126 matches
vol. 8, nr. 1, 1988, pp. 70-72 2442 RFE, Reportaj privind situația României, 29 mai 1987, pp. 19-22 2443 Ibidem, p. 7 2444 Ibidem, pp. 8-7 2445 Making the Working People's Life Richer and Fuller-Rumanian-Soviet Friendship Rally, "The Current Digest of the Soviet Press", vol. 39, nr. 21, 24 iunie 1987 2446 Ibidem 2447 NYT, 31 mai 1987, p. 5 2448 RFE, Reportaj privind situația României, 29 mai 1987, p. 16 2449 Staar (ed.), Yearbook on International Communist Affairs, 1988
by Joseph F. Harrington, Bruce Y. Courtney [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1036_a_2544]