1,064 matches
Bușe, Editura Paideia, București, 2006. Yannaras, Christos, Heidegger și Areopagitul, trad. Nicolae Șerban Tanașoca, Editura Anastasia, București, 1996. Yannaras, Christos, Persoană și eros, trad. Zenaida Luca, Editura Anastasia, București, 2000. Yannaras, Christos, The Environmental Issue: an Existential not a Canonical Problem, http://jbburnett.com/resources/yannaras/yannaras-environment. Zahavi, Dan, "Inner Time-Consciousness and Pre-reflective Self-awareness", în Donn Welton (Ed.), The new Husserl. A critical Reader, Indiana University Press, Bloomington, 2003. Zizioulas, Yannis, (1) L'Être ecclésial, Labor et Fides, Paris, 1981. (2
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Husserl. A critical Reader, Indiana University Press, Bloomington, 2003. Zizioulas, Yannis, (1) L'Être ecclésial, Labor et Fides, Paris, 1981. (2) Ființa eclesială, trad. Aurel Nae, Editura Bizantină, București, 1996. Abstract The discourse in this book is related to the problem of the judgment. In the first part of the book, some logical and philosophical aspects of the judgment are presented and three applications through which are revealed their judicative and non-judicative meanings are realized. These applications are: Aristotle's logics
by VIOREL CERNICA [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/975_a_2483]
vedea și: Francis E. Peters, Termenii filosofiei grecești (art. logos). Gheorghe Vlăduțescu, O enciclopedie a filosofiei grecești (art. logos). Alexandru Surdu, Teoria formelor judicative, I.1.a) "Omonime, sinonime, paronime". Christos Yannaras, The Environmental Issue: an Existential not a Canonical Problem; Idem, Persoană și eros (Partea a treia). Heidegger, Problemele fundamentale ale fenomenologiei (Partea întâi, Capitolul patru); Idem, Introducere în metafizică (§45-§56): "Logos-ul este strângerea laolaltă, care stă ferm în sine, proprie ființării, adică ființa.", p. 176; Idem, Timp
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the fact that French sociologists (who were using data accumulated by ethnologists) and, at times, even the ethnologists did not always know the languages of the innumerable social groups they were examining. What is more, every researcher studied a well-defined problem in a particular society and there were rarely cases in which a number of researchers approached the same social group from different points of view at the same time. This led to unavoidable discontinuity and fragmentation. In contradistinction to their
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Aggressive Behavior, 25, 1999, pp. 425-434. RIOGS D.S. și O'LEARY K.D., Aggression between dating partners: An examination of a causal model of courtship aggression. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 11, 1996, pp. 519-540. ROSENWEIG P. și ROSENWEIG L., Aggression in problem children and normals as evaluated by the Rosenweig Picture-Frustration Study. Journal ofAbnormal and Social Psychology, 47, 1952, pp. 683-687. ROUBERTOUX P.L., NOSTEN B.M. și CARLIER M., Additive and interactive effects of genotype and maternal environment. Advances in the Study of
Comportamentul agresiv by Farzaneh Pahlavan [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/919_a_2427]
irrationality'. I tried to depict how reason and unreason complete each other in a modern socio-political space beyond the control of political authorities. In the third chapter Sexuality, I presented how sexuality as a historical and socio-political practice became "a problem" and why this discourse has been controlled and modelled by political systems. I debated how a new politics of human interrelationships is derived from this complex discursive practice called "sexuality". I described the mechanism of sexuality, which balances between rational
Foucault, cunoaşterea şi istoria by Lucian-Mircea Popescu [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1446_a_2688]
The fourth chapter presents the idea of power from a plural and non-ideological perspective. I describe how this concept was conceived by Foucault in opposition to Plato's ideas and I criticized Foucault's power-knowledge paradigm. Some solutions to the problem of this paradigmatic knowledge-power relations are also presented. I present what Foucault understood by the concept of 'technologies' and how these technologies were products of modern societies at the intersection of political power, individual power, self and ego. The last
Foucault, cunoaşterea şi istoria by Lucian-Mircea Popescu [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1446_a_2688]
chaotic association of political formations and this was highlighted in the result of the elections. We have advocated a large amount of the paper to the stand points sustained by the Georgists in relation to the monarchy, to the national problem, to the problem of minorities, to extremist political groups and to Romania's external politics. In the beginning of its existence, the new Liberal party declared itself faithful to Romania's system of alliances, wishing to preserve the international framework
by GABRIELA GRUBER [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/943_a_2451]
political formations and this was highlighted in the result of the elections. We have advocated a large amount of the paper to the stand points sustained by the Georgists in relation to the monarchy, to the national problem, to the problem of minorities, to extremist political groups and to Romania's external politics. In the beginning of its existence, the new Liberal party declared itself faithful to Romania's system of alliances, wishing to preserve the international framework adopted by the
by GABRIELA GRUBER [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/943_a_2451]
been thoroughly studied either. Our paper focuses, therefore, on Caragiale's immense literary posterity that proves the perennial characteristic of his work. Rather than highlighting the social and political topicality of Caragiale's plays and prose, the paper approaches the problem of their visible impact on Romanian literature. The subtitle, Comic and Absurd in the Postcaragialian Prose and Playwrighting, points out the purpose of the critical approach, which is to determine the reverberations of Caragialism among the literary manifestations of the
by Loredana Ilie [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1088_a_2596]
second meaning of the term Caragialism is obvious, namely that of an attitudinal and aesthetic parentage of the Caragialian spirit and art. This perspective involves a lot of other themes, which are, yet, only indirectly linked to our discussion: the problem of the cultural impact, of the national specific traits that were characterised as "caragialoeminescian" (Radu Cosașu), of the negative view on the "Caragialian attitude". What we need to emphasize here is that Caragiale's work has survived for exactly one
by Loredana Ilie [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1088_a_2596]
Cultură al județului Constanța, care dirijează fondurile vărsate în comun de toate instituțiile subordonate. Deși acest complex reprezintă una dintre puținele instituții culturale din România care se autofinanțează în proporție de 75%, investițiile necesare nu ar trebui să constituie o problem. Totuși, în 1997, în Delfinariu rămăsese un singur delfin, iar investițiile în achiziționarea unor exemplare suplimentare s-au dovedit a fi o problemă (datorită poluării excesive din ultimii ani, care a gonit delfinii de lângă coasta românească a Mării Negre), riscându-se
AMENAJAREA TURISTIC? A TERITORIULUI by Irina Teodora MANOLESCU [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/83493_a_84818]