1,907 matches
niște concluzii majore. Când adună asemenea probe, ea ne arată felul în care se simte sau "ce înseamnă să fiu eu" când confruntă probele, în acest caz, un fel de neîncredere în dovezile pe care le-a găsit. În narațiunea Some Dreamers of the Golden Dream ( Niște visători ai visului de aur, n. trad.), publicată inițial în revista Saturday Evening Post, Didion se oprește asupra promisiunii superficiale și a caracterului gotic al visului californian. Ea relatează procesul Lucillei Miller, acuzată de
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Nonfiction: Theory, Criticism, Pedagogy, Ed. Chris Anderson, Carbondale: Southern Illinois UP, 1989, 3-28. Settle, Elkanah, The Life and Death of Major Clancie, the Grandest Cheat of This Age, London: 1680, Early English Books, 1641-1700 1158 (1981): 12. Shaabar, M. A., Some Forerunners of the Newspaper in England, 1476-1622, New York: Octagon Books, 1966. Sims, Norman, "Joseph Mitchell and the New Yorker Nonfiction Writers", Literary Journalism in the Twentieth Century, Ed. Norman Sims, New York: Oxford UP, 1990, 82-109. ―, "The Literary Journalists", The Literary
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251 Braman, Sandra, 256 Bromwich, David, 227 Brooks, Van Wyck, 289 Brown, Edith Baker, 72 Bryan, C. D. B.:Friendly Fire, 321 Bunyan, John: Călătoria pelerinului, 213 Bush, Chilton, 299 Bush, Douglas, 138, 143 Caldwell, Erskine, 41, 221, 233, 234, 238; Some American People, 118, 233 Cannon, Jimmy, 244 Capone, Al, 222 Capote, Truman: In Cold Blood, 25, 26, 29, 37, 85, 116, 149, 150, 183, 223, 244, 248, 249, 251, 252, 254, 255, 259, 260, 261, 266, 288, 289, 309, 322
Way to Tell the Story", în Literary Journalism in the Twentieth Century, ed. Norman Sims, New York: Oxford University Press, 1990. 34 Referire la războiul dintre Nord și Sud (1861-1864), pentru abolirea sclaviei. 35 vezi Connery, "The Third Way" 6-7; Weber, "Some Sort" 20; Lounsberry xiv-xv; Wolfe, "New Journalism" 31; Berner, "Literary Notions" 3. (nota autorului). 36 Viața de-a lungul Mississipi-ului și Naivii în străinătate (lb. engl. original). 37 Epoca de aur (lb. engl. orig). 38 Scene din Georgia (lb. engl.
fall apart; the centre cannot hold;/Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,/The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere/The ceremony of innocence is drowned;/The best lack all conviction, while the worst/Are full of passionate intensity./ Surely some revelation is at hand;/Surely the Second Coming is at hand./ The Second Coming! Hardly are those words out/When a vast image out of Spiritus Mundi/Troubles my sight: somewhere in the sands of the desert/A shape with
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coincide cu descoperirea unicității „sinelui” în economia restaurării creației. Născută din vocația „iubirilor divine” și replica „iubirilor umane”, dialectica „epectazelor” rescrie mereu gramatica mistică a eshatologiei. Epilog: critica teologică și dezbaterea culturalătc "Epilog \: critica teologică și dezbaterea culturală" There are some people, nevertheless and I am one of them - who think that the most practical and important thing about a man is still his view of the universe. G.K. Chesterton (1874-1936) Absențe din societatetc "Absențe din societate" Spre deosebire de majoritatea celorlalte țări
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Eduard Gruber, întemeietorul psihologiei experimentale în România by Aurel Stan [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1422_a_2664]
is not seen as a simple transfer of a textual sequences from one page to another. Moreover, to identify intratextual correspondences from the epidermal surface of the text, special programs have been invented. In our case, the psychology of performance, some certain competences of the mechanism, a series of signs from the depth of the (inter)text have tempted the critical eye. Talking about the myth, we have considered Eliade's Myth of the Eternal Return. Repetition produces a click and
four intratextual categories: prosaic intratextuality; transprosaic intratextuality; transgeneric intratextuality; transauthorial intratextuality. Each chapter illustrates one category: the prosaic intratextuality is analyzed within the novel Poor Dionis, without overcoming the boundaries of the text. Intratextual series and intratextual constellations are obtained, some of which will be confirmed in the following intratextual categories, and some others will not. I called the short story a novel because it is a text published during author's lifetime. Here we reach a crucial point of our
chapter illustrates one category: the prosaic intratextuality is analyzed within the novel Poor Dionis, without overcoming the boundaries of the text. Intratextual series and intratextual constellations are obtained, some of which will be confirmed in the following intratextual categories, and some others will not. I called the short story a novel because it is a text published during author's lifetime. Here we reach a crucial point of our research methodology: in terms of genetic criticism, a clear line of demarcation
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conferred to the interiorizations practiced, especially those associated with the religious ritual, or asceticism of various kinds. It placed the resulting states of the soul at the confluence of material and ideal aspects of the world, sanctified them theologically, in some "conscience complexes" representative of man's life, such as those related to the marriage, or man's coming into the world or his passing into memory. Ever since, in everything people do, the intervention of a credo has been a
by MIHAI -IOSIF MIHAI [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/970_a_2478]
could be doubted conceptually. Doubting any truth turned into a new epistemological and existential mode, different from earlier ones, in which every act of thought was accepted as a manifestation of divinity. There, in the reflected reality, the existence of some monads, ultimate essences of objects, was discovered, which was also an important step toward the discovery and objective investigation of the individual self. A new rationalism emerged, which, as regards psychological know-ledge, also needed the contributions of natural sciences, especially
by MIHAI -IOSIF MIHAI [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/970_a_2478]
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MICROGRAFII ASUPRA PRODUSELOR APICOLE by Andriţoiu Călin Vasile [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/273_a_935]