1,907 matches
Life, Londra și New York, 1995, pp. 104-129. 13 John Keane, The Politics of Retreat, "The Political Quarterly", vol. 61, nr. 3 (iulie-septembrie 1990), pp. 340-352. 14 Edmund Burke, "A Letter to a Member of the National Assembly, in Answer to Some Objections to His Book on French Affairs", în The Works of the Right Honourable Edmund Burke, Londra, 1859, vol. 4, p. 11. 15 Thomas Hobbes, Leviathan, or the Matter, Forme and Power of a Commonwealth Ecclesiastical and Civil, Londra, 1651
by John Keane [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1061_a_2569]
Soviet Federalism, Nationalism and Economic Decentralisation, Leicester și Londra, 1991, pp. 89-109; și Adam Michnik, Nationalism, "Social Research", vol. 58, nr. 4 (iarna 1991), pp. 757-763. 11 Contururile identității naționale sînt bine examinate de Philip Schlesinger în On National Identity: Some Conceptions and Misconceptions Criticized, "Social Science Information", vol. 26, nr. 2 (1987), pp. 219-264; Ernest Gellner, Nations and Nationalism, op. cit., și Benedict Anderson, Imagined Communities: Reflections on the Origin and Spread of Nationalism (ed. revăzută), Londra și New York, 1991. 12
by John Keane [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1061_a_2569]
decedați, colora lamele de țesut nervos cu argint, metodă care capătă numele de "metoda de colorare Golgi". Camillo Golgi El fixa celulele nervoase printr-o reacție a nitratului de argint cu potasiu bicromat, fapt care determina colorarea în negru a somei, axonului și dendritelor, ceea ce individualiza neuronul de restul fondului gălbui. Prin această metodă, el confirmă teoria celulară a creierului. Utilizând tehnica de colorare, Golgi identifică în reticulul interior al citoplasmei organela care poartă numele de "aparatul Golgi". Este o structură
tradițiilor de atunci, care mai ales în condițiile fenomenelor actuale de criză economico-financiară, de care ambele țări nu par să fie scutite, ar fi cu atât mai oportună. Momente ale relațiilor româno-britanice (1974-1980) DR. NICU BUJOR* Summary The author analyses some aspects of the relations between Romania and Great Britain over the period 1974-198o years. Here there are presented mains events in the political, economic, and cultural cooperation between two countries in the period following the conclusion of the Helsinki Final
in 1991. The author presents the role played by Romania in those events, which ended after a few years with the disappearance of the Iron Curtain and of the Cold War, including the socialist system in Europe. He refers to some major interventions by China, USA, of some Europeans states (Great Britain, France) and of some support by Latin American countries. The author presents the situation after the second world war as: the passage from the "Hot war" to the "Cold
played by Romania in those events, which ended after a few years with the disappearance of the Iron Curtain and of the Cold War, including the socialist system in Europe. He refers to some major interventions by China, USA, of some Europeans states (Great Britain, France) and of some support by Latin American countries. The author presents the situation after the second world war as: the passage from the "Hot war" to the "Cold war", the appearance of the bipolar world
after a few years with the disappearance of the Iron Curtain and of the Cold War, including the socialist system in Europe. He refers to some major interventions by China, USA, of some Europeans states (Great Britain, France) and of some support by Latin American countries. The author presents the situation after the second world war as: the passage from the "Hot war" to the "Cold war", the appearance of the bipolar world (USA and the USSR as super powers), having
initiator of the creation of the New Economic Order, all those mentioned above being centers of balance in the force report on the plane. As a positive example, the CSCE process was mentioned and the contribution of Romania in promoting some new proposals very relevant for the setting up a positive situation in Europe. During the 12 years of cooperation with the West, 12 agreements have been concluded like: the ban of nuclear tests in three medias, the anti rockets arms
years ago, these two very big and important countries of the world were on the advanced state of enmity and on the verge of the military conflagration's abyss. In this framework, the above research paper is aiming, based of some archives classified documents and on the memories of the author who in that period, as a junior diplomat in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and in the capacity of both Chinese and English language's speaker and American-Chinese relations expert
on the actions and measures taken by the Republic of Korea and Romania "behind the scenes" and which were kept unknown to Public at large for more than three decades. The first ideas and steps aiming at establishing at least some contacts and relationship with Romania belonged to the South Korean authorities and they were initiated in the early years of the '60th. Particularly interesting and ingenious are not only the manner, but also the perseverance and patience the South Korean
of concern and interest, but not accomplished one (1970-1989), and later, from 1989 on, to a position to establish and develop friendly relationship and overall cooperation with the Republic of Korea**. The paper introduces, both on North and South Korea, some information, received from the well-informed Romanian and foreign diplomatic channels, on the true political, economical and social realities representing the facts and things as they really were. As such an information was favouring the South Korean authorities, the Romanian high
30 martie 1990 a fost, nu numai unul corect, dar și unul normal care s-a dovedit benefic pentru ambele părți. Adevăr și ficțiune în relațiile româno nord-coreene IZIDOR URIAN* Summary The paper is intended to help readers better understand some developments that took shape in the Romanian-North-Korean relationship for more than three decades and which were kept unknown to the Public by the Romanian communist authorities. Even there were officially a lot of mutual high-ranking officials visits, contacts and exchanges
reported as being "excellent", "a model" or "an example for the socialist camp", not many real things about the background of these relationships where known to the public. The author particularly focuses to disclose the North-Korean authorities critical attitude toward some Romanian home and foreign political actions and steps during 1968 Military intervention in Czechoslovakia, the US president Richard Nixon's 1969 state visit to Bucharest, the 10-th Congress of the Romanian Communist Party Congress etc. The papers also contain some
some Romanian home and foreign political actions and steps during 1968 Military intervention in Czechoslovakia, the US president Richard Nixon's 1969 state visit to Bucharest, the 10-th Congress of the Romanian Communist Party Congress etc. The papers also contain some particularly interesting details about "the friendly relations" existing between the then communist leaders of the two countries and how these were forged and related to the general public. Înainte de 1989, oficial și prin toate mijloacele de informare în masă, relațiile
obținerea victoriei finale DR. LUCIAN D. PETRESCU* AMBASADOR Summary The Work entitled "The role of the Romanian diplomacy in the negotiations to stop the Vietnamese conflict; the support by Romania in obtaining the final victory" is an opportunity to present some details about the contribution of Romania in solving a conflict, which attracted, for many years, the attention of the whole world, proving, in the mean time, that the foreign policy of Romania became different, beginning with 1964. Many positions of
principles of the UN Charter, which had to govern the relations between all the countries. In that historic context and delicated situation for the evolution of Romanian policy, took place the visit of the Romanian economic and government delegation in some Latin America countries with whom Romania had traditional friendly relations, in the period September-October 1968. These countries showed a strong sympathy and solidarity with the Romanian point of view of condemnation of the intervention in internal affairs of Czechoslovakia. The
Mexican National Bank for foreign trade signed an agreement for promoting of the commercial exchanges and economic cooperation in the following domains: mining and oil. Regarding the resume of the diplomatic relations, the Foreign Relations Ministry explained that still were some problems of judicial kind for the normalization of the relations, but they would take a positive decision in the near future. The visit in Venezuela took place in a positive manner which characterized the talks with the officialities and with
the common membership to human race. We can have, by chance or by our own choice, a number of other identities, but these are secondary. The fact that these are secondary does not mean that they are not important. In some circumstances, secondary identities can become very important and it is understandable that policies should reflect this aspect as long as primary identity, that of being human, is not compromised because of these policies. 735 The paper has five chapters, an
by IOANA LEUCEA [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/958_a_2466]
idealism, liberalism, etc). Constructivism must be understood as ontology, epistemology and methodology. I highlighted the constructivist themes which are characteristic of international relations, the relation of this approach with realism, and finally, as the thesis discusses the human security issue, some aspects related to the constructivist security studies. The second chapter, dedicated to the concept of identity and to the identity issue in different constructivist studies, wants to disclose the fact that this concept is an extremely contested one, difficult to
by IOANA LEUCEA [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/958_a_2466]
know themselves and create social condition for them and other actors, such as states, is probably the first suitable move in analyzing the political phenomena and, especially, in exploring security aspects. 740 In the same line, the paper ends with some conclusions which sustain that the paradigm of human security, interpreted from a constructivist point of view, underlines the fact that a great deal of the causes of human insecurity is connected to the construction of identity. The privilege given to
by IOANA LEUCEA [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/958_a_2466]
which may serve particular interests (realist ones), the effects of the ethical argument which sustains the paradigm of human security, in the extended variant of the concept, will occur more and more strikingly. From a constructivist perspective, the legitimacy of some actions by the appeal to moral values, to human identity will have major systemic implications, even more as the structural causes of human insecurity will be highlighted. Résumé Mots clés: constructivisme, sécurité humaine, identité nationale, identité humaine, violence structurelle Ce
by IOANA LEUCEA [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/958_a_2466]
and when facing love, man appears in his structural authenticity 263". By means of this eternal human feeling which characterizes inter and intra-personal relationships, analyzed rigorously "scientific" (the "anamnesis" was taken into consideration), this paper aims to answer to some of the accusations that have been brought to the literature of Ioan Slavici: that moralizing literature, provinciality, lack of modernity ... as well as the difficult questions about the heroes of Slavici, of which we mention a few: "How much do
by Steliana Brădescu [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1060_a_2568]
element, common especially to the theories focusing on needs, is that of the trend of simplification and even distortion of the fundamental statements. The wide circulation of these theories and their application in various fields led to the loss of some hard core elements of the theory or to equivalences that are contrary to the original conceptual scheme. If in other disciplines, the comeback to the original texts is not justified, something totally different can be said about theories of work
by Carmen Buzea [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1014_a_2522]
New York: W. W. Norton. Vlăsceanu, Mihaela. (2003). Organizații și comportament organizațional. Iași: Editura Polirom. Vroom, Victor H. [1964] (1995). Work and Motivation. San Frncisco: Jossey-Bass Publisher. Wabba, Mabmoud A. și House, Robert J. (1974). Expectancy Theory in Work and Motivation: Some Logical and Methodological Issues. Human Relations, 27, 2, 121-147. Wakefield, Ann. (2000). Ethnomethodology-The problems of unique adequacy. Nursing Times Research, 5, 1, 46-53. Weber, Max. (1993). Etica protestantă și spiritul capitalismului. Bucureșți: Editura Humanitas. Whetten, David A. și Cameron, Kim
by Carmen Buzea [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1014_a_2522]
2004 și 2014 din România Andrei ALEXANDRESCU 61 Controlul exercitat de serviciile secrete din România asupra politicii și presei metatemă a alegerilor prezidențiale din 2014 Luminița KOHALMI 81 Alegerile prezidențiale din noiembrie 2014 și reinventarea conștiinței civice Cosmin DIMA 95 Some Citizens are Ill Informed and Lack Basic Knowledge of Politics. Should We Limit Their Right to Vote? Maria CERNAT 115 Cadrajele mediatice și dezbaterea prezidențială. Studiu de caz Monica PĂTRUȚ 131 Factorul basarabean în alegerile prezidențiale din România Aurelia Peru