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Educational Research, 57, 1-50. Jacob, E. (1989), „Qualitative research: A defense of traditions”, Review of Educational Research, 59, 229-235. Jacobs, G. (ed.) (1970), The Participant Observer: Encounters with Social Reality, Braziller, New York. Jacobs, J. (1961), The Death and Life of Great American Cities, Random House, New York. Jacobs, R.N. (1996), „Civil society and crisis: Culture, discourse, and the Rodney King beating”, American Journal of Sociology, 101, 1238-1272. Jorgensen, D. (1989), Participant Observation: A Methodology for Human Studies, Sage, Newbury Park, CA. Kaufman
40, 17-48. Platt, J. (1992b), „Cases of cases... of cases”, in C.C. Ragin și H.S. Becker (eds.), What is a Case? Exploring the Foundations of Social Inquiry (pp. 21-52), Cambridge University Press, New York. Pressman, J.L., Wildavsky, A. (1973), Implementation: How Great Expectations in Washington are Dashed in Oakland, University of California Press, Berkeley. Raizen, S.A., Britton, E.D. (eds.) (1997), Bold Ventures (3 vol.), Kluwer Academic, Dordrecht, Olanda. Redman, E. (1973), The Dance of Legislation, Simon & Schuster, New York. Rog, D.J., Huebner, R.B.
an exact delimitation and differentiation of the concepts used in the analysis and naming of the divination phenomena. c) There is a quite high number of popularization works which express in a commercial doubtful way, sometimes quite eclectic and syncretistic, great confusions among different aspects of the magic and divination practice. Actually, many of these papers bring about a great deal of disservices to the image of the divination practices and to their scientific study. d) "The mediocre literature" together with
by Cristina Gavriluţă [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1065_a_2573]
Education. KALTIALA-HEINO R., RIMPELA M., MARTTUNEN M., RIMPELA A., RANTENAN P. (1999). "Bullying, depression, and suicidal ideation in Finnish adolescents: School survey", British Medical Journal, 319. KANT E. (1981). Traité de pédagogie, trad. fr. de J. Barni. KARSTEDT S. (2005). "Great Expectations: Enlightment, Justice and the Invention of Institutions", Plenary Address XIVth World Congress of Criminology, Philadelphia, PA, SUA. KAUFFMAN J.-M. (1997). Caracteristics of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders of Children and Youth, ed. a șasea, Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River
by Éric Debarbieux [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1097_a_2605]
Poetics" 10:363-81. Bronzwaer, W. J. M. 1970. Tense in the Novel: An Investigation of Some Potentialities of Linguistic Criticism. Groningen: Wolters-Noordhoff. . 1978. Implied Author, Extradiegetic Narrator, and Public Reader: Gérard Genette's Narratological Model and the Reading Version of Great Expectations. "Neophilologus" 52:1-18. Brooks, Cleanth, Robert Penn Warren. 1959. Understanding Fiction. Ed. a II-a. New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts. Brooks, Peter. 1984. Reading for the Plot: Design and Intention in Narrative. New York: A. A. Knopf. Brown, E. K. 1950. Rhythm in
Dicţionar de naratologie by Gerald Prince [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1400_a_2642]
the human habitat and most of the professions available at the beginning of the last century have changed fundamentally, and the Guttenberg empire is strongly shaken by the new electronic tools of production and dissemination of the information. However, the great philosophical and scientific ideas that led to the recent European civilization, in fact many with origins in Antiquity, are not only present but also irreplaceable in modern culture. The same applies to the great works of artistic and literary or
by VIOREL BARBU [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1112_a_2620]
that led to the recent European civilization, in fact many with origins in Antiquity, are not only present but also irreplaceable in modern culture. The same applies to the great works of artistic and literary or philosophical synthesis of the great thinkers. They are stronger than granite monuments and ancient medieval cathedrals or than the geographical configuration of the continents. In fact, not the ideas are subject to limitation, but only the thought and cultural patterns. The great thinkers of ancient
by VIOREL BARBU [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1112_a_2620]
synthesis of the great thinkers. They are stronger than granite monuments and ancient medieval cathedrals or than the geographical configuration of the continents. In fact, not the ideas are subject to limitation, but only the thought and cultural patterns. The great thinkers of ancient times are no less important than the modern ones and any classification could not leave aside Plato, Aristotle, Galileo, Leibniz and Newton. Besides, many contemporary philosophers tend to talk with condescension and undisguised superiority about the great
by VIOREL BARBU [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1112_a_2620]
great thinkers of ancient times are no less important than the modern ones and any classification could not leave aside Plato, Aristotle, Galileo, Leibniz and Newton. Besides, many contemporary philosophers tend to talk with condescension and undisguised superiority about the great works of the forerunners and to consider their ideas and theories as imperfect and amendable versions of their own thinking.| ||||| In the series we now open, we are trying to bring to light some earlier or later texts, some even
by VIOREL BARBU [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1112_a_2620]
R.E. Moritz. 11 Euclid, Euclid's Elements, T. E. Heath, Dover Publications, New York, 1956. Corect: The Thirteen Books of Euclid's Elements, traducere și comentarii de Thomas L. Heath, vol. I-III, Dover Publications, 1956 [n.n.]. 12 G. Cardano, The Great Art of Rules of Algebra, traducere de T.R. Witmer, MIT Press, 1968, pp. 219-220. 13 Imre Lakatos, Proofs and Refutations, Cambridge University Press, 1976, p. 33. 14 E. Browder, Does Pure Mathematics Have a Relation to the Sciences?, American Scientist
by VIOREL BARBU [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1112_a_2620]
bacteria. J Clin Microbiol, 1994. 32: 2221-2224. 114. Hong KR, Sordillo E, Frankel E: Unusual care of acromonas hydrophila endocolites. J Clin Microbiol,1991;29:1056-1057. 115. Humphreys H, Towner KJ: Impact of Acinetobacter spp. in intensive care units in Great Britain and Ireland. J Hosp Infect 1997, 37:281-286. 116. Inonhood JH, Drake M: Aeromonas species in foods. J Food Prot, 2002; 65:575-582. 117. Inoue S, Wirman JA, Alexander JW: Candida albicans traslocation across the gut mucosa following burn
Peritonitele acute: tratament etiopatogenic by Dorin Stănescu () [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/91842_a_93199]
unele politehnici; la Aarhus, în Danemarca, există un modest studium liberale. În Statele Unite există și formula cea mai radicală a colegiului de arte liberale, în care nu figurează departamente, majors (echivalentul specializării pentru licență), toți studenții trecând prin programul de great books: St. John’s College, cu două campusuri gemene (Annapolis, Maryland, înființat în 1784; Santa Fé, New Mexico, înființat în 1964); programul a fost inițiat în 1937 de Stringfellow Barr și Scott Buchanan, iar „marile cărți” sunt alese din toate
după ce au trecut prin psihanaliza lui Freud. Cred că explicația filozofică trebuie căutată în raporturile lui Bloom, deja amintite, cu neotomismul de la Chicago (Toma d’Aquino a relansat tabula rasa în Summa theologica, 1.79.2), aflat la temelia programului Great Books. Explicația psihosociologică și cultural-ideologică este probabil o combinație de captatio benevolentiae, resemnare și spirit practic (ce altceva să faci dacă studenții îți vin în clasă complet ignoranți?). Așadar, socotește Bloom, potențialul acestor tabulae rasae (inocente) este irosit și deturnat
reprezentată de Robert Hutchins și Mortimer Adler (la rândul lor, cu surse americane mai vechi). Astfel, Chicago a devenit centrul unei gândiri absolutiste, antipragmatiste și anti-istoriste. În acest cadru trebuie citit antimodernismul conservator-liberal al lui Bloom, ca și faimosul program Great Books, ca și nu mai puțin faimosul Committee on Social Thought. Vezi excelentul studiu al lui Fred Matthews, „The Attack on «Historicism»: Allan Bloom’s Indictment of Contemporary American Historical Scholarship”, The American Historical Review, vol. 95, nr. 2, aprilie
to discovery of hipotalamo-hipofizar port system, anatomic functional area in which is realized the neuroendocrine control of the entire activity at the basal level, namely; nutrition, relationships and reproduction. Grigore T. Popa had also literary contributions, being one of our greate essaysts. For their exceptional achiewements in scientific field, the deep of their thinking in philosophical and social plan, this two exceptional scientists gained their place in the pantheon of our great personalities for national and world science and culture. În
Nicolae C. Paulescu între știința vieții și metafizica existenței by VALERIU LUPU () [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/91893_a_92858]
Popa had also literary contributions, being one of our greate essaysts. For their exceptional achiewements in scientific field, the deep of their thinking in philosophical and social plan, this two exceptional scientists gained their place in the pantheon of our great personalities for national and world science and culture. În panteonul marilor noștri savanți și gânditori două personalități ale științelor medicale românești au marcat, la vremea lor, gândirea epocii. Pentru că, prin realizările lor în plan medical (mai ales în cercetarea fundamentală
Nicolae C. Paulescu între știința vieții și metafizica existenței by VALERIU LUPU () [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/91893_a_92858]
only not totally exhausted by diffusion into Space. From the one Particle, aș a centre, let uș suppose to be irradiated spherically - în all directions - to immeasurable but still to definite distances în the previously vacant space - a certain inexpressibly great yet limited number of unimaginably yet not infinitely minute atoms". 22 Idem, p. 28. 23 Idem, p. 142: "This Divine Being who thus passes his Eternity God în perpetual variation of Concentrated Self and almost Infinite Self-Diffusion". 24 Ibidem: "He
sorrowful impression [...]. Shaking off from my spirit what must have been a dream, I scanned more narrowly the real aspect of the building. Its principal feature seemed to be that of an excessive antiquity. The discoloration of ages hâd been great. Minute fungi overspread the whole exterior, hanging în a fine tangled web-work from the eaves. Yet all this was apart from any extraordinary dilapidation. No portion of the masonry hâd fallen; and there appeared to be a wild inconsistency between
single brick is to overthrow the entire fabric". 63 În această notă, Poe afirmă că "teologia naturală" (theologia naturalis) nu a reușit să exprime, deplin, aceasta desăvârșită reciprocitate a legilor divine: "All the Bridgewater treatises have failed în noticing the great idiosyncrasy în the Divine system of adaptation: that idiosyncrasy which stamps the adaptation aș Divine, în distinction from that which is the work of merely human constructive ness. I speak of the complete mutuality of adaptation. For example: în human
chez Bergson, 2003, p. 163. 66 Edgar Allan Poe, "The Power of Words", în The Complete Tales and Poems of Edgar Allan Poe, 1982, p. 442: "The ether - which, since it pervades, and alone pervades all space, is thus the great medium of creation". 67 Ion Barbu, "Poezia leneșa", în Versuri și proza, 1970, p. 38. 68 Gilles Deleuze, Le bergsonisme, 2004, p. 116: "Seule l'émotion diffère en nature a la fois de l'intelligence et de l'instinct, a
is în the rațio of this elevating excitement. But all excitements are, through a psychal necessity, transient. That degree of excitement which would entitle a poem to be șo called at all, cannot be sustained throughout a composition of any great length. After the lapse of half an hour, at the very utmost, it flags - fails - a revulsion ensues- and then the poem is, în effect and în fact, no longer such". 85 Henri Bergson, "Essai sur leș données immédiates de la
și proza, 1984, p. 214. 89 Edgar Allan Poe, Eureka, 1848, p. 53: "The key to the secret at which we aim". 90 Edgar Allan Poe, "Marginalia", în Democratic Review, November, 1844, în Essays and Reviews, 1984, p. 1315: "The great idiosyncrasy în the Divine system of adaptation [...] the complete mutuality of adaptation". 91 Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph Schelling, Sistemul idealismului transcendental, traducere de Radu Gabriel Pârvu, [1800] 1995, p. 306. 92 Idem, p. 287. 93 Idem, p. 307. 94 Idem, p.
or any thing similar, and this solely through lack of what may be termed the constructive ability a matter quite independent of what we agree to understand în the term "genius" itself. This ability is based, to be sure, în great part, upon the faculty of analysis, enabling the artist to get full view of the machinery of his proposed effect [s.n.], and thus work it and regulate it at will; but a great deal depends also upon properties strictly moral
hero's place and independently combines with his own imagination the praise of the deeds of his hero's ancestors, it may be; he recalls old myths, or he expresses his own profound view of life, wealth, dominion, whatever is great and honourable, the sublimity and charm of the Muses, but above all the dignity of the bard. Consequently, în his poems he is not șo much concerned to honour the hero whose fame he spreads în this way aș to
de fapt, bătrân, am într-un fel un suflet bătrân. Să dea Dumnezeu ca trupul să nu supraviețuiască sufletului meu.“ (Citat după George Hetherington, „Wittgenstein in Ireland“, în Portraits of Wittgenstein, vol. 4, p. 17.) 120 Vezi Ioseph Mahom, „The Great Philosopher who came to Ireland“, în Portraits of Wittgenstein, vol. 4, p. 6. Cine urmărește mărturiile despre Wittgenstein în ultimii săi ani este condus spre concluzia că viața lui s-a redus tot mai mult la interesul pentru ceea ce gândea
Gânditorul singuratic : critica ºi practica filozofiei la Ludwig Wittgenstein by Mircea Flonta () [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1367_a_2720]