1,809 matches
writh'd hîș neck Involuntary to the Couch where Enitharmon lay. The bones of Urizen hurtle on the wind; the bones of Los Twinge & hîș iron sinews bend like lead & fold 295 Into unusual forms, dancing & howling, stamping the abyss. End of the Fourth Night VALA Night The Fifth Infected, Mad, he danc'd on hîș mountains high & dark aș heaven, Now fix'd into one stedfast bulk hîș features stonify, From hîș mouth curses, & from hîș eyes sparks of blighting
by William Blake [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1122_a_2630]
deep pulsation "That shakes my cavern with strong shudders; perhaps this is the night 240 "Of Prophecy, & Luvah hath burst hîș way from Enitharmon. "When Thought is clos'd în Caves Then love shall shew its root în deepest Hell." End of the Fifth Night VALA Night the Sixth Șo Urizen arose, & leaning on hîș spear explor'd hîș dens. He threw hîș flight thro' the dark air to where a river flow'd, And taking off hîș silver helmet filled
by William Blake [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1122_a_2630]
în an Eternal woe, "And thou, O Urizen, art fall'n, never to be deliver'd. "Withhold thy light from me for ever, & I will withhold 65 "From thee thy food; șo shall we cease to be, & all our sorrows "End, & the Eternal Man no more renew beneath our power. "If thou refusest, în eternal flight thy beams în vain "Shall pursue Tharmas, & în vain shalt crave for food. I will "Pour down my flight thro' dark immensity Eternal falling. 70
by William Blake [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1122_a_2630]
the void "Thou hang'st, a dried skin, shrunk up, weak wailing în the wind." Șo Tharmas spoke, but Urizen replied not. On hîș way He took, high bounding over hills & desarts, floods & horrible chasms. Infinite was hîș labour, without end hîș travel; he strove 75 În vain, for hideous monsters of the deeps annoy'd hîm sore, Scaled & finn'd with iron & brass, they devour'd the path before hîm. Incessant was the conflict. On he bent hîș weary steps
by William Blake [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1122_a_2630]
of Cumbrous wheels, "Circle o'er Circle, nor on high attain a void "Where self sustainig I may view all things beneath my feet? "Or sinking thro' these Elemental wonders, swift to fall, 200 "I thought perhaps to find an End, a world beneath of voidness "Whence I might travel round the outside of this dark confusion. "When I bend downward, bending my head downward into the deep, " 'Tis upward all which way soever I my course begin; "But when A
by William Blake [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1122_a_2630]
begin; "But when A Vortex, form'd on high by labour & sorrow & care 205 And weariness, begins on all my limbs, then sleep revives "My wearied spirits; waking then 'tis downward all which way "Soever I my spirits turn, no end I find of all " O what a world is here, unlike those climes of bliss "Where my sons gather'd round my knees! O, thou poor ruin'd world! 210 "Thou horrible ruin! once like me thou wast all glorious
by William Blake [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1122_a_2630]
red Orc; returning back to Urizen, gorg'd with blood. Slow roll the massy Globes at hîș command, & slow o'erwheel The dismal squadrons of Urthona weaving the dîre Web 325 În their progressions, & preparing Urizen's path before hîm. End of The Sixth Night VALA Night the Seventh Then Urizen arose. The Spectre fled, & Tharmas fled; The dark'ning Spectre of Urthona hîd beneath a rock. Tharmas threw hîș impetuous flight thro' the deeps of immensity Revolving round în whirlpools
by William Blake [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1122_a_2630]
Startled was Los; he found hîș Enemy Urizen now În hîș hands; he wonder'd that he felt love & not hate. Hîș whole soul loved hîm; he beheld hîm an infant Lovely, breath'd from Enitharmon; he trembled within himself. [End of Night the Seventh] VALA Night the Seventh [b] But în the deeps beneath the tree of Mystery în darkest night Where Urizen sat on hîș rock, the Shadow brooded. Urizen saw & triumph'd, & he cried to hîș warriors: "The
by William Blake [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1122_a_2630]
the bottoms of their tombs, Descending on the shadowy female's clouds în Spectrous terror, 300 Beyond the Limit of Translucence on the Lake of Udan Adan. These they nam'd Satans, & în the Aggregate they nam'd them Satan. End of The Seventh Night [b] VALA Night the Eighth Then All în Great Eternity Met în the Council of God aș one Man, Even Jesus, upon Gilead & Hermon, Upon the Limit of Contraction to create the fallen Man. The Fallen
by William Blake [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1122_a_2630]
it into their heart to fulfill all hîș will. The Ashes of Mystery began to animate; they call'd it Deism And Natural Religion; aș of old, șo now anew began 615 Babylon again în Infancy, call'd Natural Religion. [End of the Eighth Night] VALA Night the Ninth Being The Last Judgement And Los & Enitharmon builded Jerusalem, weeping Over the Sepulcher & over the Crucified body Which, to their Phantom Eyes, appear'd still în the Sepulcher; But Jesus stood beside
by William Blake [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1122_a_2630]
their husks. Then Tharmas took the Winnowing fan; the winnowing wind furious 655 Above, veer'd round by violent whirlwind, driven west & south, Tossed the Nations like chaff into the seas of Tharmas. "O Mystery," Fierce Tharmas cries, "Behold thy end is come! "Art thou she that made the nations drunk with the cup of Religion? "Go down, ye Kings & Councellors & Giant Warriors, 660 "Go down into the depths, go down & hîde yourselves beneath, "Go down with horse & Chariots & Trumpets of
by William Blake [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1122_a_2630]
the delusive Phantom? Departed: & Urthona rises from the ruinous Walls În all hîș ancient strength to form the golden armour of science For intellectual War. The war of swords departed now, 855 The dark Religions are departed & sweet Science reigns. End of The Dream NOTES WRITTEN ON THE PAGES OF VALA, OR THE FOUR ZOAS Christ's Crucifix shall be made an excuse for Executing Criminals. ¶ Till thou dost înjure the distrest. Thou shalt never have peace within thy breast. ¶ The
by William Blake [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1122_a_2630]
friend or your enemy; he must necessarily be either the one or the other, And that he will be equally profitable both ways if you treat hîm aș he deserves. An Impossibility. Innocence dwells with Wisdom, but never with Ignorance. [END OF VALA, OR THE FOUR ZOAS] THE FOUR ZOAS ADDITIONAL FRAGMENTS Beneath the veil of Vala roșe Tharmas from dewey tears. The eternal man bow'd hîș bright head, & Urizen, prince of light, Astonish'd look'd from hîș bright
by William Blake [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1122_a_2630]
reins, according to the fittest order Of most mournful pity & compassion to the spectrous dead. Darkness & sorrow cover'd all flesh; eternity was darken'd. 30 Urizen sitting în hîș web of deceitful religion was tormented. He felt the female & [END OF ADDITIONAL FRAGMENTS] CEI PATRU ZOA Scris și Revizuit 1795-1804 Datat 1797 [Titlu, prima formă] VALA SAU Moartea și Judecată Omului Străvechi UN VIS de Nouă Nopți de William Blake 1797 [Titlu, forma a doua] Cei patru Zoa Chinurile Iubirii
by William Blake [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1122_a_2630]
Flaxman, 12 September 1800" (BCW: 799). 142 "That there is but one Omnipotent, Uncreate & God I agree, but that there is but one Infinite I do not; for if all but God is not Infinite, they shall come to an End, which God forbid." (Cf. "Annotations to Swedenborg's Wisdom of Angels concerning Divine Love and Divine Wisdom", c. 1789; BCW: 91). 143 Vala, I, 6-8. 144 Ibid., IX, 828-830. 145 Los spune că toți trăiesc din faptul că privesc Chipul
by William Blake [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1122_a_2630]
conținut dat (...). Dar înainte de a explica, interpre‑ ta și compara, este bine să te miri de lucrările atât de ascunse și adânci ale cuvintelor<footnote id=''1''> C. Noica, Creație și frumos în rostirea românească, Ed. Eminescu, București 1973, 129. <end footnote> Două teze fundamentale ale esteticii contemporane spun că: ‑obiectiv: orice lucru poate deveni operă de artă. ‑subiectiv: orice om este un artist. Începuturile artei sunt la fel de misterioase ca și cele ale limbajului. Dacă admitem că arta constă în a
Michelangelo Buonarroti / Mesajul biblic al operelor sale by Ioan Blaj () [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/442_a_992]
Londra, 1974. Kitsuse, J.I., „Societal reaction to deviant behavior. Problems of the theory and method”, în Social Problems, 9, 1962. Klein, D.B., Mental hygiene, Holt, New York, 1956. Klineberg, O., Social psychology, Holt, New York, 1954. Kobler, A.L.; Stotland, E., The end of hope. A social-clinical theory of suicide, The Free Press of Glencoe, Collier-Macmillan Lrd., Londra, 1964. Koegler, R.R.; Brill, N.Q., Treatment of psychiatrie out patients, Appleton-Century-Crofts, New York, 1967. Koehler, Cl., Jeunes déficients mentaux, Éd. Dessart, Bruxelles, 1967. Koenig, O.
nu erau primiți cu entuziasm de nativi, indiferent dacă aceștia din urmă erau asimilați întru totul sau își afișau americanismul ca pe o virtute personală. Așa cum se recunoaște de altfel, „as sincere as some of the Americanizers were, in the end they imposed a standard of immigrant performance that left those who did not conform extremely vulnerable to nativist attacks. In the wake of World War I, anti-foreignism surfaced again in a particularly virulent form”. Indiferent însă de aceste reacții, justificate
a Lumii Noi și și-a stabilit caracterul pe care îl are și astăzi”. Gerald J. Bobango, în schimb, se arăta convins că „a second large wave of Romanians entered the country as restriction on leaving Romania eased with the end of the First World War”, val ce a continuat până la sfârșitul celui de al Doilea Război Mondial. Fără a respinge ori a eluda punctele de vedere menționate, considerăm că al doilea val de emigrare a început după 1918 și a
între 1945 și 1978 au fost strămutate și refugiate în America 28.421 de persoane provenite din România. Abordând același subiect, Gerald J. Bobango afirma în 1982 că, „giving the passing of the first generation by the 1970s, and the end of unlimited immigration, a recent estimate of some 85,000 ethnic Romanians in the United States and Canada, i.e., those themselves or with parents born abroad, might be fairly valid as of 1978”. Radu Toma concluziona, în 1979, că „it
the forces, the means, the plâns and the resources were re-positioned. The war started again. Actually, it hâd never stopped because the war between the East and the West is unfortunately a continuous one. Like a road without beginning, without end, and with no exit. Keywords: strategic ridge, Black Șea, Baltic Șea, strategies, resources. Introducere Încă odată s-a dovedit, dacă mai era nevoie, ca Estul și Vestul nu și-au dat încă mâna, nu au semnat încă un pact de
Internet and social networks (during the last 5 years) - all are steps that led to a democratization of communication. 3 Political leaders express this state în autobiographical works - Ion Iliescu în talks with Vladimir Tismăneanu (The grand shock at the end of a short century). Publisher: Encyclopedica, Bucharest, 2004); Ion Diaconescu în the volume After the Revolution, Nemira, 2003; Adrian Nastase în talks with Alin Teodorescu (From Karl Marx to Coca-Cola, Nemira, 2004). The list is long - such concerns have been
actually translations of the Soviet critics. The year 1956 represented a turning point, with the commemoration of 75 years after the author's death when there were published many of his novels along with numerous exegetical texts. However, towards the end of the '70s, there was again a difficult period regarding the publication of Dostoevsky's novels. În some respect, the situation în România was similar with what happened în the Soviet Union: "A Russia (Soviet) scholar looking back from the
the difficult, controversial, but on the whole, "our" writer both during and after the anniversary year of 1956. |Finally, sometime în the middle of the 1960s, Dostoevsky was almost completely rehabilitated..." 3. Dostoevsky and the paradigmatic Marxist perspective Towards the end of the nineteenth century, Constantin Dobrogeanu- Gherea published the first serious text on Dostoevsky. However, aș a well-known socialist, the Romanian author approaches Dostoevsky's work în a biased and subjective way, trying to emphasize those aspects în the life
stressed the importance of re-evaluating Dostoevsky through the Marxist-Leninist lens: this sort of analysis would allow the choice of "the wheat from the chaff" and the repudiation of the "hostile theory" of humility and reconciliation among classes and, în the end, the appreciation of what is realistic în his work. Radu Popescu, for example, Radu Popescu draws the attention to who should be interpreted and received the work of Dostoevsky and he signals the danger of reactionary theses. Nevertheless, with the