9,681 matches
care are un nodul îngroșat dispus pe arcul său liber. Cuspele adiacente sunt interconectate prin comisurile valvulare. * Atriul stâng Generalități Atriul stâng formează 2/3 din baza cordului, primește sânge prin venele pulmonare și descarcă acest sânge spre ventriculul stâng. AS are formă ovoidală (alungită transversal), pereții mai groși, iar volumul mai mic. Porțiunea sa posterioară nu deriva embriologic din atriul primitiv, ci din vena pulmonară primitivă, iar tulburari ale procesului de dezvoltare atrială determină insuficienta înglobare a venelor pulmonare, cu
Cordul : anatomie clinică by Horaţiu Varlam, Cristina Furnică, Maria Magdalena Leon () [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/744_a_1235]
din atriul primitiv, ci din vena pulmonară primitivă, iar tulburari ale procesului de dezvoltare atrială determină insuficienta înglobare a venelor pulmonare, cu formarea unui număr mai mic de orificii de deschidere ale venelor pulmonare. Limita între cele două porțiuni ale AS este mai puțin distinctă decât în cazul AD, deoarece pereții sunt netezi, cu excepția auriculului stângi. Raporturile atriului stâng superior o bronhia stângă; o artera pulmonară stângă; inferior - ventriculul stâng; anterior o aorta ascendentă proximală; o trunchiul pulmonar proximal; posterior o
Cordul : anatomie clinică by Horaţiu Varlam, Cristina Furnică, Maria Magdalena Leon () [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/744_a_1235]
drept în apropierea orificiului de intrare a venei pulmonare stângi inferioare poate fi identificată o venă mică numită vena oblică a atriului stâng. Această venă drenează în sinusul venos coronar și reprezintă terminarea venei cardinale comune stângi din viața embrionară. AS prezintă pentru descriere următorii pereți: peretele anterior (interatrial), convex, cu excepția unei depresiuni ce corespunde fosei ovale; această depresiune poate fi mărginită de o plică semilunară, rest al septului primum, numită valvula foramen ovale sau falx septi; peretele lateral, orientat spre
Cordul : anatomie clinică by Horaţiu Varlam, Cristina Furnică, Maria Magdalena Leon () [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/744_a_1235]
courtesans-like ones. This last subcategory includes historical characters behaving episodically like courtesans, melioratively speaking, street and bordello whores included. In a narrow way, courtesans have a special status obtaining privileges and desired benefits. The mythical and legendary courtesans are seen as copies of the Cosmic genesis, in a theogonic and anthropogenic way, symbols of natural and human fertility expressing feminity through sexuality, maternity, maternal, paternal, filial, erotic exclusive, erotic selective or multiple love. The sacred courtesans are servants of some Goddesses
Curtezane şi pseudocurtezane: în mitologie, istorie, literatură by Elena Macavei [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/942_a_2450]
between a male and female divine force pattern. Some examples are: ishtarishtu (Ishtar goddess priests), quadeshtu (Quadeshtu goddess priests), and devadasis, in India, hierodules in Greece, Bacchantes and Maenads in Rome. Following this pattern, Christian and non Christian dissenters such as Sabatini (with Jewish people), Adami, bogomils, castrated, etc. with Christians practiced multiple sexual relations in orgiastic processions. The real courtesans are part of a special social category, which existed only in some periods of history, in some cultures but with
Curtezane şi pseudocurtezane: în mitologie, istorie, literatură by Elena Macavei [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/942_a_2450]
some periods of history, in some cultures but with an unknown statute. These are hetaerist from the Greeks, ganika from the Hindu people, hua (girls-flowers) from the Chinese people, meretrices and meretriculae from the Romans, geisha from the Japanese people as well as mistresses of rich European noblemen and souverans. Included in the same subcategory are de luxe prostitutes from hotels and special places. The courtesans-like are past and present individuals with high ranks (empresses, queens, princesses) with a low and
Curtezane şi pseudocurtezane: în mitologie, istorie, literatură by Elena Macavei [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/942_a_2450]
of history, in some cultures but with an unknown statute. These are hetaerist from the Greeks, ganika from the Hindu people, hua (girls-flowers) from the Chinese people, meretrices and meretriculae from the Romans, geisha from the Japanese people as well as mistresses of rich European noblemen and souverans. Included in the same subcategory are de luxe prostitutes from hotels and special places. The courtesans-like are past and present individuals with high ranks (empresses, queens, princesses) with a low and medium social
Curtezane şi pseudocurtezane: în mitologie, istorie, literatură by Elena Macavei [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/942_a_2450]
involvement but with a personal or familial interest. In bordellos or similar places they should respect rules, but on the streets they are apparently free, even depending on intermediates or clients. Their destinies may interfere. The privileged courtesans may begin as paramours, concubines, or as a wife and ending with the same statute or decaying as whores. Exactly as real courtesans, the courtesans-like have intimate erotic relationships, with affective feelings or they don't, selectively, but based on their own interests
Curtezane şi pseudocurtezane: în mitologie, istorie, literatură by Elena Macavei [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/942_a_2450]
personal or familial interest. In bordellos or similar places they should respect rules, but on the streets they are apparently free, even depending on intermediates or clients. Their destinies may interfere. The privileged courtesans may begin as paramours, concubines, or as a wife and ending with the same statute or decaying as whores. Exactly as real courtesans, the courtesans-like have intimate erotic relationships, with affective feelings or they don't, selectively, but based on their own interests (economic, political, cultural, philanthropically
Curtezane şi pseudocurtezane: în mitologie, istorie, literatură by Elena Macavei [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/942_a_2450]
respect rules, but on the streets they are apparently free, even depending on intermediates or clients. Their destinies may interfere. The privileged courtesans may begin as paramours, concubines, or as a wife and ending with the same statute or decaying as whores. Exactly as real courtesans, the courtesans-like have intimate erotic relationships, with affective feelings or they don't, selectively, but based on their own interests (economic, political, cultural, philanthropically). As independent persons they may offer to anyone, anytime, when they
Curtezane şi pseudocurtezane: în mitologie, istorie, literatură by Elena Macavei [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/942_a_2450]
on the streets they are apparently free, even depending on intermediates or clients. Their destinies may interfere. The privileged courtesans may begin as paramours, concubines, or as a wife and ending with the same statute or decaying as whores. Exactly as real courtesans, the courtesans-like have intimate erotic relationships, with affective feelings or they don't, selectively, but based on their own interests (economic, political, cultural, philanthropically). As independent persons they may offer to anyone, anytime, when they decide to. If
Curtezane şi pseudocurtezane: în mitologie, istorie, literatură by Elena Macavei [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/942_a_2450]
goddesses, exclusively or by sacred unions (hierogamies) with male gods implied in cosmogony (Universe creation), theogonic birth and development of divinities), anthropogony (birth and evolution of human being). Some female divinities represent symbols of Earth fertility, maternal fertility, love, voluptuousness as well, and they master the sacred prostitutes in temples, sacred models for courtesans and courtesans-like. This mythological reason is exemplified by some goddesses: Inanna, Ishtar, Astarte, Hathor, Lakshmi, Mylitta, Anahita, Lilith, Nü Wa, Aphrodite, Venus, Bendis, Drăgaicele, Ama no Uzume
Curtezane şi pseudocurtezane: în mitologie, istorie, literatură by Elena Macavei [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/942_a_2450]
beauty, sensuality, smartness, intelligence, true art of dialogue and refined love. Some were shocked with their fickleness, extravagance, opulence, greed, prodigality and cruelty. They were very strong in their apparent weakness. The courtesans (and courtesans-like) generated favourable situations for themselves as well as their followers and influenced political decisions. Able to express love, self-denial, courage, sacrifice, but to intrigues, malice, revenge, betrayal, these alcove queens made men blind and satisfied the erotic needs of desired men: to admire, adore, delight, possess
Curtezane şi pseudocurtezane: în mitologie, istorie, literatură by Elena Macavei [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/942_a_2450]
smartness, intelligence, true art of dialogue and refined love. Some were shocked with their fickleness, extravagance, opulence, greed, prodigality and cruelty. They were very strong in their apparent weakness. The courtesans (and courtesans-like) generated favourable situations for themselves as well as their followers and influenced political decisions. Able to express love, self-denial, courage, sacrifice, but to intrigues, malice, revenge, betrayal, these alcove queens made men blind and satisfied the erotic needs of desired men: to admire, adore, delight, possess, dominate and
Curtezane şi pseudocurtezane: în mitologie, istorie, literatură by Elena Macavei [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/942_a_2450]
political decisions (by request or not), and sometimes substituted the souverans' will in obtaining political, economic and cultural initiatives. The courtesans were beautiful, sensual, smart, ambitious and cultivated. They were both admired and respected, but received envy, jealousy, and revenge as well. Powerful and willing, they confronted with hostility, rivalry and competition from the men of the courts, queens and empresses, nobles' wives and their alike that waited to find the proper time to replace them. Mettresses and divan dives experienced
Curtezane şi pseudocurtezane: în mitologie, istorie, literatură by Elena Macavei [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/942_a_2450]
competition from the men of the courts, queens and empresses, nobles' wives and their alike that waited to find the proper time to replace them. Mettresses and divan dives experienced glory and brightness, but sufferings, decay, disdain and social exclusion as well. Their spectacular life was marked especially by their successes. Their life was often with luxuries, born titles, accumulated luxuries, won thrones as well as havingthem offered to their relatives, dominated the political life and favoured the close ones, offered
Curtezane şi pseudocurtezane: în mitologie, istorie, literatură by Elena Macavei [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/942_a_2450]
replace them. Mettresses and divan dives experienced glory and brightness, but sufferings, decay, disdain and social exclusion as well. Their spectacular life was marked especially by their successes. Their life was often with luxuries, born titles, accumulated luxuries, won thrones as well as havingthem offered to their relatives, dominated the political life and favoured the close ones, offered charitable help for spiritual and cultural reasons, and some were remarkable spies. Some of them died as goddesses (in ancient times), as models
Curtezane şi pseudocurtezane: în mitologie, istorie, literatură by Elena Macavei [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/942_a_2450]
Mettresses and divan dives experienced glory and brightness, but sufferings, decay, disdain and social exclusion as well. Their spectacular life was marked especially by their successes. Their life was often with luxuries, born titles, accumulated luxuries, won thrones as well as havingthem offered to their relatives, dominated the political life and favoured the close ones, offered charitable help for spiritual and cultural reasons, and some were remarkable spies. Some of them died as goddesses (in ancient times), as models for their
Curtezane şi pseudocurtezane: în mitologie, istorie, literatură by Elena Macavei [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/942_a_2450]
born titles, accumulated luxuries, won thrones as well as havingthem offered to their relatives, dominated the political life and favoured the close ones, offered charitable help for spiritual and cultural reasons, and some were remarkable spies. Some of them died as goddesses (in ancient times), as models for their followers, some were beloved and eternally admired by artists, while others retired in monasteries and died forgotten. With few exceptions, most of them were unhappy, although brightened for a while. No matter
Curtezane şi pseudocurtezane: în mitologie, istorie, literatură by Elena Macavei [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/942_a_2450]
thrones as well as havingthem offered to their relatives, dominated the political life and favoured the close ones, offered charitable help for spiritual and cultural reasons, and some were remarkable spies. Some of them died as goddesses (in ancient times), as models for their followers, some were beloved and eternally admired by artists, while others retired in monasteries and died forgotten. With few exceptions, most of them were unhappy, although brightened for a while. No matter their qualities they remained inferior
Curtezane şi pseudocurtezane: în mitologie, istorie, literatură by Elena Macavei [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/942_a_2450]
of their sex appeal, smartness, talents, seduction power, art of dialogue and art of refined love, to reach their own interests and ambitions . All of them are able to love, sacrifice, but they have art of intrigue, malice and revenge as well. There are, of course, differences between courtesans and the courtesans-like. The courtesans have a special status of kept women, and the courtesans-like have only episodically erotic conducts and behaviours, using their charm and seduction to fulfil their purposes. A
Curtezane şi pseudocurtezane: în mitologie, istorie, literatură by Elena Macavei [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/942_a_2450]
Emma Hamilton, Maria Catargi Obrenovici, Martha Bibescu, Elena Lupescu, Eva Peron, Mao's wife etc.. All of them used their charm to gain the throne, and to pass this to their descendants, to maintain and make their political power stronger as well as to get richer and richer. In the same category, I included some writers, singers, dancers, actresses: Sapho, Ban Zhao, Sei Shonagon, Mata Hari, Isadora Duncan, Josephine Baker, Georges Sand, Colette and others. Tey occasionally used their seduction power
Curtezane şi pseudocurtezane: în mitologie, istorie, literatură by Elena Macavei [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/942_a_2450]
Maria Catargi Obrenovici, Martha Bibescu, Elena Lupescu, Eva Peron, Mao's wife etc.. All of them used their charm to gain the throne, and to pass this to their descendants, to maintain and make their political power stronger as well as to get richer and richer. In the same category, I included some writers, singers, dancers, actresses: Sapho, Ban Zhao, Sei Shonagon, Mata Hari, Isadora Duncan, Josephine Baker, Georges Sand, Colette and others. Tey occasionally used their seduction power to advance
Curtezane şi pseudocurtezane: în mitologie, istorie, literatură by Elena Macavei [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/942_a_2450]
Sand, Colette and others. Tey occasionally used their seduction power to advance and maintain in the art's world, to show their real talents and improve their own life. Many of them (both courtesans and courtesans-like) have remained in history as good poets, writers, scholars, dancers, choreographers, painters and film and theatre actresses. In sharp contrast with these two categories (fatal and most celebrated women) there is the low category of street and bordellos prostitutes. Compassionately, I only included these "beneficiaries
Curtezane şi pseudocurtezane: în mitologie, istorie, literatură by Elena Macavei [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/942_a_2450]
bordellos, in hotels and on the streets, I mentioned: Manka, Tamara, Jenia, Liubka and others (Alexandr Kuprin), Béné (Bénédicte Diéval), Belle de Jour și Belle de Nuit, two fictious names of luxury prostitutes, one from London and one from Bucharest. As a conclusion, the gallery with portraits of divinities, legendary, historical and literary characters representing the sold and paid eroticism invites the reader to reflect on the avatars, sacrifices that are implied by such risky ways of life. I think it
Curtezane şi pseudocurtezane: în mitologie, istorie, literatură by Elena Macavei [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/942_a_2450]