472 matches
through language, but also through "a massage" of the senses. The purpose of multimodality is exactly this, namely a stepping down of language aș the unique instrument of information and representation. This is the reason why we will label the linguistic elements aș verbal objects. În Rick Iedema's opinion (2003: 30), the disadvantage of multimodality is the fact that it does not provide a social-processual logic which should analyse the way în which material meanings mutually transform one another în
by Camelia-Mihaela Cmeciu [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1056_a_2564]
culture Burberry Aș we have mentioned în the beginning of our study, we are "the prisoners" of "the pictorial turn" of the 21st century. According to Schirato and Webb (2007: 66), images do not work only at the discursive and linguistic levels, they also encompass the level of the subconscious, involving besides our abstract intellectual identity, our feelings within stories and actually the whole being of the viewer. The discourse of advertising is a metonymic way of representing one's culture
by Camelia-Mihaela Cmeciu [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1056_a_2564]
besides the iconic function which sends to a particular object, a semiotic function of indexicality, signaling a certain social and cultural territory (tulips, pizza or pastă are the indices of the Netherlands or Italy). We might add that along with linguistic expressions, there are also objects which belong to the contextual frame of a real or ficțional world which can be interpreted, through commodity codes, aș indices of social (human or abstract) actors' powerful presence, and, automatically, aș signs of persuasion
by Camelia-Mihaela Cmeciu [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1056_a_2564]
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by Camelia-Mihaela Cmeciu [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1056_a_2564]
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