1,907 matches
research interests concern internațional organizations and european institutions, communication and public relations, achieving studies and researches focused on the aerea of relationship between the political parties, political communication, political elites and the electoral systems. On these topics, she hâș published some articles on peer review journal, such aș: "Is Globalization a Zero- Sum Game?" în vol. Globalization and intercultural dialogue: multidisciplinary perspectives, ed. Iulian Boldea (2015); "Implicațiile legislației electorale postdecembriste în consolidarea democrației constituționale românești" în "Constituția și societatea contemporană," Mihai
Evolutions în the Black Șea Region. Lesson of the past and the Challenges of the Future", Proceedings of the Fifth EUBSR Internațional Conference, May 20, 2014, Edited by Constantin Hlihor, First publication Italian Academic Publishing 2015, etc. She also edited some books such aș: European Union- an instituțional approach (2010), Introduction în Public Relations (2010), Public Relations Management (2015). DAN SULTĂNESCU is a BA în Political Science (2001). Currently, he is Executive Director of Multimedia Foundation for Local Democracy (FMDL). He
of Political Campaigning, 2005. He was involved în coordinating the PRO Institute (2005-2007), and în the biggest sociological research regarding public participation (în 2013, aș a part of a larger program - Inițiativa pentru societatea civilă). He hâd signed articles în some newspapers, aș Dilemă Veche, Curentul or Adevărul. He was involved, aș a consultant, în electoral campaigns, since 2000. În 2014, he was involved în the PSD campaigns - for European Parliament elections and for Presidential elections. Eugen TOMAC is the President
area delimited by philosophical thinking and that specific to social sciences there are a series of concepts whose excessive usage has led to the erosion of their meaning to such an extent that, in time, they have become unrecognisable. In some cases, semantic erosion has developed through constant re-signification, produced either by the evolution of thinking as such or by the proposal of new definition-generating perspectives. In other cases, erosion was caused by the relationship inevitably established between the different significations
by Daniel Şandru [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1033_a_2541]
cannot elude it. Taking into account this function brings to light important aspects of the knowledge, explanation and understanding of political phenomena, such as domination and interests, and in this respect we think that it is reasonable enough to sketch some cognitive models that could help us analyse ideology from an epistemological and political point of view. Aiming to evaluate the extent to which a post-modern recovery of ideology is possible, the last chapter of this paper starts with the pessimistic
by Daniel Şandru [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1033_a_2541]
JOHNSON, Allan G., Dicționarul Blackwell de sociologie. Ghid de utilizare a limbajului sociologic, Editura Humanitas, București, 2007. KEANE, John, "Communication, ideology and the problem of "voluntary servitude"", în Media, Culture, Society, No. 4, 1982. KELLNER, Douglas, "Postmodernism as social theory: some challenges and problems", în Theory, Culture & Society, Vol. 5, 1988. KELLNER, Douglas, "Ernst Bloch, utopia and ideologie critique", disponibil on-line la adresa http://www.gseis.ucla.edu/faculty/ kellner/kellner.html (12.12.2009). KETTLER, David, Volker MEJA, Nico STEHR, Karl
by Daniel Şandru [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1033_a_2541]
fie acestea marxiste, weberiene, structuro-funcționaliste sau neo-conservatoare). Deși nu cred că ar trebui să excludem toate marile teorii ale trecutului, în mod cert trebuie să fim atenți în aplicarea paradigmelor precedente la noile condiții" (Douglas Kellner, "Postmodernism as social theory: some challenges and problems", în Theory, Culture & Society, Vol. 5, 1988, p. 267). 436 Steve Matthewman, Douglas Hoey, "What happened to postmodernism?", în Sociology, Vol. 40 (3), 2006, p. 529, unde autorii specifică fapul că "anumite lucruri nu au mai ajuns
by Daniel Şandru [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1033_a_2541]
a vieții în Australia. Familiarizându-se cu istoria literaturii britanice (cu secolul al XIX-lea, în special), viitorul prozator olandez de limbă engleză a lucrat ca asistent medical, îngrijitor și cobai experimental. A debutat cu un volum de proză scurtă, "Some Rain Must Fall" (1998), premiat de mai multe ori, urmat de romanele Under the Skin (2000), "The Courage Consort" (2002), "The Crimson Petal and the White" (2002, considerat bestseller în "New York Times"). Nuvelistul și romancierul Faber (n. 1960) este tradus
Europa în cincizeci de romane by Geo Vasile [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1435_a_2677]
Theology in Encounter with Hellenism, Yale University Press, New Haven, 1993. Pelikan, Jaroslav, Credo. Historical and Theological Guide to Creeds and Confessions of Faith in the Christian Tradition, Yale University Press, New Haven, 2003 Pelikan, Jaroslav, Development of Christian Doctrine: Some Historical Prolegomena, Yale University Press, New Haven, 1969. Pelikan, Jaroslav, Tradiția creștină. O istorie a dezvoltării doctrinei. Vol. I: Nașterea tradiției universale (100-600), trad. rom. de S. Palade, Editura Polirom, Iași, 2004; Tradiția creștină. O istorie a dezvoltării doctrinei. Vol
Talcott; Shills, Edward, "Values, Motives, and Systems of Actions", în Talcott Parsons, Shills, Edward (eds.), Towards a General Theory of Action, Mass: Harvard Univesity Press, 1951. Perkins, H. W.; A. D. Berkowitz, "Perceiving the Community Norms of Alcohol Use among Students: Some Research Implications for Campus Alcohol Education Programming", în International Journal of the Addictions, vol. 21, nr. 9-10, 1986. Peterson, Richard, Creating Country Music: Fabricating Authenticity. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1997. Peterson, Richard, "Symbols and Social Life: The Growth of
by Constantin Crăiţoiu [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1063_a_2571]
great theoretical constructions about values, but not for the sake of listing them, but to have an understanding perspective upon contemporary facts of culture, debated through the entire work. The book is unique even by only the way it argues some theories through actual examples from the social life of Romanian people (for instance, the bond between cultural values and economical behaviour is illustrated by interpreting the saying "All his geese are swans"; Philip Zimbardo`s psycho-sociological theory concerning the temporal
by Constantin Crăiţoiu [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1063_a_2571]
whose remarkable authors were Karl Marx, Max Weber, Alexis de Tocqueville, Talcott Parsons, Émile Durkheim, Margaret Mead, Ruth Benedict, Ralph Linton, Florence Kluckhohn, George Ritzer, Shalom Schwartz, Ronald Inglehart, Jeffrey Alexander, Daniel Bell and many others) and there are described some of the books written after the second half of the 20th century concerning social values. The work is a very good theoretical handbook and a detailed compendium of the main approaches concerning the sociological function of culture and language in
by Constantin Crăiţoiu [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1063_a_2571]
geography of cultures depending on the language. Tehnology as a cultural element. The processes of increasing cultural phenomena. Socializing and forming great communities. Globalization and the danger of mcdonaldisation, development of society`s periphery processes through cultural delay. Here are some of the most debated phenomena within the work of Constantin Crăițoiu. All these are framed in an almost impeccable theoretical order, easy-accessible, with many references to examples come from researches in which he was directly involved. Due to its educational
by Constantin Crăiţoiu [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1063_a_2571]
identitatea unui grup. În astfel de contexte, acceptul social sau aprobarea socială este foarte importantă pentru păstrarea membrilor și coeziunea unui grup. 94 Pe larg în H. W. Perkins, A. D. Berkowitz, "Perceiving the Community Norms of Alcohol Use among Students: Some Research Implications for Campus Alcohol Education Programming", în International Journal of the Addictions, vol. 21, nr. 9 și 10, 1986, pp 96-976. 95 Adamson E. Hoebel, Man in the Primitive World, ediția a II-a, McGraw-Hill, New York, p. 70. 96
by Constantin Crăiţoiu [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1063_a_2571]
educaționale), nr. 1(17)/2003, Chișinău. Hart, S. (1996), Differentiation and the secondary: Curriculum debates and dilemas, Routledge, Londra. Hawkridge, D. și Vincent, T. (1992), Learning Difficulties and Computers. Access to the Curriculum, Jessica Kingsley Publishers, Londra. Hundert, J. (1982), „Some Consideration of Planning the Integration of Handicapped Children into Mainstreaming”, În Journal of Learning Disabilities, 15/1982, pp. 73-80. Jeffree, D., McConkey, R. și Hewson, S. (1993), Teaching the Handicapped Child, Redwood Press Limited, Londra. Jenkinson, J.C. (1997), Mainstream or
philosophical Study of Summa theologiae I 75 86, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2003 PERLER, Dominik și HAAG, Johannes (eds.), Ideen: Repräsenta tionalismus în der frühen Neuzeit. Texte und Kommentare, Walter de Gruyter, Berlin, 2010 PERLER, Dominik, „Essentialism and Direct Realism: Some Lațe Medieval Perspectives“, în Topoi, vol. 19, nr. 2, 2000, pp. 111a 122 PERLER, Dominik, Theorien der Intentionalitaet im Mittelalter, Vitto rio Klostermann Verlag, Frankfurt am Main, 2002 PETERSON, Craig și PUGH, Matthew S. (eds.), Analytical Thomism. Traditions în Dialogue
De la quo la quod: teoria cunoaşterii la Toma din Aquino şi d-ul care face diferenţa by Elena Băltuţă () [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1339_a_2704]
momentul prezent al unei contemplații, el își eliberează vocea mesianică și eliberează câmpul de posibilități pe care îl conține: „While the materialist historian constructs a particular past accor ding to the dictates of the hour, the historicist painstakingly recons tructs some bygone era out of a tell-tale need to forget the present.“ Figura istoricului ca chiffonnier este una, după cum arată Wohlfarth, profund teologică. Actul său este cel al unei salvări universale, atentă la resturile lumii, la cei uitați de marșul triumfal
City Lights: despre experienţă la Walter Benjamin by Ioan Alexandru Tofan () [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1346_a_2383]
wandering): „First, if it is true that a spatial order organizes an ensemble of possibilities (e.g., by a place in which one can move) and interdictions (e.g., by a wall that prevents one from going further), then the walker actualizes some of these possibilities. In that way, he makes them exist as well as emerge. But he also moves them about and he invents others, since the crossing, drifting away, or improvisation of walking privilege, transform or abandon spatial elements.“ Certeau
City Lights: despre experienţă la Walter Benjamin by Ioan Alexandru Tofan () [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1346_a_2383]
literary space either by presenting a world dominated by an absurdity that prevails or by recreating the entire cultural space at the parodic, satiric and ludic level. The protesting or the depressive attitude is expressed in the act of finding some expressive resources of the language less explored up to that moment. There is also the possibility that these writers try to create other myths, a second universe based on unconscious tendencies to respond in a compensatory way to the ego
onset and the interference of politics in literary space being essential for a generation that was forced to shape or respond to such assertions more than in any other age. It can thus be stressed that, although sometimes they made some concessions to the totalitarian regime, they have the merit of writing an authentic poem, reflecting the spirit of their time - full of contradictions, supporting through poems and theoretical articles the primacy of the aesthetics in regard to other aspects highlighted
concept of generation in the field of literary history, Albert Thibaudet also delineated its scope and distinguished within a generation several decades (later called age groups). In order to be able to speak of a generation there have to be some common viewpoints on existence and on creation, however, Thibaudet refuses to use the concept in a restrictive acceptation thereby admitting that the members of a generation are creative individualities, which in any literary history there might be exceptions that elude
term generation of the Albatross not because we believed in the myth of a magazine often perceived as involved in the antifascist resistance but because it refers to Baudelaire's poem which marked all young writers of that time. Although some disapproved of the association between the name of the Albatross magazine and the war generation due to its limitations and because the representatives of this generation outnumber the ones who were featured in the ephemeral pages of the afore-mentioned periodical
writers. Apart from the inherent distinctions - a different environment, other paragons, a different educational background, apart from the fact that both denominations exclude a series of writers who do not pertain to either of them, the term Albatross writer encompasses some of the gist of this literary stage. The name of the magazine is explicitly connected (by the quotation on the front page) to Baudelaire's renowned poem The Albatross. Baudelaire portrayed a different literary vision yet, fundamentally, his poem reflected
The Albatross. Baudelaire portrayed a different literary vision yet, fundamentally, his poem reflected the same anxieties marking the end of an era (or, in his case, the end of a century). The poem was illustrative for the allegorical structure of some symbolist poem, it was a demystifying "ars poetica". It contains more than mere romantic reflections of the poet/ misunderstood genius; it also hints indirectly to the abyss the poet has to face and to how society perceived his accomplishments- ("comique
in agreement with the demands of their age. As far as the topics tackled and the 'recommended' sources of inspiration are concerned, this truly is a decade of transition. In this respect one can notice the vacillations, the hesitations of some of the poets who made their debut with modernist poems, some even influenced by the avant-garde, only to be converted to the poetry of social inspiration, praising the class struggle. The poetry of the fifth century which actually left an