1,809 matches
Leslie, István Dobozi și Marian Radetzki, Energy and Economic Reform în the Former Soviet Union, Basingstoke, Macmillan; New York, St. Martin's Press, 1994. Dyker D., "Economic Relations with the Rest of Europe", în Neil Malcolm (ed.) Russia and Europe: an end to confrontation?, The Royal Institute of Internațional Affairs, Londra, 1994. Eckert Denis, Le monde russe, Hachette, Paris, 2004. Eckert Denis și Vladimir Kolossov, La Russie, Flammarion, Paris, 1999. Edwards Geoffrey și Elfriede Regelsberger (eds.) Europe's Global Links: The European
by Paula Daniela Gânga [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1034_a_2542]
the Cold War, Columbia University Press, New York, 1999. Malcolm Neil, Alex Pravda, Roy Allison, si Margot Light, Internal Factors în Russian Foreign Policy, Royal Institute of Internațional Affairs, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1996. Malcolm Neil (ed.) Russia and Europe: an end to confrontation?, Pinter, The Royal Institute of Internațional Affairs, Londra, 1994. Malcolm Neil, Soviet Policy Perspectives on Western Europe, Routledge, Royal Institute for Internațional Affairs, Londra, 1989. Marsh Christopher, Unparalleled Reforms: China's Rise, Russia's Fall, and the Interdependence
by Paula Daniela Gânga [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1034_a_2542]
eds.), Russia and Europe în the Twenty-first Century: An Uneasy Partnership, Anthem Press, 2007. Thual François, Le Caucase, Flammarion, Paris, 2001. Thual François, Leș conflits indentitaires, Ellipses, Paris, 1995. Todd Emmanuel, Apres l'Empire, Gallimard, Paris, 2002. Trenin Dimitri, The End of Eurasia: Russia on the Border between Geopolitics and Globalization, Carnegie Moscow Center, Moscova, 2001. Truscott Peter, Russia First. Breaking with the West, I.B. Tauris Publishers, Londra, New York, 1997. Tsygankov Andrei, Russia's Foreign Policy: Change and Continuity în Național
by Paula Daniela Gânga [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1034_a_2542]
tratează cei doi parteneri fără însă a atinge capitolul energetic sau cooperarea dezvoltată de aceștia. 8 De exemplu: Jyrki Iivonen, The Changing Soviet Union în the New Europe, Edward Elgar Publishing, Aldershot, 1991; Neil Malcolm (ed.) Russia and Europe: an end to confrontation?, Pinter, The Royal Institute of Internațional Affairs, Londra, 1994; Neil Malcolm, Soviet Policy Perspectives on Western Europe, Routledge, Royal Institute for Internațional Affairs, Londra, 1989; Gerhard Wettig, Changes în Soviet Policy Towards the West, Pinter Publishers, Londra, 1991
by Paula Daniela Gânga [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1034_a_2542]
autori precum: Neil Malcolm, Alex Pravda și Margot Light, Internal Factors în Russian Foreign Policy, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1996, Celeste Wallander (ed.), The Sources of Russian Foreign Policy after the Cold War, Westview Press, Boulder, 1996; Dimitri Trenin, The End of Eurasia: Russia on the Border between Geopolitics and Globalization, Carnegie Moscow Center, Moscova, 2001; Bobo Lo, Russian Foreign Polcy în the Post-Soviet Russia: Reality, Illision and Mythmaking, Palgrave, Londra, 2002; William Zimmerman, The Russian People and Foreign Policy: Russian
by Paula Daniela Gânga [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1034_a_2542]
Internațional, martie 2003, vol. 40, data consultării: 12.01.2009, http://www.imf.org/external/pubs/ft/fandd/ 2003/ 03/ ebra.htm ). 61 D. Dyker, 'Economic Relations with the Rest of Europe', în Neil Malcolm (ed.) Russia and Europe: an end to confrontation?, The Royal Institute of Internațional Affairs, Londra, Pinter, 1994, pp. 182-183. 62 Vezi Georges Sokoloff, "Sources of Soviet Power: Economy, Population, Resources", în C. Bertram (ed.) Prospects of Soviet power în the 1980s, Macmillan, Londra, 1980, p. 76
by Paula Daniela Gânga [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1034_a_2542]
The volume entitled Linguistics and terminology. Hermeneutics of metaphor in specialised language, by Doina Butiurca, holder of a PhD in Philology, draws on two of Eugen Coșeriu's affirmations. Firstly, language is instrumental, no linguistic form is used with an end in itself (language "use means to communicate something that language itself does not identify with"). The second hypothesis is the history of a language: the linguistic act is realised based on a previous model "(...) that serves as model for the
in U.S. Wrappers", New York Times, 29 aprilie 2003, p. W1. 53. John Tagliabue, "U.S. Brands Abroad Are Feeling Global Tension", New York Times, 15 martie 2003, p. B3. 54. Rob Kroes, "American Empire and Cultural Imperialism: A View from the Receiving End", Diplomatic History 29, vara, 1999, pp. 468-474. 55. Reinhold Wagnleitner, "The Empire of Fun, or Talkin' Soviet Union Blues: The Sound of Freedom and U.S. Cultural Hegemony in Europe", Diplomatic History 23, vara 1999, p. 515. 56. Pentru dovezi ale
by Joseph S. Nye, jr. [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1027_a_2535]
theoretical novelties it brings, among which the concept of intergenerational justice. To conclude, we discuss a case study - the Roșia Montană gold mining project - where principles of environmental ethics are applied. The list of bibliographical references is included at the end of the volume. Keywords: Environmental ethics, sphere of morality, ethical individualism and holism, anthropocentrism and biocentrism, animal liberation, indirect duties, "deep ecology", sustainable development, global ethics Résumé Éthique de l'environnement Arguments raisonnables et notes critiques Cet ouvrage propose une
mea din "Work and Civilizing Process", în Democracy and Civil Society: On the Predicaments of European Socialism, the Prospects for Democracy, and the Problems of Controlling Social and Political Power, Londra și New York, 1988, pp. 69-100. 7 Francis Fukuyama: The End of Order, Londra, 1997, p. 77. Vezi și, de același autor, Trust: The Social Virtues and the Creation of Prosperity, New York, 1995. Relevante sînt și mult discutatele lucrări ale lui Robert D. Putnam, Making Democracy Work: Civic Tradition in Modern
by John Keane [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1061_a_2569]
attention which should be given to the contacts at high level and of adopting a political decision, which should be followed with perseverance and the way the Romanian delegation should approach the problems and negotiate, with Russia, possibly by the end of 2008, as it was decided, in Bucharest, in April 2008, during the Summit of NATO countries, starting also from the role which Romania plays in Eastern Europe and in the zone of the Black Sea, the mutations which have
the seventh decade of the XXth century. It comprises important and outstanding events in the period referred to and a short survey on the most significant actions passed in social economical and political fields of the resident country. After the end of the World War II, the reestablishment of diplomatic contacts and relations between the East European countries and Iran were marked by a rather slow progress as Iran's attention in foreign policy was focused meanly on restart of economical
Iran's attention in foreign policy was focused meanly on restart of economical contacts with the West. Iran's economy was fighting the lack of finances and economical difficulties, its oil sources passing a deep crisis during and after the end of the war. Leading European countries turned their attention on Iran's oil resources and its growing market for the western products. In spite of the fact that diplomatic relations with Romania restarted in the late of fifties, the economical
the Cold War era. The Chapter opens with the perception by the author of the condition in which he found the Ministry of Foreign Affairs when he joined it in 1956 at a relatively short distance in time after the end of the Second World War. He describes it as a "frozen" institution with people lacking ambitions and initiative and strictly following "the advices of the best friend" (Moscow). Yet that condition was soon to change. Gradual "openings" were to occur
Boulder New York Toronto Plymouth, UK, 2009. Beebe, Shannon, and Mary Kaldor, The Ultimate Weapon is no Weapon: Human Security and the New Rules of War and Peace, Public Affairs, New York, 2010. Bellamy, Alex, Responsibility to Protect: The Global Effort to End Mass Atrocities, Polity Press, Cambridge, 2009. Biersteker, Thomas, and Cynthia Weber (eds.), State Sovereignty as Social Construct, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge UK, 1996. Bloch, Marc, Pledoarie pentru istorie, (trad. George Cipăianu), Ed. Tribuna, Cluj Napoca, 2007. Bloom, William, Personal Identity, National
by IOANA LEUCEA [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/958_a_2466]
identity in the center of systemic explanations, the constructivist postulate identity as basis for interests, respectively for the construction of the international system, in contrast with traditional approaches to international relations (realism or liberalism) which were incapable of foreseeing the end of the Cold War or of explaining the architecture of the post Cold War order as they assumed the centrality of the concept of interest. The assumption of identity as a central concept of the constructivist approach has made us
by IOANA LEUCEA [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/958_a_2466]
and practical aims served by the paradigm of human security, in its smaller sense, as well as from the perspective of systemic effects which may be generated by the identification with humanity. Radical constructivists, supporters of the ideas to the end, criticize Alexander Wendt for choosing to consider the theme of state and the explanations of its behavior as being an ontological issue, not an epistemological one. We agree with them, because instead of sustaining without doubt that the state is
by IOANA LEUCEA [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/958_a_2466]
London and New York, 2007; Linklater, Andrew, The Problem of Harm in World Politics. Theoretical Investigations, Cambridge University Press, 2011. 716 Griffiths, Martin, Relații internaționale. Școli, curente, gânditori, Editura Ziua, București, 2003, p. 234. 717 Holsti, Karl, "International Relations at the End of the Millennium" în Review of International Studies, 19, 1993: 407, Apud. Lawson, Stephanie, Culture and Context in World Politics, Palgrave MacMillan, London, 2006, p. 4. 718 Gellner, Ernest, Nations and Nationalism, Basil Blackwell, Oxford, 1983, p. 125; Smith, Anthony
by IOANA LEUCEA [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/958_a_2466]
realizată de către Zanobi Peccholi din Italia în 1847 [8]. Contribuțiile lui Harvey Cushing (1869-1939) la îmbunătățirea tehnicii chirurgicale în meningioame este de neegalat. În 1938, împreună cu Eisenhardt a publicat clasicul monograf „Meningiomas: Their Classification, Regional Behavior, Life History, and Surgical End Results” în care sunt descrise cele 313 cazuri de meningioame diagnosticate și tratate chirurgical între anii 1902 și 1932 [7]. ORIGINEA MENINGIOAMELOR Cu toate că teoria originii la nivelul vilozităților arahnoidiene este general acceptată, paleta lor histologică variată, cu numeroase subtipuri (meningotelial
Tratat de chirurgie vol. IV. Neurochirurgie by Ioan Ștefan Florian, Cristian Ionel Abrudan, Dana Mihaela Cernea, Aurel Oșlobanu, Silviu Albu () [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/92121_a_92616]
from expressing their opinion if they feel their point of view is contradictory with the socially accepted one. The public's deep conviction is that the press expresses the "socially accepted" opinion of the majority. This is why we could end up with unexpected results of elections. People keep their opinions to themselves fearing the danger of social exclusion and creating a "spiral of silence". They vote for a radical candidate they did not have the courage to say they approve
the globalization of the production of goods and services, to the development and global enhancement of communications, aș well aș to the occurrence of certain global legal and ethical regimes: eco- politics, human rights, globalization of certain ideologies after the end of the Cold War (globalization of liberalism, of capitalism, of democracies)6. A part of the globalist doctrine denounced what it perceived aș 'a phenomenon of monopolization of the globalization concept, by the advanced and industrialized countries în the rich
and polluting the natural habitats, hunting on a large scale, for teeth and furs, polluting nature with industrial and domestic waste products, which were either non- recyclable or toxic 38. Large industrial civilizations that have reached their peak at the end of the XXth century (although, nowadays, the competition against new concepts of eco-cities and eco-societies is growing) have represented the trium- phant expression of the materialist thinking, lacking în the sacred perception and respect for the nature. Objectives that nowadays
is converted în an absolute right to rule over nature, until the point of freely destroying the unique elements of nature and of modifying natural habitats, în the name of accumulating profit, of conquering new consumption markets. Only at the end of the XIXth century, following the threats against public goods (including natural resources of the soil, subsoil), caused by intensive agriculture, using chemical fertilizers, there was an attempt to form the legal concept of "public domain", which must be protected
virtue of which the holder must exercise the right mainly taking into consideration the general interest în protecting and preserving nature, aș well aș the necessity to ensure the survival of the human species on this planet 44. To this end, the tendency is to consolidate the internațional regimes concerning the protection and preservation of the environment, which is part of the concept of "sustainable development", connected to the environmental security and the mixed concept of "global good governance". All these
this happens because, up to now, ideology was thought, both within the framework of philosophy and that of socio-political theory, to have a profound negative connotation. Also such an understanding led half a century ago to the proclamation of the "end of ideology". Since then, ideology has nevertheless preserved its presence, showing even a certain vitality of significations and definitions that were attributed to it. Taking into account the fact that the conceptual trajectory of ideology has counted numerous semantic avatars
by Daniel Şandru [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1033_a_2541]