1,530 matches
Paul Miclău, " Avant-propos du traducteur (La transposition de la poésie de Lucian Blaga en français) ", în Lucian Blaga, Leș poèmes de la lumière, traduction de Paul Miclău, op. cît., p. 109. 1614 Nicole Ricalens-Pourchot, Lexique des figures de style, 2e édition, Armând Colin, Paris, 2010, p. 86. 1615 Henri Suhamy, Leș figures de style, op. cît., p. 77. 1616 L'excès de " mots poétiques " est pourtant un signe de préciosité. V. Emmanuel Hocquard, Mă haie, P.O.L. Paris, 2001, p. 440 : " Pour
Paul, 1998, „Social Capital and Poverty”, Social Capital Initiative, working paper nr. 4, World Bank. Eyal, Gil; Szelenyi, Ivan; Townsley, Peter, 2001, Capitalism fără capitaliști. Noua elită conducătoare din Europa de Est, Editura Omega, București. Foucault, Michel, 1991, „Governmentality”, în Graham Burchell, Colin Gordon, Peter Miller (coord.), The Foucault Effect: Studies in Governmentality with Two Lectures by and an Interview with Michel Foucault (pp. 87-104), Harvester Wheatsheaf, Londra. Friedrichs, Jürgen, 1998, „Do poor neighborhoods make their residents poorer? Context effects of poverty neighborhoods
European Politics and Societies", Vol. 1, no. 2 (primăvara 1987), 255-276 Jackson, Marvin R., Economic Development in the Balkans Since, 1945. Compared to Southern and East-Central Europe, "Eastern European Politics and Societies", Vol. 1, no. 3 (toamna 1987), 393-455 Lawson, Colin, The Soviet Union and Eastern Europe in Southern Africa: Is There a Conflict of Interest, "International Affairs", vol. 59, Nr. 1, iarna 1982/1983, 32-40 Lauers, William H., The U.S. and Eastern Europe, "Foreign Affairs", Vol. 65, no. 5, 1987
by Joseph F. Harrington, Bruce Y. Courtney [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1036_a_2544]
Laber, Jeri, 479; 494; 507 Lache, Șt., 22 Laird, R.F., 572 Langley, D., Harold, 32; 573 Lansing, P., 478; 578 Lantos, Thomas, 472; 523; 534; 538 Larwood, John, 441 Latta, Delbert, 207 Lauers, W. H., 578 Lautenberg, Frank, 543 Lawson, Colin, 578 Lehman, 121, 122 Le Boutillier, John, 452 Le Duc Tho, 321 Leddy, John, 270 Leiss, A., 61; 72; 73; 89; 572 Le Rougetel, 21 Lempicki, Thad, 463 Lendavi, P., 195; 214; 256; 572 Lenin,V.I., 231; 252; 443; 527
by Joseph F. Harrington, Bruce Y. Courtney [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1036_a_2544]
Battle Act Raport 1972; Twenty-Fifth Report to Congress, Tipografia Guvernului, Washington, D.C., 1972, p. 21 1503 Christopher Coker, Adventurism and Pragmatism: The Soviet Union, Comecon and Relations with African States, "International Affairs", vol. 57, nr. 4 (toamna 1981), pp. 613-633; Colin Lawson, The Soviet Union and Eastern Europe in Southern Africa: Is There a Conflict of Interest, "International Affairs", vol. 59, nr. 1 (iarna 1982/1983), pp. 32-40 1504 Unul din cele mai importante locuri în care a folosit această formulare
by Joseph F. Harrington, Bruce Y. Courtney [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1036_a_2544]