1,907 matches
University of Illinois Press, Urbana, 1977, p. 710. 65 Aristotel, op. cit., p. 359. 66 P. Bridgman, The logic of modern physics, Macmillan, New York, 1927, p. 5. 67 T. Vianu, op. cit., p. 93. 68 W. James, Pragmatism: A New Name for some Old Ways of Thinking, Harvard University Press, Cambridge MA, 1975, p. 34. 69 J. Habermas, The theory of communicative action, Beacon, Boston, 1984, vol. I, p. 11. 70 H. Arendt, The human condition, University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 1958, pp.
Conştiinţa de sine. Eseu despre rolurile multiple ale reflexivităţii by Vlad-Ionuţ Tătaru [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/929_a_2437]
unor reprezentări diferite și al cuprinderii diversului lor într-o singură cunoștință", I. Kant, Critique of Pure Reason, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1997, p. 77. 97 V. Nemoianu, op. cit., pp. 21-22. 98 Ibidem, p. 28. 99 H. Stein, "Yes, but... Some skeptical remarks on realism and antirealism", în Dialectica, Neuchatel, Griffon, 43, p. 59. 100 Th. Adorno, Negative Dialectics, Seabury Press, New York, 1973, p. 405. VLAD-IONUȚ TĂTARU Dan Vizanty. Destinul unui pilot de vânătoare 2 1 6 7 Conștiința de sine
Conştiinţa de sine. Eseu despre rolurile multiple ale reflexivităţii by Vlad-Ionuţ Tătaru [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/929_a_2437]
1919, pp. 336-354. MECACCI L, La ghirlanda fiorentina e la morte di Giovanni Gentile, Milano, Adelphi, 2014. G.TURI, Giovanni Gentile, Una biografia, Firenze, Giunti, 1995. Gramsci, Sraffa e Wittgenstein (Gramsci, Sraffa and Wittgenstein) Giuseppe CASCIONE Abstract. The essay traces some essential guidelines on the relationship between Gramsci, Sraffa and Wittgenstein. This connection is controversial, partly because Wittgenstein and Gramsci have never met each other, but only by the friendship with Sraffa. The point is that Sraffa hâș played both with
s Notes on Wittgenstein's", în Blue Book, Nordic Wittgenstein Review I, 2012, pp. 181-191. Linguaggio e lavoro politico nel Gramsci del Quaderno XI (Language and political work în Gramsci's Quaderno XI) Ledion LAKO Abstract. The article focuses on some political categories of Antonio Gramsci's political philosophy such aș common language, political work and common sense. The thesis is that for Gramsci the analysis of language is always critique of language and the purpose of this criticism is the
his thinking as congenial with the philosophy and literature of the great founding cultural spaces. Blaga's philosophy has arrested our interest in view of the specific alliance which it makes with literature and theology, enabling us to also identify some of the traps o which critical interpretation of such essentially metaphorical edifice has fallen. In our opinion, Blaga's has attained in his work an almost unmatchable performance, by using plain language in the philosophical discourse to the extent of
Cel de-al treilea sens by Ion Dur [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/911_a_2419]
the Romanian sentiment of mediocrity, to the way in which the relationship between the intellect and power functions here, as well as to the primitive accumulation of the sensational in the Romanian media space. That has enabled us to collect some other clues for a diagnosis which we had already issued, in trying to find out how resilient the Romanian nervous cell is, as well as what its expected, near-future performance would be like. Keywords: the third meaning, saeculum, critical spirit
Cel de-al treilea sens by Ion Dur [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/911_a_2419]
5. Ibidem, p. 265. 6. Adică: „Acest compendiu al universului l-am făcut în timpul vieții ca să-mi fie mormânt” (ibidem, p. 266). 7. Confessio, în Anexe la Yates, op. cit., pp. 277-278. 8. Vezi Wilhelmus Rood, Comenius and the Low Countries. Some Aspects of Life and Work of a Chech Exile in the Seventeenth Century, Van Gendt & Co. - Academia - Abner Schram, Amsterdam, Praga, New York, 1970. 9. Vezi David Ogg, Europe in the Seventeenth Century, A. and C. Black, Londra, 1948. 10. Pentru
ale psihologiei umaniste americane, Carl Rogers și Abraham Maslow, contribuiau cu studii fundamentale la alcătuirea anuarului ASCD. Articolul lui Rogers, „Toward Becoming a Fully Functioning Person”, conținea teoria sa despre formarea „personalității depline și creative”; cel al lui Maslow, intitulat „Some Basic Propositions of a Growth and Self-Actualization Psychology”, schița teoria „învățării totale” prin așa-numitele „experiențe cruciale” (peak experiences). Ambele teorii se opuneau radical psihologiei behavioriste a învățării și formării personalității; și, în consecință, repudiau miturile curriculumului modern ale eficientismului
Theory: Education and the Politics of Cultural Change, Longman, New York, 1984; „The Dialectic Nihilism and the State: Implications for an Emancipatory Theory of Education”, Educational Theory, 36/1986; Elements of a Postliberal Theory of Education, Teachers College Press, New York, 1987; „Some Questions about the Anachronistic Elements in the Giroux-McLaren Theory of a Critical Pedagogy”, Curriculum Inquiry, 21/1991; „Critical Pedagogy and the «Arch of Social Dreaming»”, Curriculum Inquiry, 21/1991. 68. Bowers, The Promise of Theory..., ed. cit., pp. 57-82. 69
Associates, Hillsdale, 1983) și Instructional Theories in Action (ed. a II-a, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Hillsdale, 1990). 244. B.G. Wilson, R. Osman-Jouchoux, J. Teslow, „The Impact of Constructivism (and Postmodernism) on ID fundamentals”, în Seels, op. cit. 245. W.D. Winn, „Some Implications of Cognitive Theory for Instructional Design”, Instructional Science, 19/1990, pp. 53-69. 246. Scopul lui Wilson nu este integral unul serios. Așa cum declară, și-a dorit să arate doar „în ce mod conceptele postmoderne pot să infiltreze și să
dans postmodernist” (op. cit., vezi nota 2). 248. Wilson folosește expresii mult mai „tari” decât traducerea noastră: gap models of needs; gap-oriented strategies. Am preferat o formulă mai puțin expresivă, dar ceva mai precisă. 249. Vezi studiul lui W.D. Winn („Some Implications of Cognitive Theory for Instructional Design”, Instructional Science, 19/1990, pp. 53-69) care a influențat semnificativ eforturile de a găsi „punți” între gândirea postmodernă și designul modern. 250. Vezi H. Dreyfus, S. Dreyfus, în C.R. Dills și A.A
1958, p.259. 47. Chateau, M. Possibilité de la rééducation des troubles phonétiques fonctionnels chez l’enfant. Actualité d’ordonatostomatologie, Paris, 44, 1958, p. 551-554. 48. Chauchard, P. Le langage et la pensée. P.U.F., Pris, 1966. 49. Chomsky, N. Some methodological remarks on generative grammar, in H. Allen (red.). Readings in applied English linguistics, New -York Appleton - Century- Croft, ed2, 1964. 50. Chomsky, N. Aspects of the theory of syntax. M.I.T. Press, Cambridge, 1965. 51. Ciobanu, Eugenia Morfo și organogeneza
RHINOLALIA ŞI TERAPIA EI STUDII ŞI CERCETĂRI by Margareta Tomescu () [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/91625_a_93000]
of Verbal Learning and Verbal Behavior, nr. 10, 1971, pp. 123-132. Lieury, A.; Choukroun, J., „Rôle du mode de présentation (visuel, auditif, audio-visuel) dans la mémorisation d’instructions”, L’Année psychologique, nr. 85, 1985, pp. 503-516. Peterson, L.R.; Johnson, S.T., „Some Effects of Minimizing Articulation on Short-Term Retention”, Journal of Verbal Learning and Verbal Behavior, nr. 10, 1971, pp. 346-354. De ce nu trebuie niciodată să lăsăm pe mâine ce putem face azi? Memoria pe termen scurt și cea pe termen lung
se trezește pentru că nu mai aude învârtindu-se roata morii sale sau al mamei ce doarme adânc la Desperate Housewifes (poți adormi la un astfel de serial?), dar se trezește atunci când își aude bebelușul! Pentru mai multe detalii Cherry, E.C., „Some Experiments on the Recognition of Speech, with One and with Two Ears”, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, nr. 25, 1953, pp. 975-979. Knight, M.V.; Parkinson, S.R., „Stimulus Set and Response Set: Influence of Instructions on Stimulus Suffix Effects
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second chapter: "Image between conscious and unconscious," in order to analyze the logico-epistemological elements of image representation, assumption, stereotype and ethnic-stereotype discussed in the fourth chapter: "Image, representation, stereotype." In addition, we cannot speak of image in the absence of some elements that play an essential role in its formation, that is the identity/otherness duality, which is analyzed in the third chapter: "Identity, Otherness, Image." Within this paper an essential point in the investigation of the image is communication, since
by CORINA DABA-BUZOIANU [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1013_a_2521]
make-believe lacking any real support. However, after such an analysis, our critique will be transformed into an understanding of fundamental feelings that are part of the human experience, of themes that are nothing but objectivity in the certain context of some archetype. The need for myths and symbols is the same; the only difference is in the fact that today they are hidden in the products and services of the contemporary world. Social representations and stereotypes are dominated by a dynamic
by CORINA DABA-BUZOIANU [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1013_a_2521]
with the individual's perception of the self, correlated with the elements that are part of his or her personality. The image is not an ontological category, except in the sense that among the elements constituting and determining it are some that are ontological, such as the archetype or the inborn assumptions of the individual of having an identity and relating to the other. In other words, we need to understand the phenomenology of the image, of identity and otherness with
by CORINA DABA-BUZOIANU [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1013_a_2521]
alterity: literature and the imagological approach, în J. Th. Leerssen, M. Spiering (eds.), National identity symbol and representation, Yearbook of European Studies, Amsterdam, Rodopi, 1991. Tamse, C. A., The Political Myth, în J. S. Bromley and E. H. Kossmann (eds.), Some Political Mythologies: Papers Delivered to the Fifth Anglo-Dutch Historical Conference (The Hague: Hijhoff, 1975). Taylor, Shelley E., A Categorization Approach to Stereotyping, în David L. Hamilton (ed.), Cognitive Processes in Stereotyping and Intergroup Behavior, Hillsdale, New Jersey, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates
by CORINA DABA-BUZOIANU [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1013_a_2521]
Cruz, Willem Frijhoff (eds.), Myth in History, History in Myth, Leiden, Brill, 2009, p. 117. 257 Laura Cruz, Willem Frijhoff (eds.), op. cit., pp. 1-15. 258 C. A. Tamse, The Political Myth, în J. S. Bromley and E. H. Kossmann (eds.), Some Political Mythologies: Papers Delivered to the Fifth Anglo-Dutch Historical Conference (The Hague: Hijhoff, 1975); Van Dale, Groot woordenboek van de Nederlandse taal (Utrecht/Antrewp: Van Dale Lexicografie, 2008), 2234; Mitul este o ficțiune narativă care implică de cele mai multe ori personaje
by CORINA DABA-BUZOIANU [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1013_a_2521]
2007, pp. 124-142. Weill, Nicolas, La République et les Antisémites, Grasset, Paris, 2004. Weinberger, Theodore, "Tish'ah B'av and the Interpretation of Suffering", în Dan Cohn-Sherbok (ed.), Theodicy, Edwin Mellen, Lewiston/New York/Queenston, Ont., 1997, pp. 51-63. Weintraub, Aviva, "Some Hasidic Responses to Suffering", Nitzanim (3), 1984-85, pp. 98-105. Wickersham, Erlis Glass, "Women as Agents of Suffering and Redemption in the Poetry of Nelly Sachs", în Esther Fuchs (ed.), Women and the Holocaust. Narrative and Representation, University Press of America
Suferinţa ca identitate by Esther Benbassa [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1430_a_2672]
Classic", în E. Carlebach, J.M. Efron și D.N. Myers (ed.), Jewish History..., op. cit., p. 96. 57 Cecil Roth, "The religion of the Marranos", The Jewish Quarterly Review, serie nouă (22), pp. 1-33. 58 Pentru suferință în hasidism, vezi: Aviva Weintraub, "Some Hasidic Responses to Suffering", Nitzanim (3), 1984-1985, pp. 98-105; Garden of the Souls. Rebbe Nachman on Suffering, trad. din ebraică de Avraham Greenbaum, Breslov Research Institute, Ierusalim/New York, 1990. 59 David Biale, "Power, Passivity and the Legacy of the Holocaust
Suferinţa ca identitate by Esther Benbassa [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1430_a_2672]
gândi la"] He sees different things now that he's joined the management. 'Acum, că a intrat în management, vede diferit lucrurile.' • see4 'experience', 'go through' [a vedea 4 "a trece printr-o experiență"] You and I have certainly seen some good times together. Cu siguranță că tu și cu mine am petrecut momente frumoase împreună.' • see5 'find out', 'check', 'ascertain' [a vedea 5 "a afla, a verifica, a se asigura"] Let's see what's on the radio. Switch it
cognitiv-intelectuale: "Thus, just as a physical object may be opaque or transparent (and impedes vision or not, accordingly), likewise an argument or a proposition may be (crystal)-clear, opaque, transparent, muddy or murky to our mental vision. We may shed some light on a problem which was particularly mysterious until that moment; and an intelligent idea or person is bright, or even brilliant, presumably because of a tendency to illuminate in this manner (for people who were previously in the dark