9,681 matches
the publications from the dioceses of Bucharest and Iasi, due to the existence of a Greek-catholic press in Transylvania that is not the direct object of our study but it is used in comparison with the Romanian Latin catholic press, as it is the case of the Hungarian press or other ethnic groups') from a concrete perspective of the direct research of the primary sources. Our research aims to identify and define the social-political coordinates of this period, to highlight the
Catolicii în spaţiul public. Presa catolică din România în prima jumătate a secolului al XX-lea by Iulian Ghercă [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/908_a_2416]
combative attitudes of the Catholic Church towards those elements considered to destabilize and destruct the Christianity and the Church (and also the sectarians, militant atheism, state's involvement in spiritual problems, etc). The history of the press may be regarded as a complementary domain of the general history, the newspaper (together with the other publications) representing an important source for the historical research; this source, which often has a high level of subjectivism, is correlated with the reality, with the spirit
Catolicii în spaţiul public. Presa catolică din România în prima jumătate a secolului al XX-lea by Iulian Ghercă [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/908_a_2416]
the Pontiff using modern means. That is the reason why the press is considered one of the most important and useful instruments. On the other hand, despite the cessions in the secular reality, the Holy See defended its universal position as an institution in competition with the state, in the context of a society more and more dominated by the presence of the State that wants to monopolize all the social activity. According to this perspective, the Vatican's positions appeared
Catolicii în spaţiul public. Presa catolică din România în prima jumătate a secolului al XX-lea by Iulian Ghercă [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/908_a_2416]
state, in the context of a society more and more dominated by the presence of the State that wants to monopolize all the social activity. According to this perspective, the Vatican's positions appeared to be more and more retrograde, as far as the defense of its immunities and privileges and, also, its resistance in front of the State's process of modernization are concerned. The State, detaching progressively from the divine sovereignty and applying the politics' modern and rational conception
Catolicii în spaţiul public. Presa catolică din România în prima jumătate a secolului al XX-lea by Iulian Ghercă [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/908_a_2416]
the context of a society more and more dominated by the presence of the State that wants to monopolize all the social activity. According to this perspective, the Vatican's positions appeared to be more and more retrograde, as far as the defense of its immunities and privileges and, also, its resistance in front of the State's process of modernization are concerned. The State, detaching progressively from the divine sovereignty and applying the politics' modern and rational conception, managed to
Catolicii în spaţiul public. Presa catolică din România în prima jumătate a secolului al XX-lea by Iulian Ghercă [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/908_a_2416]
authorities and the development of the catholic communication institutions highlighted the importance accorded to the press, but also the non-existence of a coherent long-term plan regarding the means of communication. The Vatican's main aims were to uniform the Catholicism (as a result of the Catholic Church's reorganization in the modern society) through mass-media and the increase of a unitary catholic vision concerning the society's evolution. The methodological basis of these investigasions was in relation with the fundamental principles
Catolicii în spaţiul public. Presa catolică din România în prima jumătate a secolului al XX-lea by Iulian Ghercă [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/908_a_2416]
the means of communication within the Church, its conception regarding mass-media and its place in society, the mission of the catholic press. In addition to this, there is a short history of the Holy See's vision over this phenomenon (as it rendered in the doctrine of the Magisterium) and a synthesis concerning the catholic press' development and features in three states with a long catholic tradition and press, having an important role in the evolution of the Catholic Church and
Catolicii în spaţiul public. Presa catolică din România în prima jumătate a secolului al XX-lea by Iulian Ghercă [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/908_a_2416]
reveals the numerous attempts to create a catholic newspaper in the capital of our country, whose aim was to represent all the Catholics in Romania and to write about social-political problems, exceeding in this way the confessional barriers (we present as a case study a project of the AGR). Neither the intervention nor the direct support of the Vatican managed to unify the diversity of catholic forces in Romania, to determine them to collaborate in order to accomplish this wish of
Catolicii în spaţiul public. Presa catolică din România în prima jumătate a secolului al XX-lea by Iulian Ghercă [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/908_a_2416]
to unify the diversity of catholic forces in Romania, to determine them to collaborate in order to accomplish this wish of the Romanian catholic press. The subchapter Albina daily paper offers concrete examples for the lack of communication and collaboration as far as the press of the unit and the Latin Catholics is concerned with the clear specification that this project was initiated and financed by the Vatican for three years (the period when it appeared). At the end of our
Catolicii în spaţiul public. Presa catolică din România în prima jumătate a secolului al XX-lea by Iulian Ghercă [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/908_a_2416]
the diversity of catholic forces in Romania, to determine them to collaborate in order to accomplish this wish of the Romanian catholic press. The subchapter Albina daily paper offers concrete examples for the lack of communication and collaboration as far as the press of the unit and the Latin Catholics is concerned with the clear specification that this project was initiated and financed by the Vatican for three years (the period when it appeared). At the end of our research The
Catolicii în spaţiul public. Presa catolică din România în prima jumătate a secolului al XX-lea by Iulian Ghercă [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/908_a_2416]
many of these initiatives came from the Vatican and had external funding) they did not succeed from various causes. However, we think that the main reason was the lack of collaboration between the diversity of hierarchical authorities in Romania which, as stated before, represented different rites, ethnic groups and missionary orders. Even if they did not succeed to found some functional unitary national organisms for managing and developing the catholic press in Romania there were registered several attempts in this respect
Catolicii în spaţiul public. Presa catolică din România în prima jumătate a secolului al XX-lea by Iulian Ghercă [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/908_a_2416]
in the capital of our country to represent all the Catholics from Romania. In addition, there were not created any national media institutions. The settlement of some institutions like The Institute "Presa Bună" from Iasi (and others) represented sporadic accomplishments as far as the development of the catholic press in Romania is concerned. However, they did not manage to exceed the confessional barrier, treating only classical religious themes, without writing about political topics (although the Vatican wanted some newspapers that could
Catolicii în spaţiul public. Presa catolică din România în prima jumătate a secolului al XX-lea by Iulian Ghercă [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/908_a_2416]
capital of our country to represent all the Catholics from Romania. In addition, there were not created any national media institutions. The settlement of some institutions like The Institute "Presa Bună" from Iasi (and others) represented sporadic accomplishments as far as the development of the catholic press in Romania is concerned. However, they did not manage to exceed the confessional barrier, treating only classical religious themes, without writing about political topics (although the Vatican wanted some newspapers that could treat social-political
Catolicii în spaţiul public. Presa catolică din România în prima jumătate a secolului al XX-lea by Iulian Ghercă [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/908_a_2416]
its own principles. The newspapers became a way to maintain the cohesion of the Catholicism's unity in the whole world, no matter of the country, language and nationality. This fact was also proved by the organization of events such as The World Exhibition of the Catholic Press, The World Congress of the Catholic Press, by the creation of some institutions whose role was to reunite the press activity (Annex 32 and Annex 43; ASV, Fondul Archivio della Nunziatura Apostolica in
Catolicii în spaţiul public. Presa catolică din România în prima jumătate a secolului al XX-lea by Iulian Ghercă [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/908_a_2416]
zis nimeni că n-aș fi un zidar bun. 10 ferbuarie 2001 Abstract Contemporary British Literature. Desperado Literature is an X-ray of directions and narrative manners in British fiction and poetry, mostly contemporary, with the exception of T.S. Eliot, seen as a forerunner. Part One focuses on theoretical statements, in an attempt to identify differences from previous literary modes, as well as potential developments in British fiction at the end of the second and the beginning of the third millennium. It
by LIDIA VIANU [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/982_a_2490]
an X-ray of directions and narrative manners in British fiction and poetry, mostly contemporary, with the exception of T.S. Eliot, seen as a forerunner. Part One focuses on theoretical statements, in an attempt to identify differences from previous literary modes, as well as potential developments in British fiction at the end of the second and the beginning of the third millennium. It deals with the fate of narrative universals in Modernism and After Modernism: chronology, features of the plot, and what
by LIDIA VIANU [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/982_a_2490]
of directions and narrative manners in British fiction and poetry, mostly contemporary, with the exception of T.S. Eliot, seen as a forerunner. Part One focuses on theoretical statements, in an attempt to identify differences from previous literary modes, as well as potential developments in British fiction at the end of the second and the beginning of the third millennium. It deals with the fate of narrative universals in Modernism and After Modernism: chronology, features of the plot, and what the author
by LIDIA VIANU [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/982_a_2490]
this First Part point at a drastic relativization of structure, order, character and sense of time which is announced by Modernism, but actually effected by AfterModernist writers. The recent changes are not so much a matter of 'freedom' from norms as a temporary departure from common conventions. The author's conclusion is that since art is more about difference than novelty the future of literature will soon rediscover the America of its past. Part Two analyses several novelists (Peter Ackroyd, Martin
by LIDIA VIANU [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/982_a_2490]
than novelty the future of literature will soon rediscover the America of its past. Part Two analyses several novelists (Peter Ackroyd, Martin Amis, Malcolm Bradbury, Alan Brownjohn, Aldous Huxley, Kazuo Ishiguro, Doris Lessing, David Lodge) and the playwright Harold Pinter, as individual cases of After Modernism. Each of them illustrates a different aspect of the same theoretical approach, which in this volume assigns tot he writers the name of Desperado. Part Three focuses on poetry, from T.S. Eliot to Peter Ackroyd
by LIDIA VIANU [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/982_a_2490]
approach, which in this volume assigns tot he writers the name of Desperado. Part Three focuses on poetry, from T.S. Eliot to Peter Ackroyd, Fleur Adcock, Alan Brownjohn, Ruth Fainlight, Mimi Khalvati, John Mole and George Szirtes. It views poetry as an escape from Modernism, and into clarity and betraying simplicity of manner. The last part illustrates the views previously expressed by the author in interviews with significant contemporary writers. These conversations aim at ascertaining whether a label like Desperado can
by LIDIA VIANU [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/982_a_2490]
The last part illustrates the views previously expressed by the author in interviews with significant contemporary writers. These conversations aim at ascertaining whether a label like Desperado can work for contemporary British literature. It includes interviews with well-established authors, such as Peter Ackroyd, Julian Barnes, John Fowles, Alan Brownjohn, Alasdair Gray, David Lodge, Timothy Mo, Graham Swift. În aceeași serie au mai apărut (selectiv): • A Practical English Grammar Procopie P. Clonțea • Checkpoint, Raymond Humphreys • Dramatic Poetry. The Mythical Mode (vol. 1
by LIDIA VIANU [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/982_a_2490]
dispare precoce a 4-a săptămână, stabilind un pasaj în lungul cavității pericardice dintr-o parte în cealaltă, dorsal de inimă care persistă la adult sub formă de sinus transvers al pericardului. Segmentele ansei cardiace sunt truncus, conus, VD, VS, AS, AD, sinusul venos (în care se varsă vena cardinală commună a lui Cuvier). Ansa cardiacă proemină ventral pe suprafața embrionului și are între ea și peretele posterior al embrionului mezocardul dorsal (structură tranzitorie care dispare ulterior), care unește brațul posterior
Cordul : anatomie clinică by Horaţiu Varlam, Cristina Furnică, Maria Magdalena Leon () [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/744_a_1235]
2/3 fiind deplasate spre stânga. Cordul este împărțit în patru cavități: două atrii și două ventricule. Atriul drept (AD) comunică cu ventriculul drept (VD) prin orificiul atrioventricular drept, formând ceea ce este denumit curent în clinică cordul drept. Atriul stâng (AS) comunică prin orificiul atrioventricular stâng cu ventriculul stâng (VS), și formează cordul stâng. După naștere nu mai există comunicarea directă (orificială) între cordul drept și cel stâng, atriile fiind complet separate prin septul interatrial, iar ventriculii prin spetul interventricular. Prin
Cordul : anatomie clinică by Horaţiu Varlam, Cristina Furnică, Maria Magdalena Leon () [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/744_a_1235]
terminală a marii circulații) și expulzat din VD prin artera pulmonară (trunchiul pulmonar - porțiunea inițială a micii circulații). Artera pulmonară, unică inițial, se bifurcă ulterior într-o arteră pulmonară dreaptă și una stângă. În urma hematozei pulmonare, venele pulmonare aduc la AS sânge oxigenat ce va fi pompat de VS în aorta ascendentă, locul de unde începe marea circulație, și ajunge până în vasele periferice. Greutatea și dimensiunea cordului variază în funcție de vârstă, sex, înălțime, grăsime epicardică, stare generală de nutriție, și mai ales de
Cordul : anatomie clinică by Horaţiu Varlam, Cristina Furnică, Maria Magdalena Leon () [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/744_a_1235]
cave; în centru proemină intracavitar, formând tuberculul intervenos (sau intercav) Lower, mai vizibil înainte de extragerea inimii din cavitatea toracică; în dreptul său se termină extremitatea superioară a limbului fosei ovale; peretele posterior este format de septul interatrial, concav, care bombează în AS; la nivelul septului interatrial se află o depresiune, fosa ovala, ce reprezintă vestigiul embrionar al canalului lui Botallo; în partea superioară (spre peretele lateral) și medială (spre orificiul atrioventricular) marginea fosei este mai proeminentă, formând limbul fosei ovale sau inelul
Cordul : anatomie clinică by Horaţiu Varlam, Cristina Furnică, Maria Magdalena Leon () [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/744_a_1235]