2,374 matches
Sammensat primært af naphthalen, alkylnaphthalener, phenolforbindelser og aromatiske nitrogenbaser.] DE: Teeröle, Kohlen-; Carbolöl [Destillat aus Hochtemperaturkohlenteer mit einem Desbllationsbereich von etwa 130 °C bis 250 °C. Besteht în erster Linie aus Naphthalin, Alkylnaphthalinen, phenolhaltigen Verbindungen und aromatischen Stickstoffbasen.] EL: EN: Tar oils, coal; Carbolic Oil [The distillate from high temperature coal tar having an approximate distillation range of 130 °C to 250 °C (266 °F to 410 °F). Composed primarily of naphthalene, alkylnaphthalenes, phenolic compounds, and aromatic nitrogen bases.] FR: huiles
jrc2510as1994 by Guvernul României () [Corola-website/Law/87664_a_88451]
Kohlen-; Carbolöl [Destillat aus Hochtemperaturkohlenteer mit einem Desbllationsbereich von etwa 130 °C bis 250 °C. Besteht în erster Linie aus Naphthalin, Alkylnaphthalinen, phenolhaltigen Verbindungen und aromatischen Stickstoffbasen.] EL: EN: Tar oils, coal; Carbolic Oil [The distillate from high temperature coal tar having an approximate distillation range of 130 °C to 250 °C (266 °F to 410 °F). Composed primarily of naphthalene, alkylnaphthalenes, phenolic compounds, and aromatic nitrogen bases.] FR: huiles de goudron de houille (charbon); Huile phénolique [Distillât issu du goudron
jrc2510as1994 by Guvernul României () [Corola-website/Law/87664_a_88451]
Braunkohlenteer destilliert Besteht în erster Linie aus aliphatischen, naphthenhaltigen und aromatischen Kohlenwasserstoffen mit einem bis drei Ringen, ihren Alkylderivaten, Heteroaromaten und Phenolen mit einem und zwei Ringen und siedet im Bereich von etwa 150 °C bis 360 °C.] EL: EN: Tar, brown-coal; Carbolic Oil [An oil distilled from brown-coal tar. Composed primarily of aliphatic, naphthenic and one- to three-ring aromatic hydrocarbons, their alkyl derivatives, heteroaromatics and one- and two-ring phenols boiling în the range of approximately 150 °C to 360 °C
jrc2510as1994 by Guvernul României () [Corola-website/Law/87664_a_88451]
und aromatischen Kohlenwasserstoffen mit einem bis drei Ringen, ihren Alkylderivaten, Heteroaromaten und Phenolen mit einem und zwei Ringen und siedet im Bereich von etwa 150 °C bis 360 °C.] EL: EN: Tar, brown-coal; Carbolic Oil [An oil distilled from brown-coal tar. Composed primarily of aliphatic, naphthenic and one- to three-ring aromatic hydrocarbons, their alkyl derivatives, heteroaromatics and one- and two-ring phenols boiling în the range of approximately 150 °C to 360 °C (302 °F to 680 °F).] FR: goudron de lignite
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erster Linie aus Inden, Indan und Alkylbenzolen.] EL: EN: Extract residues (coal), light oil alk., acid ext.; Carbolic Oil Extract Residue [The oil resulting from the acid washing of alkali-washed carbolic oil to remove the minor amounts of basic compounds (tar bases). Composed primarily of tndene, indan and alkylbenzenes.] FR: résidus d'extrait alcalin (charbon), huile légère, extrait acide; Résidus d'extraction d'huile phénolique [Huile obtenue à partir d'une huile carbolique ayant subi un lavage alcalin, puis un lavage
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naphthalener og aromatiske nitrogenbaser.] DE: Extraktrückstände (Kohle), alkalische Teeröl-; Carbolölextrakt-Rückstand [Rückstand aus Kohlenteeröl durch alkalische Wäsche, zum Beispiel mit wäßrigem Natriumhydroxid, nach Entfernen von rohen Kohlenteersäuren. Besteht în erster Linie aus Naphthalinen und aromatischen Stickstoffbasen.] EL: EN: Extract residues (coal), tar oil alk.; Carbolic Oil Extract Residue [The residue obtained from coal tar oil by an alkaline wash such aș aqueous sodium hydroxide after the removal of crude coal tar acids. Composed primarily of naphthalenes and aromatic nitrogen bases.] FR: résidus
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Kohlenteeröl durch alkalische Wäsche, zum Beispiel mit wäßrigem Natriumhydroxid, nach Entfernen von rohen Kohlenteersäuren. Besteht în erster Linie aus Naphthalinen und aromatischen Stickstoffbasen.] EL: EN: Extract residues (coal), tar oil alk.; Carbolic Oil Extract Residue [The residue obtained from coal tar oil by an alkaline wash such aș aqueous sodium hydroxide after the removal of crude coal tar acids. Composed primarily of naphthalenes and aromatic nitrogen bases.] FR: résidus d'extrait alcalin d'huile de goudron (charbon); Résidus d'extraction d
jrc2510as1994 by Guvernul României () [Corola-website/Law/87664_a_88451]
Linie aus Naphthalinen und aromatischen Stickstoffbasen.] EL: EN: Extract residues (coal), tar oil alk.; Carbolic Oil Extract Residue [The residue obtained from coal tar oil by an alkaline wash such aș aqueous sodium hydroxide after the removal of crude coal tar acids. Composed primarily of naphthalenes and aromatic nitrogen bases.] FR: résidus d'extrait alcalin d'huile de goudron (charbon); Résidus d'extraction d'huile phénolique [Résidu obtenu à partir de l'huile de goudron de nouille par un lavage alcalin
jrc2510as1994 by Guvernul României () [Corola-website/Law/87664_a_88451]
og acetaldehyd, formaldehyd eller paraformaldehyd.] DE: Pyridin, Alkylderivate; Roh-Teerbasen [Komplexe Kombination polyalkylierter Pyridine aus der Kohlenteerdestillation oder als hochsiedende Destillate etwa über 150 °C aus der Reaktion von Ammoniak mit Acetaldehyd, Formaldehyd oder Paraformaldehyd.] EL: EN: Pyridine, alkyl derivs.; Crude Tar Bases [The complex combination of polyalkylated pyridines derived from coal tar distillation or aș high-boiling distillates approximately above 150 °C (302 °F) from the reaction of ammonia with acetaldehyde, formaldehyde or paraformaldehyde.] FR: pyridine, dérivés alkyles; Bases brutes de goudron
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polyalkylierter Pyridine aus der Kohlenteerdestillation oder als hochsiedende Destillate etwa über 150 °C aus der Reaktion von Ammoniak mit Acetaldehyd, Formaldehyd oder Paraformaldehyd.] EL: EN: Pyridine, alkyl derivs.; Crude Tar Bases [The complex combination of polyalkylated pyridines derived from coal tar distillation or aș high-boiling distillates approximately above 150 °C (302 °F) from the reaction of ammonia with acetaldehyde, formaldehyde or paraformaldehyde.] FR: pyridine, dérivés alkyles; Bases brutes de goudron [Combinaison complexe de pyridines polyalkylées issue de la distillation du goudron de
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DE: Teerbasen, Kohle-, Pikolin-Fraktion; Destillat-Basen [Pyridinbasen, die im Bereich von etwa 125 °C bis 160 °C sieden, erhalten durch Destillation von neutralisiertem saurem Extrakt der Basis-enthahenden Teer-Fraktion aus der Destillation von Steinkohlenteer. Besteht hauptsächlich aus Lutidinen und Piko-linen.] EL: EN: Tar bases, coal, picoline fraction; Distillate Bases [Pyridine bases boiling în the range of approximately 125 °C to 160 °C (257 °F 320 °F) obtained by distillation of neutralized acid extract of the base-containing tar fraction obtained by the distillation of
jrc2510as1994 by Guvernul României () [Corola-website/Law/87664_a_88451]
aus Lutidinen und Piko-linen.] EL: EN: Tar bases, coal, picoline fraction; Distillate Bases [Pyridine bases boiling în the range of approximately 125 °C to 160 °C (257 °F 320 °F) obtained by distillation of neutralized acid extract of the base-containing tar fraction obtained by the distillation of bituminous coal tars. Composed chiefly of lutidines and picolines.] FR: bases de goudron de houille, fraction picoline; Bases distillées [Bases pyridiniques dont le point d'ébullition est compris approximativement entre 125 °C et 160
jrc2510as1994 by Guvernul României () [Corola-website/Law/87664_a_88451]
Limiti di concentrazione, Concentratifgrenzen, Limites de concentraçăo Nr. CAS 91082-52-9 Nr. CEE 293-766-2 Nr. 648-031-00-4 NOTĂ H NOTĂ J ES: bases de alquitrán, hulla, fracción de lutidina; Bases destiladas DA: tjærebaser, stenkuls-, lutidinfraktion; Basedestillater DE: Teerbasen, Kohle, Lutidinfraktion; Destillat-Basen ΕΝ: Tar bases, coal, lutidine fraction; Distillate Bases FR: bases de goudron de houille, fraction lutidine; Bases distillées IT: bași di catrame, carbone, frazione lutidinica; Bași distillate NL: teerbasen, kool, lutidinefractie; Gedestilleerde teerbasen PT: bases do alcatrăo, carvăo, fracçăo de lutidina; Bases
jrc2510as1994 by Guvernul României () [Corola-website/Law/87664_a_88451]
DE: Extraktöle (Kohle), Teerbase, Collidin-Fraktion; Destillat- Base [Extrakt, hergestellt durch saure Extraktion von Basen aus Aromaten-enthaltende öle von rohem Kohlenteer, Neutralisation und Destillation der Basen. Besteht în erster Linie aus Collidinen, Anilin, Toluidinen, Lutidinen, Xylidinen.] EL: EN: Extract oils (coal), tar base, collidine fraction; Distillate Bases [The extract produced by the acidic extraction of bases from crude coal tar aromatic oils, neutralization, and distillation of the bases. Composed primarily of collidines, aniline, toluidines. lutidines, xylidines.] FR: huiles d'extraction (charbon), base
jrc2510as1994 by Guvernul României () [Corola-website/Law/87664_a_88451]
rohem Kohlenteer, Neutralisation und Destillation der Basen. Besteht în erster Linie aus Collidinen, Anilin, Toluidinen, Lutidinen, Xylidinen.] EL: EN: Extract oils (coal), tar base, collidine fraction; Distillate Bases [The extract produced by the acidic extraction of bases from crude coal tar aromatic oils, neutralization, and distillation of the bases. Composed primarily of collidines, aniline, toluidines. lutidines, xylidines.] FR: huiles d'extraction (charbon), base de goudron, fraction collidine; Bases distillées [Extrait obtenu par extraction à l'acide, neutralisation et distillation des bases
jrc2510as1994 by Guvernul României () [Corola-website/Law/87664_a_88451]
Destillat-Basen [Destillations-Fraktion, die im Bereich von etwa 181 °C bis 186 °C siedet und aus den rohen Basen aus den neutralisierten, durch Säure extrahierten, Basis-enthaltenden Teer-Fraktionen aus der Destillation von Steinkohlenteer erhalten wird. Enthält hauptsächlich Anilin und Kollidine.] EL: EN: Tar bases, coal, collidine fraction; Distillate Bases [The distillation fraction boiling în the range of approximately 181 °C to 186 °C (356 °F to 367 °F) from the crude bases obtained from the neutralized, acid-extracted base-containing tar fractions obtained by the
jrc2510as1994 by Guvernul României () [Corola-website/Law/87664_a_88451]
und Kollidine.] EL: EN: Tar bases, coal, collidine fraction; Distillate Bases [The distillation fraction boiling în the range of approximately 181 °C to 186 °C (356 °F to 367 °F) from the crude bases obtained from the neutralized, acid-extracted base-containing tar fractions obtained by the distillation of bituminous coal tar. It contains chiefly aniline and collidines.] FR: bases de goudron de houille, fraction collidine; Bases distillées [Fraction de distillation dont l'intervalle d'ébullition s'étend approximativement de 181 °C à
jrc2510as1994 by Guvernul României () [Corola-website/Law/87664_a_88451]
Distillate Bases [The distillation fraction boiling în the range of approximately 181 °C to 186 °C (356 °F to 367 °F) from the crude bases obtained from the neutralized, acid-extracted base-containing tar fractions obtained by the distillation of bituminous coal tar. It contains chiefly aniline and collidines.] FR: bases de goudron de houille, fraction collidine; Bases distillées [Fraction de distillation dont l'intervalle d'ébullition s'étend approximativement de 181 °C à 186 °C et qui est issue des bases brutes
jrc2510as1994 by Guvernul României () [Corola-website/Law/87664_a_88451]
im Bereich von etwa 180 °C bis 200 °C siedet und aus den rohen Basen erhalten wird, indem karbo-liertes öl aus der Destillation von Kohlenteer dephenoliert und die Basis entfernt wird. Enthält hauptsächlich Anilin, Kollidine, Lutidine und Toluidine.] EL: EN: Tar bases, coal, aniline fraction; Distillate Bases [The distillation fraction boiling în the range of approximately 180 °C to 200 °C (356 °F to 392 °F) from the crude bases obtained by dephenolating and debasing the carbolated oil from the distillation
jrc2510as1994 by Guvernul României () [Corola-website/Law/87664_a_88451]
aniline fraction; Distillate Bases [The distillation fraction boiling în the range of approximately 180 °C to 200 °C (356 °F to 392 °F) from the crude bases obtained by dephenolating and debasing the carbolated oil from the distillation of coal tar. It contains chiefly aniline, collidines, lutidines and toluidines.] FR: bases de goudron de houille, fraction aniline; Bases distillées [Fraction de distillation dont l'intervalle d'ébullition s'étend approximativement de 180 °C à 200 °C et qui est issue des
jrc2510as1994 by Guvernul României () [Corola-website/Law/87664_a_88451]
Limiti di concentrazione, Concentratiegrenzen, Limites de concentraçăo Nr. CAS 91082-53-0 Nr. CEE 293-767-8 Nr. 648-035-00-6 NOTĂ H NOTĂ J ES: bases de alquitrán, hulla, fracción de toluidina; Bases destiladas DA: tjærebaser, stenkuls-, toluidinfraktion; Basedestillater DE: Teerbasen, Kohle, Toluidinfraktion; Destillat-Basen ΕΝ: Tar bases, coal, toluidine fraction; Distillate Bases FR: bases de goudron de houille, fraction toluidine; Bases distillées IT: bași di catrame, carbone, frazione toluidinica; Bași distillate NL: teerbasen, kool, toluïdinefractie; Gedestilleerde teerbasen PT: bases do alcatrăo, hulha, fracçăo de toluidina; Bases
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der pycolytischen Herstellung von Alkenen und Alkinen aus Erdölprodukten oder Erdgas stammen, erhält. Besteht vorherrschend aus Inden und siedet im Bereich von ungefähr 160 °C bis 190 °C.] EL: EN: Distillates (petroleum), alkene-alkyne manuf. pyrolysis oil, mixed with high-temp, coal tar, indene fraction; Redis-tillates [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained aș a redistillate from the fracțional distillation of bituminous coal high temperature tar and residual oils that are obtained by the pyrolytic production of alkenes and alkynes from petroleum products or
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ungefähr 160 °C bis 190 °C.] EL: EN: Distillates (petroleum), alkene-alkyne manuf. pyrolysis oil, mixed with high-temp, coal tar, indene fraction; Redis-tillates [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained aș a redistillate from the fracțional distillation of bituminous coal high temperature tar and residual oils that are obtained by the pyrolytic production of alkenes and alkynes from petroleum products or natural gas. It consists predominantly of indene and boils în a range of approximately 160 °C to 190 °C (320 °F to
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im Bereich von etwa 190° C bis 270° C. Besteht în erster Linie aus substituierten dinuklearen Aromaten.] EL: EN: Distillates (coal), coal tar-residual pyrolysis oils, naphthalene oils; Redistillates [The redistillate obtained from the fracțional distillation of bituminous coal high temperature tar and pyrolysis residual oils and boiling în the range of approximately 190 °C to 270 °C (374 °F to 518 °F). Composed primarily of substituted dinuclear aromatics.] FR: distillats (charbon), goudron de houille, huiles résiduelles de pyrolyse, huiles de naphtalène
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Besteht vorherrschend aus unsubstituierten und substituierten dinuklcaren aromatischen Kohlenwasserstoffen.] EL: EN: Extract oils (coal), coal tar-residual pyrolysis oils, naphthalene oil, redistillate; Redistillates [The redistillate from the fracțional distillation of dephenolated and debased methylnaphthalene oil obtained from bituminous coal high temperature tar and pyrolysis residual oils boiling în the approximate range of 220 °C to 230 °C (428 °F to 446 °F). It consists predominantly of unsubstituted and substituted dinuclear aromatic hydrocarbons.] FR: huiles d'extraction (charbon), goudron de houille, huiles résiduelles
jrc2510as1994 by Guvernul României () [Corola-website/Law/87664_a_88451]