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the linguistics of language(s) is the closest to the concept "linguistics for speakers". The main recipients of the volume are, however, the students from human sciences (mainly filologues), but also all those interested în language and în the amazing linguistic diversity of our planet. This paper, which is nothing but haute vulgarisation, is equally targeted to developing specialists and to the large audience. At times, the strictly linguistic approach is doubled by a more relaxed one, often interdisciplinary, combining the
filologues), but also all those interested în language and în the amazing linguistic diversity of our planet. This paper, which is nothing but haute vulgarisation, is equally targeted to developing specialists and to the large audience. At times, the strictly linguistic approach is doubled by a more relaxed one, often interdisciplinary, combining the issues of language with those of history, geography and culture în general. Our perspective aims at recording the newest tendencies regarding the classification of world languages, the most
of some populations (on the basis of studying the human DNA) to the languages spoken by these populations and get, în some situations, to new genealogical classifications of the world languages, with the tendency to contend the existence of some linguistic macro-families. The new hypothesis of the macro-type, which propose perspectives at the global level, are thus based on an interdisciplinary foundation, due to the interaction of linguistics with other sciences. We rarely aim to resume or summarize în this book
în the last 50 years. The updated bibliography (both the specialized one, present at the end of each chapter, and the general one) also consists în its reference to a certain electronic resources, to specialized sites, some of which contain linguistic inquiries with sound and image, linguistic maps or volumes that can be read on-line, etc. The age of global information is highly perceived în the field of world languages linguistics. During this interval not only have hundreds of languages we
updated bibliography (both the specialized one, present at the end of each chapter, and the general one) also consists în its reference to a certain electronic resources, to specialized sites, some of which contain linguistic inquiries with sound and image, linguistic maps or volumes that can be read on-line, etc. The age of global information is highly perceived în the field of world languages linguistics. During this interval not only have hundreds of languages we knew almost nothing about before been
who wrote important works, many of them published or translated în internațional languages. For instance, the Romanian school of Românce linguistics is considered one of the best în the world. Because the writer of this volume is a disciple of linguistic integralism, a school founded by Eugenio Coseriu, a large part of the book is dedicated to the perspective which integral linguistics brings to the field of language linguistics, mainly regarding typology. The concept of linguistic type is formed în the
volume is a disciple of linguistic integralism, a school founded by Eugenio Coseriu, a large part of the book is dedicated to the perspective which integral linguistics brings to the field of language linguistics, mainly regarding typology. The concept of linguistic type is formed în the Coserian thinking between 1962 and 1965, namely between the publishing of the study Sistema, normă y habla (which was to revolutionize the whole linguistic thinking of the latter part of the 20th century) and the
the field of language linguistics, mainly regarding typology. The concept of linguistic type is formed în the Coserian thinking between 1962 and 1965, namely between the publishing of the study Sistema, normă y habla (which was to revolutionize the whole linguistic thinking of the latter part of the 20th century) and the presentation at the 11th Internațional Congress of Linguistics and Românce Philology at Madrid of the study Sincronía, diacronía y tipología (published în 1968). Most linguists, some of them very