316 matches
interpretarea sa a Bibliei. Principiul Divin sau Expunerea Principiul Divin (coreeană 원리 강론 / 原理 講 論, Wonli Ganglon) este principalul manual teologic al Bisericii Unificării. A fost co-scris de fondatorul bisericii Sun Myung Moon și unul din primii ucenici Hyo Won Eu și publicat pentru prima dată în 1966. O traducere a cărții, întitulată Principiul Divin a fost publicată în limba engleză în 1973. Cartea reprezintă miezul Teologiei Unificării, și este considerată de credincioși ca parte a Sfintei Scripturi. Teologia Unificării
Sun Myung Moon () [Corola-website/Science/315461_a_316790]
hopes, but it turned ouț the bank did not cooperate. Did you still have faith în the bank at that point? My faith în the bank hâd started to fade earlier, when another BCr client who sued them separately - and won - made a graphic showing their variable interest rateș remained high even when the EURBOR dropped. But my confidence was dead and buried în the courtroom, when I saw how the bank defended itself. How did they defend themselves? I can
„Cred că, peste câțiva ani, o să ne uităm la chestia asta cum ne uităm acum la Caritas și la FNI” () [Corola-website/Science/296009_a_297338]
G1. The ones în G2 managed to enforce the judgment on the bank and make them pay back the maintenance commission, around 900.000 lei. Șo it went all the way to judgment enforcement? Yes. There are people who have won irrevocable rulings în some cases, în others the judge said: “Take this crap ouț of the contracts, have you no shame?” and the bank replied: “And what will we replace it with? Teach uș!” There is a colleague of ours
„Cred că, peste câțiva ani, o să ne uităm la chestia asta cum ne uităm acum la Caritas și la FNI” () [Corola-website/Science/296009_a_297338]
rulings în some cases, în others the judge said: “Take this crap ouț of the contracts, have you no shame?” and the bank replied: “And what will we replace it with? Teach uș!” There is a colleague of ours who won on all counts, both the commissions and the interest rate hâd to be removed from the contract. They weren’ț, and he said he would stop paying the installments and even relinquish Romanian citizenship altogether. You said that G2 got
„Cred că, peste câțiva ani, o să ne uităm la chestia asta cum ne uităm acum la Caritas și la FNI” () [Corola-website/Science/296009_a_297338]
altogether. You said that G2 got their money back, but what about G1? We moved a bit slower, it dragged on and on, and then there was the appeal What happened then? We appealed, and șo did the bank. They won it în February. It’s very interesting. The appeal only took one day to judge, while the entire lawsuit up to that point hâd dragged on for two years! Besides, there was also the Munteanu case. What about it? Let
„Cred că, peste câțiva ani, o să ne uităm la chestia asta cum ne uităm acum la Caritas și la FNI” () [Corola-website/Science/296009_a_297338]
Bon-gil în tabloul de 32 probei individuale. La proba pe echipe echipa României a trecut succesiv de China, scorul fiind 45-30, și Rusia, scorul fiind 45-43. Apoi a înfruntat Coreea de Sud în finală. Zalomir a pierdut primul releu său împotriva lui Won Woo-young (5-2), apoi a ținut pasul cu Gu Bon-gil (5-5), dar România a fost depășită cu mult, scorul final fiind 26-45, și s-a mulțumit cu medalia de argint. Pentru acest rezultat a primit ordinul „Meritul Sportiv” clasa a II
Florin Zalomir () [Corola-website/Science/308206_a_309535]
sale în industria muzicală. Premiile Australian Commercial Radio Awards (ACRA) sunt oferite anual de Commercial Radio Australia, incepand cu anul 1989. Prin acestea este recompensată „excelentă în toate domeniile difuzării radio, inclusiv știri, interviuri, sport, muzica și divertisment”. Minogue hâș won one award for Most Played Australian Artist în 2003. Premiile Australian DVD Awards au fost fondate în anul 2002 de revista "Region 4 Magazine" și sunt stabilite în baza voturilor publicului și a profesionoștilor din industrie. Kylie Minogue a primit
Lista premiilor și nominalizărilor primite de Kylie Minogue () [Corola-website/Science/335305_a_336634]
pozitive din partea criticilor muzicali de specialitate, obținând un scor de 72% din partea Metacritic. "Entertainment Weekly" susține faptul că "„albumul Carnival Ride acoperă toate palierele într-un mod impecabil, de la demențialul «Flat on the Floor» la balada sensibilă «I Know You Won’ț» și deja imnul «Șo Small»”". Jurnalistul Ken Tucker, oferă din partea Billboard un vot de încredere materialului, afirmând următoarele: "„Primul extras pe single, „Șo Small” [...] este un cântec interesant despre lucrurile importante din viață. „Just a Dream” reprezintă povestea morții
Carrie Underwood () [Corola-website/Science/313466_a_314795]
bilingual DVD box set after FUNimation's rescue of the license was released on August 27, 2007 retaining the Software Sculptors-produced English dub. A boxset of "Slayers", "NEXT" and "TRY" was released by Funimation on August 4, 2009. Fox Kids won the rights to broadcast "Slayers" but eventually did not air the anime since it would be too heavy to edit it for content. The first North American television broadcast of "The Slayers" was February 17, 2002 on the Internațional Channel
Slayers () [Corola-website/Science/324144_a_325473]
lui lady Yuhwa Kyeon Mi Ri în rolul reginei Wonhu Ahn Yong-Joon în rolul lui Yuri Kim Byeong-Ki în rolul lui Yeontabal Jin Hee-Kyeong în rolul lui Yeomieul Lee Jae-Yong în rolul lui Budeukbul Heo Joon-Ho în rolul lui Haemosu Won Ki-Joon în rolul prințului Youngpo Bae Su-Bin în rolul lui Sayong Park Tam-Hee în rolul lui Lady Yangseolan Lim So-Yeong în rolul lui Buyeong Yoon Dong-Hwan în rolul lui Yangjeong Yeo Ho-Min în rolul lui Oi Ahn Jeong-Hoon în rolul
Legendele palatului: prințul Jumong () [Corola-website/Science/321746_a_323075]
1985. (Photo by Brian McMillen)]] Faimosul album electronic al lui Riley, "A Rainbow in Curved Air" (înregistrat în 1967, lansat în 1969), a inspirat numeroase dezvoltări ulterioare în muzica electronică, inclusiv părțile de sintetizator ale lui Pete Townshend la piesele "Won't Get Fooled Again" și "Baba O'Riley" a celor de la The Who, acesta din urmă denumită ca omagiu adus lui Riley, precum și lui Meher Baba. Înregistrarea a avut un impact semnificativ asupra dezvoltării muzicii ambient și rock-ului progresiv
Terry Riley () [Corola-website/Science/326232_a_327561]
1999, au scos pe piată un EP independent numit "Run Around". Trupa primea numeroase oferte din partea caselor de discuri. În 2000, au semnat cu Warner Music și au înregistrat album de debut ""Nothing Less"", cu producătorul Oscar Holleman. Primul single, ""Won't Cry"", nu le-a ajutat carieră să avanseze foarte mult. Trupa a fost mai expusă după un concert la festivalul olandez Pinkpop, cu balada ""I Would Stay"" ce a fost primită extraordinar de bine de public. Mai tarziu, cântecul
Krezip () [Corola-website/Science/314297_a_315626]
a fost eliminat în primul tur de campionul mondial, rusul Veniamin Reșetnikov. La proba pe echipe România a întâlnit echipa campioană olimpică, Coreea de Sud, în sferturi de finală. Teodosiu a adus repede avantajul și l-a mărit mai târziu împotriva lui Won Woo-young, dar România a fost învinsă în cele din urma și s-a clasat pe locul șapte. Teodosiu a absolvit Colegiul National „Mihai Viteazul” din Slobozia. Urmează studii de psihologia.
Iulian Teodosiu () [Corola-website/Science/333961_a_335290]
de calificare, thus effectively taking the coefficient of their seeded opponents for the Rundă a doua de calificare draw. Assuming that seeded teams of the Rundă a doua de calificare qualify for the A treia rundă de calificare "CSKA Moscow won 6-1 on aggregate." "Club Brugge won 5-3 on aggregate." "Borussia Dortmund won 5-0 on aggregate." "AZ won 3-2 on aggregate." "BATE won 5-1 on aggregate." "Lokomotiv Moscow 2-2 Lausanne-Sport on aggregate. Lausanne-Sport won 4-3 on penalties." "Villarreal won 7-1 on
Preliminariile UEFA Europa League 2010-2011 () [Corola-website/Science/320040_a_321369]
coefficient of their seeded opponents for the Rundă a doua de calificare draw. Assuming that seeded teams of the Rundă a doua de calificare qualify for the A treia rundă de calificare "CSKA Moscow won 6-1 on aggregate." "Club Brugge won 5-3 on aggregate." "Borussia Dortmund won 5-0 on aggregate." "AZ won 3-2 on aggregate." "BATE won 5-1 on aggregate." "Lokomotiv Moscow 2-2 Lausanne-Sport on aggregate. Lausanne-Sport won 4-3 on penalties." "Villarreal won 7-1 on aggregate." "Beșiktaș won 6-0 on aggregate
Preliminariile UEFA Europa League 2010-2011 () [Corola-website/Science/320040_a_321369]
the Rundă a doua de calificare draw. Assuming that seeded teams of the Rundă a doua de calificare qualify for the A treia rundă de calificare "CSKA Moscow won 6-1 on aggregate." "Club Brugge won 5-3 on aggregate." "Borussia Dortmund won 5-0 on aggregate." "AZ won 3-2 on aggregate." "BATE won 5-1 on aggregate." "Lokomotiv Moscow 2-2 Lausanne-Sport on aggregate. Lausanne-Sport won 4-3 on penalties." "Villarreal won 7-1 on aggregate." "Beșiktaș won 6-0 on aggregate." "Aris won 2-1 on aggregate." "Metalist
Preliminariile UEFA Europa League 2010-2011 () [Corola-website/Science/320040_a_321369]
calificare draw. Assuming that seeded teams of the Rundă a doua de calificare qualify for the A treia rundă de calificare "CSKA Moscow won 6-1 on aggregate." "Club Brugge won 5-3 on aggregate." "Borussia Dortmund won 5-0 on aggregate." "AZ won 3-2 on aggregate." "BATE won 5-1 on aggregate." "Lokomotiv Moscow 2-2 Lausanne-Sport on aggregate. Lausanne-Sport won 4-3 on penalties." "Villarreal won 7-1 on aggregate." "Beșiktaș won 6-0 on aggregate." "Aris won 2-1 on aggregate." "Metalist Kharkiv won 3-2 on aggregate
Preliminariile UEFA Europa League 2010-2011 () [Corola-website/Science/320040_a_321369]
teams of the Rundă a doua de calificare qualify for the A treia rundă de calificare "CSKA Moscow won 6-1 on aggregate." "Club Brugge won 5-3 on aggregate." "Borussia Dortmund won 5-0 on aggregate." "AZ won 3-2 on aggregate." "BATE won 5-1 on aggregate." "Lokomotiv Moscow 2-2 Lausanne-Sport on aggregate. Lausanne-Sport won 4-3 on penalties." "Villarreal won 7-1 on aggregate." "Beșiktaș won 6-0 on aggregate." "Aris won 2-1 on aggregate." "Metalist Kharkiv won 3-2 on aggregate." "Sporting CP won 3-2 on
Preliminariile UEFA Europa League 2010-2011 () [Corola-website/Science/320040_a_321369]
A treia rundă de calificare "CSKA Moscow won 6-1 on aggregate." "Club Brugge won 5-3 on aggregate." "Borussia Dortmund won 5-0 on aggregate." "AZ won 3-2 on aggregate." "BATE won 5-1 on aggregate." "Lokomotiv Moscow 2-2 Lausanne-Sport on aggregate. Lausanne-Sport won 4-3 on penalties." "Villarreal won 7-1 on aggregate." "Beșiktaș won 6-0 on aggregate." "Aris won 2-1 on aggregate." "Metalist Kharkiv won 3-2 on aggregate." "Sporting CP won 3-2 on aggregate." "Getafe won 2-1 on aggregate." "Hajduk Split won 5-2 on
Preliminariile UEFA Europa League 2010-2011 () [Corola-website/Science/320040_a_321369]
CSKA Moscow won 6-1 on aggregate." "Club Brugge won 5-3 on aggregate." "Borussia Dortmund won 5-0 on aggregate." "AZ won 3-2 on aggregate." "BATE won 5-1 on aggregate." "Lokomotiv Moscow 2-2 Lausanne-Sport on aggregate. Lausanne-Sport won 4-3 on penalties." "Villarreal won 7-1 on aggregate." "Beșiktaș won 6-0 on aggregate." "Aris won 2-1 on aggregate." "Metalist Kharkiv won 3-2 on aggregate." "Sporting CP won 3-2 on aggregate." "Getafe won 2-1 on aggregate." "Hajduk Split won 5-2 on aggregate." "Debrecen won 4-1 on
Preliminariile UEFA Europa League 2010-2011 () [Corola-website/Science/320040_a_321369]
aggregate." "Club Brugge won 5-3 on aggregate." "Borussia Dortmund won 5-0 on aggregate." "AZ won 3-2 on aggregate." "BATE won 5-1 on aggregate." "Lokomotiv Moscow 2-2 Lausanne-Sport on aggregate. Lausanne-Sport won 4-3 on penalties." "Villarreal won 7-1 on aggregate." "Beșiktaș won 6-0 on aggregate." "Aris won 2-1 on aggregate." "Metalist Kharkiv won 3-2 on aggregate." "Sporting CP won 3-2 on aggregate." "Getafe won 2-1 on aggregate." "Hajduk Split won 5-2 on aggregate." "Debrecen won 4-1 on aggregate." "Grasshopper 1-1 Steaua București
Preliminariile UEFA Europa League 2010-2011 () [Corola-website/Science/320040_a_321369]
on aggregate." "Borussia Dortmund won 5-0 on aggregate." "AZ won 3-2 on aggregate." "BATE won 5-1 on aggregate." "Lokomotiv Moscow 2-2 Lausanne-Sport on aggregate. Lausanne-Sport won 4-3 on penalties." "Villarreal won 7-1 on aggregate." "Beșiktaș won 6-0 on aggregate." "Aris won 2-1 on aggregate." "Metalist Kharkiv won 3-2 on aggregate." "Sporting CP won 3-2 on aggregate." "Getafe won 2-1 on aggregate." "Hajduk Split won 5-2 on aggregate." "Debrecen won 4-1 on aggregate." "Grasshopper 1-1 Steaua București on aggregate. Steaua București won
Preliminariile UEFA Europa League 2010-2011 () [Corola-website/Science/320040_a_321369]
on aggregate." "AZ won 3-2 on aggregate." "BATE won 5-1 on aggregate." "Lokomotiv Moscow 2-2 Lausanne-Sport on aggregate. Lausanne-Sport won 4-3 on penalties." "Villarreal won 7-1 on aggregate." "Beșiktaș won 6-0 on aggregate." "Aris won 2-1 on aggregate." "Metalist Kharkiv won 3-2 on aggregate." "Sporting CP won 3-2 on aggregate." "Getafe won 2-1 on aggregate." "Hajduk Split won 5-2 on aggregate." "Debrecen won 4-1 on aggregate." "Grasshopper 1-1 Steaua București on aggregate. Steaua București won 4-3 on penalties." "Liverpool won 3-1
Preliminariile UEFA Europa League 2010-2011 () [Corola-website/Science/320040_a_321369]
aggregate." "BATE won 5-1 on aggregate." "Lokomotiv Moscow 2-2 Lausanne-Sport on aggregate. Lausanne-Sport won 4-3 on penalties." "Villarreal won 7-1 on aggregate." "Beșiktaș won 6-0 on aggregate." "Aris won 2-1 on aggregate." "Metalist Kharkiv won 3-2 on aggregate." "Sporting CP won 3-2 on aggregate." "Getafe won 2-1 on aggregate." "Hajduk Split won 5-2 on aggregate." "Debrecen won 4-1 on aggregate." "Grasshopper 1-1 Steaua București on aggregate. Steaua București won 4-3 on penalties." "Liverpool won 3-1 on aggregate." "Levski Sofia won 2-1
Preliminariile UEFA Europa League 2010-2011 () [Corola-website/Science/320040_a_321369]
aggregate." "Lokomotiv Moscow 2-2 Lausanne-Sport on aggregate. Lausanne-Sport won 4-3 on penalties." "Villarreal won 7-1 on aggregate." "Beșiktaș won 6-0 on aggregate." "Aris won 2-1 on aggregate." "Metalist Kharkiv won 3-2 on aggregate." "Sporting CP won 3-2 on aggregate." "Getafe won 2-1 on aggregate." "Hajduk Split won 5-2 on aggregate." "Debrecen won 4-1 on aggregate." "Grasshopper 1-1 Steaua București on aggregate. Steaua București won 4-3 on penalties." "Liverpool won 3-1 on aggregate." "Levski Sofia won 2-1 on aggregate." "PSV Eindhoven won
Preliminariile UEFA Europa League 2010-2011 () [Corola-website/Science/320040_a_321369]