2,104 matches
id="attachment 1326" align="aligncenter" width="300"] The New Spectator[/caption] The New Spectator introduces a couple of newlyweds who are confronted by issues such aș “what’s more important: the house or the car?”, “to what extent should you help ouț family members?”, “is it a bad thing to say ‘enough is enough’ and kick the relatives ouț at some point?”. Another exercise - improvised by the young volunteers from Szomolya - depicts a typical situation: an ethnic Hungarian mân and a Romă
Facem sau nu teatru pentru toți? Despre proiectul Noul spectator (Új néző) () [Corola-website/Science/295741_a_297070]
newlyweds who are confronted by issues such aș “what’s more important: the house or the car?”, “to what extent should you help ouț family members?”, “is it a bad thing to say ‘enough is enough’ and kick the relatives ouț at some point?”. Another exercise - improvised by the young volunteers from Szomolya - depicts a typical situation: an ethnic Hungarian mân and a Romă woman fall în love. How will the families and the village react? Can love defeat prejudice and
Facem sau nu teatru pentru toți? Despre proiectul Noul spectator (Új néző) () [Corola-website/Science/295741_a_297070]
Terror în the Graveyard" și "Escape from Horrorland", un joc PC, precum și o serie TV. În timpul popularității lor, două parodii au fost create de alt autor sub pseudonimul de R.U. Slime numite Gooflumps: Eat Cheese and Barf! și Stay Ouț of the Bathroom. După propriile declarații a le lui Stine, multe dintre cărți sunt bazate pe filmele clasice SF/horror. Una dintre cele mai populare (și cele mai lungi) cărți ale seriei, Night of the living Dummy a fost inspirată
Goosebumps () [Corola-website/Science/310808_a_312137]
serie, Ghosts of Fear Street a fost creată pentru cititori mai tineri. Fear Street The New Girl The Surprise Party The Overnight Missing The Wrong Number The Sleepwalker Haunted The Halloween Party The Stepsister Ski Weekend The Fire Game Lights Ouț The Secret Bedroom The Knife The Prom Queen First Date The Cheater Sunburn The New Boy The Dare Bad Dreams Double Date The Thrill Club One Evil Summer The Mind Reader Wrong Number 2 Truth or Dare Dead End Final
Fear Street () [Corola-website/Science/310807_a_312136]
Silent Night 2 The Dead Lifeguard Cheerleaders: The New Evil Bad Moonlight The New Year's Party Goodnight Kiss 2 Silent Night 3 High Tide Cheerleaders: The Evil Lives! The Vampire Club [în goodnight kiss special edition] The Stepbrother Câmp Ouț Scream, Jennifer, Scream! The Bad Girl Dangerous Girls A New Fear House of Whispers Forbidden Secrets The Sign of Fear The Hidden Evil Daughters of Silence Children of Fear Dance of Death Heart Of The Hunter The Awakening Evil Circle
Fear Street () [Corola-website/Science/310807_a_312136]
9 Mai, 2005 Krezip a lansat ""What Are You Waiting For?"". Albumul a debutat pe primul loc în topul 100 al albumelor olandeze și a rămas în top pentru 27 de săptămâni. Trei single-uri au fost promovate începând cu ""Ouț Of My Bed"". A atins locul 9, devenind al doilea single Krezip în top 10 de la ""I Would Stay"" (2000). Alte două single-uri, ""Don't Crush Me"" (#22) și balada ""I Apologize"" (#30), nu au reușit să intre în
Krezip () [Corola-website/Science/314297_a_315626]
only give books aș presents - never shirts or shoes. That was the rule. Șo with eight or nine years old I hâd my own small library; and a football “no. 2” - which meant it was very small. When I moved ouț I took with me the desk, my books and the football. [caption id="attachment 3628" align="aligncenter" width="580"] Photo: Marc Teuscher[/caption] Dorotea Weissbuch I lived în my parents' house which was privately owned. It was a big place with
(English) A Subjective History of Housing in Romania as Seen by the “Moses Rosen” Rest Home Residents. THE INTERWAR PERIOD: 1920-1930 (part II) () [Corola-website/Science/296138_a_297467]
the kitchen. After climbing a few stairs we would walk through a small open terrace. The house hâd also a cellar where we kept the potatoes, carrots and other vegetables covered în sand for the wintertime. My father would take ouț his Yale key and enter through the main door. That entrance was also used by my father's clients - he was a lawyer. On the dark grey mosaic floor next to the doorstep laid three burgundy letters “J B I
(English) A Subjective History of Housing in Romania as Seen by the “Moses Rosen” Rest Home Residents. THE INTERWAR PERIOD: 1920-1930 (part II) () [Corola-website/Science/296138_a_297467]
chairs. The walls were embellished with two impressive paintings. One was an oil painting of a child biting into an apple. The second one, very original, long and narrow, showed an ostrich with one wing made of fabric prominently coming ouț of the picture frame. [...] My parents' bedroom was spacious. The main furniture consisted of two large beds placed next to each other [...] and a black piano, actually a pianino, that my mother and some guests used to play. There were
(English) A Subjective History of Housing in Romania as Seen by the “Moses Rosen” Rest Home Residents. THE INTERWAR PERIOD: 1920-1930 (part II) () [Corola-website/Science/296138_a_297467]
înainte. În 1985 a interpretat în melodia "We Are the World" a proiectului UȘA for Africa. După despărțirea să de Fleetwood Mac Buckingham a petrecut mare parte din următorii cinci ani în studio lucrând la al treilea său album solo, "Ouț of the Cradle", care a fost lansat în 1992. Majoritatea melodiilor au de-a face cu moartea tatălui său și cu moartea subita a fratelui său Greg în 1990. "Ouț of the Cradle" a primit câteva recenzii favorabile dar nu
Lindsey Buckingham () [Corola-website/Science/330867_a_332196]
ani în studio lucrând la al treilea său album solo, "Ouț of the Cradle", care a fost lansat în 1992. Majoritatea melodiilor au de-a face cu moartea tatălui său și cu moartea subita a fratelui său Greg în 1990. "Ouț of the Cradle" a primit câteva recenzii favorabile dar nu a avut același succes comercial că și albumele Fleetwood Mac. Totuși, Buckingham s-a aflat în turneu în 1992-1993 pentru prima dată ca artist solo; formația să de turneu conținea
Lindsey Buckingham () [Corola-website/Science/330867_a_332196]
First IEEE Internațional Augmented Reality Toolkit Workshop, 2002. (Duran Duran Collaboration: Augmented Reality Technology în Live Performance (2000-2001)) 41. ^ Sydney band Lost Valentinos launched the world's first interactive AR music video on 16 October 2009, where users could prinț ouț 5 markers representing a pre-recorded performance from each band member which they could interact with live and în real-time via their computer webcam and record aș their own unique music video clips to share viaYouTube Gizmodo: Sydney Band Uses Augmented
Realitate augmentată () [Corola-website/Science/325495_a_326824]
County was divided the next year to create Skamania County, which a month later was divided to create Walla Walla County, which was further divided în 1858 to create Spokane County. Finally, on December 14, 1860 Missoula County was carved ouț of Spokane County with the county seat at Hell Gate. The county made up the entire region between modern-day Idaho and the Continental Divide north of the 46th parallel. When Idaho Territory was created în 1863 it adopted Missoula County
Comitatul Missoula, Montana () [Corola-website/Science/334467_a_335796]
seat. This first county consisted of all or part of current Ravalli, Missoula, Granițe, Deer Lodge, Silver Bow, Powell Mineral, Lake, Sanders, Lincoln, Flathead, and Glacier Counties. Missoula County became a part of Montană Territory when the territory was organized ouț of the existing Idaho Territory by Act of Congress and signed into law by President Abraham Lincoln on May 26, 1864. At this time Deer Lodge County (today Deer Lodge, Granițe, Silver Bow, and Powell Counties) was cut ouț of
Comitatul Missoula, Montana () [Corola-website/Science/334467_a_335796]
organized ouț of the existing Idaho Territory by Act of Congress and signed into law by President Abraham Lincoln on May 26, 1864. At this time Deer Lodge County (today Deer Lodge, Granițe, Silver Bow, and Powell Counties) was cut ouț of Missoula. The creation of Flathead (today Flathead and Lincoln Counties) and Ravalli Counties în 1893, Powell în 1901, Sanders în 1905, Mineral în 1914 and finally Lake County în 1923 gave Missoula its present borders. Missoula County is governed
Comitatul Missoula, Montana () [Corola-website/Science/334467_a_335796]
wetland species such aș cattails and beaked-sedge aș well aș shrubs and berry plants like Douglas hawthorn, chokecherry, and western snowberries. To the chagrin of local farmers, Missoula is also home to several noxious weeds which multiple programs have set ouț to eliminate. Notable ones include dalmațian toadflax, spotted knapweed, leafy spurge, St. John's wort, and sulfur cinquefoil. Controversially, the Norway maples that line many of Missoula's older streets have also been declared an invasive species.
Comitatul Missoula, Montana () [Corola-website/Science/334467_a_335796]
area, în a middle class family, people are somehow more tolerant of homosexuality and you don’ț end up hating yourself for it. But I went through a really rough period. The 90s were... They were unreal. People were shouting ouț their homophobia. În the media, the homosexual was the archetypal “Romanian criminal”, there was a newspaper publishing all sorts of dubious stuff, it was made-up news. Homosexuality was criminalized back then, it was considered something extremely deviant. Gays were seen
„E un soi de ură de sine” () [Corola-website/Science/295777_a_297106]
dubious stuff, it was made-up news. Homosexuality was criminalized back then, it was considered something extremely deviant. Gays were seen aș leaches clinging to your dick. Those days are over, however. Now things are more subtle, back then, homophobia was ouț în the open. Besides, I was “în the closet” until I was 25-26, șo people would consider me straight and they would be very open about their hatred of gays. And you end up identifying with the homophobic opinions without
„E un soi de ură de sine” () [Corola-website/Science/295777_a_297106]
anything. I lived there for 4 years. This is actually annoying, because I feel like saying “Fuck you, you go live there for 4 years then come and teach me a lesson.” This really pisses me off: when someone hanging ouț only în the city center, going only to bars and parties în that area and maybe doing some volunteer work where they talk to people for a couple of minutes, teaches me about fetishizing and racism when they have no
„E un soi de ură de sine” () [Corola-website/Science/295777_a_297106]
certificat cu platina în Suedia în a doua săptămână de la lansare. O versiune remix a melodiei "My Heart Is Refusing Me" a fost lansată pe 8 octombrie 2012 că al doilea single european de pe album. În aceeași zi, melodia "Crying Ouț Your Name" a fost lansată că al patrulea single al său în Suedia. Pentru a-și promova albumul, Loreen a aparut drept invitată la mai multe emisiuni TV din Europa, incluzând concursul de talente polonez "Must Be The Music" pe
Loreen () [Corola-website/Science/326459_a_327788]
România, Șerbia și Germania. Loreen a acceptat întâlnirea cu fanii desfășurată înainte de concert în Sala de Arte (House of Arts) din Bansko. Loreen și-a impresionat publicul cântând multe melodii deja cunoscute precum "My Heart Is Refusing Me", "Everytime", "Crying Ouț Your Name", "We Got The Power" și, bineînțeles, preferata publicului, "Euphoria". De asemenea, cântecul "Jupiter Drive" nu a lipsit din programul concertului sau. Pe 27 August 2016, Loreen a făcut parte din concertul "Notes For Peace" din Varberg, Suedia. Acompaniata
Loreen () [Corola-website/Science/326459_a_327788]
suferit un atac de panică pe scenă, după ce a fost forțată să cânte în întuneric. "„Am avut un concert recent și am suferit un atac de panică pe scena”", a declarat artista pentru NOW. "„Seara aceea s-a numit Black Ouț și a trebuit să cânt pe întuneric. I-am rugat să aprindă lumină, dar nu au dorit. Eram pe o scenă înaltă și pentru că nu puteam vedea nimic, am intrat în panică. A fost groaznic.”" Jessie J a recunoscut public
Jessie J () [Corola-website/Science/323023_a_324352]
were quite prosperous for the city. The most important historical buildings were built during this period. This golden age came to an end în 1655 when Swedish forces captured the city în the course of the Deluge. After briefly holding ouț în the city, the withdrawing Swedes blew up the castle and caused heavy damage to other buildings. În the next 100 years the economy of Poland suffered a decline, which also affected the city. În 1570 an alliance of non-Catholic
Sandomierz () [Corola-website/Science/297842_a_299171]
este al treilea album de studio al formației americane de rock, Fall Ouț Boy. A fost lansat pe data de 5 februarie 2007 prin Island Records că continuarea succesului comercial al formației din 2005, "From Under the Cork Tree". Pre-producția a început în orașul natal al formației din Chicago, unde sesiunile de scris
Infinity on High () [Corola-website/Science/334505_a_335834]
și Jay-Z, și vede formația experimentând genuri muzicale în afară de pop punk, care includ R&B, soul, si flamenco. De asemenea grupul a utilizat instrumente că cornurile, viorile și pianurile, care nu au fost folosite în lansăriile precedente. În conformitate cu "Billboard", Fall Ouț Boy „derivează mai departe din rădăcinile sale hardcore punk ca să scriuă piese pop din ce in ce mai accesibile”, o mică abatere de la fostul sunet al grupului. Criticii au simțit că versurile au servit că un răspuns la creșterea formației. Grupul s-a îmbarcat
Infinity on High () [Corola-website/Science/334505_a_335834]