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the person may admit their existence when he/ she is asked about them. Together with the depressive mood and the suicide idea, one may experience anxiety. It is known that a great part of the population experiences mild symptoms of panic attacks risking to suffer from chronic disorder of panic. The severe and persistent panic disorder is associated with a high level of distress and with social and occupational disabilities. People suffering from panic disorder don't always admit this diagnosis
by Camelia Dindelegan [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1025_a_2533]
is asked about them. Together with the depressive mood and the suicide idea, one may experience anxiety. It is known that a great part of the population experiences mild symptoms of panic attacks risking to suffer from chronic disorder of panic. The severe and persistent panic disorder is associated with a high level of distress and with social and occupational disabilities. People suffering from panic disorder don't always admit this diagnosis. Moreover, though there are efficient treatments in this respect
by Camelia Dindelegan [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1025_a_2533]
with the depressive mood and the suicide idea, one may experience anxiety. It is known that a great part of the population experiences mild symptoms of panic attacks risking to suffer from chronic disorder of panic. The severe and persistent panic disorder is associated with a high level of distress and with social and occupational disabilities. People suffering from panic disorder don't always admit this diagnosis. Moreover, though there are efficient treatments in this respect, they don't always get
by Camelia Dindelegan [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1025_a_2533]
of the population experiences mild symptoms of panic attacks risking to suffer from chronic disorder of panic. The severe and persistent panic disorder is associated with a high level of distress and with social and occupational disabilities. People suffering from panic disorder don't always admit this diagnosis. Moreover, though there are efficient treatments in this respect, they don't always get treatments with enough empirical support. Usually these persons ask for help only after some years and when it isn
by Camelia Dindelegan [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1025_a_2533]
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hyperventilation and inhalation of 5,5% carbon dioxide-enriched air across the DSM III-R anxiety disorders", în Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 1992, 101, pp. 538-552. 232 J.M. Gorman, M.R. Liebowitz, A.J. Fyer, M.R. Fyer & D.F. Klein, "Possible respiratory abnormalities in panic disorder", în Psychopharmacological Bulletin, 1986, 221, pp. 797-801. 233 D.F. Klein, "False suffocation alarms, spontaneous panics, and related conditions: An integrative hypothesis", în Archives of General Psychiatry, 50, 1993, pp. 306-317. 234 J.A. Gray, The psychology of fear and
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ediția a II-a, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1987. 235 E. Reiman, M. Raichle & E. Robins, "The application of positron emission tomography to the study of panic disorder", în American Journal of Psychiatry, 1986, 143, pp. 469-477. 236 R. Crowe, "Panic disorder: Genetic considerations", în Journal of Psychiatric Research, 1990, 24, pp. 129-134. 237 K.S. Kendler, M.C. Neale, R.C. Kessler & A.C. Heath, "Panic disorder in women: A population-based twin study", în Psychological Medicine, 1993 23, pp. 397-406. 238 D.H. Barlow, Anxiety
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to the study of panic disorder", în American Journal of Psychiatry, 1986, 143, pp. 469-477. 236 R. Crowe, "Panic disorder: Genetic considerations", în Journal of Psychiatric Research, 1990, 24, pp. 129-134. 237 K.S. Kendler, M.C. Neale, R.C. Kessler & A.C. Heath, "Panic disorder in women: A population-based twin study", în Psychological Medicine, 1993 23, pp. 397-406. 238 D.H. Barlow, Anxiety and its disorders; The nature of treatment of anxiety and panic, Guilford Press, New York, 1988. 239 A. Ehlers, "A 1-year prospective study
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pp. 129-134. 237 K.S. Kendler, M.C. Neale, R.C. Kessler & A.C. Heath, "Panic disorder in women: A population-based twin study", în Psychological Medicine, 1993 23, pp. 397-406. 238 D.H. Barlow, Anxiety and its disorders; The nature of treatment of anxiety and panic, Guilford Press, New York, 1988. 239 A. Ehlers, "A 1-year prospective study of panic attacks: Clinical course and factors associated with maintenance", în Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 104, 1995, pp. 164-172. 240 M.E.P. Seligman & Y.M. Binik, "The safety signal hypothesis
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in women: A population-based twin study", în Psychological Medicine, 1993 23, pp. 397-406. 238 D.H. Barlow, Anxiety and its disorders; The nature of treatment of anxiety and panic, Guilford Press, New York, 1988. 239 A. Ehlers, "A 1-year prospective study of panic attacks: Clinical course and factors associated with maintenance", în Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 104, 1995, pp. 164-172. 240 M.E.P. Seligman & Y.M. Binik, "The safety signal hypothesis", în H. Davis& H. Hurwitz (eds.), Pavlovian operant interactions, Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum, 1977
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Effects of a safe person on induced distress following a biological challenge in panic disorder with agoraphobia", în Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 1995, 104, pp. 156-163. 243 D.H. Barlow, Anxiety and its disorders; The nature of treatment of anxiety and panic, Guilford Press, New York, 1988. 244 R.B. Lydiard, O. Brawman-Mintzer & J.C. Ballenger, "Recent developments in the psychopharmacology of anxiety disorders", în Journal of Consulting & Clinical Psychology, 1996, 64, pp. 660-668. 245 R.M. Rapee, T.A. Brown, M.M. Antony & D.H. Barlow, "Response
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M.M. Antony & D.H. Barlow, "Response to hyperventilation and inhalation of 5,5% carbon dioxide-enriched air across the DSM III-R anxiety disorders", în Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 101, 1992, pp. 538-552. 246 M.J. Telch, J.A. Lucas și P. Nelson, "Nonclinical panic in college students: An investigation of prevalence and symptomatology", în Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 98, 1989, pp. 300-306 . 247 A.J. Fyer, M.R. Liebowitz, J.M. Gorman & R. Campeas, "Discontinuation of alprazolam treatment in panic patients", în American Journal of Psychiatry
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