1,209 matches
nor no poor knight; When slanders do not live în tongues; Nor cutpurses come not to throngs; When usurers tell their gold i'th'field, And bawds and whores do churches build, Then shall the realm of Albion Come to great confusion. Then comes the time, who lives to see't, That going shall be used with feet. This prophecy Merlin shall make, for I live before hîș time. Exit. SCENE III [Gloucester's castle.] Enter Gloucester and Edmund. GLOUCESTER: Alack
by William Shakespeare [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1030_a_2538]
e ducele de Cornwall mort, Slain by hîș servant, going to puț ouț The other eye of Gloucester. ALBANY: Gloucester's eyes! MESSENGER: A servant that he bred, thrilled with remorse, Opposed against the act, bending hîș sword To hîș great master, who thereat enraged Flew on hîm, and amongst them felled hîm dead, But not without that harmful stroke which since Hath plucked hîm after. ALBANY: This shows you are above, You justicers, that these our nether crimes Șo speedily
by William Shakespeare [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1030_a_2538]
the means to lead it. Enter Messenger. MESSENGER: News, madam; The British pow'rs are marching hitherward. CORDELIA: 'Tis known before. Our preparation stands În expectation of them. O dear father, It is thy business that I go about; Therefore great France My mourning and importuned tears hath pitied. No blown ambition doth our arms incite, But love, dear love, and our aged father's right: Soon may I hear and see hîm! Exeunt. SCENE V Gloucester's castle. Enter Regan
by William Shakespeare [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1030_a_2538]
soldier. REGAN: Lord Edmund spake not with your lord at home? OSWALD: No, madam. REGAN: What might import my sister's letter to hîm? OSWALD: I know not, lady. REGAN: Faith, he is posted hence on serious matter. It was great ignorance, Gloucester's eyes being ouț, Țîșniți cu lacrimile-mi; dați alin și leac Durerii-unui om bun! Căutați, căutați-l, Furia oarbă să nu-i piardă viața, Ce nu mai poate-a se conduce. (Intra un sol) SOLUL: Doamna, vești
by William Shakespeare [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1030_a_2538]
șir. GLOUCESTER: What all my heart. EDGAR [Aside]: Why I do trifle thus with hîș despair Is done to cure it. GLOUCESTER: O you mighty gods! He kneels. This world I do renounce, and în your sights Shake patiently my great affliction off: If I could bear it longer and not fall To quarrel with your great opposeless wills, My snuff and loathed part of nature should Burn itself ouț. If Edgar live, O bless hîm! Now, fellow, fare thee well
by William Shakespeare [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1030_a_2538]
Give me an ounce of civet; good apothecary, sweeten my imagination: there's money for thee. GLOUCESTER: O, let me kiss that hand! LEAR: Let me wipe it first; it smells of mortality. GLOUCESTER: O ruined piece of nature! This great world Shall șo wear ouț to nought. Dost thou know me? GLOUCESTER: Timbrul acestul glas mi-l amintesc: Nu-i regele? LEAR: Din creștet pînă-n tălpi. Cînd îi privesc, cum tremura supușii! Iert viața ăstul om. Care-i fu vină
by William Shakespeare [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1030_a_2538]
change places, and, handy-dandy, which is the justice, which is the thief? Thou hast seen a farmer's dog bark at a beggar? GLOUCESTER: Ay, șir. LEAR: And the creature run from the cur? There thou might'st behold the great image of authority: a dog's obeyed în office. Thou rascal beadle, hold thy bloody hand! Why dost thou lash that whore? Strip thy own back; Thou hotly lusts to use her în that kind For which thou whip'st
by William Shakespeare [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1030_a_2538]
I make it, that you know me not Till time and I think meet. CORDELIA: Then be 'ț șo, my good lord. [To the Doctor.] How does the King? DOCTOR: Madam, sleeps still. CORDELIA: O you kind gods! Cure this great breach în hîș abused nature. Iar suferință,-n aiurare-ar pierde Cunoașterea de sine. (Se aud tobe) EDGAR: Hai, dă-mi mîna. Departe cred c-aud toba bătînd. Hai, taica, -am să te las unui prieten. (Ies) SCENĂ 7 (Un
by William Shakespeare [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1030_a_2538]
I do remember, done me wrong. You have some căușe, they have not. CORDELIA: No căușe, no căușe. LEAR: Am I în France? KENT: În your own kingdom, șir. LEAR: Do not abuse me. DOCTOR: Be comforted, good madam: the great rage, You see, is killed în hîm: and yet it is danger To make hîm even o'er the time he has lost. Deșire hîm to go în; trouble hîm no more Till further settling. CORDELIA: Will 'ț please your
by William Shakespeare [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1030_a_2538]
too, Who loses and who wins, who's în, who's ouț; And take upon's the mystery of things, Aș if we were God's spies; and we'll wear ouț, În a walled prison, packs and sects of great ones That ebb and flow by th' moon. EDMUND: Take them away. LEAR: Upon such sacrifices, my Cordelia, The gods themselves throw incense. Have I caught thee? He that parts uș shall bring a brand from heaven, And fire uș
by William Shakespeare [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1030_a_2538]
One step I have advanced thee; if thou dost Aș this instructs thee, thou dost make thy way To noble fortunes: know thou this, that men Are aș the time is: to be tender-minded Does not become a sword: thy great employment Will not bear question; either say thou'lt do 'ț, Or thrive by other means. CAPTAIN: I'll do 'ț, my lord. EDMUND: About it; and write happy when th' hast done. Mark; I say, instantly, and carry it
by William Shakespeare [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1030_a_2538]
vain is it That we present uș to hîm. EDGAR: Very bootless. Enter a Messenger. MESSENGER: Edmund is dead, my lord. ALBANY: That's but a trifle here. You lords and noble friends, know our intent. What comfort to this great decay may come Shall be applied. For uș, we will resign, During the life of this old majesty, To hîm our absolute power: [To Edgar and Kent] you, to your rights; With boot, and such addition aș your honors Have
by William Shakespeare [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1030_a_2538]
EUR-Lex () [Corola-website/Law/191320_a_192649]
este intens folosit în dreptul internațional, știință politică, filosofie, precum și în alte țări, inclusiv în țări cu sisteme federale, unde părțile constitutive sînt numite provincii (Canada), cantoane (Elveția), landuri (Germania) etc. CAPITOLUL 5 1 Aceste cifre sînt din Robert Conquest, The Great Terror, Stalin's Purge of the Thirties (New York: Macmillan, 1968), de la 252, și din compilația din 1989 a eminentului istoric rus Roy Medvedev (New York Times, 4 februarie, 1989, 1). 2 O excepție importantă au fost Statele Unite, unde au fost impuse
Despre democraţie by Robert A. Dahl [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1397_a_2639]
in Comparative and Historical Perspective (Cambridge: Cambridge Univeristy Press, 1998); și Adam Przeworski și Fernando Limongi, "Political Regimes and Economic Growth", Journal of Economic Perspectives, 7, 3 (vara 1993): 51-70. CAPITOLUL 14 1 Exemplul clasic îl reprezintă Karl Polanyi, The Great Transformation (New York: Farrar and Rinehart, 1944). Polany a fost un exilat din Austria și Ungaria, care s-a mutat în Anglia și a predat mai tîrziu în Statele Unite. CAPITOLUL 15 1 În esență, acestea sînt concluziile cîtorva studii minuțioase. Vezi
Despre democraţie by Robert A. Dahl [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1397_a_2639]
and Markets: The World's Political Economic Systems. New York: Basic Books, 1977. Linz, Juan J. și Alfred Stepan. Problems of Democratic Transition and Consolidation: Southern Europe, South America, and Post-Communist Europe. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1996. Polanyi, Karl. The Great Transformation. New York: Farrar and Rinehart, 1944. Przeworski, Adam. Democracy and the Market: Political and Economic Reforms in Eastern Europe and Latin America. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1991. (Ed. rom. Democrația și economia de piață. Reformele politice și economice în Europa de est
Despre democraţie by Robert A. Dahl [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1397_a_2639]
sources. Our research aims to identify and define the social-political coordinates of this period, to highlight the events and the measures that concern the beginning and the evolution of the catholic press, its deficiencies in consolidation before and after The Great Union, to detect the target public of the catholic press and to establish the decisive criteria and norms (taken by the Holy See) that made a publication to be considered a catholic one. Furthermore, the center of our research is
Catolicii în spaţiul public. Presa catolică din România în prima jumătate a secolului al XX-lea by Iulian Ghercă [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/908_a_2416]
girl and they live happily everafter" ori "și au trăit fericiți până la adânci bătrâneți") e sistematic, deliberat exclusă: The Remains of the Day, Flaubert's Parrot, Lanark, Never Let Me Go, Waterland, Nice Work, Rates of Exchange, Possession, Restoration, The Great Fire of London, 1984, Brave New World... Joyce ironiza sentimentul (v. Eveline, din Dubliners, de pildă) dar ni-l putem imagina pe Leopold Bloom în afara iubirii lui pentru Molly, oare? Ori pe eroii din The Waves de Virginia Woolf în afara
by LIDIA VIANU [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/982_a_2490]
de care aminteai, ori Dan Leno, am căutat "prezentul trecutului", ca să zic așa, adică modul în care istoria Londrei se prelungește în prezent. Așa că, evident, alegerile mele au avut o logică, cum ziceai. Student: Există tipare existențiale repetabile în The Great Fire of London? PA: Da, sunt tipare, sunt ritmuri, sunt aglomerări de experiențe semnificative, teme legate de timp. În unele cărți am numit aceasta "imperativul topografic", prin care vreau să zic că există cartiere, străzi, case care influențează în mod
by LIDIA VIANU [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/982_a_2490]
toate au un anume efect indirect asupra louitorilor ei fie că e vorba de tipare de locuire, de activitate, de accidente, crime, și așa mai departe. Așa că tiparele existențiale mă interesează în cel mai înalt grad. Student: În romanul The Great Fire of London (Marele foc al Londrei) se dă foc decorului ridicat pentru a filma Little Dorrit de Dickens. Ați fi vrut cumva să dați de înțeles că aceste tipare, ca și trecutul din care se trag, devin la un
by LIDIA VIANU [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/982_a_2490]
să scriu de două ori aceeași carte, dar asta nu contează. În realitate n-ar prea merge. Mai întâi că omul se schimbă, iar cel care a scris ultimul meu roman nu mai e deloc omul care a scris The Great Fire of London. Te perfecționezi în cel mai bun caz și te simți într-o lungă călătorie, ajungi mereu mai departe cu fiecare carte nouă, așa că ce rost ar mai avea să te întorci la tine însuți atunci când te-ai
by LIDIA VIANU [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/982_a_2490]
the seducers depend on each other. I considered courtesans-like some empresses, queens, princesses, wives of military and political men: Hatshepsut, Queen of Shaba, Sammuramat, Cleopatra, Valeria Messalina, Sabina Popaea, Wu Zetian, Theodora, Lucrezia Borgia, Regina Margot, Maria Antoaneta, Ecaterine the Great, Joséphine, Emma Hamilton, Maria Catargi Obrenovici, Martha Bibescu, Elena Lupescu, Eva Peron, Mao's wife etc.. All of them used their charm to gain the throne, and to pass this to their descendants, to maintain and make their political power
Curtezane şi pseudocurtezane: în mitologie, istorie, literatură by Elena Macavei [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/942_a_2450]
M. (1988a), „The Lady and the Scribe: some further reflections on Anăhît and Tïr”, În „A Green Leaf. Papers in Honour of Professor J.P. Asmussen”, Acta Iranica, nr. 28, Leiden, pp. 277-282. Boyce, M. (1988b), „The Religion of Cyrus the Great”, În Achaemenid History, vol. III, Method and Theory, Leiden, pp. 15-31. Boyce, M. (1992), Zoroastrianism: Its Antiquity and Constant Vigour, Costa Mesa, California, New York. Burrow, Th. (1973), „The Proto-Indoaryans”, În Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, pp. 123-140. Cameron, G.G.
poète, essayiste, dramaturge et philosophe. Le nom de Blaga apportait une note de crédibilité au nouveau " projet național de traduction " : Blaga is the most important translator of this period, and his participation în the state translation effort brings that project great credibility, even aș it allows him to re-assert his own importance. Blaga brings high-culture authority to the mostly Russian state translation project, even though he only translates a few poems from that language. Blaga's major translation of this period
trecere (En el gran correr), parue aux Éditions Minerva de Bucarest (recueil bilingue)1053 → 1974 : traduction en allemand de quelques poèmes, parue aux Éditions Albatros de Bucarest (recueil bilingue)1054 → 1975 : traduction en anglais du recueil În marea trecere (The Great Transition), parue aux Éditions Mihai Eminescu de Bucarest (recueil bilingue)1055 → 1975 : traduction en russe du recueil Nebănuitele trepte, parue aux Éditions Minerva de Bucarest (recueil bilingue)1056 → 1975 : traduction en anglais du recueil Poemele luminii (Poems of Light), parue