2,934 matches
role of appraisal purpose: Effects of purpose on information acquisition and utilization. Organizational Behavior and human Decision Processes, 35, 314-339. Witteman, H. (1997). Styles of learning and regulation in an interactive learning group system. Woehr DJ, Huffcutt, AI. (1994). Rater training for performance appraisal: a quantitative review. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology. Woodruffe, C. (1996). Assessment Centres: Identifying and Developing Competence (2nd ed). London: Institute of Personnel and Development. Wright, K. (1993). The Challenge of Technology: Action Strategies for the
bolnavul. Important pentru medic este să cunoască personalitatea, preocupările, aspirațiile și mediul socio-familial al bolnavului. Este necesar deprinderea medicului cu anumite modalități de acțiune asupra bolnavului în plan psihologic: a) cunoașterea unor noțiuni generale despre tehnicile uzuale de psihoterapie (muzicoterapia, Training Autogen Schultz etc.) b) utilizarea unor tehnici adiționale de ordin sugestiv (inclusiv efectul Placebo); c) abordarea psihologică diferențiată a bolnavului cu instituirea unor măsuri psihoterapeutice simple (de susținere) d) cunoașterea deformărilor de informație despre boală de către subiectivitatea bolnavului. 1.4
PSIHOLOGIA MEDICALĂ: COORDONATE APLICATIVE by Viorel ARMAŞU, Iuliana ZAVADOVSCHI () [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/100959_a_102251]
Aici ar intra psihanaliza, analiza existențială, psihoterapia non-directivă a lui Rogers, psihoterapia de tip Balint. b) Terapeutica bazată pe sugestie, unde distingem terapeutica de persuasiune a lui Dubois, hipnoza, sugestia, visul treaz al lui Descille, relaxarea progresivă a lui Jacobson, “training-ul autogen” al lui Schultz, metoda Vittoz etc. c) Terapeutici catartice - care se bazează pe valoarea terapeutică pe ca o posedă mărturisirea și reviviscența amintirilor cu puternică încărcătură afectiv reprimate În stare normală. Întrebuințată inițial de Breuer și Feud cu ajutorul
PSIHOLOGIA MEDICALĂ: COORDONATE APLICATIVE by Viorel ARMAŞU, Iuliana ZAVADOVSCHI () [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/100959_a_102251]
se aplică în tratamentul unor stări nevrotice și ale unor tulburări psihomotorii (ca ticuri, bâlbâieli, crampe “profesionale”) sau în controlul anumitor tulburări psihosomatice. Cele mai cunoscute metode sunt relaxarea progresivă a lui Jacobson și metoda lui J. H. Schultz, de „training autogen”. Mai cunoscută e metoda lui Schultz (autorelaxarea “concentrativă”), care începe printr-un tratament cu ajutorul unui medic sau psiholog și continuă prin exerciții individuale. În ceea ce privește indicațiile, psihoterapia de relaxare poate fi utilizată atât ca “hipotensor” al rezonanței afective (naștere fără
PSIHOLOGIA MEDICALĂ: COORDONATE APLICATIVE by Viorel ARMAŞU, Iuliana ZAVADOVSCHI () [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/100959_a_102251]
and Pakistan Kashmir area; Caucasus, Balkans Albania area, Kosovo, Macedonia, Turkey Kurdish area), structures that will benefit by intelligence systems and organize regional antiterrorist networks, setting up a real counterterrorism fitted to those areas. 6. To introduce into the forces training properly antiterrorism and counter terrorism drills that result from the dynamic analyzes of the terrorism phenomenon. Keywords: terrorism, cyberterrorism, bioterrorism, security. În seria STUDII STRATEGICE ȘI DE SECURITATE au mai apărut: Apărarea Europei, Raoul Girardet (coord.) Argumentul nuclear în politica
by Gabriel Toma [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1082_a_2590]
cunoașterii și investiții majore în capitalul uman. Această viziune așează în centrul preocupărilor educația, instruirea vocațională și cercetarea. Politicile educaționale ale UE pentru sprijinirea competiției economice sunt explicite pentru prima dată în documentul Comisiei Europene White Paper on Education and Training Teaching and Learning, Towards the Learning Society, 1996. Scrisă sub coordonarea lui Edith Cresson, Comisar pentru cercetare, educație și instruire, Padriag Flynn, Comisar pentru angajarea forței de muncă și probleme sociale și Martin Dangemann, Comisar pentru probleme industriale, informație și
by Ţăranu Adela-Mihaela [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1050_a_2558]
vizează reîntărirea cooperării în domeniul formării vocaționale (procesul de la Copenhaga) și continuarea creării unui spațiu universitar european (procesul de la Bologna). În noiembrie 2003, într-un document intitulat "Educație și instruire 2010 Succesul strategiei de la Lisabona reclamă reforme urgente" (Education and training 2010 The success of the Lisbon strategy hinges on urgent reforms, 2003), Comisia Europeană face o evaluare a situației existente și transmite un mesaj clar tuturor responsabililor și decidenților din domeniul educației: pentru a atinge obiectivele comune asumate, pașii reformelor
by Ţăranu Adela-Mihaela [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1050_a_2558]
calitate, și, pe de altă parte, îmbunătățirea transparenței calificărilor prin crearea unui cadru unic EUROPASS. Primul document care subliniază o abordare comprehensivă și consistentă a politicilor educaționale naționale în contextul UE Report on the concrete future objectives of education and training systems, 12 February 2001așează la baza propunerilor Comisiei și a contribuțiilor Statelor Membre următoarele trei obiective strategice: 1. îmbunătățirea calității și efectivității sistemelor de educație și formare în UE 2. facilitarea accesului la învățare 3. deschiderea educației și a formării
by Ţăranu Adela-Mihaela [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1050_a_2558]
țintă: reprezentanți ai întreprinderilor mici sau mijlocii; asociații profesionale; industrie; autorități publice; sindicate și organizații ale angajatorilor; institute de formare/universități și profesori specialiști în limbi străine. Centrul European pentru Dezvoltarea Pregătirii Vocaționale (European Centre for the Development of Vonational Training Cedefop) lucrează aproape de programul LEONARDO DA VINCI și de eforturile de a construi Europass-ul de formare (inițial Cardul de Competențe Personale). Acum Centrul funcționează ca un intermediar între conducerea UE și statele membre, contribuind la compatibilizarea politicilor vocaționale și, în
by Ţăranu Adela-Mihaela [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1050_a_2558]
for the community, Charles Stewart Mott Foundation, Flint.Michigan 4. *** Declarația Universală a Drepturilor Omului, România, DPI/15, 1991 5. *** Defining Parent Involvement, 2001, http//www.nwrel.org/comm/ programs. html 6. *** European Commission, 1996, White Paper on Education and Training Teaching and Learning, Towards the Learning Society, http//europa.eu.int/ comm/education/doc/official/keydoc/lb-en.pdf 7. *** European Convention, 2003, Draft treaty establishing a Constitution for Europe, Luxembourg Office for Official Publications of the European Communities 8. *** MEC
by Ţăranu Adela-Mihaela [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1050_a_2558]
a particular type of educational reform related to the needs in the global space. This refers, among other things, to the proposals of raising students' awareness of foreign cultures, compatibility projects of programs in higher education, the emphasis on skilled training to enable countries into global competition, the concern for efficiency in basic and advanced training skills, applicable in an unpredictable society in life's situations or transition from the international dimension in education to the global education. Relative to this
by Ţăranu Adela-Mihaela [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1050_a_2558]
refers, among other things, to the proposals of raising students' awareness of foreign cultures, compatibility projects of programs in higher education, the emphasis on skilled training to enable countries into global competition, the concern for efficiency in basic and advanced training skills, applicable in an unpredictable society in life's situations or transition from the international dimension in education to the global education. Relative to this, only a small number of studies assess the impact of various economic and political integration
by Ţăranu Adela-Mihaela [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1050_a_2558]
trends of response to these challenges. Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, and World Bank are the two main international institutions responsible for dissemination of human capital perspective in education. Applying the concept of human capital in the subjects in training includes the idea that the governments' objective is economical growth. Traditionally, a variety of purposes have been recorded in the area of education to achieve personal and social harmony. Even if explicit answers are missing on the best for education
by Ţăranu Adela-Mihaela [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1050_a_2558]
learning and helping the European audiovisual industry, and (3) citizens' involvement in the European integration process by supporting educational and professional mobility of individuals between Member States. As stated in European Commission documents, the issue of quality in education and training has become vital for EU competitiveness and preserving the cultural model. The actions taken in education try to answer some fundamental challenges for Europe. First, there is the need to restructure education systems so that they can make permanent changes
by Ţăranu Adela-Mihaela [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1050_a_2558]
the two of them. The procedures adopted to encourage and ensure a wide participation of all parties involved in various administrative levels up to the school level are required to clarify the new rules and responsibilities at each administrative level, training and redistribution of the teaching and non-teaching staff andas well as a careful restructuring of the organization. It was found that as the process of decentralization is spreading and accelerating,the persons and institutions involved become more competent to determine
by Ţăranu Adela-Mihaela [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1050_a_2558]
But their role is crucial in coordinating the Interagency collaboration through the establishment of the national coalition bringing together teachers, students, parents, civil society, private sector, etc.. To plan and assess policy approaches to support local efforts in education and training plan, and establishing and developing informative systems to exchange information and necessary data to professionals. Résumé Le travail a pour but de mettre en relief certaines des sources importantes des deux processus complémentaires la mondialisation et la localisation, et, par
by Ţăranu Adela-Mihaela [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1050_a_2558]
L’HISTOIRE DE LA PSYCHOLOGIE ORGANISATIONNELLE. AUTEURS ET LIVRES DE RÉFÉRENCE Peter Drucker (Mielu Zlate).................................................................... INFORMATIONS Studii și cercetări Manuela Ciucurel* Antrenarea competențelor psihologice și sociale ale managerilor Abstract The aim of this study is to propose a coherent model of training of the managerial psychological and social competence, into a Romanian organization. Most studies reveal that many Romanian managers are the result of the self experience, being self-made-managers. Even if they are included in a training program, the posttraining evaluation shows
propose a coherent model of training of the managerial psychological and social competence, into a Romanian organization. Most studies reveal that many Romanian managers are the result of the self experience, being self-made-managers. Even if they are included in a training program, the posttraining evaluation shows that the acquisition of the competence is good, but the retention is not satisfactory (encapsulated training or role conflict). In this context our hypothesis is: the efficiency of the training of the managerial psychological and
many Romanian managers are the result of the self experience, being self-made-managers. Even if they are included in a training program, the posttraining evaluation shows that the acquisition of the competence is good, but the retention is not satisfactory (encapsulated training or role conflict). In this context our hypothesis is: the efficiency of the training of the managerial psychological and social competences increases if it is accompanied by the training of the competence of the subordinates of these managers. I used
they are included in a training program, the posttraining evaluation shows that the acquisition of the competence is good, but the retention is not satisfactory (encapsulated training or role conflict). In this context our hypothesis is: the efficiency of the training of the managerial psychological and social competences increases if it is accompanied by the training of the competence of the subordinates of these managers. I used a bifactorial experimental plan (2 × 2 type) and the results suggest that the training
the competence is good, but the retention is not satisfactory (encapsulated training or role conflict). In this context our hypothesis is: the efficiency of the training of the managerial psychological and social competences increases if it is accompanied by the training of the competence of the subordinates of these managers. I used a bifactorial experimental plan (2 × 2 type) and the results suggest that the training model is more efficient than the self-made-manager model, which is very frequent in the Romanian
training of the managerial psychological and social competences increases if it is accompanied by the training of the competence of the subordinates of these managers. I used a bifactorial experimental plan (2 × 2 type) and the results suggest that the training model is more efficient than the self-made-manager model, which is very frequent in the Romanian organizations. The training of the managerial competences, as a part of the culture of the working team, represents a way to reduce the appearance of
competence of the subordinates of these managers. I used a bifactorial experimental plan (2 × 2 type) and the results suggest that the training model is more efficient than the self-made-manager model, which is very frequent in the Romanian organizations. The training of the managerial competences, as a part of the culture of the working team, represents a way to reduce the appearance of the encapsulated training or of the role conflict, as a consequence of the training program. Key words: training
more efficient than the self-made-manager model, which is very frequent in the Romanian organizations. The training of the managerial competences, as a part of the culture of the working team, represents a way to reduce the appearance of the encapsulated training or of the role conflict, as a consequence of the training program. Key words: training, managerial competence, encapsulated training, role conflict. 1. Introducere Antrenarea competențelor manageriale în contextul socioeconomic al României de azi se constituie ca o veritabilă provocare atât
the Romanian organizations. The training of the managerial competences, as a part of the culture of the working team, represents a way to reduce the appearance of the encapsulated training or of the role conflict, as a consequence of the training program. Key words: training, managerial competence, encapsulated training, role conflict. 1. Introducere Antrenarea competențelor manageriale în contextul socioeconomic al României de azi se constituie ca o veritabilă provocare atât datorită actorilor implicați (manageri, potențiali manageri, consultanți, organizații etc.), cât mai