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the focus lies on the analysis of the phenomenon of educational change from multiple perspectives (psychological, pedagogical, and managerial-strategic), as well as on determining the basic components of the educational change process. The evolution of this process allows for evincing some of the most significant changes which left their mark on the Romanian educational policies, both at high-school and university levels. Also, the present work proposes a set of principles of change that may constitute fundamental reference frames for the assessment
by VALERICA ANGHELACHE [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/992_a_2500]
the information security competences, The 6 th International Seminar "Quality Management in Higher Education", indexed in the "ISI Web of Knowledge" ISI Proceedings Database, http://apps.webofknowledge.com, Tulcea, Romania, 8-9 iulie, 2010. Purcărea A. A., Bogdan Țigănoaia, Considerations regarding some mechanisms for information security assurance, Res Computeria International Journal Scientia Publication, India, vol. 2, Issue 4, iulie-august, 2011, online at www.assobp.org/scientiapublication, 2011. Purcărea A. A, Bogdan Țigănoaia, Corneliu-Teofil Teaha, Quality Management System proposal for complex organizations, Research
Asigurarea securităţii informaţiilor în organizaţii by Bogdan-Dumitru Ţigănoaia [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/894_a_2402]
of the information security domain and to develop and validate, through case study, a model for information security assurance in organizations. The general objective of the book is: GO: The growth of knowledge in the field of book by bringing some contributions regarding information security assurance in organizations. The specific objectives of the book are: O1: The identification of the actual situation and perspectives regarding information security in organizations; O2: The development of a model for information security assurance in organizations
Asigurarea securităţii informaţiilor în organizaţii by Bogdan-Dumitru Ţigănoaia [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/894_a_2402]
the book are: O1: The identification of the actual situation and perspectives regarding information security in organizations; O2: The development of a model for information security assurance in organizations; O3: Validation of the model through case study in an organization. Some contributions (selective), related to the specific objectives are: a) Bibliographic study regarding the mechanisms used for information security assurance in organizations; b) Research based on a questionnaire in order to identify actual situation and perspectives regarding information security in Romanian
Asigurarea securităţii informaţiilor în organizaţii by Bogdan-Dumitru Ţigănoaia [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/894_a_2402]
application). g) The evaluation of the organization regarding information security; h) The management of information security risks in organization; i) Information security assurance by implementing measures proposed in the model; j) The identification of scenarios regarding information security in organization; Some methods and tools for scientific research were used: bibliographic research; comparative study; questionnaire; SWOT analysis; pattern making; software simulation; case study. The research has a high applicative level and can be used both in academic purpose, but also in industry
Asigurarea securităţii informaţiilor în organizaţii by Bogdan-Dumitru Ţigănoaia [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/894_a_2402]
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