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University of New York în July 2013. According to a statement from Petraeus, "I look forward to leading a seminar at Macaulay that examines the developments that could position the United States - and our North American partners - to lead the world ouț of the current global economic slowdown." After his anticipated $200,000 salary for the academic year drew fire from critics, Petraeus agreed to take on the teaching position for just $1 în order to keep the focus on the students
David Petraeus () [Corola-website/Science/330853_a_332182]
liniar clasic al fonologie. Este scris în script-ul român, precum și ideograme [[Nsibidi]] formalizate, care este utilizat de către [[Ekpe]] societate și fraternitateaOkonko , dar nu maieste utilizat pe scară largă. Nsibidi ideography existed among the Igbo before the 16th century, but died ouț after it became popular among secret societies, who made Nsibidi a secret form of communication. Limba Igbo este dificilă din cauza numărului mare de dialecte, bogăția să în prefixe și sufixe și intonația sale grele. Igbo este o limbă tonala și
Igbo (popor) () [Corola-website/Science/336414_a_337743]
populația oficială a unui grup, pentru a da altă superioritate numeric. [[File:NewYam-IgboFestival-Dublin.jpg|thumb|right|Igbo people celebrating the [[New Yam Festival of the Igbo|New Yam festival]] în [[Dublin]], [[Ireland]]]] After the Nigerian-Biafran War, many Igbo people emigrated ouț of the indigenous Igbo homeland în southeastern Nigeria due to an absence of federal presence, lack of jobs, and poor [[infrastructure În ultimele decenii regiunea Igbo din Nigeria a suferit deteriorări frecvente asupra mediului, în principal legate de industria de
Igbo (popor) () [Corola-website/Science/336414_a_337743]
Call Me Maybe”. La începutul lui 2013, R5 a lansat un EP cu patru cântece intitulat "Loud". Primul album al formației, "Louder" a fost lansat pe data de 24 septembrie 2013. Rydel a spus despre album: “We wanted to puț ouț a fun album” („Noi am vrut să facem un album distractiv”). Rydel a fost de asemenea, vocea principala în cântecul „Never” de pe EP-ul de debut al formației, "Ready, Set, Rock" și „Love Me Like That”, de pe albumul "Louder". Cântecul
Rydel Lynch () [Corola-website/Science/333087_a_334416]
remixuri: Dj Dark x - Je T'aime Dan M x Dj George A x Loko Trashman x Paul B - Life is Love Lp- Lost On You (Dj George A remix) Hraach-Dle Yaman (Dj George A remix) Twenty One Pilots -Stressed Ouț(Dj George A & MD remix) Carla's Dreams - Imperfect (Dj George A & Future Nation remix) Jess Glynne - Take Me Home( Dj George A & MD remix) CHARLIE PUTH - We Don't Talk Anymore(Dj George A & MD remix) etc. Bibliografie: <nowiki
Dj George A () [Corola-website/Science/337173_a_338502]
dedicația tatălui său către muzică de jazz, părinții viitoarei cântărețe i-au trezit un interes timpuriu pentru muzica. Wilson was married to Anthony Wilson from 1981 to 1983. She hâș a son, Jeris, born în the lațe 1980s. Her song "Ouț Loud (Jeris' Blues)" is from the album "She Who Weeps". For many years she and her son lived în Harlem, New York, în an apartment that once belonged to jazz great Duke Ellington. În 2000, Wilson married actor Isaach de Bankolé
Cassandra Wilson () [Corola-website/Science/314894_a_316223]
of such kind. Leo is aș much a craftsman, a wordsmith, aș he is a literary sergeant who is capable of any tactical manoeuvre. He masters the skill of his weaponry, like a real soldier does. But what he is ouț for, is not brute force or violence, or victory over the enemy. Leo seeks, on the contrary, no more and less than a tiny but real spark of magic. An inner flame to be ignited. The scope of his weaponry
Leo Butnaru () [Corola-website/Science/308001_a_309330]
coordinated by Mihaela Michailov (playwright), Vlad Petri (photographer) and David Schwartz (director). The research was manifold: workshops, open discussions and interviews with miners, miners’ wives, pensioners, children, security guards at the mine, union leaders and people who make a living ouț of stealing coal. Underground is an archive-performance of the life testimonies of endangered communities. The performance aims to revalue the stories, the issues and the culture of those social categories often ignored în post-Socialist Romanian theater: working-class communities.</i> The
Despre performarea realităților din Valea Jiului în teatrul SubPământ () [Corola-website/Science/295797_a_297126]
post)socialist condition. The people living în the region have gradually (some quite rapidly) become a dislocated, marginal group both symbolically and în terms of their usefulness for contemporary capital. În the mainstream media, we/they are mostly depicted aș ouț of touch with current realities. This situation is partly reproduced even în smaller, allegedly more progressive, circles. Aș my interest for the Jiu Valley communities gradually became one of research, aș well, I actively sought ouț academic, journalistic or documentary
Despre performarea realităților din Valea Jiului în teatrul SubPământ () [Corola-website/Science/295797_a_297126]
are mostly depicted aș ouț of touch with current realities. This situation is partly reproduced even în smaller, allegedly more progressive, circles. Aș my interest for the Jiu Valley communities gradually became one of research, aș well, I actively sought ouț academic, journalistic or documentary inițiative where I could find at least a part of the reality I knew. Projects interested în more than just the static stereotype of the miner and of the “mining” community or în the folklore of
Despre performarea realităților din Valea Jiului în teatrul SubPământ () [Corola-website/Science/295797_a_297126]
în care a apărut prima colecție Play Sportz, în care fiecare față Bratz avea accesorii corespunzătoare sportului pe care-l practică. Alte colecții au fost I-Candy, Live În Concert/ Space Angelz Pop Stars , Treasures!, Dynamite! Rock It! (Bratz Boyz), Step Ouț!, Step Off!, Birthday Bash, Campfire, Midnight Dance, Hollywood Style, Wild Wild West și Bratz Rock Angelz, care a fost cea mai importantă colecție din acel an. Yasmin, Cloe, Jade, Sasha, Roxxi, Meygan, Eitan din colecția Rock Angelz, erau îmbrăcați în
Bratz () [Corola-website/Science/314035_a_315364]
trei membri. Trupa și-a schimbat numele în „Green Day” în aprilie 1989, ca urmare a preferinței deosebite a trupei pentru marijuana. În același an au înregistrat piesele „39/Smooth”, „1,000 Hours” și „Slappy”, ulterior combinate în piesa „Smoothed Ouț Slappy Hours”, cu studiourile de înregistrări „Lookout!”. Ulterior, Tré Cool îl va înlocui pe Al Sobrante, la sfârșitul anului 1990, Al Sobrante părăsind trupa pentru a se înscrie la facultate. Tim Armstrong, liderul trupei de muzică punk Rancid l-a
Billie Joe Armstrong () [Corola-website/Science/311365_a_312694]
Dreams”), măi - 2006 Două premii MTV Europe Awards pentru cel mai bun album și pentru cea mai bună trupa rock, noiembrie - 2005 Premiul Grammy pentru cel mai bun album rock, „21st Century Breakdown”, februarie 2010 Green Day 1,039/Smoothed Ouț Slappy Hours (1990) - solist, chitară Kerplunk! (1992) - solist, chitară, tobe la piesă „Dominated Love Slave” Dookie (1994) - solist, chitară, percuție pentru piesă „All By Myself” Insomniac (1995) - solist, chitară Nimrod (1997) - solist, chitară, armonica pentru piesă „King for a Day
Billie Joe Armstrong () [Corola-website/Science/311365_a_312694]
limba engleză) • Billie Joe Armstrong Signature Leș Paul Junior Green Day Billie Joe Armstrong • Mike Dirnt • Tré Cool Jason White • Jason Freese • John Kiffmeyer Albumuri de studio: 39/Smooth • Kerplunk • Dookie • Insomniac • Nimrod • Warning • American Idiot Compilații: 1,039/Smoothed Ouț Slappy Hours • Internațional Superhits! • Shenanigans Albume live: Live at Gilman Street • Live Tracks • Bowling Bowling Bowling Parking Parking • Foot în Mouth • Tune în, Tokyo... • Bullet în a Bible DVD-uri: Internațional Supervideos! • Riding în Vans with Boys • Bullet în a
Billie Joe Armstrong () [Corola-website/Science/311365_a_312694]
time în 1999. I left together with my children carrying their schoolbags and books. It was that really difficult period, when we knew we wouldn’ț get a place to stay, but we hâd some hope. I improvised a “home” ouț of two mattresses. I would lay a mattress down on the ground, and another one leaning against a wall, aș a roof. That’s how we slept. How long did you sleep like that?</strong> For months on end. Winter
Când casa ți-e o prelată și-o saltea, un pat îți pare un vis! () [Corola-website/Science/296090_a_297419]
ț. I hâd huge debts, I borrowed money to go to Spain, and I couldn’ț pay back. My mom was old, I hâd two more children at home, I lacked basic resources. Before leaving for Spain, I would sell ouț things from the house în order to buy food. We hâd no means to survive, that’s what determined me to leave. At least like that, working abroad, I was hoping to raise money and cover our debts. I worked
Când casa ți-e o prelată și-o saltea, un pat îți pare un vis! () [Corola-website/Science/296090_a_297419]
was a child, we were poor aș well, but somehow we hâd our basic needs covered. My mom was working at the cooperative, my dad at the factory, it was decent. We could manage. I don’ț remember being stressed ouț and worried aș a child the way my kids were stressed. When we were în Spain, my third child would wait for uș at home doing the laundry and cooking - stuffed peppers, because we all liked that. Today’s children
Când casa ți-e o prelată și-o saltea, un pat îți pare un vis! () [Corola-website/Science/296090_a_297419]
the laundry and cooking - stuffed peppers, because we all liked that. Today’s children - I’m not talking about the rich kids, although they have their own troubles, being neglected by their parents working all the time - are very stressed ouț! When did the situation în Turnu-Măgurele worsened?</strong> After the ‘89s Revolution. When the borders opened, people left to work and live abroad, wherever they could. During the first years, some managed to do something for themselves, but others remained
Când casa ți-e o prelată și-o saltea, un pat îți pare un vis! () [Corola-website/Science/296090_a_297419]
I lived on the street since I was six and a half years old, until I was 17. At first, there was that feeling of total freedom, that nobody was bothering me about when I came în, when I went ouț, where I ațe. I was a kid and you know how it is: when you are a kid, everything seems great or somehow you always manage to find joy. Of course there were also many nasty things: the policemen, who
„Orice om pe lumea asta trebuie să aibă un loc unde să doarmă, să mănânce și să se spele” () [Corola-website/Science/296060_a_297389]
is: when you are a kid, everything seems great or somehow you always manage to find joy. Of course there were also many nasty things: the policemen, who would beat you, woke you up, beat you up and threw you ouț of the subway, people who were trying to get you involved în all sorts of things, and șo on. But all the rest was like a game, because, well, you’re a kid and you create your paradise. I was
„Orice om pe lumea asta trebuie să aibă un loc unde să doarmă, să mănânce și să se spele” () [Corola-website/Science/296060_a_297389]
I ran away from home. I never hâd any connection to my dad, I didn’ț feel he was “dad”, but someone taking care of me aș if he wanted to believe I was his child. Later on I found ouț I was adopted. Dad was never there for me, I was never on his good side. I wanted to run away and escape, to become my own self. I wanted to be free. This is what I was feeling, but
„Orice om pe lumea asta trebuie să aibă un loc unde să doarmă, să mănânce și să se spele” () [Corola-website/Science/296060_a_297389]
away from this life, but it was hard. I learnt a lot from that experience. Then I did some time [for drug dealing, trans.n.]. For how long? Two years and two moths. Towards the end, knowing I would be ouț soon, I started thinking: how will I react? Being ouț, it felt like I’ve been în prison for only one second, although it was really harsh there. We were 9 to 34 people în the cell. No place to
„Orice om pe lumea asta trebuie să aibă un loc unde să doarmă, să mănânce și să se spele” () [Corola-website/Science/296060_a_297389]
a lot from that experience. Then I did some time [for drug dealing, trans.n.]. For how long? Two years and two moths. Towards the end, knowing I would be ouț soon, I started thinking: how will I react? Being ouț, it felt like I’ve been în prison for only one second, although it was really harsh there. We were 9 to 34 people în the cell. No place to sit, no place to eat, it’s like a horror
„Orice om pe lumea asta trebuie să aibă un loc unde să doarmă, să mănânce și să se spele” () [Corola-website/Science/296060_a_297389]
to do this în order to open people’s eyes beyond their jobs, their properties, beyond what they think they know. I don’ț want to own things and properties. I have a motto: if I feel good, flowers bloom ouț of the walls. [...] What’s a home for you? A place where you recharge your energy. Where you relax, eat, wash up, make love if you have a partner. A place where you unwind after absorbing șo much from the
„Orice om pe lumea asta trebuie să aibă un loc unde să doarmă, să mănânce și să se spele” () [Corola-website/Science/296060_a_297389]
it was deadly cold. How could he hit like that? That was too much for me! This is one of those things... forever imprinted în your flesh! This is the maximum evil! A mân with a club beating the hell ouț of you because he can! I was picked up by policemen many times on the street. They would take me to the station and beat the hell ouț of me for like half an hour. They would hit me with
„Orice om pe lumea asta trebuie să aibă un loc unde să doarmă, să mănânce și să se spele” () [Corola-website/Science/296060_a_297389]