1,907 matches
manifestă și dincolo de narațiunea literară. Cercetarea este interesată uneori de discursul din științele sociale ca în Storytelling în Economics de Donald McCloskey și Narrative Theories and Legal Discourse de Bernard S. Jackson sau de discursul din științele exacte ca în Some Narrative Conventions of Scientific Discourse de Rom Harră . și Making a Discovery: Narratives of Split Genres de Greg Myers . Alteori cercetarea este atentă la discursul spectacolului dramatic ca în Narrative and Drama de Monika Fludernik sau Drama and Narrative de
ÎNTRE NARATOLOGII by JANA GAVRILIU () [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1208_a_2198]
biology. Science 274:536-539. NAS Report: National Academy of Sciences, Working Group on Teaching Evolution. 1998. Teaching about evolution and the nature of science. National Academy Press, Washington, D.C. Maynard-Smith J 1972. On Evolution. Edinburgh University Press. Muller HJ 1932. Some genetic aspects of sde exemplu, American Naturalist. 66:118-138. Nesse RM, Williams GC 1994. Why we get sick: The new science of darwinian medicine. Times Books, NY. Trivers RL 1972. Parental investment and sexual selection. In B. Campbell (Ed.), Sexual
Gusti hâș encountered the fascist trap within his life history since the 1920s when Benito Mussolini took over the power în Italy. However, Gusti avoided slipping into this trap ever în his life. Certainly, it is a well-known fact that some members of the Sociological School of Bucharest have become legionaries, while others fancied the communist or fascist movement. The fundamental feature of the Sociological School was that it allowed all the young intellectuals - legionaries, socialists, nationalists or Europeanists - to cooperate
also the prohibition on the promotion of the cult of persons guilty of the establishment and functioning of the communist regime and its repressive apparatus în România, and the adoption of stipulations leading to restriction of their rights, and also some measures of accountability în relation to their own repressive activities of the past and the victims. Keywords: communism, political prisoners, the lustration law, perpetrators, victims Introducere Am fost ani de zile consilierul regretatului Constantin Ticu Dumitrescu și l-am sprijinit
communist regime the project "After 25 years. Communism în Eastern Europe" it is also included, project which was designed în two parts: one part with the events designed to draw attention to significant dată for the regime back then, to some phenomena of communism and some unwanted events regime, and the other part editorial, whose results began to appear în October 2014. În the editorial component, șo far, there have been released seven works: Sorin Bocancea (coord.) "From the student press
25 years. Communism în Eastern Europe" it is also included, project which was designed în two parts: one part with the events designed to draw attention to significant dată for the regime back then, to some phenomena of communism and some unwanted events regime, and the other part editorial, whose results began to appear în October 2014. În the editorial component, șo far, there have been released seven works: Sorin Bocancea (coord.) "From the student press în communism to the press
Considering that NATO, EU and other organizations tend to include public diplomacy elements în their official documents and strategies, we can say that states are no longer the exclusive actors în this field. Through this paper, I seek to identify some similarities and differences between NATO and EU's public diplomacy. În this research I will also study how much of their soft power capabilities these organizations use, if they are used în order to influence rather internal than external audiences
Seib claims that NATO should focus on using soft power în order to justify its hard power and try to see if there are differences în the goals that NATO and the EU target to reach through the implementation of some public diplomacy strategies. Keywords: public diplomacy, development, hybrid war, soft power, power projection, propagandă Introducere Ulterior evenimentelor din 1945-1990, se ajunge la o nouă abordare a securității. După o perioadă marcată de atacuri militare, s-a remarcat faptul că problemele
one of the most important concepts described by Bourdieu, implied especially în cultural and educațional studies, explains the social reproduction process, aș a product of socialisation, ăn unconscious internalization of the social structure (generating embodied dispositions and behaviors). Despite that some critics say habitus is an rigid and limited concept, social mobility empirical studies and the globalization process demonstrates that habitus can be transformed, can be modified, depending on the social environment changes. Individuals must adapt the way they act according
of Political Campaigning, 2005. He was involved în coordinating the PRO Institute (2005-2007), and în the biggest sociological research regarding public participation (în 2013, aș a part of a larger program - Inițiativa pentru societatea civilă). He hâd signed articles în some newspapers, aș Dilemă Veche, Curentul or Adevărul. He was involved, aș a consultant, în electoral campaigns, since 2000. În 2014, he was involved în the PSD campaigns - for European Parliament elections and for Presidential elections. Bogdan TEODORESCU hâș a PhD
Quantum Logic", in Hilary Putnam edited by Yemima Ben Menahem, Cambridge University Press, pp. 156-187. Maxwell, N. 1993 "Does Orthodox Quantum Theory Undermine or Support Scientific Realism", The Philosophic Quarterly vol 43, no. 171. Melia, J. 1998 "Field's programme: some interference", Analysis 58 (2), 63-71. Melia, J. 2000 "Weaseling away the indispensability argument", Mind, Vol. 109 . 435. July. Melia, J. 2002 "Response to Colyvan", Mind, Vol. 111 . 441 . January. Mill, John Stuart 1884 A system of logic, Longmans, Green and
Aplicabilitatea matematicii ca problemă filosofică by Gabriel Târziu [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/888_a_2396]
Castme Journal, Vol 6, No 2, 1-5 Sober, E. 1993 "Mathematics and indispensability", Philosophical Review, 102/1 (January): 35-57. Stanford, K. 2000 "An antirealist Explanation of the Success of Science", Philosophy of Science 67. Stein, Howard 1988 "Logos, Logic, Logistike: Some philosophical remarks on nineteenth-century transformation of mathematics." In Aspray and Kitcher, editors, History and Philosophy of Modern Mathematics, University of Minnesota Press. Steiner, M. 1978 "Mathematics, explanation and scientific knowledge", Noûs, Vol. 12, No. 1 (Mar.), pp. 17-28. Steiner, M.
Aplicabilitatea matematicii ca problemă filosofică by Gabriel Târziu [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/888_a_2396]
so well the physician? If mathematics has its own subject of study and its own methods for studying it and evolves according to its own internal dynamics, how is it that it can play such an important indispensable, according to some philosophers role in science?) a problem that is different from the challenge of Wigner and Steiner and from the problem of coordination that appears at logical positivists -, followed by an argument for the idea that the only way to respond
Aplicabilitatea matematicii ca problemă filosofică by Gabriel Târziu [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/888_a_2396]
T. A. & Meyers, T. W. (1999) Secondary traumatic stress among child protective service workers: Prevalence, severity, and predictive factors. Traumatology, 5(l). Costa Jr., P. T. & McCrae, R. R. (1980) Still stable after all these years: personality as a key to some issues in adulthood and old age. In P. B. Baltes & O. G. Brim (eds.), Life span development and behavior, vol. 3 (pp. 65-102). New York: Academic Press. Courtois, C. A. (1988) Healing the incest wound: Adult survivors in therapy. New York: Basic
by Irina Crumpei [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1075_a_2583]
and victim's friends and relatives who find out about the event. Secondary traumatic stress suggests an even broader perspective on traumatic contagion showing that even people who come to help the victims are at risk of developing specific symptoms. Some professions have a higher vulnerability through the nature of their work. They are often exposed to traumatic material: counselors, social workers, psychotherapists, fire-fighters etc. This volume approaches the subject by focusing on the situation of medical professionals. The first chapter
by Irina Crumpei [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1075_a_2583]
that try to explain its mechanisms. For a better understanding the second chapter summarises these theories. The summary of explanatory models is completed by the presentation of neighbouring concepts in the third chapter. Posttraumatic stress disorder, vicarious trauma, burnout are some of the most important concepts that overlap and differ trying to contain the complex phenomenon of professional stress. Secondary traumatic stress and posttraumatic stress have identical symptoms except that in STS the traumatic event is not directly lived by the
by Irina Crumpei [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1075_a_2583]
cu Marin Mincu", în Revista de filozofie, vol. 46, nr. 1-2, 1997, pp. 165-172. Cowie, A. P. (ed.), Phraseology. Theory, Analysis, and Applications, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1998. Cowie, A. P., "Introduction", în A. P. Cowie (ed.), Phraseology, pp. 1-20. Cowie, A. P., "Phraseological Dictionaries: Some East-West Comparisons", în A. P. Cowie (ed.), Phraseology, pp. 209-228. Cram, David, "The Linguistic Status of the Proverb", în Cahiers de lexicologie, vol. 43, 1983, pp. 53-71. Creangă, Ion, Amintiri din copilărie. Povești. Povestiri, ediție îngrijită și prefață de Liviu Papadima
complexity of the issues raised by such an objective, its achievement can only be, ultimately, the result of a collective effort involving all "schools" of integral linguistics worldwide. We believe, however, that the present study provides a relevant insight into some essential coordinates, which may further serve as guidelines for other explorations in the field. 2. Thus, we aimed to explore in our research project particularly two of the crucial tenets of linguistic integralism: the primacy of semantics within the levels
proved that this difficulty is not an insurmountable obstacle and that it can be overcome precisely because of the "repeated" status of textemes. Moreover, our goal is to demonstrate that the units circumscribed after this "test" can be grouped into some forms of organization (i.e., associative configurations) relatively similar to those in structural semantics: idiomatic fields, idiomatic classes and cultural-discursive solidarities. These theoretical considerations are then exemplified and verified by analyzing two paradigmatic configurations in Romanian: the idiomatic field of ANGER
28 François Rastier, "Défigements sémantiques en contexte", în Michel Martins-Baltar (ed.), La locution: entre langue et usages, pp. 305-332. 29 Ibidem, p. 309. 30 Ibidem, p. 308. 31 Ibidem, p. 311. 32 Ibidem, p. 310. 33 A.P. Cowie, "Phraseological Dictionaries: Some East-West Comparisons", în A.P. Cowie (ed.), Phraseology. Theory, Analysis, and Applications, Clarendon Press, Oxford, p. 213. 34 V.V. Vinogradov, Ob osnovnuikh tipakh frazeologicheskikh edinits v russkom yazuike, în A.A. Șahmatov, 1864-1920. Sbornik statey i materialov, Nauka, Moscova, 1947, pp.
1947, pp. 339-364. Apud A.P. Cowie, "Introduction", în A. P. Cowie (ed.), Phraseology, pp. 4-5. 35 Exemplele din această subsecțiune sunt preluate după A. P. Cowie, "Introduction". 36 N.N. Amosova, Osnovui anglijskoy frazeologii, Editura Universității, Leningrad, 1963. Apud A.P. Cowie, "Phraseological Dictionaries: Some East-West Comparisons", p. 215, de unde am împrumutat și exemplele. 37 I. I. Chernuisheva, Die Phraseologie der gegenwärtigen deutschen Sprache, Vuisshaya Shkola, Moscova, 1964. Apud A. P. Cowie, "Introduction", p. 4. 38 Igor Mel'čuk, Opyt teorii lingvisticeskih modelei 'Smysl Tekst', Nauka
Social Behaviour: A Social-Role Interpretation, Hillsdale, N.J., Erlbaum, 1987. Eagly, A. H., & Mladinic, A., "Gender stereotypes and attitudes toward women and men", în Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 15, 1989. Eagly, A. H., & Mladinic, A., "Are people prejudiced against women? Some answers from research on attitudes, gender stereotypes, and judgments of competence", în W. Strobe & M. Hewstone (eds.), European review of socia 1 psychology, vol. 5, (1-35), Wiley, New York, 1993. Evola, J., Metafizica sexului, traducere de Sorin Mărculescu, Editura Humanitas, București
Social Psychology, 16, 2005, pp. 155-188. 17 A.H. Eagly & A. Mladinic, "Gender stereotypes and attitudes toward women and men", în Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 15, 1989, pp. 543-558. A.H. Eagly & A. Mladinic, "Are people prejudiced against women? Some answers from research on attitudes, gender stereotypes, and judgments of competence", în W. Strobe & M. Hewstone (eds.), European review of socia 1 psychology, vol. 5 (1-35), Wiley, New York, 1993. 1 Herbert Marcuse, " O cercetare filosofică asupra lui Feud", în Eros
Romanian government". Naturally, this recommendation was not fulfilled. In the following years, the Romanian government made numerous attempts to recover the treasure and other valuables deposited in USSR without success. Finally, in 1935, the Soviet government returned the archives and some important historic documents (in total 17 railway cars) without the opportunity to evaluate the total value of the goods from the original shipment to Moscow in 1916. "In general, the restitution was comprised of old documents, old books, estate plans
and documents belonging to private citizens", reports a Romanian document dated June 2S, 1945 (Annex B). In 1956, the Russian government had returned to Romania a portion of the valuables deposited (i.e.: paintings, Romanian objects, icons, embroidery, and silver), and some coins and medals, including the Pietroasa treasure. A detailed inventory showed that 39,320 Romanian artefacts were returned including: 1,350 paintings and drawings, 156 icons, 41S tapestries, 495 religious and similar objects, 33,068 coins, 2,465 medals, and