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second partition of Poland, established by the agreement made with Russia, on January 23rd, 1793, leading to the occurrence of a new community of Russian-Prussian interests în North-Eastern Europe. This new situation was also influenced by the obvious interests that Great Britain hâd în Russia. Both of them hâd direct implications on the Eastern Question, and both of them contributed to the consolidation of Russia on its positions în the European orient. În the described context Russia could enable sending a
expanded and consolidated. Still, Sweden continued to refuse the Ottoman request to adhere to the antiFrench coalition, aș well aș it declined the same invitation made by Russia. King Gustav Adolph IV preferred the neutrality, especially that the relation with Great Britain, one of the most important members of the Coalition, was tensed, aș a result of the British ignoring of the Swedish commercial interests. Sweden did not change its attitude towards the Coalition after signing with Russia the Convention at
and France. The Ottoman indisposition resided în the fact that the Swedish participation în a Russian initiated coalition raised doubts relative to the Swedish attachment for the European interests of the Porte. În the summer of 1805, Russia, Austria and Great Britain formed the Third Coalition against France, joined by Sweden during the same year, another reason for this country to pay even more attention to the political evolution în Oriental Europe. În this new political context, re-emerged the Swedish diplomatical
Tilsit, on the 7th of July 1807, offered this possibility. At the same time, through this treaty, Russia renounced de facto to participate to the Coalition against France, taking part în the continental blockade instead. Aș Sweden was allied with Great Britain, the two Tilsit partners requested it to leave also the Coalition and join the blockade. But Sweden refused to do șo; therefore Denmark and Russia respected the Tilsit stipulations and declared war on Sweden. Aș it is known, Sweden
în 1793. Afterwards, the ones at Vienna, în 1794, Berlin, în 1795, and Paris, în 1796 were established. Still, the foreign policy of the Porte continued to be the prerogative of the sultan, of the Reis effendi and of the great dragoman, through direct parley with the credited diplomatic representatives of the European great powers, and not only, at Istanbul. Among the Empire's foreign policy priorities, în the form they were postulated în January 1793 by Mehmed Rashid effendi, Reis
Paris, în 1796 were established. Still, the foreign policy of the Porte continued to be the prerogative of the sultan, of the Reis effendi and of the great dragoman, through direct parley with the credited diplomatic representatives of the European great powers, and not only, at Istanbul. Among the Empire's foreign policy priorities, în the form they were postulated în January 1793 by Mehmed Rashid effendi, Reis effendi, were the desired relations with Sweden, Russia, Great Britain, France, Spain and
France, hâd the most important place în this future alliance system, în which the Ottoman Empire puț its trust, because it was, în the Turkish vision, its natural ally. The second power that received the hopes of the Porte was Great Britain. The rapprochement of this great European power was determined by the political situation evolution, with the internal disturbances în France, its exhaustion, which raised questions about its future, the Russian and Prussian aggression on Poland, concluded with its division
Therefore, the attitude towards Russia was one of the major directions în the European policy of the Porte. This is the reason why a continuous interest for the changes în the relations between this country and the other powers, mainly Great Britain, Prussia and Sweden existed în Istanbul. The purpose was, obviously, to exploit any moment that could strenghten its security towards the Russian menace. The increased attention given to these rapports can be explained, therefore, through the supposition that any
a new chapter în the history of the Eastern Question, on the whole, and particularly în the history of the juridical regime of the Straits. Aș Napoleon Bonaparte continued the military operations în Egypt, aș well aș the incitements of Great Britain and Russia determined the Porte to declare war to France, on the 2nd of September 1798. After this, the diplomatic negotiations with Russia for alliance against France was accelerated. Aș the Ottomans feared that the future collaboration with Russia
suplimentară a obiectivelor părților (prin deducerea intențiilor din comportamentul prevăzut pe bază teoretică). Cealaltă posibilitate ar fi includerea motivațiilor ofensive și defensive într-o singură teorie, care să explice când ar trebui să triumfe fiecare dintre orientări. The Tragedy of Great Power Politics (2001) a lui Mearsheimer poate fi citită ca o încercare de a explica de ce, când și în ce mod au prioritate motivațiile ofensive în comportamentul marilor puteri. Proces, instituții și schimbare Conceptualizarea explicită a motivațiilor statelor este doar
by Scott Burchill, Richard Devetak, Jacqui True [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1081_a_2589]
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la fel cum face un om de știință cu rezultatele experimentale. (Remarcați că omul de știință nu Încearcă să aleagă experimente „reprezentative”.) Această abordare este excelent ilustrată de Jane Jacobs (1961) În celebra sa lucrare The Death and Life of Great American Cities. Cartea se bazează În principal pe experiențe din orașul New York. Cu toate acestea, În loc să reflecte exclusiv experiențele respective, capitolele tratează aspecte teoretice mai largi referitoare la planificarea urbană, cum ar fi rolul trotuarelor și al parcurilor, nevoia destinațiilor
pattern general de complexitate care, În cele din urmă, a fost folosit Într-un scop cauzal, pentru a „explica” de ce implementarea a eșuat. CASETA 24 Cuantificarea elementelor descriptive ale unui studiu de caz Cartea lui Pressman și Wildavsky, Implementation: How Great Expectations in Washington Are Dashed in Oakland (1973), este considerată una dintre cele mai de seamă contribuții la studierea procesului de implementare (Yin, 1982b). Este vorba de procesul prin care orice activitate programatică - de exemplu, un proiect de dezvoltare economică