1,907 matches
about the associations compatibility and efficacy of these species in the field. However in Romanian Moldavia the DBM populations is limited by this efficient parasitoid complex and an average 63% field parasitism has been recorde with up to 95% in some areas. It is likely that in the presently untreated vegetable areas of Romania an important source of insect parasitoids particularly species of Diadegma exists adapted to climates similar in these of the taxonomic and genetic characterization input into studies of
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public-private partnership is missing affects the existence of the long term park. The local authorities should take advantage of the fact that the Park is not a simple accident, but the result of some long years of study and of some investments. Conclusions. In fact, this paper shows that, at European level, a Euro- market of research-development-innovation exists, but in nuce. The continuation of the efforts of coordination and cooperation of the European Members States governments, and a paradigm shift for
Europiaţa cercetării-dezvoltării-inovării. Inserţia României by Roxana-Elena Lazăr [Corola-publishinghouse/Administrative/1439_a_2681]
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its accidents? What is its essence? The winding road throughout „Socrates’” and Plato’s opinions reveals many difficulties, but even more important, many differences between the two. Plato, Politics and the Spirit of „Esthetic Totalitarianism” (by Sorin Borza) Opposing to some tendencies in occidental philosophy and especially French one, the author wants to emphasize the idea that logos and mythical eikon have specific roles in the horizon of knowledge. In the philosophy of Plato, the eikon has as purpose the exposure
de o expresie echivalentă cu „O să încerc, să văd dacă pot să vin, O să fac tot posibilul să vin”). În mod similar, sugestia unei invitații la masă (Let’s do lunch!) sau a unei întâlniri ulterioare (Let’s get together some time) nu impune nici o obligație vorbitorului (de a se ține de cuvânt, de a-și cere scuze dacă nu s-a ținut de cuvânt etc.). Același conținut propozițional poate semnala acte de vorbire diferite, chiar opuse. Astfel, „Mulțumesc” semnalizează acceptarea
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lor nereușite. O astfel de viziune împarte lumea în "cei buni" și "cei răi". Nu acceptă povestiri contradictorii sau viziuni plurale asupra lumii și rămâne în mod special deschisă ficțiunii istorice. Vezi Claudia Fischer, Writing about History without Heroic Pathos? Some Remarks on the Best Contributions to the 1998 Student's Competition on Ukrainian History, în Joke van der Leeuw-Roord (ed.), op. cit., pp. 120-128. 31 Unii cercetători se îndoiesc serios de relevanța textului de manual și cred că "nu oferă nici
Didactica apartenenţei : istorii de uz şcolar în România secolului XX by Cătălina Mihalache [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1404_a_2646]
sud-est européens dans les relations internationales (fin XVIIIe siècle-XXe siècle)”, În Revue historique, 1976, pp. 43-60. Kenneth E. Boulding, „National Images and International Systems”, În Journal of Conflict Resolution, III, 1959, pp. 120-131, apud Richard Clogg, „The Vlachs of Macedonia: Some British Perspectives”, În volumul Anglo-Romanian Relations after 1821, Editura Academiei, Iași, 1983, p. 17. Georges Castellan, op. cit., pp. 50-56. Richard Clogg, op. cit., pp. 17-19. Georges Castellan, op. cit., pp. 56-57. Istoriografia românească a abordat frecvent (atât prin publicații de documente, cât
opinions about how it could be done". Administration means and includes the following imperatives: to provide, to study, to organize, to control, to decide, aș well aș to punish. În an attempt to define public administration, the author focuses on some hypotheses with axiomatic value: it hâș existed aș long aș we talk about government, society, public and private sector. Public administration represents the "field" for applying theoretical concepts and governmental practices în order to promote some superior understanding of both
by Doina MUREŞAN [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1109_a_2617]
the author focuses on some hypotheses with axiomatic value: it hâș existed aș long aș we talk about government, society, public and private sector. Public administration represents the "field" for applying theoretical concepts and governmental practices în order to promote some superior understanding of both the public policies and the government-society relation, șo aș the social responsibility for meeting social needs could be increased, by practicing modern methods of public management to achieve effectiveness, efficiency and development. Thus, she highlights three
by Doina MUREŞAN [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1109_a_2617]
boom it is necessary to build a strong reform în the current public administration, aș well aș to forecast new administrative structures, consistent with the new information technologies. By convention, economy is divided into the private and the public sector. Some authors consider that the public sector "provides services" (and în some cases goods, too) whose extent and variety are determined not by the direct expression of the wishes of consumers, but by the decision of some decision-making bodies, namely, în
by Doina MUREŞAN [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1109_a_2617]
current public administration, aș well aș to forecast new administrative structures, consistent with the new information technologies. By convention, economy is divided into the private and the public sector. Some authors consider that the public sector "provides services" (and în some cases goods, too) whose extent and variety are determined not by the direct expression of the wishes of consumers, but by the decision of some decision-making bodies, namely, în a democracy, the representatives of citizens This definition does not include
by Doina MUREŞAN [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1109_a_2617]
and the public sector. Some authors consider that the public sector "provides services" (and în some cases goods, too) whose extent and variety are determined not by the direct expression of the wishes of consumers, but by the decision of some decision-making bodies, namely, în a democracy, the representatives of citizens This definition does not include the whole extent of the public sector activity, but contains key elements în that the public sector decision is the result of the public policy
by Doina MUREŞAN [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1109_a_2617]
Michel Riffaterre deschide posibilitatea de a considera fragmentul ekphrastic o interpretare a obiectului de artă real și de a întrevedea astfel dimensiunea hermeneutică a ekphrazei în construcția romanescă. Dualitatea riffateriană a descrierii constituie o premisă a studiului lui Michel Beaujour, Some Paradoxes of Description. Evaluată din punctul de vedere al descriptorului, o descriere literară nu este niciodată obiectivă. Un pasaj descriptiv este, din partea autorului, un exercițiu de cercetare hermeneutică a realității, iar rezultatul nu este reprezentarea mimetică a obiectului, ci a