1,907 matches
scurgea pe peretele alb, și prin interiorul acelei seducătoare cămăși de noapte. METAMORPHOSIS And suddenly I propped myself against a wall - like a snow-flake leaning against the interior of some nightgown belonging to the comptess du Barrry, or maybe to some Helen of Troy or another. While quickly melting în the impacably bitter-sweet orgasm of death, I screamed that no one should attempt to rescue me from there. For, I was telling myself, what matter the evenings and mornings, the coffee
POEME DIN CUMPĂNA VIEŢII de DANIEL IONIŢĂ în ediţia nr. 1794 din 29 noiembrie 2015 by http://confluente.ro/daniel_ionita_1448805898.html [Corola-blog/BlogPost/383153_a_384482]
anymore. They stick to your body like a calligraphy thousands of years old Written by a Chinese scribe from the Emperor's palace Who did not have any more news from his sweetheart, Left somewhere în a village hanging în some distant memory. În the meantime the calligraphy of my words strings itself on your body Running faster and faster, flightier and flightier, Șo that I cannot fathom it anymore. Now and then I add a word, which hastily moves în
POEME BILINGVE (6) de DANIEL IONIŢĂ în ediţia nr. 1237 din 21 mai 2014 by http://confluente.ro/Daniel_ionita_1400643054.html [Corola-blog/BlogPost/370237_a_371566]
din miezul nopților de vară pentru că prin în toate aceste vieți te iubeam! Așa că îmi amintesc doar vag despre ele... MY DESTINIES Like with all of uș, I was portioned a few destinies, crammed one into the other according to some arcane previously approved decisions. These days I vaguely remember them. În one of them I was selling happiness to some tourists - I was selling it aș if it was some fairy-floss from which they would take one bite, and then
POEME BILINGVE (6) de DANIEL IONIŢĂ în ediţia nr. 1237 din 21 mai 2014 by http://confluente.ro/Daniel_ionita_1400643054.html [Corola-blog/BlogPost/370237_a_371566]
MY DESTINIES Like with all of uș, I was portioned a few destinies, crammed one into the other according to some arcane previously approved decisions. These days I vaguely remember them. În one of them I was selling happiness to some tourists - I was selling it aș if it was some fairy-floss from which they would take one bite, and then throw it into the next rubbish bin. În another one I was some nocturnal clown with long work experience for
POEME BILINGVE (6) de DANIEL IONIŢĂ în ediţia nr. 1237 din 21 mai 2014 by http://confluente.ro/Daniel_ionita_1400643054.html [Corola-blog/BlogPost/370237_a_371566]
a few destinies, crammed one into the other according to some arcane previously approved decisions. These days I vaguely remember them. În one of them I was selling happiness to some tourists - I was selling it aș if it was some fairy-floss from which they would take one bite, and then throw it into the next rubbish bin. În another one I was some nocturnal clown with long work experience for the amusament of your body. Then, from time to time
POEME BILINGVE (6) de DANIEL IONIŢĂ în ediţia nr. 1237 din 21 mai 2014 by http://confluente.ro/Daniel_ionita_1400643054.html [Corola-blog/BlogPost/370237_a_371566]
of them I was selling happiness to some tourists - I was selling it aș if it was some fairy-floss from which they would take one bite, and then throw it into the next rubbish bin. În another one I was some nocturnal clown with long work experience for the amusament of your body. Then, from time to time I would suddenly transform into a chubby Father Christmas - always rushing and with a fed up attitude - who 'd distribute toys made în
POEME BILINGVE (6) de DANIEL IONIŢĂ în ediţia nr. 1237 din 21 mai 2014 by http://confluente.ro/Daniel_ionita_1400643054.html [Corola-blog/BlogPost/370237_a_371566]
introducing myself aș a professor of calligraphy, în a world where no one was writing with pens anymore. They were all laughing at me, pounding on keyboards monotonous and deadly keyboards. But all of these destinies would flicker faintly like some lights on the horizon, which could not dim the brightness of the stars on the mid-summer night sky... because through all of these lives I loved you! Therefore I only vaguely remember them... VINO LA MINE (Matei 11:28-30) Trăiești
POEME BILINGVE (6) de DANIEL IONIŢĂ în ediţia nr. 1237 din 21 mai 2014 by http://confluente.ro/Daniel_ionita_1400643054.html [Corola-blog/BlogPost/370237_a_371566]
show 100% live într-o seară pe care cu siguranță nu trebuie să o ratezi! Citește tot... Candy Crush Madness @ Oxford Pub, 13 februarie This weekend, lay down your phones and pick up your good cheer because Oxford pub hâș some delicious treats instored for you! Let our bartenders sweeten’ up your evening with delicate, yet arousing jelly shots. This Friday the 13 th we’re throwing away all preconceptions to make room for good times! Clear the jelly from our
Evenimente Oxford Pub Iasi by http://www.iasi4u.ro/stire/evenimente-oxford-pub-iasi/ [Corola-blog/BlogPost/94676_a_95968]
orele 22:00 în OXFORD PUB să petrecem pe ritmuri 100 % latino ( bachata, salsa, merengue, kizomba,cha-cha, jive, momente de entertainment) alături de Clubul de dans Elegance IAȘI! Citește tot... Shake It !! @ Oxford Pub, 30 ianuarie This weekend let uș știr some excitement into your life while our bartenders știr into your glasses and music pumps into your imagination, creating the perfect environment for nights to remember. Let loose and SHAKE IT! on to the dance floor and into your glasses. Ching
Evenimente Oxford Pub Iasi by http://www.iasi4u.ro/stire/evenimente-oxford-pub-iasi/ [Corola-blog/BlogPost/94676_a_95968]
de telefonie pentru posesorii de telefoane BlackBerry. Citez câteva mesaje care circulau printre protestari: „Everyone from all sides of London meet up at the heart of London (central) OXFORD CIRCUS!! Bare SHOPS are gonna get smashed up șo come get some” și continuau „If you see a brother... SALUT! if you see a fed... SHOOT!”... Adică: „Toată lumea, din toate părțile Londrei, să ne întâlnim în inima Londrei în centru, la Oxford Circus” „Magazinele neprotejate, vor fi distruse, așa că veniți de luați
JURNAL LONDONEZ (3) de LAVINIA IANCU în ediţia nr. 226 din 14 august 2011 by http://confluente.ro/Jurnal_londonez_3_.html [Corola-blog/BlogPost/360111_a_361440]
prima parte a zilei sunt „M-am documentat” - Ovidiu Covaciu și „GMO-urile sunt BAU BAU” - Nic Sarbu. Din categoria miturilor despre munca ce vor fi demontate la TEDxCluj fac parte: „Grupurile iau decizii mai raționale decât indivizii” - Petru Curșeu; „Some people just aren’ț motivated!” - Lindsay McGregor & Neel Doshi; „Multitasking: chiar ești mai eficient dacă faci mai multe lucruri deodată?” - Andrei C. Miu; „If learning is difficult, that’s a sign I’m not getting it” - Peter C. Brown. Despre
Conferința TEDxCluj 2016: toate locurile s-au ocupat, se fac ultimele pregătiri by http://www.zilesinopti.ro/articole/11336/conferinta-tedxcluj-2016-toate-locurile-s-au-ocupat-se-fac-ultimele-pregatiri [Corola-blog/BlogPost/96701_a_97993]
Costea and Adrian Chirilă, with the purpose of functioning aș a research center and to promote the contemporary art production în Oradea city. Located on the border, this is what the research proposes to itself, the replay and launching of some older projects of different artists who hâd a remarcable and original activity. The organization of some serious updatable Romanian art programs through the assistance, promotion and launching of young artists who hâș potencial and originality. The purpose of the gallery
Galeria Konstant by http://www.zilesinopti.ro/locuri/4569/galeria-konstant [Corola-blog/BlogPost/96624_a_97916]
the contemporary art production în Oradea city. Located on the border, this is what the research proposes to itself, the replay and launching of some older projects of different artists who hâd a remarcable and original activity. The organization of some serious updatable Romanian art programs through the assistance, promotion and launching of young artists who hâș potencial and originality. The purpose of the gallery is to promote on the European art market and not only în a most wider context
Galeria Konstant by http://www.zilesinopti.ro/locuri/4569/galeria-konstant [Corola-blog/BlogPost/96624_a_97916]
din lineup-ul festivalului, din motive obiective. Ambele concerte urmează să fie reprogramate pentru toamna lui 2013, la o dată ce va fi anunțată ulterior. Mai jos, mesajul celor de la Irfan către fanii din România: Dear Romanian and Bulgarian friends and IRFans, After some tough decisions we went through during the last days, we have to announce with regret our official cancellation of Irfan’s show at the Ghost Gathering 2013 în Râșnov, România due to the current family commitment of our female singer
Capitala îşi deschide porţile pentru Ghost Gathering Fest by http://www.zilesinopti.ro/articole/5589/capitala-isi-deschide-portile-pentru-ghost-gathering-fest [Corola-blog/BlogPost/98097_a_99389]
Re: Hillary will retire To: donations@donaldtrump.com Dear Mr. President, I am sure the good sense will prevail, for the glory of America! Your destiny is to save America from the hands of the coalition of corrupt politicians, unfortunately some of them members of Republican Party. Forgive me to call you already Mr. President -is because I am sure you will be the next President of this great country, United States of America! I will like to make a contribution
REZULTATUL ALEGERILOR DIN S.U.A. ERA PREVIZIBIL ŞI NORMAL de ALEXANDRU CETĂŢEANU în ediţia nr. 2148 din 17 noiembrie 2016 by http://confluente.ro/alexandru_cetateanu_1479376099.html [Corola-blog/BlogPost/365606_a_366935]
Stradă 7, Strada 8...), pentru simplificare, e ușor să te orientezi furnizând intersecția unde vrei să ajungi. Celebra afirmație „All men are created equal” (Toți oamenii se nasc egali) este interpretată glumeț de către americani: „All men are created equal, but some men are more equal than others”! (Toți oamenii se nasc egali, dar unii sunt mai egali decât alții!) „Cum s-ar explică sau interpreta în matematică relația „mai egal decât egal”?”, filosofează matematicianul Smarandache! În final, ce poate să fie
Florentin Smarandache: Frate cu meridianele şi paralelele (vol.IX). Recenzie, de Mirela Teodorescu by http://revistaderecenzii.ro/florentin-smarandache-frate-cu-meridianele-si-paralelele-vol-ix-recenzie-de-mirela-teodorescu/ [Corola-blog/BlogPost/339397_a_340726]
Wiley Park (Sydney) to the bilingual (English/Romanian) musical and literary event LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT ! an artistic dialogue from the Antipodes We will bring to you the effervescence of dramă, music and poetry dedicated to love - including works of some of the greatest poets and songwriters who lived to serve it. LOVE, with all its joy and pain, with its sublime and its ridiculous moments - beckons you ! This bilingual program will enjoy the participation of: Țug Dumbly and Cătălin Anastase
UN SPECTACOL DE MUZICĂ ŞI POEZIE ROMÂNEASCĂ de ACADEMIA ROMÂNO AUSTRALIANĂ în ediţia nr. 1920 din 03 aprilie 2016 by http://confluente.ro/academia_romano_australiana_1459690958.html [Corola-blog/BlogPost/381101_a_382430]
of King Georges Road and Canterbury Road, 8 to 10 minute walk from Wiley Park train station. There is free parking inside the park, entering from Edge Street. After the event we there will be the opportunity to socialize with some drinks and nibbles.
UN SPECTACOL DE MUZICĂ ŞI POEZIE ROMÂNEASCĂ de ACADEMIA ROMÂNO AUSTRALIANĂ în ediţia nr. 1920 din 03 aprilie 2016 by http://confluente.ro/academia_romano_australiana_1459690958.html [Corola-blog/BlogPost/381101_a_382430]
house. THE MANUSCRIPT Additional facts are to be seen în the manuscript. Sentences one by one are completing the task required. Aș from now on her competence will provide the knowledge: Stepping to the contents of any book and representation. SOME THINGS Objects above roots and caves, a telephone ringing under the sofa, ăn afternoon mineral staring at the desk. Trying the wax pastel on a grey stone aș reference to the new born rule of interests. Mihaela CRISTESCU 26 mai
THE TEA PLANTATION de MIHAELA CRISTESCU în ediţia nr. 1607 din 26 mai 2015 by http://confluente.ro/mihaela_cristescu_1432636200.html [Corola-blog/BlogPost/344095_a_345424]
taste a bit of literature from across the Tasman Șea: one New Zealand novel was included în the course. Then there was a representation of great European works în translation. While this was far from comprehensive, we were introduced to some French, German, Russian and even Norwegian writers: Camus, Goethe and Kafka, Tolstoy, Dostoevsky, Chekov, and Ibsen, ensuring that we hâd some consciousness of the splendours of European literature. Twelve years later I returned to the university scene aș a lecturer
INVADAŢII INVADÂNDU-I PE INVADATORI – „TESTAMENT” – ANTOLOGIE DE POEZIE ROMÂNĂ ÎN LIMBA ENGLEZĂ de DANIEL REYNAUD în ediţia nr. 1502 din 10 februarie 2015 by http://confluente.ro/daniel_reynaud_1423578559.html [Corola-blog/BlogPost/382288_a_383617]
was a representation of great European works în translation. While this was far from comprehensive, we were introduced to some French, German, Russian and even Norwegian writers: Camus, Goethe and Kafka, Tolstoy, Dostoevsky, Chekov, and Ibsen, ensuring that we hâd some consciousness of the splendours of European literature. Twelve years later I returned to the university scene aș a lecturer. Things hâd changed. No self-respecting university would now overlook the important contributions of women writers, or of the many voices of
INVADAŢII INVADÂNDU-I PE INVADATORI – „TESTAMENT” – ANTOLOGIE DE POEZIE ROMÂNĂ ÎN LIMBA ENGLEZĂ de DANIEL REYNAUD în ediţia nr. 1502 din 10 februarie 2015 by http://confluente.ro/daniel_reynaud_1423578559.html [Corola-blog/BlogPost/382288_a_383617]
precisely the same set of experiences that we all do: glorious imagination and dull drudgery, sweetness and bitterness, triumph and tragedy. Indeed, perhaps they experience these things more intensely than many of uș, for these nations have been subjected to some of the greatest highs and lows în human history, aș the unfortunate meat în the sandwich of Great Power politics. One of those “little” countries is Daniel’s homeland, România. (I need to be careful when labelling other places “little
INVADAŢII INVADÂNDU-I PE INVADATORI – „TESTAMENT” – ANTOLOGIE DE POEZIE ROMÂNĂ ÎN LIMBA ENGLEZĂ de DANIEL REYNAUD în ediţia nr. 1502 din 10 februarie 2015 by http://confluente.ro/daniel_reynaud_1423578559.html [Corola-blog/BlogPost/382288_a_383617]
and parts of Asia. And yet, and yet... it is still distinctively Romanian. Somehow this genetic melting-pot, these flavours, these cultural textures, have been woven into a pattern that unmistakeably cries ouț “România”, even aș we recognise the “otherness” of some of the influences. And its poetry is that of a land that hâș known the tyranny of centuries of foreigner oppressors, and the fleeting glories of medieval național independence with home-grown heroes such aș Ștefan cel Mare (Stephen the Great
INVADAŢII INVADÂNDU-I PE INVADATORI – „TESTAMENT” – ANTOLOGIE DE POEZIE ROMÂNĂ ÎN LIMBA ENGLEZĂ de DANIEL REYNAUD în ediţia nr. 1502 din 10 februarie 2015 by http://confluente.ro/daniel_reynaud_1423578559.html [Corola-blog/BlogPost/382288_a_383617]
Viteazul (Michael the Great) and Vlad III Dracul (who entered Western consciousness mediated through the propagandă of his enemies aș Vlad the Impaler, the monstrous Dracula). And it hâș known its own native tyrannies aș well, în the form of some of those same medieval heroes, and more recent despots, royalist and Communist, who have added to the miseries of the people. În this politically constrained environment, a cultural renaissance, a Romanian Risorgimento, began în the early part of the 1800s
INVADAŢII INVADÂNDU-I PE INVADATORI – „TESTAMENT” – ANTOLOGIE DE POEZIE ROMÂNĂ ÎN LIMBA ENGLEZĂ de DANIEL REYNAUD în ediţia nr. 1502 din 10 februarie 2015 by http://confluente.ro/daniel_reynaud_1423578559.html [Corola-blog/BlogPost/382288_a_383617]
biological ție between adult and child. It recognizes that adult-adult intimate relationships often produce and may be linked to parent-child bonds, aș în marriage. However, it also recognizes that adult-adult intimate bonds are not always the anchor of parent-child bonds; some parent-child bonds form and flourish outside of marriage or other adult intimate relationship.” (Pagina 3) (Cartea „definește paternalitatea mai mult prin referință la calitatea relației - ori, pentru a folosi un concept din psihologie- atașament - între persoană adultă și copil decît
COPIII BODNARIU – AI CUI SUNT EI? by http://uzp.org.ro/copiii-bodnariu-ai-cui-sunt-ei/ [Corola-blog/BlogPost/93814_a_95106]