472 matches
level of the principles of organization, of the principles of language structuring". The birth and evolution of language mark a decisive stage în the spiritual evolution of man. Each of the 6.000 languages spoken on Earth today represents a linguistic image on the world. În fact, language aș such is a form of culture which (re)creates the world, the ontological reality for the beings who use it. What is more, language is the supreme form and the basis of
duration, number of forerunners, literary and cultural creations created în it and inherited by humanity, is equally important to the history of the evolution of the human being. That is why the man from nowadays, by means of a global linguistic politics, should mainly protect the imperilled, endangered or almost extinct languages, just aș he protects the plants and animals în the same situation. Of course, our planet and its cultural life could exist even if there were only one language
Diversity, which states that minority languages and mainly endangered languages have to be supported by all possible means, at the global level. Time has come for all of uș to mobilize în order to maintain not only biodiversity, but also linguistic and cultural diversity, șo much threatened în the age of globalization. We have a common responsibility, that of saving and sending future generations aș great a number of languages aș possible. The study finishes by stating that one of the
the age of globalization. We have a common responsibility, that of saving and sending future generations aș great a number of languages aș possible. The study finishes by stating that one of the reasons for which we have to promote linguistic diversity is found, symbolically and metaphorically, în the words of an old Navajo: "If you don't breathe, the air does not exist. If you don't walk, the Earth does not exist. If you don't speak, the world
from being a divine punishment, is an expression of the great diversity and cultural complexity of man, since language, under the historical form of languages, is a fundamental form of human culture. Traducere în limba engleză de Cristinel Munteanu Keywords: linguistic integralism, linguistics of languages, linguistic type, genealogical classifications, typological classifications Resumen Los lingüistas no deben olvidar nunca - afirmaba Eugenio Coseriu con una dosis igual de seriedad y humor - que el lenguaje existe a través y pară de los hablantes, y
is an expression of the great diversity and cultural complexity of man, since language, under the historical form of languages, is a fundamental form of human culture. Traducere în limba engleză de Cristinel Munteanu Keywords: linguistic integralism, linguistics of languages, linguistic type, genealogical classifications, typological classifications Resumen Los lingüistas no deben olvidar nunca - afirmaba Eugenio Coseriu con una dosis igual de seriedad y humor - que el lenguaje existe a través y pară de los hablantes, y no a través de y
Language Planning from the Bottom up, Mouton de Gruyter, Berlin, 1996, p. 142. 50 Cf. Russell H. Bernard, "Preserving Language Diversity", în Human Organization, vol. 51, nr. 1, 1992, pp. 82-89; Ken Hale, "On Endangered Languages and the Importance of Linguistic Diversity", în vol. Lenore A. Grenoble, Lindsay J. Whaley, Endangered Languages. Language Loss and Community Response, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1998, pp. 192-216. 51 WWF este cea mai importantă organizație internațională independența din lume care realizează proiecte de conservare a
Cf., de exemplu, Român Jakobson, "Typological Studies and their Contribution to Historical Comparative Linguistics", în Reports for the Eighth Internațional Congress of Linguists, Oslo 5-9 August 1957, Supplement, Oslo, 1957. 64 Ibidem, p. 26-27. 65 Bernard Comrie, Language Universals and Linguistic Typology. Syntax and Morphology, The University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 19811, 19892 [cifră plasată în dreapta sus după an marchează numărul ediției]. 66 Vezi, printre altele, cap. "Tipologia lingvistică", în vol. Limba arabă în perspectiva tipologica, pp. 62-112 și cap. "Comparația
Press, Cambridge MĂ, 2000. 187 V. Irène Baron, Michael Herslund, Langues endocentriques et langues exocentrique. Approche typologique du danois, du français et du l'anglais, în rev. "Langue française", nr. 1, 2005, pp. 35-53. 188 Bernard Comrie, Language Universals and Linguistic Typology. Syntax and Morphology, The University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 19811, 19892. V. și Georg Bossong, Bernard Comrie European Research Projet Typology of Langues în Europe, Mouton de Gruyter, 1998 (vezi Proiectul EUROTYP, care viza descrierea tipologica a limbilor europene
o consideră o limbă izolată, desi din punct de vedere tipologic este apropiată de limbile altaice, paleo-siberiene sau austro-asiatice. 281 V. Lars Johanson, Éva Ágnes Csató (editori), The Turkic Languages, Routledge, Londra, New York, 1998; Lars Johanson, Discoveries on the Turkic Linguistic Map, Svenska Forskningsinstitutet i Istanbul, Stockholm, 2001. 282 V. vol. Sino-Tibetan. A Conspectus, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1972. 283 V., printre altele, studiul Chinese and Austronesian: evidence for a genetic relationship, în "Journal of Chinese Linguistics", 21, nr. 1, 1993
Cf. Limbile lumii, p. 131. 287 Wilhelm Schmidt, Die Mon-Khmer-Völker, ein Bindeglied zwischen Völkern Zentralasiens und Austronesiens, în rev. "Archiv für Anthropologie", Braunschweig, serie nouă, nr. 5, 1906, pp. 59-109. 288 John D. Bengtson, The "Greater Austric" Hypothesis, în vol. Linguistic Fossils: Studies în Historical Linguistics and Paleolinguistics, Octavia & Co. Press, Calgary, 2010, p. 17. În același volum Bengtson propune și o macro-familie dene-caucaziană cuprinzînd familiile macro-caucaziană, sino-tibetană, eniseiană (ket) din Siberia și na-dené din Alaska, Canada, California, Arizona și New
323 V. vol. Language în the Americas, Stanford University Press, Stanford, California, 1987. Argumentația se bazează și pe opoziția pronominala Na-Ma (pers. I - pers. a II-a). 324 V. vol. Ruhlen, Merritt, On the Origin of Languages. Studies în Linguistic Taxonomy, Stanford University Press, Stanford, 1994. 325 V., printre altele, Joseph H. Greenberg, Language în the Americas, Stanford University Press, Stanford, 1987 și Joseph H. Greenberg, Merritt Ruhlen, Linguistic origins of Native Americans, în rev. "Scientific American", 267 (5), 1992
V. vol. Ruhlen, Merritt, On the Origin of Languages. Studies în Linguistic Taxonomy, Stanford University Press, Stanford, 1994. 325 V., printre altele, Joseph H. Greenberg, Language în the Americas, Stanford University Press, Stanford, 1987 și Joseph H. Greenberg, Merritt Ruhlen, Linguistic origins of Native Americans, în rev. "Scientific American", 267 (5), 1992, pp. 94-99 (articolul poate fi citit online pe http://www.merrittruhlen.com/files/Greenberg-Ruhlen.pdf). Poate fi consultat și dicționarul Joseph H. Greenberg, Merritt Ruhlen, Ăn Amerind Etymological Dictionary
en Italie". Compact Oxford Dictionary of Current English, ed. a 3-a, Oxford University Press, 2005, s.v.: "Ellipsis 1. Omiterea unor cuvinte din vorbire sau din scris. 2. Un șir de puncte care indică o astfel de omitere". Glossary of Linguistic Terms, pe www.sil.org/linguistics: "O construcție eliptică este o construcție căreia îi lipsește un element recuperabil sau deductibil din context. Ex.: Fire when [you are] ready". Nancy Bonvillain, Language, Culture, Communication: The Meaning of Messages, Englewood Cliffs, New
Condensarea lexico-semantică by Emil Suciu [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/925_a_2433]
de ce procédé. Dans tous les cas, le mot condensé et lexicalisé devient suffisant à soi-même; il n'exige aucunes autres explications, suggestions ou reconstructions mentales de contextes absentes; il est un signe court qui dit tout. LEXICAL-SEMANTIC CONDENSATION (Abstract) The linguistic research has rather timidly tackled the phenomenon of the lexical-semantic condensation and generally side-stepped the details of its individuality, confining itself to identifying it hence, to mixing it up with other language facts. Depending on the subject of their investigation
Condensarea lexico-semantică by Emil Suciu [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/925_a_2433]
Latin phrases [consobrinus] verus and [orbus] ab oculis to the Romanian word văr "cousin" and to French aveugle "blind", respectively, or the English polo[-shirt] to polo. The message is shortened in all these cases, but the reasons and the linguistic consequences are entirely distinct. It is certainly not desirable neither for a linguistic process to be named by different terms (such as ellipsis, truncation, absorption, shortening or abbreviation, which are usual names for the procedure we are examining here), nor
Condensarea lexico-semantică by Emil Suciu [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/925_a_2433]
cousin" and to French aveugle "blind", respectively, or the English polo[-shirt] to polo. The message is shortened in all these cases, but the reasons and the linguistic consequences are entirely distinct. It is certainly not desirable neither for a linguistic process to be named by different terms (such as ellipsis, truncation, absorption, shortening or abbreviation, which are usual names for the procedure we are examining here), nor for such a term to designate as it is the case several phenomena
Condensarea lexico-semantică by Emil Suciu [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/925_a_2433]
Functional Linguistics, London, Pinter Publishers, 1994, p. 152; The Encyclopedia of Language & Linguistics, Oxford, Pergamon Press, 1994, s.v. (unde elipsa este identificată cu abrevierea, contracția și reducția); Encyclopedia of Rhetoric and Composition, New York, Garland Publishing, Inc., 1996, s.v.; Geoffrey Finch, Linguistic Terms and Concepts, New York, St. Martin's Press, 2000, p. 203; M.A.K. Halliday & Rukaiya Hasan, Cohesion in English, London, Longman, 1976, p. 142 ș. urm.; M.A.K. Halliday, An Introduction to Functional Grammar, ed. a 2-a
Condensarea lexico-semantică by Emil Suciu [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/925_a_2433]
main missions: (1) building a knowledgeable Europe it involves developing a European area of lifelong learning as a basis for creating, by 2010, the most competitive and dynamic knowledge based economy (2) development of a European cultural space meaning, promoting linguistic diversity and language learning and helping the European audiovisual industry, and (3) citizens' involvement in the European integration process by supporting educational and professional mobility of individuals between Member States. As stated in European Commission documents, the issue of quality
by Ţăranu Adela-Mihaela [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1050_a_2558]
coupure." (Odette Aslan, Le cimetière des voitures de Fernando Arrabal, în Jean Jacquot (réunies et présentées par), Leș Voies de la création théâtrale (1), Editions du Centre Național de la Recherche Scientifique, Paris, 1978, pp. 318-319). 20 Cf. Român Jakobson în On Linguistic Aspects of Translation (în On Translation, Ed. RA Brower. Cambridge, M.A.: Harvard University Press, 1959). Intersemiotic, traducerea se realizează prin transmutare. Pentru Român Jakobson, transmutarea este procesul de decodificare-codificare (interpretare) a unui text formulat cu ajutorul unor semne (semnale) verbale
ed.) (2006), Production of Culture/Cultures of Production, a VI-a ediție, London, Thousand Oaks, New Delhi, Sage Publications Duranti, Alessandro (2003), "Language aș Culture în U.S. Anthropology. Three Paradigms", în Current Anthropology, 44 (3), pp. 323-347. Duranti, Alessandro (1997), Linguistic Anthropology, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press Eco, Umberto ([1976] 2003), O teorie a semioticii, trad. de Cezar Radu, Costin Popescu, București, Editura Meridiane Eco, Umberto ([1990] 1996), Limitele interpretării, trad. de Ștefania Mincu și Daniela Bucșa, Constantă, Ed. "Pontica" Enache, Radu
by Camelia-Mihaela Cmeciu [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1056_a_2564]
pp. 1-19 Watts, Reginald (2004), "Visualizing the Message: Why Semiotics Is a Way Forward", Oliver Sandra M. (ed.), A Handbook of Corporate Communication and Strategic Public Relations: Pure and Applied, pp. 357-371, New York, Routledge Wąsik, Zdzislaw (2003), Epistemological Perspectives on Linguistic Semiotics, vol. 8, Frankfurt am Mâine, Peter Lang Wright, Terence (1999), The Photography Handbook, New York, Routledge Wunenburger, Jean-Jacques ([1997] 2004), Filosofia imaginilor, trad. de Muguraș Constantinescu, Iași, POLIROM Bibliografie internet Agricolă Internațional Bacău, accesat 10 iunie 2008 www.agricola.ro
by Camelia-Mihaela Cmeciu [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1056_a_2564]
the analysis of the semiotics of discourse, built according to the interconnectedness principle. From objects to signs We will associate the marbles from Umberto Eco's box ([1976] 1997: 124), the metaphor used for the discursive rubik cube, to those linguistic objects/ words and nonverbal objects which are manipulated în textual structures and which have a potențial of becoming semiotic resources 3. The image of a society could be interpreted through what Charles Sanders Peirce lays beyond the knowledge-communication process, namely
by Camelia-Mihaela Cmeciu [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1056_a_2564]
focused on four operațional categories (tense, aspect, modality and determination), which, can also be used în the methodology of the semiotics of passion. Multimodality → resemiotization The transcending beyond the boundaries of a text and the melting within one composition of linguistic, visual, kinetic, musical or design elements have led towards the introducing în social semiotics of a new semiotic system, namely multimodality (Fairclough 1992; Fairclough și Wodak 1997; Kress, Van Leeuwen 1990, 1996, 2006; Van Leeuwen 1999, 2005; Van Leeuwen, Jewitt
by Camelia-Mihaela Cmeciu [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1056_a_2564]
1997; Kress, Van Leeuwen 1990, 1996, 2006; Van Leeuwen 1999, 2005; Van Leeuwen, Jewitt 2000). It was necessary this reconsideration of semiotic terms due to the social and cultural factors (Kress, Van Leeuwen 2006: 34). The intensification of cultural and linguistic diversity within the boundaries of the same state led towards multiculturalism. The technological progress and a global circuit of the capital hâd aș outcome the blurring not only of the cultural and political boundaries, but of the semiotic ones aș
by Camelia-Mihaela Cmeciu [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1056_a_2564]