1,809 matches
with Israel and the Palestinian Authority în the context of the crisis, for a fair and pragmatic report also for putting together realistic predictions/ scenarios; evaluation of proposed solutions over time, but also those of recent date, în order to end the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. We believe that the main merit of our approach goes ouț to the research conducted among specialists on specific issues of the Middle East (Israeli- Palestinian crisis by default), which have encourage our inițiative and have kindly
by starting from the analysis of the role which the European Union diplomacy hâș taken în solving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Surely these answers will be of use when thinking of the future of the Middle and Near East. At the end, we hope that this thesis will bring a contribution în elucidating what the Israeli-Palestinian conflict represents thru the role of the European Union diplomacy; also the purpose of this paper is to contribute to an existing familiarity with the political
the proponents of Zionism acquiesce to the reality that the Zionist creation of Israel is a temporary exercise and that the Palestinian people will never agree to be dominated by or coexist with a foreign and racist entity. This would end the Zionist project by transforming its sense of self-identity and returning it to a more tradițional understanding". 1060 Ibidem; în cartea sa din 1991, Two Peoples - One Land: Federal Solutions for Israel, the Palestinians, and Jordan, Dr. Daniel J. Elazar
United States, and Russia] is the internațional -- the only internațional reference that is available now to resolve the Middle East question and the Palestinian-Israeli struggle. It contains everything în order to solve this question right from the beginning to the end including the Palestinians' independent state. I belive that we are -- after the Israeli withdrawal from Gază, we should go back to this plan șo that we can implement it to arrive at what President Bush hâd announced în his inițiative
vedea "Visit to Israel - Speech by M. Dominique de Villepin, Minister of Foreign", Jerusalem, 25.05.2003, http://www.ambafrance-uk.org/Visit-to-Israel-Speech-by-M.html. Accesat: 18 februarie 2011. 1161 We mention that the theme of the project I presented at the end of my studies (1998) at the Faculty of Political and Administrative Science, "Babeș-Bolyai" University, Cluj-Napoca was "The peace process în the Middle East - current perception", and the theme of the project I presented at the end of my studies (2004
I presented at the end of my studies (1998) at the Faculty of Political and Administrative Science, "Babeș-Bolyai" University, Cluj-Napoca was "The peace process în the Middle East - current perception", and the theme of the project I presented at the end of my studies (2004) at the Law Faculty, Dragan University from Lugoj was "Ways of peaceful solving of the disputes between states " 1162 "Secrets of the Middle East". 1163 "România and the Middle East în parallel mirrors". 1164 "Between myth
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