1,907 matches
Build we a Bower for heaven's darling în the grizly deep: 25 "Build we the Mundane Shell around the Rock of Albion." The Bands of Heaven flew thro' the air singing & shouting to Urizen. Some fix'd the anvil, some the loom erected, some the plow And harrow form'd & fram'd the harness of silver & ivory, The golden compasses, the quadrant, & the rule & balance. 30 They erected the furnaces, they form'd the anvils of gold beaten în mills
by William Blake [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1122_a_2630]
for heaven's darling în the grizly deep: 25 "Build we the Mundane Shell around the Rock of Albion." The Bands of Heaven flew thro' the air singing & shouting to Urizen. Some fix'd the anvil, some the loom erected, some the plow And harrow form'd & fram'd the harness of silver & ivory, The golden compasses, the quadrant, & the rule & balance. 30 They erected the furnaces, they form'd the anvils of gold beaten în mills Where winter beats incessant
by William Blake [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1122_a_2630]
nets, 160 Innumerable the gins & traps, & many a soothing flute Is form'd, & many a corded lyre outspread over the immense. În cruel delight they trap the listeners, & în cruel delight Bînd them, condensing the strong energies into little compass. Some became seed of every plant that shall be planted; some 165 The bulbous roots, thrown up together into barns & garners. Then roșe the Builders. First the Architect divine hîș plan Unfolds. The wondrous scaffold rear'd all round the infinite
by William Blake [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1122_a_2630]
Is form'd, & many a corded lyre outspread over the immense. În cruel delight they trap the listeners, & în cruel delight Bînd them, condensing the strong energies into little compass. Some became seed of every plant that shall be planted; some 165 The bulbous roots, thrown up together into barns & garners. Then roșe the Builders. First the Architect divine hîș plan Unfolds. The wondrous scaffold rear'd all round the infinite, Quadrangular the building roșe, the heavens squared by a line
by William Blake [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1122_a_2630]
s hands "Weave soft delusive forms of Man above my wat'ry world; 30 Renew these ruin'd souls of Men thro' Earth, Șea, Air & Fire, "To waste în endless corruption, renew these I will destroy. "Perhaps Enion may resume some little semblance "To ease my pangs of heart & to restore some peace to Tharmas." Los answer'd în hîș furious pride, sparks issuing from hîș hair: 35 "Hitherto shalt thou come, no further; here thy proud waves cease. "We have
by William Blake [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1122_a_2630]
ry world; 30 Renew these ruin'd souls of Men thro' Earth, Șea, Air & Fire, "To waste în endless corruption, renew these I will destroy. "Perhaps Enion may resume some little semblance "To ease my pangs of heart & to restore some peace to Tharmas." Los answer'd în hîș furious pride, sparks issuing from hîș hair: 35 "Hitherto shalt thou come, no further; here thy proud waves cease. "We have drunk up the Eternal Man by our unbounded power, "Beware lest
by William Blake [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1122_a_2630]
now darken'd, wandering among The Ruin'd Spirits, once hîș Children & the Children of Luvah: For Urizen beheld the terrors of the Abyss, wandering...] The horrid shapes & sights of torment în burning dungeons & în Fetters of red hoț iron; some with crowns of serpents & some 105 With monsters girding round their bosoms; some lying on beds of sulphur, On racks & wheels; he beheld women marching o'er burning wastes Of Sand în bands of hundreds & of fifties & of thousands, strucken
by William Blake [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1122_a_2630]
The Ruin'd Spirits, once hîș Children & the Children of Luvah: For Urizen beheld the terrors of the Abyss, wandering...] The horrid shapes & sights of torment în burning dungeons & în Fetters of red hoț iron; some with crowns of serpents & some 105 With monsters girding round their bosoms; some lying on beds of sulphur, On racks & wheels; he beheld women marching o'er burning wastes Of Sand în bands of hundreds & of fifties & of thousands, strucken with Lightnings which blazed after
by William Blake [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1122_a_2630]
Children of Luvah: For Urizen beheld the terrors of the Abyss, wandering...] The horrid shapes & sights of torment în burning dungeons & în Fetters of red hoț iron; some with crowns of serpents & some 105 With monsters girding round their bosoms; some lying on beds of sulphur, On racks & wheels; he beheld women marching o'er burning wastes Of Sand în bands of hundreds & of fifties & of thousands, strucken with Lightnings which blazed after them upon their shoulders în their march În
by William Blake [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1122_a_2630]
mould & slimy tracks, obstruct hîș way Drawn ouț from deep to deep, woven by ribb'd 120 And scaled monsters or arm'd în iron shell, or shell of brass Or gold; a glittering torment shining & hissing în eternal pain; Some, columns of fire or of water, sometimes stretch'd ouț în heighth, Sometimes în length, sometimes englobing, wandering în vain seeking for ease. Hîș voice to them was but an inarticulate thunder, for their Ears 125 Were heavy & dull, & their
by William Blake [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1122_a_2630]
Spectres, Also the Vegetated bodies which Enitharmon wove Open'd within their hearts & în their loins & în their brain To Beulah; & the Dead în Ulro descended from the War 55 Of Urizen & Tharmas & from the Shadowy female's clouds. And some were woven single, & some twofold, & some threefold În Head or Heart or Reins, according to the fittest order Of most merciful pity & compassion to the spectrous dead. When Urizen saw the Lamb of God clothed în Luvah's robes, 60
by William Blake [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1122_a_2630]
bodies which Enitharmon wove Open'd within their hearts & în their loins & în their brain To Beulah; & the Dead în Ulro descended from the War 55 Of Urizen & Tharmas & from the Shadowy female's clouds. And some were woven single, & some twofold, & some threefold În Head or Heart or Reins, according to the fittest order Of most merciful pity & compassion to the spectrous dead. When Urizen saw the Lamb of God clothed în Luvah's robes, 60 Perplex'd & terrifi'd
by William Blake [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1122_a_2630]
Enitharmon wove Open'd within their hearts & în their loins & în their brain To Beulah; & the Dead în Ulro descended from the War 55 Of Urizen & Tharmas & from the Shadowy female's clouds. And some were woven single, & some twofold, & some threefold În Head or Heart or Reins, according to the fittest order Of most merciful pity & compassion to the spectrous dead. When Urizen saw the Lamb of God clothed în Luvah's robes, 60 Perplex'd & terrifi'd he stood
by William Blake [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1122_a_2630]
dwell? for it is thee I seek, & but for thee "I must have slept Eternally, nor have felt the dew of thy morning. "Look how the opening dawn advances with vocal harmony! "Look how the beams foreshew the rising of some glorious power! "The sun is thine, he goeth forth în hîș majestic brightness. 400 "O thou creating voice that callest! & who shall answer thee?" "Where dost thou flee, O fair one? where doest thou seek thy happy place?" "To yonder
by William Blake [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1122_a_2630]
s robes She made herself a Mantle. Also the Vegetated bodies which Enitharmon wove în her looms Open'd within the heart & în the loins & în the brain 25 To Beulah, & the dead în Beulah descended thro' their gates And some were woven onefold, some twofold, & some threefold În head or heart or reins, according to the fittest order Of most mournful pity & compassion to the spectrous dead. Darkness & sorrow cover'd all flesh; eternity was darken'd. 30 Urizen sitting
by William Blake [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1122_a_2630]
herself a Mantle. Also the Vegetated bodies which Enitharmon wove în her looms Open'd within the heart & în the loins & în the brain 25 To Beulah, & the dead în Beulah descended thro' their gates And some were woven onefold, some twofold, & some threefold În head or heart or reins, according to the fittest order Of most mournful pity & compassion to the spectrous dead. Darkness & sorrow cover'd all flesh; eternity was darken'd. 30 Urizen sitting în hîș web of
by William Blake [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1122_a_2630]
Mantle. Also the Vegetated bodies which Enitharmon wove în her looms Open'd within the heart & în the loins & în the brain 25 To Beulah, & the dead în Beulah descended thro' their gates And some were woven onefold, some twofold, & some threefold În head or heart or reins, according to the fittest order Of most mournful pity & compassion to the spectrous dead. Darkness & sorrow cover'd all flesh; eternity was darken'd. 30 Urizen sitting în hîș web of deceitful religion
by William Blake [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1122_a_2630]
is commonly used as a synonym for the past, historical studies are usually written in the past tense, they are normally presumed to refer to past events, and there is general agreement that history as a mode of inquiry in some ways involves a concept of past”. Istoria ca metodă este confundată, în primul rând, cu trecutul umanității. Toți autorii care au fost preocupați de rigoarea unei definiții a istoriei au ajuns la concluzia că istoria „nu este aflarea distanței de la
de adevărul sintagmei axiomatice potrivit căreia „America este o țară de imigranți”. Se recunoaște, unanim, că „America was built by immigrants. From Plymouth Rock in the seventeenth century to Ellis Island in the twentieth, people born elsewhere came to America. Some were fleeing religious persecution and political turmoil. Most, however, came for economic reasons and were part of extensive migratory sistems that responded to changing demands in labour markets. Their experience in the United States was as diverse as their backgrounds
religious persecution and political turmoil. Most, however, came for economic reasons and were part of extensive migratory sistems that responded to changing demands in labour markets. Their experience in the United States was as diverse as their backgrounds and aspirations. Some became farmers and others toiled in factories. Some settled permanently and others returned to their homeland. Collectively, however, they contributed to the building of a nation by providing a constant source of inexpensive labour, by settling rural regions and industrial
for economic reasons and were part of extensive migratory sistems that responded to changing demands in labour markets. Their experience in the United States was as diverse as their backgrounds and aspirations. Some became farmers and others toiled in factories. Some settled permanently and others returned to their homeland. Collectively, however, they contributed to the building of a nation by providing a constant source of inexpensive labour, by settling rural regions and industrial cities, and by bringing their unique forms of
in the century prior to War War I, the major sources of immigrants were Germany, Italy, Ireland, Austria, Hungary, Russia and Great Britain, but Canada also supplied 4 million newcomers, including a large number of French, Canadians, and Mexico sent some 2 million. These emigrant centres supplied the largest ethnic concentrations in American society before the 1960s”. Așa cum era și de așteptat, România nu figura printre principalele „surse” de emigrare ale epocii, întrucât românii din Austro-Ungaria erau înregistrați printre cei plecați
South St. Paul, in Missouri, and in Montana, but for the most part they did not stray from the major industrial regions. Few settled in the Far West or the South before the 1960s, when many retired to California and some to Florida. The first-generation immigrants were unskilled and semiskilled industrial workers, congregating in urban colonies close to the factories in which they worked and where their fellow nationals from the same region or village lived”. Convingerea acestui istoric, informat și
în țara lor de origine, noii imigranți nu erau primiți cu entuziasm de nativi, indiferent dacă aceștia din urmă erau asimilați întru totul sau își afișau americanismul ca pe o virtute personală. Așa cum se recunoaște de altfel, „as sincere as some of the Americanizers were, in the end they imposed a standard of immigrant performance that left those who did not conform extremely vulnerable to nativist attacks. In the wake of World War I, anti-foreignism surfaced again in a particularly virulent
în urma unui calcul care nu pleca de la statistici ori de la alte surse credibile, ci de la aprecieri personale, rotunjite de autor, printr-o presupusă diminuare circumstanțială. în 1979, Radu Toma se arăta convins că „the number of the Romanian-Americans increased to some 120.000 in 1930”. Tot el ne informează că, “în anul 1930, grupul originar prin naștere sau părinți din România [deci nu numai români, n.n.] era format din 293.453 persoane, aproape 1% din populația Statelor Unite originară prin naștere sau