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system, like all complex systems, lives a precarious balance, șo when a part, however small, the system undergoes a change, the entire system must home ostatically settle în a new situation. For this reason the author cannot help but point ouț how, even a premature death, should be considered a damage with regard to the society. This happen because every individual is în doubt towards the society, în which is socialized, educated, invest în considerable amount of resources, that în case
The research of Freidson are really interesting, because he believes that giving more space to the disease hâș aș a consequence to steal deviant behavior from the scope of the crime and sin, emptying of meaning the control action carried ouț by legal institutions and religious. "For these reasons -Freidson- the medical response to deviance is applied to a growing number of behavior în many of which were given different answers în the past"31. More effectively Freidson also argues that
Resources Development 2007-2013; he holds a doctoral degree în history (2007), he graduated from the Faculty of Political Science of the University of Bucharest (2002) and from the Faculty of History of the University of Bucharest (1997). He hâș carried ouț stays of research and documentation în the field of human migration în Italy (2012), at "La Sapienza" Universita di Romă and Universita degli Studi "Aldo Moro" di Bari. From 2009 to 2013 he was the managing editor of the Sfera
high-viscosity; Baseoil-unspecified [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained by treating light vacuum gas oil, heavy vacuum gas oil, and solvent deasphalted residual oil with hydrogen în the presence of a catalyst în a two stage process with dewaxing being carried ouț between the two stages. It consists predominantly of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly în the range of C20 through C50 and produces a finished oil having a viscosity of approximately 112cSt at 40 °C. It contains a relatively large proportion
jrc2510as1994 by Guvernul României () [Corola-website/Law/87664_a_88451]
C15-30, hydrotreated neutral oil-based; Baseoil - unspecified [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained by treating light vacuum gas oil and heavy vacuum gas oil with hydrogen în the presence of a catalyst în a two stage process with dewaxing being carneo) ouț between the two stages. It consists predominantly of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly în the range of C15 through C30 and produces a finished oil having a viscosity of approximately 15cSt at 40 °C. It contains a relatively large proportion
jrc2510as1994 by Guvernul României () [Corola-website/Law/87664_a_88451]
Baseoil - unspecified [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained by treating light vacuum gas oil, heavy vacuum gas oil and solvent deasphalted residual oil with hydrogen în the presence of a catalyst în a two stage process with dewaxing being carried ouț between the two stages. It consists predominantly of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly în the range of C20 through C50 and produces a finished oil with a viscosity of approximately 32cSt at 40 °C. It contains a relatively large proportion
jrc2510as1994 by Guvernul României () [Corola-website/Law/87664_a_88451]
unui port USB sau Hard disk. Cu dimensiuni absolut surprinzătoare (91 x 54 x 160 mm), HMP5000/12 stă excelent la capitolul conectivitate, având sloturi pentru card SD/SDHC, USB și ieșiri CVBS și analog audio L/R, Digital optical ouț, HDMI output, eSata. Acesta permite redarea conținuturilor media de pe Hard Disk și are interfață Wi-Fi integrată, DLNA, cu răspuns în frecvență 30 - 20000 Hz. Noile playere multimedia pot fi achiziționate la prețuri accesibile: Philips HMP5000/12 - 452 de lei, în timp ce
Philips aduce în România playerele multimedia HMP5000/12 şi HMP3000/12 () [Corola-journal/Journalistic/67424_a_68749]
Fanii Shakirei și ai lui Sting au de ce să fie fericiți! Cei doi cântăreți vor susține concerte la București. Shakira va face un show de zile mari pe 7 mai în Piață Constituției, în cadrul turneului “The Sun Comes Ouț”. Tot în Piață Constituției va concerta și Sting însă pe 6 iunie. Concertul sau face parte din turneul mondial “Symphonicity”. La Shakira, biletele vor fi puse în vânzare începând cu vineri, 25 februarie, si au prețuri cuprinse între 120 și
Shakira şi Sting vin la Bucureşti () [Corola-journal/Journalistic/70643_a_71968]
Famous people who have lived here include Ernest Shackleton, the Antarctic explorer; George Grove of musical dictionary fame; John Logie Baird, the television inventor; Jason Statham, ăn actor; and Dame Cicely Saunders, founder of the modern hospice movement. Sydenham started ouț aș a small settlement, a few cottages among the woods, whose inhabitants grazed their animals and collected wood. În the 1640s, springs of water în what is now Wells Park were discovered to have medicinal properties, attracting crowds of people
Sydenham () [Corola-website/Science/297127_a_298456]
Marathwada), Deshi (Eastern Konkan Ghats), Deccan, Nagpuri, Ikrani și Gowlan. The phoneme inventory of Marathi is similar to that of many other Indo-Aryan languages. An chart of all contrastive sounds în Marathi is provided below. Like other abugidas, Devanagari writes ouț syllables by adding vowel diacritics to consonant bases. The table below includes all the vowel symbols used în Marathi, along with a transliteration of each sound into the Român alphabet and . There are two more vowels în Marathi to denote
Limba marathi () [Corola-website/Science/314001_a_315330]
este albumul de debut al grupului Thug Life, început de rapperul Tupac Shakur, care a fost lansat pe 26 septembrie 1994. Albumul prima oara a fost lansat de casă de discuri a lui Shakur, Ouț Da Gutta Records. Datorită criticilor pe care le primea gangsta rapul atunci versiunea originală a albumului a fost dezmembrata și reînregistrată, cu multe dintre piesele originale rescrise. Grupul îi avea în componență pe Big Syke, Macadoshis, Mopreme, The Rated R
Thug Life: Volume 1 () [Corola-website/Science/322220_a_323549]
dezmembrata și reînregistrată, cu multe dintre piesele originale rescrise. Grupul îi avea în componență pe Big Syke, Macadoshis, Mopreme, The Rated R și Tupac Shakur. Printre piesele notabile ale albumului sunt: „Bury Me a G”, „Cradle to the Grave”, „Pour Ouț a Little Liquor”, „How Long Will They Mourn Me?” și „Str8 Ballin'”. În 1996 Big Syke și Shakur au plănuit cel de-al doilea album al grupului "Thug Life: Vol. 2 - Ouț On Bail", care trebuia să fie lansat de
Thug Life: Volume 1 () [Corola-website/Science/322220_a_323549]
Me a G”, „Cradle to the Grave”, „Pour Ouț a Little Liquor”, „How Long Will They Mourn Me?” și „Str8 Ballin'”. În 1996 Big Syke și Shakur au plănuit cel de-al doilea album al grupului "Thug Life: Vol. 2 - Ouț On Bail", care trebuia să fie lansat de Makaveli Records, dar după ce Tupac a fost ucis în Las Vegas visul nu a mai devenit realitate. Deși cel de-al doilea album nu a devenit realitate, Tupac a cântat primul single
Thug Life: Volume 1 () [Corola-website/Science/322220_a_323549]
care trebuia să fie lansat de Makaveli Records, dar după ce Tupac a fost ucis în Las Vegas visul nu a mai devenit realitate. Deși cel de-al doilea album nu a devenit realitate, Tupac a cântat primul single de pe album, „Ouț on Bail” la 1994 Source Awards. Deși albumul a fost original lansat de casă de discuri a lui Shakur, Ouț Da Gutta, Amaru Entertainment, casa de discuri deținută de mama sa, a câștigat de atunci drepturile de autor. a fost
Thug Life: Volume 1 () [Corola-website/Science/322220_a_323549]
mai devenit realitate. Deși cel de-al doilea album nu a devenit realitate, Tupac a cântat primul single de pe album, „Ouț on Bail” la 1994 Source Awards. Deși albumul a fost original lansat de casă de discuri a lui Shakur, Ouț Da Gutta, Amaru Entertainment, casa de discuri deținută de mama sa, a câștigat de atunci drepturile de autor. a fost certificat Gold.
Thug Life: Volume 1 () [Corola-website/Science/322220_a_323549]
limited, șo let’s just don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogmă — which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown ouț your own inner voice. And most important, we must have the courage to follow our heart and intuition.They somehow already know what we truly want to become.Everything else is secondary. We don’ț need to SURVIVE life,we
A doua oară unu by Sandu Larisa () [Corola-publishinghouse/Journalistic/91792_a_92966]
greșit direcționate. Educatorii Montessori Învăța să ghideze copiii spre căi pozitive de utilizare a energiilor. Copiii mici nu sunt adulți mici. Copiii au multe de făcut. Ei trebuie să aibă ocazia de „autoconstrucție”. Uneori, copiii mici au nevoie de „time ouț”, un timp În care stau În liniște, departe de grup pentru a se reculege. Respectul este o parte inerentă a clasei Montessori. Educatorul Montessori preda respectul prin acțiunile lui. El observa copiii din clasa; le respectă nevoile și creează o
Idei pentru învăţământul simultan by Creţu Mariana () [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1212_a_1922]
the organizațional cultural change program design. Although organizațional intervention knowledges and methods were used more by economic organizations to increase their competitiveness, we consider that these can be applied also în the area of public institutions. We try to point ouț the need for organizațional cultural change în the European integration context and we consider that the understanding of change, processes and methods for its achievement represent a step of cultural change. Key words: values, organizațional culture, social change, planned organizațional
landscape of social and human sciences: the sociology of emotions. The text presents the main concepts and dihotomies în the sociological treatement of emotions and the main cultural theories of this field. Finally, the common elements of these are laid ouț. În final, sunt relevate elementele comune ale acestor teorii. I suggest the posibility to treat simpathy through the theory of prosocial behavior theory and I suggest that the analysis of „emotion labor” is very productive for the social context of
the new requisitions În present, the communication plays a role more and more important în the daily life of everybody. Thus, it hâș exceeded the simple role of instrument of reaching the efficiency în different activities that the person carries ouț; we can speak - more and more - about the essential role that the communication (below all the aspectsă plays it în the definition of the personality of the modern mân. For example, we can imagine the complex communication network that hâș
are quite gradated. Sometimes, one and same phenomenon can be frame simultaneously în the area of the communicational barriers, defining an inefficient process, în order to prove the virtues from another point of view of his phenomenon and to be ouț of the respective demarcation’s line (and it seem efficientă. How can be true this fact? The aspects, above-mentioned at the beginning, have received more clarity after applying the theory of chaos în education. The theory of chaos explains how
is shoched and the inspector is dissatisfied with the teacher’s performing. The teacher is wondering: where did I make a mistake? The project of the lesson hâd been perfect! This example is illustrative for what the modern researches point ouț the theory of chaos în communication. The teacher didn’ț find ouț before that the parents of the respective pupil hâd suffered, în the last evening, a car accident and they are în the hospital. În this state of things
The teacher is wondering: where did I make a mistake? The project of the lesson hâd been perfect! This example is illustrative for what the modern researches point ouț the theory of chaos în communication. The teacher didn’ț find ouț before that the parents of the respective pupil hâd suffered, în the last evening, a car accident and they are în the hospital. În this state of things, the pupil not only that he hadn’ț learnt but, also, it
activity, în the primary meaning managing to give an important support to the instruction’s efficiency; therefore, between many of the abstract information about a phenomenon and the description of the phenomenon aș such it is; the last alternative gives ouț the better results (for example: two messages into gathering of funds; one that representing the statistical dată about the number of orphans and the second that representing the life of the little orphan girl - the last one being better perceived
immediately available product. The searching can be extensive or limited depending of the consumer involvement level. 3Ă În the stage of alternatives evaluation, the consumer allocate attribute factors to certain products, almost like a point scoring system which they work ouț în their mind over which brand to purchase. This means that consumers know what features from the rivals will benefit them and they attach different degrees of importance to each attribute. Then, the consumers sets up hierarchies of the products