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Mân 3", până la "Star Trek Into Darkness" și "The Fast and The Furious 6", filmele care vor aduce milioane de dolari încasări sunt: 1. Iron Mân 3 Regie: Shane Black Distribuție: Robert Downey Jr., Guy Pearce,Gwyneth Paltrow 2. The Great Gatsby Regie: Bâz Luhrmann Distribuție: Leonardo DiCaprio, Carey Mulligan, Joel Edgerton The Great Gatsby este o dramă despre visul american neîmplinit, cu iubiri imposibile, trădări și tragedii. Evenimentele sunt privite prin ochii scriitorului aspirant Nick Carraway (Tobey Maguire), care este
Topul filmelor pe care nu trebuie să le ratezi în această vară by Căloiu Oana () [Corola-journal/Journalistic/64337_a_65662]
6", filmele care vor aduce milioane de dolari încasări sunt: 1. Iron Mân 3 Regie: Shane Black Distribuție: Robert Downey Jr., Guy Pearce,Gwyneth Paltrow 2. The Great Gatsby Regie: Bâz Luhrmann Distribuție: Leonardo DiCaprio, Carey Mulligan, Joel Edgerton The Great Gatsby este o dramă despre visul american neîmplinit, cu iubiri imposibile, trădări și tragedii. Evenimentele sunt privite prin ochii scriitorului aspirant Nick Carraway (Tobey Maguire), care este martorul unor obsesii de-ale lui Jay Gatsby (Leo DiCaprio), noul său vecin
Topul filmelor pe care nu trebuie să le ratezi în această vară by Căloiu Oana () [Corola-journal/Journalistic/64337_a_65662]
types of social status: A cross-age perspective”, Developmental Psychology, 18, pp. 557-570. Comer, R.J., (2001), Abnormal psychology (a 4-a ed.), New York, Worth Publishers. Costello, E.J., Angold, A., Burns, B.J., Stangel, D.K., Tweed, D.L., Erkanli, A., & Worthman, C.M., (1996), „The Great Smoky Mountains Study of Youth: Goals, design, methods, and the prevalence of DSM-III-R disorders”, Archives of the General Psychiatry, 53, pp. 1129-1136. Cuffe, S.P., McCullough, E.L., & Pumariega, A.J. (1994), „Comorbidity of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder”, Journal
Venizelos: Patriot, Statesman, Revolutionary. London: Lund Humphries, 1942. ROMÂNII Constantinescu, Miron, et. al., editori. Unification of the Romanian National State: The Union of Transylvania with Old Romania. Bucharest: Academy of the Socialist Republic of Romania, 1971. Eidelberg, Philip Gabriel. The Great Rumanian Peasant Revolt of 1907: Origins of a Modern Jacquerie. Leiden: Brill, 1974. Jowitt, Kenneth, ed. Social Change in Romania, 1860-1940. Berkeley: Institute of International Studies, 1978. SÎRBII, CROAȚII ȘI SLOVENII Djilas, Milovan. Land without Justice. New York: Harcourt, Brace & Co.
by Barbara Jelavich [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/960_a_2468]
Vincennes, dossiers 7N1451, 7N1454, 7N1456, 7N1460, 7N1461. Arion, Charles C., La Situation économique et sociale du paysan en Roumanie, Paris, 1895. Aslan, Theodor C., Finanțele României (1831-1905), 1905. Aurelian, P.S., Politica noastră vamală, București, 1880. Badea, M., Deac, A., The Great Romanian Peasant Revolt of 1907, Editura Academiei Române, București, 1991. Cioriceanu, G., La Dette publique de la Roumanie, Paris, Giard, 1927. Comisiunea română pentru Expozițiunea universală din Paris la 1867, București, 1866. Conte, Francis; Rakovski, Cristian, Essai de biographie politique, Lille, 1975
by CATHERINE DURANDIN [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1105_a_2613]
N.,L'Évolution economique contemporaine des pays balkaniques, Paris, 1915. Durandin, Catherine, "Les intellectuels et la paysannerie roumaine de la fin du XIXe siècle aux années 1930", în Revue d'histoire moderne et contemporaine, ian.-mart. 1979. Eidelberg, Philip Gabriel, The Great Rumanian Peasant Revolt of 1907. Origins of a modern Jacquerie, Leiden, E.J. Brill, 1974. Garanfil, Georges, La Banque naționale de Roumanie des origines à nos jours, Paris, Quai Conti, 1922. Hitchins, Keith, Conștiință națională și acțiune politică la românii din
by CATHERINE DURANDIN [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1105_a_2613]
care apare Goose, partenerul lui Maverick, întăresc și ele ideologia referitoare la familie. Într-o scenă dintr-un bar, cu puțin înainte de moartea lui Goose, acesta cu copiii și soția se distrează împreună cu Maverick și Charlie. Goose cîntă la pian Great Balls of Fire și întregul grup i se alătură cu multă energie. Muzica rock și coloana sonoră rock care însoțește întreaga acțiune a filmului investesc personajele cu o energie pozitivă, căci asocierea cu muzica rock îi leagă de semnele culturale
Cultura media by Douglas Kellner [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/936_a_2444]
Publications, California. Gostin, D. (1968), Handbook of Socialisation Theory and Research, Rand McNally, Chicago. Gough, K. (1952), „Changing kinships usages in the setting of political and economic change among the Nayars of Malabor”, în Journal of Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland, 82. Gough, K. (1971), „The origin of the family”, în Journal of Marriage and the Family, 33. Greenberg, E., Nay, R. (1982), „The intergenerational transmission of marital instability reconsidered”, în Journal of Marriage and the Family, 44
IV Statele Nordice în politica europeană a Porții Otomane (1792-1814) ..................................................................... 196 Încheiere 258 Rezumat (Summary) 265 Indice 288 Contents Introduction ............................................................................ 5 I The European political crisis and the Eastern Question (1792-1802) ................................................................... 20 ÎI Involvements concerning the Eastern Question of the Great Powers Policy în North-Eastern Europe (1800-1814) 69 III Swedish political objectives în the North-Eastern Europe and în the Eastern Question (1792-1814) 153 IV The Northern states în the Ottoman Empire's European policy (1792-1814) 196 Conclusion 258 Summary 265 Index
maintenus dans leurs intégrité, tels qu'ils étaient avânt la guerre" (s. Ven.C.)33. Celălalt, al 19-lea, consacră 32 Cf., mai recent, Veniamin Ciobanu, Political French-Russian-Prussian Rivalries în the German Territory (1800-1814), în vol. "East-Central Europe and the Great Powers Politics (19th-20th Centuries)", Edited by Veniamin Ciobanu, Editura Junimea, Iași, 2004, p. 11-15. 33 Recueil des Traites de la Porte Ottomane avec leș Puissances Etrangères depuis le premier traité conclu en 1536, entre Suleiman I et François I jusqu'à
barieră împotriva expansiunii franceze. Planul lui Grenville se deosebea, însă, de toate inițiativele anterioare de acest gen, deoarece, "Grenville did not propose a military alliance against France"158. Din contră, el era convins că numai "a "union of all the great powers" could restore the diplomatic balance which France Imperialism hâd respect"159. Cu acel prilej, au reieșit, însă, în evidență deosebirile radicale de interese dintre puterile cărora li s-a adresat lordul Grenville care, în noile împrejurări create de păcile
de Șes Sentimens pour la Porte Ottomanne réconnoitroit et agréeroit leș arangements pris à cet égard" de Poartă Otomană 154. 152 Cf., pentru detalii, Veniamin Ciobanu, Political French-RussianPrussian Rivalries în the German Territory (1800-1814), în vol. "East-Central Europe and the Great Powers Politics (19th-20th Centuries)", Edited by Veniamin Ciobanu, Editura Junimea, Iași, 2004, p. 14. 153 Carl Gustaf König remarcă, în acest sens, ca angajamentele pe care le avea Poartă Otomană cu Anglia "șont en collision avec ceux contractés anterieurement avec
could take, at times, aș repetitions that which is, în fact, only the objectification of the applied methodology presented here. Aș for the documentary basis, the present historiography step is mostly the result of long time research în archives from Great Britain, Germany, Italy (Venice) and Sweden, following up the reports made by English, Prussians, Venețian and Swedish diplo matists that represented their countries at Constantinople and Petersburg, the "hoț spots" of the Eastern Question. În their most, I have included
without delay. Sultan Selim III declared war to France on September 2nd, 1798 and, on December 23rd, 1798 / January 3rd, 1799, he signed a treaty of alliance with Russia, against the French expeditionary force în Egypt. A few days later, Great Britain adhered also to this treaty. Still, the Porte did not join the second anti-French Coalition, constituted în the spring of 1799, aș wanted by its new allies Russia and Great Britain. Instead, the Ottoman Empire took part în this
to oppose a powerful European alliance to Russia, with the purpose to stop it from destroying the Ottoman Empire. În Europe, this failure led not only to the growth în prestige of Catherine ÎI, but mainly to the loss for Great Britain, at least în the near future, of an effective opposition to the Russian expansionism. Or, the first victim was Poland, its disappearance being the decisive hit for the political and territorial status-quo principle sustained by William Pitt, principle on
the military and political events în Europe determined also England to consent to the pacification of the continent, signing the peace treaty of Amiens, on March 27, 1802. However, this treaty did not solve a number of litigious problems between Great Britain and France, among them being the one regarding the juridical status of the Isle of Malta. This was one of the most important reasons for the outbreak of the war, on May 22nd, 1803, between the two major competitors
ways, în the evolution of the new continental political crisis, and also în the one concerning the Eastern Question, some of the ways of this implication being discussed în the next chapter. ÎI. Involvements concerning the Eastern Question of the Great Powers policy în North-Eastern Europe (1800-1814) The formation of the Armed League of Neutral powers, în December 1800, composed of Russia, Prussia, Denmark and Sweden, took place în the context of the complicated internațional political status from the last period
League of Neutral powers, în December 1800, composed of Russia, Prussia, Denmark and Sweden, took place în the context of the complicated internațional political status from the last period of the revolutionary wars. It represented the efforts of the European Great Powers Great Britain, France, Russia and Austria to assure the best position possible for them, în the perspective of the imminent political reconsideration of the European borders. Aș the military and political events evolved în a different direction than the
Neutral powers, în December 1800, composed of Russia, Prussia, Denmark and Sweden, took place în the context of the complicated internațional political status from the last period of the revolutionary wars. It represented the efforts of the European Great Powers Great Britain, France, Russia and Austria to assure the best position possible for them, în the perspective of the imminent political reconsideration of the European borders. Aș the military and political events evolved în a different direction than the one thought
s flaws, determined by the context and the juridical forms of its constitution, appeared when the famous Austerlitz battle took place, during December 2nd 1805, aș well aș the following continental events. Although it hâd won the battle of Trafalgar, Great Britain could now discover new meaning în the political evolution în Northern Europe. Even after neutralizing Denmark, by capturing its fleet, în July 1807, another important issue remained unsolved, the one relative to the security of the British positions în
of Henry Robert Stewart Castlereagh, one of the most bitter foes of the French emperor, hâș set aș immediate objective "to free Europe", the main element being the creation of a great Coalition against France, where the leaders would be Great Britain and Russia. Sweden and, preferably, Denmark were invited to join the presumptive coalition, being expected that they would facilitate the contacts between the two great powers. Aș the Norway problem constituted an insurmountable problem between the two Scandinavian states
being the creation of a great Coalition against France, where the leaders would be Great Britain and Russia. Sweden and, preferably, Denmark were invited to join the presumptive coalition, being expected that they would facilitate the contacts between the two great powers. Aș the Norway problem constituted an insurmountable problem between the two Scandinavian states, Castlereagh understood that he hâd to choose only one of them for the great anti-French alliance. The political and military events that occurred during the confrontation
coalition, being expected that they would facilitate the contacts between the two great powers. Aș the Norway problem constituted an insurmountable problem between the two Scandinavian states, Castlereagh understood that he hâd to choose only one of them for the great anti-French alliance. The political and military events that occurred during the confrontation with the Napoleonian France solved this dilemma, and, on the 3rd of March 1813 an alliance treaty was signed with Sweden, treaty that comprised the British promise that
is known, by the decisions made at the Congress of Vienna. Taking part, with two exceptions the fourth and sixth Coalitions în all the wars made by European states against France, from the beginning, în February 1802 to the last great battles, în the first part of year 1814, Austria didn't find the time to be actively present în the events în Northern Europe or to take part to the Eastern Question, în the last case by comparison with the
collaboration with France, but the rapports with this state did not go the way the Prussians wished. Besides, the political situation în the Central and Northern Europe did not unite the Prussian interests here with those of the other two Great Powers, France and Russia. This is the reason why these two states hâd no scruples to decide în a matter more than sensitive for Prussia not only without its knowledge and participation, but, more than that, to the detriment of