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and developing a critical discourse which hâș shattered the fundamental inequalities between women and men. Initially focused on claims for judicial regulation and political rights for white, heterosexual women, the feminist discourse - or to puț it more accurately, some radical feminist positions - also focuses on sexual and gender minorities. The need to question the state-endorsed heteronormativity joined forces with the freedom from the patriarchal logic and sexism: “Until all of uș are free, all of uș are prisoners” is the premise
Apel la texte și intervenții: GAP 6 – Artă, Gen, Sexualitate () [Corola-website/Science/295759_a_297088]
question the state-endorsed heteronormativity joined forces with the freedom from the patriarchal logic and sexism: “Until all of uș are free, all of uș are prisoners” is the premise for practices deriving from the sphere of queer, anti-racist and anti-transphobic feminist discourses. Alongside feminism, sexual revolution and LGBT activism (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender) become important stakes în achieving equality în contemporary societies. Issue #6 of Gazeta de Artă Politică</b><b> </b>aims to investigate artistic projects and theoretical reflections which
Apel la texte și intervenții: GAP 6 – Artă, Gen, Sexualitate () [Corola-website/Science/295759_a_297088]
feminism hâș entered the mainstream, radical and queer feminism remains marginal both în society and the art scene. Issue #6 of Gazeta de Artă Politică</b> -<b> Art Gender and Sexuality </b>- aims to scrutinize cultural and artistic projects, queer feminist discourses and emancipatory perspectives on sexuality and gender identity. We welcome your reviews, essays, analyses or interviews on this theme. They will be published în the website of the <b>Gazeta</b>.
Apel la texte și intervenții: GAP 6 – Artă, Gen, Sexualitate () [Corola-website/Science/295759_a_297088]
("Queer theory" în engleză) este o teorie filozofică și critică care a început din al treilea val feminist și din studiile gay și lesbiene (studii LGBT). Proiectul principal al teoriei queer este investigarea categorizării de gen și sexualitate în societatea contemporană și impactul heteronormativității asupra minorităților sexuale (persoanele "queer"). Termenul de "teorie queer" a fost format de Teresa
Teoria queer () [Corola-website/Science/304724_a_306053]
vizibilitatea politică a femeilor. Având în vedere răspândirea condiției culturale care reprezintă greșit sau deloc viețile femeilor, un asemenea țel era evident important. Aceasta concepție dominantă asupra relației dintre teoria feministă și politica a început să fie chestionata în interiorul discursului feminist. Însăși natură de subiect a femeii nu mai este înțeleasă în termeni stabili sau liniari. Există multe materiale care nu doar pun la îndoială validitatea „subiectului” că cel mai potrivit candidat pentru reprezentare sau eliberare, ci chiar scot la iveală
Feminismul și subversiunea identității () [Corola-website/Science/295774_a_297103]
acestora. Dacă această analiză e corectă, formarea în cheie juridică a limbajului și a politicii care reprezintă femeile că „subiect” al feminismului este ea însăși o creație discursiva și un efect al unei versiuni date a politicii reprezentării. Iar subiectul feminist se dovedește a fi format discursiv de către însăși sistemul politic care ar trebui să-i faciliteze emanciparea. Acest lucru devine problematic din punct de vedere politic dacă acel sistem produce subiecți diferențiați și ierarhizați în funcție de gen sau subiecți presupuși masculini
Feminismul și subversiunea identității () [Corola-website/Science/295774_a_297103]
o identitate „originală” care să genereze acțiunile ce ar exprimă, teoretic, genul, acesta rămâne deschis interpretărilor și atribuirilor de sens subversive, adică resemnificărilor (n.trad.) [:en]By Judith Butler[1] “Women” aș the Subject of Feminism For the most part, feminist theory hâș assumed that there is some existing identity, understood through the category of women, who not only initiates feminist interests and goals within discourse, but constitutes the subject for whom political representation is pursued. But politics and representation are
Feminismul și subversiunea identității () [Corola-website/Science/295774_a_297103]
subversive, adică resemnificărilor (n.trad.) [:en]By Judith Butler[1] “Women” aș the Subject of Feminism For the most part, feminist theory hâș assumed that there is some existing identity, understood through the category of women, who not only initiates feminist interests and goals within discourse, but constitutes the subject for whom political representation is pursued. But politics and representation are controversial terms. On the one hand, representation serves aș the operative term within a political process that seeks to extend
Feminismul și subversiunea identității () [Corola-website/Science/295774_a_297103]
and legitimacy to women aș political subjects; on the other hand, representation is the normative function of a language which is said either to reveal or to distort what is assumed to be true about the category of women. For feminist theory, the development of a language that fully or adequately represents women hâș seemed necessary to foster the political visibility of women. This hâș seemed obviously important considering the pervasive cultural condition în which women’s lives were either misrepresented
Feminismul și subversiunea identității () [Corola-website/Science/295774_a_297103]
seemed necessary to foster the political visibility of women. This hâș seemed obviously important considering the pervasive cultural condition în which women’s lives were either misrepresented or not represented at all. Recently, this prevailing conception of the relation between feminist theory and politics hâș come under challenge from within feminist discourse. The very subject of women is no longer understood în stable or abiding terms. There is a great deal of material that not only questions the viability of “the
Feminismul și subversiunea identității () [Corola-website/Science/295774_a_297103]
hâș seemed obviously important considering the pervasive cultural condition în which women’s lives were either misrepresented or not represented at all. Recently, this prevailing conception of the relation between feminist theory and politics hâș come under challenge from within feminist discourse. The very subject of women is no longer understood în stable or abiding terms. There is a great deal of material that not only questions the viability of “the subject” aș the ultimate candidate for representation or, indeed, liberation
Feminismul și subversiunea identității () [Corola-website/Science/295774_a_297103]
of those structures. If this analysis is right, then the juridical formation of language and politics that represents women aș “the subject” of feminism is itself a discursive formation and effect of a given version of representational politics. And the feminist subject turns ouț to be discursively constituted by the very political system that is supposed to facilitate its emancipation. This becomes politically problematic if that system can be shown to produce gendered subjects along a differential axis of domination or
Feminismul și subversiunea identității () [Corola-website/Science/295774_a_297103]
or to produce subjects who are presumed to be masculine. În such cases, ăn uncritical appeal to such a system for the emancipation of “women” will be clearly self-defeating. The question of “the subject” is crucial for politics, and for feminist politics în particular, because juridical subjects are invariably produced through certain exclusionary practices that do not “show” once the juridical structure of politics hâș been established. În other words, the political construction of the subject proceeds with certain legitimating and
Feminismul și subversiunea identității () [Corola-website/Science/295774_a_297103]
2 în order to invoke that discursive formation aș a naturalized foundational premise that subsequently legitimates that law’s own regulatory hegemony. It is not enough to inquire into how women might become more fully represented în language and politics. Feminist critique ought also to understand how the category of “women,” the subject of feminism, is produced and restrained by the very structures of power through which emancipation is sought. [...] Identity, Sex and the Metaphysics of Substance What can be meant
Feminismul și subversiunea identității () [Corola-website/Science/295774_a_297103]
regulatory practice that can be identified aș compulsory heterosexuality? Would that explanation return uș to yet another totalizing frame în which compulsory heterosexuality merely takes the place of phallogocentrism aș the monolithic căușe of gender oppression? [...] Within the terms of feminist sexual theory, it is clear that the presence of power dynamics within sexuality is în no sense the same aș the simple consolidation or augmentation of a heterosexist or phallogocentric power regime. The “presence” of so-called heterosexual conventions within homosexual
Feminismul și subversiunea identității () [Corola-website/Science/295774_a_297103]
formulă de cooperativă de ajutor reciproc, asemeni celei pe care am descris-o mai sus, mi s-a părut un bun punct de plecare pentru o colaborare artistico-feminstă, însă, în mod evident, cred că a venit timpul ca atât critica feminist, precum și vocea critică a actorilor să se cristalizeze în demersuri eventual comune, dar ferme, de opoziție față de structurile puterii. Nici finanțări de programe sociale prin ateliere dramatice, și nici sensul professional, regăsit în proiecte sociale mai degrabă caritabile, nu pot
De ce mai merg la teatru... () [Corola-website/Science/295743_a_297072]
reviste academice occidentale precum "American Political Science Review", "Canadian Journal of Political Science", "Canadian Slavonic Papers", "Communist and Post-Communist Studies", "East European Politics and Societies", "Europe-Asia Studies", "European Journal of Political Research", "European Legacy", "Global Governance", "Hypatia: A Journal of Feminist Philosophy", "Internațional Insights", "Internațional Journal of Politics and Ethics", "Internațional Political Science Review", "Internațional Politics", "Journal of Communist Studies and Transition Politics", "Journal of East-West Business", "Political Studies", "Problems of Post-Communism", "Review of European and Russian Affairs", "Studies în Post-Communism
Lavinia Stan () [Corola-website/Science/316913_a_318242]
diverselor structuri educaționale și sociale. - Rolul și poziția activismului pentru drepturile LGBT în contextul social și cultural românesc. [caption id="attachment 1528" align="aligncenter" width="600"] Alexandra Horghidan, Fără titlu, 2014.[/caption] În the Western world of the 20th century, the feminist and sexual revolutions paved the way for the liberation movements of sexual and gender minorities. Women’s place în society, sexuality, gender identity and sexual orientation are all reevaluated and redefined from new, emancipating perspectives. Within feminist movements, aș well
Artă, gen, sexualitate () [Corola-website/Science/295787_a_297116]
20th century, the feminist and sexual revolutions paved the way for the liberation movements of sexual and gender minorities. Women’s place în society, sexuality, gender identity and sexual orientation are all reevaluated and redefined from new, emancipating perspectives. Within feminist movements, aș well aș within those for LGBT rights, one can notice the development of radical left-wing positions based on intersectionality, which aim to connect the struggle for women’s rights and for sexual and gender minorities with anti-racist and
Artă, gen, sexualitate () [Corola-website/Science/295787_a_297116]
within those for LGBT rights, one can notice the development of radical left-wing positions based on intersectionality, which aim to connect the struggle for women’s rights and for sexual and gender minorities with anti-racist and anticapitalist positions. În România, feminist ideas surfaced în the 19th century, but în the absence of a powerful, radical feminist movement, women’s place în society hâș continued to be violently regulated by patriarchal structures even after 1989. At the same time, the public presence
Artă, gen, sexualitate () [Corola-website/Science/295787_a_297116]
on intersectionality, which aim to connect the struggle for women’s rights and for sexual and gender minorities with anti-racist and anticapitalist positions. În România, feminist ideas surfaced în the 19th century, but în the absence of a powerful, radical feminist movement, women’s place în society hâș continued to be violently regulated by patriarchal structures even after 1989. At the same time, the public presence of LGBT communities is still în its infancy, în a period of coagulating identities and
Artă, gen, sexualitate () [Corola-website/Science/295787_a_297116]
sexuality, and representations remain mostly anchored în a sexist and heteronormative reality. Issue #6 of the Gazeta de Artă Politică investigates artistic projects and theoretical approaches on the position of women, gay sexuality and gender identity, analyzed în a queer feminist key originating în left-wing political thought. This issue focuses on România, where the feminist and queer art scenes are starting to take shape. Without aiming to cover all aspects of a certain topic, GAP #6 brings to the forefront a
Artă, gen, sexualitate () [Corola-website/Science/295787_a_297116]
of the Gazeta de Artă Politică investigates artistic projects and theoretical approaches on the position of women, gay sexuality and gender identity, analyzed în a queer feminist key originating în left-wing political thought. This issue focuses on România, where the feminist and queer art scenes are starting to take shape. Without aiming to cover all aspects of a certain topic, GAP #6 brings to the forefront a series of projects and theoretical reflections which make visible: - Marginalized discourses on sexual orientation
Artă, gen, sexualitate () [Corola-website/Science/295787_a_297116]
orientation and gender identity, approached from an angle which is critical of mainstream heteronormative discourses; - The critique of public, consumerist representations which privilege the hyper-sexualized image of the “woman-as-appendage”, visible only if she displays her sexuality; - Sexual education from a feminist perspective; - Feminist discourses în art which criticize the patriarchal domination within various educațional and social structures;
Artă, gen, sexualitate () [Corola-website/Science/295787_a_297116]
gender identity, approached from an angle which is critical of mainstream heteronormative discourses; - The critique of public, consumerist representations which privilege the hyper-sexualized image of the “woman-as-appendage”, visible only if she displays her sexuality; - Sexual education from a feminist perspective; - Feminist discourses în art which criticize the patriarchal domination within various educațional and social structures;
Artă, gen, sexualitate () [Corola-website/Science/295787_a_297116]