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aims to underline the identity of past, present and future Romanian psychology. Starting from the idea of its solidity and competitiveness, the author shows that it developed almost in the same pace as the European and world psychology, even more, some aspects were studied in advance here in Romania then everywhere else. Three types of contemporary psychologies are analyzed then (academic, performance, and „bazaar”), taking into account the good and the worse parts of everyone of each. Finally the author argues
experience brought by the elaboration, implementation and finalisation of this project. Reflecting on what was good and what we could have done differently, on all difficulties and on the way we solved the problems, we consider that we have learned some „lessons” we can now share to all the people interested in elaborating and conducting European Projects: the „Trust” lesson, the „Partnership” lesson, the „Power” and „Responsibility of all Interdependencies” lesson. Now, when we foresee a possible progress for the integration
Abstract Foreign Affairs - as practical activity, science or/and a form of arts - ask for solid interdisciplinary knowledge, as well as a series of inter-relationship abilities that are to be displayed inside and outside the country. The author has created some tests (answer/response) that she has used in 1994 and 2004, on 2 groups of subjects working for the Foreign Affairs. Their answers have been decoded „in mirror” (for comparaison purposes). Some other tests have been used: TAV, semistructured interview
and outside the country. The author has created some tests (answer/response) that she has used in 1994 and 2004, on 2 groups of subjects working for the Foreign Affairs. Their answers have been decoded „in mirror” (for comparaison purposes). Some other tests have been used: TAV, semistructured interview, brainstorming etc. - their purpose was to re-direct the options, the decisions, the motivation, the abilities for team-work; they are all self-projections for 2 groups of specialists-actors who try to help in Romania
adapted by the author - with permission by Dr. Stephen Williams - was used in a larger study among different professions (N=939 romanian respondents). In the present research, using a comprehensive model of occupational stress - the relationship between stressors, effects and some personality dimensions and coping mechanisms is studied, focusing on top-managers. Some preliminary results are presented and intervention strategies (profilaxy, control and management) in occupational stress are proposed. Key words: measurement of occupational stress, manager’s stress, Pressure Management Indicator, occupational
used in a larger study among different professions (N=939 romanian respondents). In the present research, using a comprehensive model of occupational stress - the relationship between stressors, effects and some personality dimensions and coping mechanisms is studied, focusing on top-managers. Some preliminary results are presented and intervention strategies (profilaxy, control and management) in occupational stress are proposed. Key words: measurement of occupational stress, manager’s stress, Pressure Management Indicator, occupational stress management. 1. Introducere Societatea modernă, supusă unei tehnologizări și informatizări
treia: Grupul în organizație, Editura Polirom, Iași. Horia D. Pitariu OK - dar ce fac acum? Teoretic și aplicativ în psihologia contemporană Abstract This paper describes the practice of a specialist in work and organizational psychology. The author reminds and explains some difficult situations that could occur for the practitioner-psychologist, and some intervention strategies. The author also underlines and define a possible methodological and ethical approach that should be shared by all the practitioners-psychologists. Secolul XXI ne confruntă cu o paletă largă
OK - dar ce fac acum? Teoretic și aplicativ în psihologia contemporană Abstract This paper describes the practice of a specialist in work and organizational psychology. The author reminds and explains some difficult situations that could occur for the practitioner-psychologist, and some intervention strategies. The author also underlines and define a possible methodological and ethical approach that should be shared by all the practitioners-psychologists. Secolul XXI ne confruntă cu o paletă largă de schimbări la nivelul spectrului muncii, mult diferit de ceea ce
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104, 141, 142 Whitman, C.V., 127, 129 Windle, M., 73, 111 Winters, K., 121, 126 Z Zamfir, C., 14, 55, 64, 84 Zdrenghea, V., 57, 94 Summary In all societies and throughout time, people have used drugs under various forms. Some societies have been very permissive toward drug use, while some others - especially contemporary societies - have condemned it and have attempted to fight against this phenomenon through various means. The public reaction to drugs and the religious beliefs are those that
111 Winters, K., 121, 126 Z Zamfir, C., 14, 55, 64, 84 Zdrenghea, V., 57, 94 Summary In all societies and throughout time, people have used drugs under various forms. Some societies have been very permissive toward drug use, while some others - especially contemporary societies - have condemned it and have attempted to fight against this phenomenon through various means. The public reaction to drugs and the religious beliefs are those that defined drugs as good or bad, during various periods in
against substance use have only managed to produce what Raymond Boudon called "pervert effects." In this sense, we believe it is significant to mention the prohibition period in the United States, when organised crime and alcohol production and traffic became some of the most profitable businesses. Hence, whereas initially there were only a couple of factors favouring the emergence and development of drug use phenomenon in Romania, currently this phenomenon has dramatic long-term effects. Drug use and traffic are favoured by
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Beach, The Twentieth-Century Novel: Studies in. Technique, New York, 1932, 14. 55 Vezi Hamburger, Logik, 1968, 115. 56 Stanzel, Typische Erzählsituationen, 25-27. 57 Booth, The Rhetoric, cap. II și III. 58 John R. Frey, "Author-Intrusion in the Narrative: German Theory and Some Modern Examples", Germanic Review 23 (1948), 274-289. 59 Dan Jakobson, "Muffled Majesty", Times Literary Supplement, oct. 26, 1967, 1007. 60 Bernard Bergonzi, The Situation of the Novel, 84 ș.u. și 225. 61 N. Friedman, "Point of View in Fiction
by Franz Karl Stanzel [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1079_a_2587]
58-81, vezi mai ales 68. 117 Heinrich Hoffmann, Der Struwwelpeter, Frankfurter Originalausgabe, f.a., "Die gar traurige Geschichte mit dem Feuerzeug", 4. 118 Ludwig, "Thesen...", 69. 119 Ibid., 74. 120 Vezi W.J.M. Bronzwaer, Tense in the Novel. An Investigation of Some Potentialities of Linguistic Criticism, Groningen, 1970, 120-121. 121 Cîteva dintre observațiile lui Hamburger din prima ediție a Logik... (1957) privind folosirea timpului în genul liric (p. 194), au fost eliminate din ediția a doua. 122 Ultimele două discuții critice, mai
by Franz Karl Stanzel [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1079_a_2587]
este aceea a unui narator, ci a unui personaj, a unei ființe umane care a cunoscut această ușă din copilărie și nu se poate abține să nu reacționeze emoțional la ea" (vezi Bronzwaer, Tense in the Novel. An Investigation of Some Potentialities of Linguistic Criticism, Groningen, 1970, 90). 219 "Tristram Shandy [...] ca roman despre imposibilitatea de a scrie un roman". Bernhard Fabian, "Laurence Sterne: Tristram Shandy", 240. 220 Karl Bühler, Sprachtheorie (1934), Stuttgart 21965, 138. 221 K. Hamburger, Logik, 107. 222
by Franz Karl Stanzel [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1079_a_2587]
Viewpoint in Robbe-Grillet", Novel. A Forum on Fiction 1 (1967), 28-29. 535 Alain Robbe-Grillet, Die Jalousie oder die Eifersucht, Stuttgart 1959, 95. 536 Ibid., 36. 537 Beckett, Residua. Prosadichtungen in drei Sprachen, Frankfurt/M. 1970. 538 D. Lodge, "Samuel Beckett: Some Ping Understood", în The Novelist at the Crossroads, 174-175. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- TEORIA NARAȚIUNII 8 1 Cuvînt introductiv Prefață Prefață la ediția a doua Introducere Intermedierea ca trăsătură generică a narațiunii Gradul zero al intermedierii O nouă abordare a definiției situațiilor narative tipice
by Franz Karl Stanzel [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1079_a_2587]