1,907 matches
affirmed to be genuine both by the formal history and the witnesses who had known the writer. The witnesses, which would form a "circle of attestation", draw the attention, in their books and statements, upon the resemblance almost coincidental between some of Solzhenitsyn's characters and real persons, while confirming many of the facts presented by the Russian writer. The heart of this work is the third chapter, dedicated to artistic qualities of Solzhenitsyn's prose. It alternately considers the short
by Cecilia Maticiuc [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1022_a_2530]
seen by Solzhenitsyn who had already known the hostility of the regime. Matryona's tragedy sends us to the tragedy of Russia and her death suggests the death of the patriarchal Russia. Solzhenitsyn's creation up to 1974 also includes some short novels which are currently less known than the first two but which, by the time of their publication, were received with the same interests as the former short stories. The element which connects short-stories such as An Incident at
by Cecilia Maticiuc [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1022_a_2530]
his characters reveals its real potential on the level of a wider and more complex phenomenon when these perceptions cross one another and complete one another to give life to these characters and to found the narrative world on it. Some of the characters in Solzhenitsyn's prose are the subject of the debate in the fourth chapter of this work. Gleb Nerzhin from the novel The First Circle and Oleg Kostoglotov, the protagonist of the Cancer Ward, are Solzhenitsyn's
by Cecilia Maticiuc [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1022_a_2530]
without consciousness but also without resources for his consciousness awakening, represented by Paul Rusanov in the novel The Cancer Ward. Anton Iakonov from the novel The First Circle distinguishes among those who swallowed their consciousness and made compromises to get some privileges on it. Innokenti Volodin, a man with a powerful consciousness which revealed itself after a revelation he had had, is to be mentioned among the characters of the same novel. Characters as embodiment of the speaker represent the scope
by Cecilia Maticiuc [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1022_a_2530]
și Zisudra 9 Cf. S. N. Kramer, "Le Rite de Mariage sacre Dumuzi-Inanna", pp. 129 sq.; id., "The Sacred Marriagc Rile", pp, 49 sq. 10 Cf. textul tradus de S, N. Kramer, From the Tabiet s, p. 177. 11 E. Burrows, "Some Cosmologica! Patterns în Babylonian Religion", pp. 65 sq. 12 Cf. E. Burrows, op. Cit., pp. 60 sq. ' * A se vedea "Liste de Rois sumeriens", traducere de S. N. Kramer, The Sumerians, pp. 328 sq. Religiile mesopotamiene se prosternează în fața zeului solar Utu
din Eleusis de a se limpezi". Mai mult chiar decât în cazul lui Agni, este greu să desparți realitatea rituală - planta și băutura - de zeul purtând același nume. Miturile sunt neglijabile. Cel mai important dintre ele relatează originea celestă a somei: un vultur "zburând până la cer", s-a năpustit "cu iuțeala gândului și a intrat în fortăreața de bronz" (RV, VIII, 100, 8). Pasărea înșfacă planta și o aduce pe pământ. Dar soma este socotită a fi crescând pe munți 41
a râșniței este asimilat tunetului, lâna filtrului reprezintă norii, sucul este ploaia care face să crească vegetația etc. Zdrobitul plantei este identificat cu împreunarea sexuală. Dar toate aceste simboluri ale fertilității bio-cosmice depind, în ultimă instanță, de valoarea "mistică" a Somei. Textele insistă asupra ceremoniilor care preced și acompaniază procurarea plantei și mai ales prepararea băuturii. După Rig Veda, sacrificiul somei era cel mai popular, "inima și centrul sacrificiului" (Gonda). Oricare ar fi fost planta folosită în primele secole de către indo-arieni
este identificat cu împreunarea sexuală. Dar toate aceste simboluri ale fertilității bio-cosmice depind, în ultimă instanță, de valoarea "mistică" a Somei. Textele insistă asupra ceremoniilor care preced și acompaniază procurarea plantei și mai ales prepararea băuturii. După Rig Veda, sacrificiul somei era cel mai popular, "inima și centrul sacrificiului" (Gonda). Oricare ar fi fost planta folosită în primele secole de către indo-arieni, este sigur că mai târziu ea a fost înlocuită de alte specii botanice. Soma/haoma este formula indo-iraniană a băuturii
primele secole de către indo-arieni, este sigur că mai târziu ea a fost înlocuită de alte specii botanice. Soma/haoma este formula indo-iraniană a băuturii "ne-morții" (amrtă); după toate probabilitățile ea s-a substituit - băuturii indo-europene madhu, "hidromelul". Toate virtuțile somei sunt solidare cu experiența extatică provocată de absorbția ei. Am băut soma, citim într-un imn celebru (VIII, 48), am devenit nemuritori; am ajuns la lumină, i-am aflat pe Zei. Cu ce ne poate tulbura acum impietatea sau batjocura
o aripă a mea pe cer, cealaltă aici în lumea aceasta. Sunt mare, sunt mare, m-am înălțat până la nori - nu am băut eu oare soma?" (traducerea lui Renou)43. 41 Epitetul sau, Maujavata, indică muntele Mujavat ca domeniu al somei (RV, X, 34, l). Tradiția iraniană localizează și planta haoma în munți (Yasna, 10, 4; Yaxt, 9, 17 etc.). 42 în textele din lajurveda se face frecvent aluzie la sacrificarea lui Soma de către zei; singur Mitra refuză să participe la
Eterogeneitatea și complexitatea comportamentelor, a tehnicilor și soteriologiilor susținute de către cei care abandonaseră lumea nu vor înceta să se accentueze în secolele de mai târziu. Pe scurt, se poate spune că metodele extatice relevă și prelungesc experiența exaltantă a absorbției somei sau a altor substanțe îmbătătoare, anticipând unele forme de devoțiune mistică, în vreme ce austeritățile și disciplinele ascetice pregătesc elaborarea tehnicilor Yoga. Trebuie adăugat că începând din epoca Upanișadelor se răspândește obiceiul de a abandona viața socială și de a se retrage
la adresa: www.nels.uiuc.edu/abstracts/brennan.pdf Brown, R., A. Gilman, 1972, "The Pronouns of Power and Solidarity", în: J. A. Fishman (coord.), Readings în the Sociology of Language, Hague, Mouton, p. 252-275. Brown, P., S. Levinson, 1987, Politeness. Some Universals în Language Usage, 2nd edition, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press. Cabredo Hofherr, P., 2005, "Leș séquences déterminant défini + adjectif en français et en espagnol: une comparaison", în Recherches Linguistiques de Vincennes, 34, p. 143-164. Carabulea, E., 1983, "Aspecte ale trunchierii
accredited ambassador to Sri Lanka, Nepal and Republic of South Vietnam. The years when I served Romania with my own diplomatic activities were a period of very complex issues for the international life. I would like to mention in this paper some historic realities connected with movements for national liberation, the new economic international order, the foundation of new independent states, the cooperation with developing countries and the movement of non-aligned states. In addition to the requirements due to the main accreditations
movements for national liberation, the new economic international order, the foundation of new independent states, the cooperation with developing countries and the movement of non-aligned states. In addition to the requirements due to the main accreditations, I had to implement some specific duties related to multiple accreditation. To this porpose, I will make reference to three diplomatic missions which became pages in the history of the Romanian diplomaty with my own participation. I. Stabilirea de relații diplomatice între România și Bangladesh
In concluding the consideration, the Chairman thanked the representative of Romania for efforts made to replay to the questions that had been raised and noted that the dialogue had been constructive and mutually beneficial. At the same time, he noted some questions which had to be in the Government attention for the future Report. Romania was not however condemned or blamed as it was expected by public opinion of that time. Instead what the author could not understand, was the indifference
mais à la fois nous sommes conscients qu'il y-a encore des lacunes, des imperfections et il faut faire plus d`avantage dans cette direction; c`est une tâche que la Roumanie poursuivra à l`avenir. ANEXA 2 322. Some members of the Committee wished to refer to a specific case concerned the practical application in Romania of the right to leave one's country: that of Mr. Liviu Bota, former Director of the United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research
journey abroad every two years. It was also asked how long it took to obtain a passport, what the cost of obtaining a passport meant in relation to the average monthly wage earned by Romanians, whether it was true that some Romanian citizens sometimes had to pay a certain sum in order to make it easier to obtain permission to travel, whether there were any provisions guaranteeing that persons seeking permission to leave Romania would not be subjected to sanctions designed
established under the Council of Ministers, then in so far as the person concerned could prove that the action of the administrative body was unlawful and harmful, he could resort to Act No. 1/1967. 326. The representative then gave some figures concerning tourism and emigration by Romanian citizens in recent years. He explained that the reason why Romanians could go abroad only once every year was that the countries that received foreign tourists wanted a guarantee that they could support
great sacrifices to train, go abroad. ANEXA 3 General observations 343. Members of the Committee thanked the representative of Romania for the efforts he had made to reply to the questions that had been raised. However, it was noted that some of the many questions posed had not been answered or had only been partially answered. Members also regretted that the comments and questions raised by the Committee when the State party's initial report had been considered had not been
International Seminar on "Stability and Security, for European Lasting Developement", held on May 21, 2010, with the participation of groups of university students from Austria, Bulgaria, Latvia, Poland, Portugal and, of course, Romania. In his speech, the author delt with some remarcable contributions, made by Romania to the extremly complex process of European stability and security. Proving high professional skils the author writes the Romanian diplomats helpt the events on the Old Continent to take better turns. Then, in a broader
major rol played by Romania in bringing about the Camp David Agreements on the Middle East and in preparing the conditions for the historical visit of the Egiptian President, Anwar Sadat, to the State of Israel. The author also makes some interesting remarcs about the current developements in Europe, within the process of globalisation. La invitația Rectoratului Universității din Pitești, la 21 mai 2010, am fost prezent la seminarul internațional Stabilitate și securitate, pentru dezvoltare europeană durabilă, cu participarea unor grupe
a picture of Emil Cioran and two titles that praised him. The first one belonged to Benedetta Craveri, the author of "Mistresses and Queens" and read: "One of the greatest thinkers of the century". The author extracts from the interview some words of appreciation of the italian writer about Cioran and a few exciting answers of the "Great Defiant". În toamna anului 1988, când trecusem cu o oarecare nostalgie de cincizeci de ani, când simțeam nevoia să mă ocup mai mult
cerințe nefundamentate din punct de vedere științific. De exemplu, rentabilitatea unui proiect de investiții se compară cu rata de rentabilitate solicitată de investitori, chiar dacă această rată este fundamentată numai pe dorințele investitorului<footnote Dragotă, Victor; Semenescu, Andreea; Pele, Daniel Traian, “Some considerations on investment project valuation”, Annals of University of Craiova - Economic Science Series, Vol. 2(36), May 2008, pp. 481-488, http://ideas.repec.org/a/aio/aucsse/v2y2008i11p481 -488.html footnote>. În mod analog, de multe ori, și în domeniul
Management financiar Volumul I Diagnosticul financiar al companiei by Victor DRAGOTĂ, Laura OBREJA BRAȘOVEANU, Ingrid-Mihaela DRAGOTĂ () [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/198_a_286]
Evaluarea acțiunilor societăților comerciale, Coediție Editura Economică și Editura IROVAL, București, 2006 Dragotă, Victor; Mitrică, Eugen, “Emergent capital markets’ efficiency: The case of Romania”, European Journal of Operational Research, 155, 2004, pp. 353-360 Dragotă, Victor; Semenescu, Andreea; Pele, Daniel Traian, “Some considerations on investment project valuation”, Annals of University of Craiova - Economic Science Series, Vol. 2(36), May 2008, pp. 481-488, http://ideas.repec.org/a/aio/aucsse/v2y2008i11p481 -488.html Dragotă, Victor; Dragotă, Mihaela; Obreja, Laura; Țâțu, Lucian; Ciobanu, Anamaria
Management financiar Volumul I Diagnosticul financiar al companiei by Victor DRAGOTĂ, Laura OBREJA BRAȘOVEANU, Ingrid-Mihaela DRAGOTĂ () [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/198_a_286]
Bucuresti.1981. 41. Breton F, Ritter W, Simson R, Vaughan HG. The N2 component elicited by stimulus matches and multiple targets. J Cogn Neurosci. 2002; 27î1): 23-44. 42. Bransford JD, McCarrell NS. A sketch of a cognitive approach to comprehension: Some thoughts on what it means to comprehend. J Cogn Neurosci. 2001;10:230-240. 43. Brown C, Hagoort P. The processing nature of the N400: evidence from masked priming. J Cogn Neurosci. 2003; 5:34-44. 44. Bruck M. Word recognition skills
Recuperarea şi investigaţii le paraclinice în tulburările de comunicare verbală by Bogdan Dionisie () [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/91643_a_93183]