bayhaq, Kit"b al-’Asm"’ wa œ-œif"t. Ordinea în care sunt prezentate toate aceste lucrări, existente sau
se poate folosi următorul tabel ortografic. O consoană între două vocale: vcv Două consoane între două vocale: vccv Trei sau mai multe consoane între 2 vocale A - pă Ța - ră a-pa-re tro-ti-ne-tă Per - dea Tic - sit Vac - cin Ban - că As - pru Um - ple In - tră In - dus - tri - al Excepții Dez - a - mă - gi Pa - tri - ot Drept - unghi Un alt material didactic deosebit de eficient îl constitue fișele ortografice. Ele se folosesc atât în perioada pregramaticală, cât și în cea
Particularităţi m etodologice de însuşire a normelor de ortografie şi punctuaţie la clasele I şi a II - a by Atofanei Mariana () [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/91851_a_92996]
1980, Ethosul folcloric - sistem deschis, Facla, Timișoara Crivello, Maryline, 1999, „La télévision mémorielle? Jubilés historiques et récits médiatiques à la télévision française (19501999)”, În Médiatiques, nr. 17 Cruces, Francisco; Diaz de Rada, Angel, 1996, „Symbolic and Political Representation: The Meeting as a ‘mise en scène’ of the Electoral Link”, În Asa Boholm (coord.), Political Ritual, Institute for Advanced Studies in Social Anthropology, Götteborg Crumrine, Ross; Morinis, Alan (coord.), 1991, Pilgrimage in Latin America, Greenwood Press, New York Cuceu, Ion; Cuceu, Maria, 1988
Grădinile lui Adonis, Symposium, București Detienne, Marcel; Vernant, Jean-Pierre, 1979, La cuisine du sacrifice en pays grec, Gallimard, Paris Dirks, Nicholas, 1988, „Annuals Rituals of Conflict”, În American Anthropologist, vol. 90, nr. 4 Dirks, Nicholas, 1994, „Ritual and Resistance: Subversion as a Social Fact”, În Nicholas Dirks, Geoff Eley, Sherry Ortner (coord.), Culture, Power, History, Princeton University Press, Princeton Doray, Marie-France, 2000, „Rituri familiale și Începerea noului an școlar”, În Monique Segré (coord.), Mituri, rituri, simboluri În societatea contemporană, Amarcord, Timișoara
Peek (coord.), Divination and Healing: Potent Vision, The University of Arizona Press, Tucson Newman, Simon P., 1997, Parades and Politics of the Street: Festive Culture in the Early American Republic, University of Pennsylvania Press, Philadelphia Nicholls, David, 1993, „Addressing God as a Ruler: Prayer and Petition”, În The British Journal of Sociology, vol. 44, nr. 1 Niculiță-Voronca, Elena, 1903, Datinile poporului român (adunate și așezate În ordine mitologică, Tipografia Izidor Wiegler), Cernăuți Niculiță-Voronca, Elena, 1908, Studii de folclor I, Tipografia G.
Routledge, Londra Rosaldo, Renato, 1987, „Anthropological Commentary”, În Robert Hamerton-Kelly (coord.), 1987, Violent Origins: Walter Burkert, René Girard, and Jonathan Z. Smith on Ritual Killing and Cultural Formation, Standford University Press, Standford Ross, Marc Howard, 1988, „Election Night News Coverage as Political Ritual”, În Polity, vol. 21, nr. 2 Rothenbuhler, Eric W., 1998, Ritual Communication: from Everyday Conversation to Mediated Ceremony, Sage, Londra Rothenbuhler, Eric, 2005, „Ground Zero, the Firemen and the Symbolics of Touch on 9/11 and After”, În
așadar, deliberat, rezultatul fiind emiterea de enunțuri corecte gramatical, dar nereușite și ineficiente. Mai concret, subminarea decisivă a comunicării este produsă prin violarea acelor maxime ale conversației care completează imperativul principiului de cooperare, definit astfel: "Make your conversational contribution such as is required, at the stage at which it occurs, by the accepted purpose or direction of the talk exchange in which you are engaged"124. Cele patru maxime analizate de Paul Grice, referitoare la cantitate ("Spune nici mai mult nici
by Loredana Ilie [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1088_a_2596]
an XXVI, nr. 10, 18-24 martie, 1993. Pruteanu, George, "Proteicul Urmuz", în Cronica, nr. 49,1969, p. 7. Steinhardt, Nicolae, Secretul "Scrisorii pierdute" în revista Ethos, caietul II, Paris, 1975, p. 151. Abstract In an apparently saturated exegetic domain, such as the critique of Caragiale's work, there is, nevertheless, no study dealing with the systematic analysis of Caragialism and of its dissemination in our literature. In direct relation to this, the evolution of the comic and of the absurd has
by Loredana Ilie [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1088_a_2596]
literature. The subtitle, Comic and Absurd in the Postcaragialian Prose and Playwrighting, points out the purpose of the critical approach, which is to determine the reverberations of Caragialism among the literary manifestations of the comic and of the absurd so as to prove the overwhelming influence of our great playwright, the creator of a continuously germinating work. In order to determine that an undeniable Caragialian tradition has been established in our literature, defining the notion of Caragialism is essential. The first
by Loredana Ilie [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1088_a_2596]
notion of Caragialism is essential. The first pages of the book, in the section Caragiale's Sign, analyse the two meanings of the term. First of all, Caragialism is more than a specific style or "a certain way of talking", as some of Caragiale's most famous critics tried to define it. We consider that a proper definition is that of a group of defining features of Caragiale's work, namely those features that can be found at the intersection of
by Loredana Ilie [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1088_a_2596]
survived due to this kind of imitations, but rather by its being rewritten in a continuous creative process. There are at least four major ways in which this rewriting has been carried out: first, the recontextualization of certain types such as the one of Mitică, of the pseudo scientist, of the demagogue, therefore of those types that represent the quintessence of Caragiale's art, second, the approach of certain themes that are immediately associated with the Caragialian ones, such as the
by Loredana Ilie [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1088_a_2596]
such as the one of Mitică, of the pseudo scientist, of the demagogue, therefore of those types that represent the quintessence of Caragiale's art, second, the approach of certain themes that are immediately associated with the Caragialian ones, such as the theme of the urban family or that of politics, third, the use of certain textual techniques that were experimented in his prose, namely, "the list", "the theme and variations" technique, selfreferentiality, etc. forth, the revaluation of his "heroes"' language
by Loredana Ilie [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1088_a_2596]
validity of this great writer's model and that, at the same time, strongly invalidate the thesis according to which his creation is doomed to perish. Caragiale's work was not imposed on the public by means of explanatory footnotes, as E. Lovinescu prophesied 1, but by its vivid presence in the substance of the literature that was written after the dramatist's death. Out of the Caragialian "games with more strategies"2, the one played with his posterity was won
by Loredana Ilie [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1088_a_2596]
in time, imposing itself through some of its components, in an endless flow. Our option for a global definition of Caragialism is consequently justified, since it must refer in an unbiased manner to all its constituents that are successively selected as its representatives. All these being said, the second meaning of the term Caragialism is obvious, namely that of an attitudinal and aesthetic parentage of the Caragialian spirit and art. This perspective involves a lot of other themes, which are, yet
by Loredana Ilie [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1088_a_2596]
and aesthetic parentage of the Caragialian spirit and art. This perspective involves a lot of other themes, which are, yet, only indirectly linked to our discussion: the problem of the cultural impact, of the national specific traits that were characterised as "caragialoeminescian" (Radu Cosașu), of the negative view on the "Caragialian attitude". What we need to emphasize here is that Caragiale's work has survived for exactly one century due to the fact that it has been carried forward, restored and
by Loredana Ilie [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1088_a_2596]
adherence to and acceptance of their literary debt to Caragiale's tradition. Yet, we should not exclude a certain writer from the paradigm of Caragialism, just because there is no such an ars poetica that would justify his accepted position as the great dramatist's follower. If we only take into account these kinds of patrilineal documents, we cannot see the real impact that Caragiale had on Romanian literature. In order to achieve a panoramic view of his literary influence, the
by Loredana Ilie [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1088_a_2596]
the making up of a larger corpus of texts that are connected with Caragialism. From this perspective, we are entitled to affiliate to Caragialism both those writers who placed themselves in a more or less epigonic manner in this trend, as one could consider the case of G. Ranetti and Al. O. Teodoreanu, and some writers who were remarkably original, but who were aware of being mere successors. Within the latter group there are more categories. First of all, there are
by Loredana Ilie [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1088_a_2596]
group there are more categories. First of all, there are writers that approached the comic and thus they were inevitably associated with Caragiale's name. This is the case of Tudor Mușatescu, Al. Kirițescu, Ion Băieșu, Aurel Baranga, Teodor Mazilu, as well as of Mircea Horia Simionescu or Costache Olăreanu. For another series of writers, the relation to Caragialism seems rather surprising at first sight, since they are commonly known as representatives of other distinctive literary currents or trends. Yet, we
by Loredana Ilie [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1088_a_2596]
are more categories. First of all, there are writers that approached the comic and thus they were inevitably associated with Caragiale's name. This is the case of Tudor Mușatescu, Al. Kirițescu, Ion Băieșu, Aurel Baranga, Teodor Mazilu, as well as of Mircea Horia Simionescu or Costache Olăreanu. For another series of writers, the relation to Caragialism seems rather surprising at first sight, since they are commonly known as representatives of other distinctive literary currents or trends. Yet, we can discover
by Loredana Ilie [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1088_a_2596]
Tudor Mușatescu, Al. Kirițescu, Ion Băieșu, Aurel Baranga, Teodor Mazilu, as well as of Mircea Horia Simionescu or Costache Olăreanu. For another series of writers, the relation to Caragialism seems rather surprising at first sight, since they are commonly known as representatives of other distinctive literary currents or trends. Yet, we can discover enough traces of Caragiale's model in certain novels such as The Novel of the Short-sighted Adolescent, Gaudeamus, The Double Existence of Spiridon Vădastra, The Hooligans, Returning from
by Loredana Ilie [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1088_a_2596]
of writers, the relation to Caragialism seems rather surprising at first sight, since they are commonly known as representatives of other distinctive literary currents or trends. Yet, we can discover enough traces of Caragiale's model in certain novels such as The Novel of the Short-sighted Adolescent, Gaudeamus, The Double Existence of Spiridon Vădastra, The Hooligans, Returning from Heaven, written by Mircea Eliade, in Camil Petrescu's play Mitică Popescu, in Hortensia Papadat Bengescu's novel The Fiancé, in Liviu Rebreanu
by Loredana Ilie [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1088_a_2596]
novel "The Annunciation" Cemetery, and in his satirical prose Tablets from the Kuty Land, in I. Peltz's novel "Actions Talks !", in Gib. I. Mihăescu's novels, especially in The Days and Nights of a Delayed Student, in short-stories such as At "Grandiflora", The Trick, in Mihail Sadoveanu's play Happy Days after the War, in Costache Olăreanu's novel Parallel Confessions, in Mircea Horia Simionescu's Dictionary of Names, in his novels The Frock, Teachings for Dolphin, in Mircea Nedelciu
by Loredana Ilie [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1088_a_2596]