1,907 matches
does their operationalization in the regional small and medium enterprises look like? How do these aspects affect the structure and organizational culture of the organizations? How can social responsibilities be instrumented? The practical answers and solutions are advanced in a some what circumvented manner. The exposure of the argumentation to these questions was thought so it could offer experienced and exercised references (by theoreticians, institutions and social-economical entities) in judging the suggested scenarios. However, the author admits that she wasn't
by AURICA BRIŞCARU [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/951_a_2459]
INS. Abstract This study presents a diagnosis of the living conditions of Romanian rural area regarding dweling, household, income and consuming. The obtained results of the analysis revel a critical situation. Isolation of villages inhibits their development. At the end some proposals are made in order to improvement living conditions of the rural inhabitants Primit la redacție: ianuarie 2006 Anexă Diagnoza condițiilor de viață ale populației din mediul rural (selecție indicatori subiectivi și de evaluare pentru anii 1999 - N=545 persoane
We think that, by a different approach of the money comig into the country, brought by external migrants. These money could be use also in order to contribute to the economical devellopment of the villages, primary by the implementation of some working units as a result of the cooperation between migratory people and the local or/and national authorities. Primit la redacție: decembrie 2005 Regimuri de arendă și rețele de schimb. O analiză a managementului fermelor agricole CERASELA VOICULESCU Institutul de
reciprocal support networks which have been identified to Draguș village, during a qualitative research effected in the period between June 2003 and April 2004. The paper was built according a general - particular scheme. In the first part there are presented some general and very important concepts in both the sociology of social development and sociology of social cohesion fields. The second part of this paper containts some information about the social profile of Draguș as a rural community and also the
was built according a general - particular scheme. In the first part there are presented some general and very important concepts in both the sociology of social development and sociology of social cohesion fields. The second part of this paper containts some information about the social profile of Draguș as a rural community and also the main results of our research. Primit la redacție: decembrie 2005 VIAȚA ȘTIINȚIFICĂ Conferința Asociației Române de Sociologie - decembrie 2005 - Forumul metodologic - Lista membrilor Forumului; Lista membrilor
cel mai reprezentativ pentru acest mod de argumentare: „economic systems, as a rule are embedded in social relations; distribution of material goods is ensured by noneconomic motives” (Polanyi, 1967, p. 272). „True, no society can exist without a system of some kind which ensures order in the production and distribution of goods. But that does not imply the existence of separate economic institutions; normally, the economic order merely a function of the social, in which it is contained” (Polanyi, 1967, p.
tried to avoid bank loans where possible (...) in a financial system which increasingly favoured the larger producers, be they private or cooperative” (Swain, 2000, p. 16). „[They] attempt to generate the real value for their products” (Humphrey, 2002, XXVI) „In some cases, it is difficult to identify clear boundaries between gifting, bribery, barter and impersonal, money-based commodity trade, and more realistic to see the various forms of exchange as points along a continuum or perhaps better as points on a multidimensional
with socialist views had to admit that the system was not perfect, in Romania at least, once it could give birth to such monsters. It was written in the Romanians' genetic inheritance this tendency toward tyranny and dictatorship, would suggest some travellers and writers in post-communist Romania, disillusioned by the cruel realities of transition. And nevertheless, the Romanians met in the streets and on the country roads are such an exotic mixture of rudeness and childish kindness, so helpful and hospitable
by CARMEN ANDRAŞ [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/947_a_2455]
Humanitas, București, 2006, p. 45. 218 Ibidem. 219 George Schöpflin, Politics in Eastern Europe 1945-1992, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1993, pp. 229-230. Citat de SianiDavies, op. cit., p. 48. 220 Siani-Davies, p. 48. 221 Dennis Deletant, "The Past in Contemporary Romania: Some Reflections on Current Romanian Historiography", Slovo, 1:2, 1988, p. 199. Lista disidenților români este publicată la pagina 195; Idem, "Literature and Society in Romania since 1945", Perspectives on Literature and Society in Eastern and Western Europe, ed. Geoffrey Hosking
by CARMEN ANDRAŞ [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/947_a_2455]
meant to exist and how it can fulfil its specific objectives with a tranquil professional conscience. It could be argued that these have already been clarified în various works. Yes, explanations have been proposed, but we are going to expose some of them aș false, others aș unsatisfying, theoretically speaking. We have a confession to make. Although we have often hâd the unpleasant feeling of discovering important PR field-related facts, which were left behind the scenes or neglectfully brought on stage
by Răzvan Enache [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1038_a_2546]
aș unsatisfying, theoretically speaking. We have a confession to make. Although we have often hâd the unpleasant feeling of discovering important PR field-related facts, which were left behind the scenes or neglectfully brought on stage, it was only after reading some of the fun works în the PR space that we have encountered satisfying answers to questions that others or we ourselves have asked during lectures or seminars or meetings with theoreticians and practitioners în România. We have especially found an
by Răzvan Enache [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1038_a_2546]
sociological-type of critique to it. Most often, we will not be disputing the observations which the authors of the papers have made (for which they take all credit), but the explanations they offered for them. Likewise, we will show that some of the recommendations for the good practice în the field receive a clearer meaning, when interpreted from the sociological theory's standpoint, being at the same time relieved of inferences that we find harmful for the PR specialists' professional conscience
by Răzvan Enache [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1038_a_2546]
and practicum do not hide anything menacing, but only specific forms of public communication apt to receive new meanings, maybe not aș "colourful" and spectacular, but, surely, clearer. By acting în this fashion, perhaps the field's activity will lose some of the esotericism (with "occult" accents, at times) that some cultivate, but, it will certainly not lose its appeal, on the contrary. The sociological view that we have applied hâș the upside of outlining, like an ultrasound, the profile of
by Răzvan Enache [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1038_a_2546]
forms of public communication apt to receive new meanings, maybe not aș "colourful" and spectacular, but, surely, clearer. By acting în this fashion, perhaps the field's activity will lose some of the esotericism (with "occult" accents, at times) that some cultivate, but, it will certainly not lose its appeal, on the contrary. The sociological view that we have applied hâș the upside of outlining, like an ultrasound, the profile of the elements which can be interconnected, în a body (corpus
by Răzvan Enache [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1038_a_2546]
în plain view of the careful, not hidden în a type of magical communication, incomprehensible to the non-initiated) manipulations of words, contexts, statutes, etc. The sociological perspective on PR is just one of those which can highlight the complexity of some practicums which are not only communicational, but also of (micro-sociological or macro-sociological) analysis of communication situations. Its conceptual device hâș the ability to reach beyond that which is stated (the communication surface), în order to disclose why it is stated
by Răzvan Enache [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1038_a_2546]
sau demersuri de critică naratologică . Tentativele de edificare a naratologiilor prin care se depășesc limitele restrictive ale naratologiei clasice nu sunt puține. Narațiunea este studiată în relația ei cu istoria, politica și etica în expuneri ca Genre, Repetition, Temporal Order: Some Aspects of Biblical Narrative de David Richter, On a Postcolonial Narratology de Gerald Prince, The Changing Faces of Mount Rushmore: Collective Portraiture and Participatory National Heritage de Alison Booth sau Genre and History in Narrative Theory: The Problem of Retrospective
ÎNTRE NARATOLOGII by JANA GAVRILIU () [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1208_a_2197]
manifestă și dincolo de narațiunea literară. Cercetarea este interesată uneori de discursul din științele sociale ca în Storytelling în Economics de Donald McCloskey și Narrative Theories and Legal Discourse de Bernard S. Jackson sau de discursul din științele exacte ca în Some Narrative Conventions of Scientific Discourse de Rom Harră . și Making a Discovery: Narratives of Split Genres de Greg Myers . Alteori cercetarea este atentă la discursul spectacolului dramatic ca în Narrative and Drama de Monika Fludernik sau Drama and Narrative de
ÎNTRE NARATOLOGII by JANA GAVRILIU () [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1208_a_2197]
berbecia lui impune respect. Când scoate un ditamai tom ca acesta (Dicționarul universal de filme are 765 de pagini, în format manual) și mai recurge și la cotarea peliculelor, după modelul Maltin, de la zero la cinci (Con Air are zero, Some like it hot are cinci OK, OK, dar Moulin Rouge al lui Luhrmann are una, iar Pay it Forward al lui Mimi Leder are trei !), e clar că știe la ce să se aștepte. Dar Caranfil n-ar fi Caranfil
4 decenii, 3 ani și 2 luni cu filmul românesc by Alex. Leo Șerban () [Corola-publishinghouse/Memoirs/806_a_1825]
că vrea să-i facă pașaport și are nevoie de poză) și, în cursul ședinței foto care urmează, ia tot felul de atitudini lascive. Dar imediat după aceea revine la vechea ei atitudine cuminte-speriată, întrebîndu-l cu sfială : Would you like some oral love ? Colac peste pupăză, reapare obsedatul de Vanușa, mai convins ca niciodată că vrea și el. Cînd se întîmplă asta, Matei nu e acasă ; a plecat s-o caute pe adevărata lui iubire, Azucena. (Cît despre prietena lui [Diana
Bunul, Răul și Urîtul în cinema by Andrei Gorzo () [Corola-publishinghouse/Memoirs/818_a_1758]
lucrare în care aplicam într-o manieră sistematică paradigma celor patru clivaje ansamblului partidelor Europei democratice din epocă (Les partis politique en Europe, PUF, Paris, 1978), mi-a răspuns printr-o foarte amabilă scrisoare în care se bucura pentru că găsisem "some use in an old scheme of mine". În cadrul unei comunicări ținute la o masă rotundă a Asociației Franceze de Știință politică în anul morții sale, el menționa că își recunoaște doi discipoli francofoni: Bertrand Badie și noi înșine. 23 F.
Clivajele politice în Europa Centrală şi de Est by Jean-Michel de Waele [Corola-publishinghouse/Administrative/916_a_2424]
perspectivă asupra Varșoviei”. Pe platformă îl întâlnesc pe italianul Nicola Lecca, el este de mai mult timp aici și savurează o Coca-Cola la înălțime. Acesta îmi arată, amuzat, ceea ce scriu, autoironici, polonezii despre platforma din Palatul Culturii: ...after all, as some Varsovians remark sarcastically, it is the only place from which you cannot see the Palace (în traducere liberă, rezumată: „e unicul loc de unde nu se vede hidoșenia construcției staliniste a Palatului“). E drept că mai jos, în același text, specialiștii
there anybody in there? Just knock if you hear me. Is there anyone at home? Come on now, I hear you're feeling down. I can ease your pain And get you on your feet again. Relax! I'll need some information's first Just the basic facts Can you show me where it hurts ? There is no pain you are receving A distant ship, smoke on the horizont You are only coming through waves Your lips move but I can
of Liberty. 35 "Once thou wast to Me the loveliest son of heaven But now "Why art thou Terrible? and yet I love thee în thy terror till "I am almost Extinct & soon shall be a shadow în Oblivion, "Unless some way can be found that I may look upon thee & live. "Hîde me some shadowy semblance, secret whisp'ring în my Ear, 40 " În secret of soft wings, în mazes of delusive beauty. "I have look'd into the secret
by William Blake [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1122_a_2630]
now "Why art thou Terrible? and yet I love thee în thy terror till "I am almost Extinct & soon shall be a shadow în Oblivion, "Unless some way can be found that I may look upon thee & live. "Hîde me some shadowy semblance, secret whisp'ring în my Ear, 40 " În secret of soft wings, în mazes of delusive beauty. "I have look'd into the secret soul of hîm I lov'd, "And în the Dark recesses found Sîn & cannot
by William Blake [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1122_a_2630]
ye bands, influence by influence. "Build we a Bower for heaven's darling în the grizly deep: 25 "Build we the Mundane Shell around the Rock of Albion." The Bands of Heaven flew thro' the air singing & shouting to Urizen. Some fix'd the anvil, some the loom erected, some the plow And harrow form'd & fram'd the harness of silver & ivory, The golden compasses, the quadrant, & the rule & balance. 30 They erected the furnaces, they form'd the anvils
by William Blake [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1122_a_2630]