160 matches
disponibilității instalațiilor portuare de preluare la sosire? If Yes, did you receive confirmation on the availability of reception facilities on arrival? [] Da [] Nu Yes No 4. OBSERVAȚII SUPLIMENTARE/ COMENTARII ADDITIONAL REMARKS/COMMENTS ............................................... ............................................... ............................................... Semnătură comandantului Dată: ../../.... (zz/ll/ăăăă) Master's signature Date: (dd/mm/yyyy) Anexă 4 LISTA PORTURILOR ROMÂNEȘTI cărora li se aplică prevederile prezentului ordin 1. Mangalia 2. Belona 3. Constantă 4. Tomis 5. Midia 6. Agigea 7. Basarabi 8. Medgidia 9. Cernavoda 10. Călărași 11. Sulina 12. Tulcea
EUR-Lex () [Corola-website/Law/175660_a_176989]
est delivre par l'Autorite Navale Roumaine, par l'intermediare des capitaineries de port. Le premier livre de bord doit porter le numero 1, le nom et le numero officiel du navire, le lieu et la date de delivrance, la signature et le cachet de la Capitainerie. La capitainerie de port, qui delivre le premier journal de bord, l'atteste par un «Certificat d'evidence livres de bord», en ecrivant le nom et le numero officiel du băteau, le numero du journal
EUR-Lex () [Corola-website/Law/216895_a_218224]
country the expiry date shall be no later than that indicated on the equivalent certificate from that country. 3. Complete the full name, permanent address and country of the owner of the specimen covered by the certificate. Absence of the signature of the owner renders the certificate invalid. 4. The name, address and country of the issuing management authority should already be pre-printed on the form. 5. This block hâș been pre-printed to indicate the validity of the certificate for multiple
EUR-Lex () [Corola-website/Law/262550_a_263879]
sunt documente eliberate de către autoritatea de management din România, dar care au utilizare pe întreg teritoriul Uniunii Europene. 3. Complete the full name, permanent address and country of the owner of the specimen covered by the certificate. Absence of the signature of the owner renders the certificate invalid. 8. Where appropriate, indicate the number of the security stamp affixed în block 19. 9. The scientific name must be în accordance with the standard references for nomenclature referred to în Annex VIII
EUR-Lex () [Corola-website/Law/262550_a_263879]
sau observații care să clarifice domeniul acoperit de acest certificat*): Any restrictions or clarifying remarks related to the scope of this certificate*): ........................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................ ..../..../........ [data] Numele, titlul și semnătura persoanei autorizate din [date] Agenția Națională a Medicamentului din România*3) Name and signature of the authorised person of the Național Medicines Agency from România*3 ...................................................... [autoritatea națională, numerele de telefon și fax] [name, title, național authority, phone fax numbers] Notă: Versiunea în limba engleză este versiunea de referință. ------------ Se va șterge ceea ce nu
EUR-Lex () [Corola-website/Law/249820_a_251149]
country the expiry date shall be no later than that indicated on the equivalent certificate from that country. 3. Complete the full name, permanent address and country of the owner of the specimen covered by the certificate. Absence of the signature of the owner renders the certificate invalid. 4. The name, address and country of the issuing management authority should already be pre-printed on the form. 5. This block hâș been pre-printed to indicate the validity of the certificate for multiple
EUR-Lex () [Corola-website/Law/252300_a_253629]
country the expiry date shall be no later than that indicated on the equivalent certificate from that country. 3. Complete the full name, permanent address and country of the owner of the specimen covered by the certificate. Absence of the signature of the owner renders the certificate invalid. 4. The name, address and country of the issuing management authority should already be pre-printed on the form. 5. This block hâș been pre-printed to indicate the validity of the certificate for multiple
EUR-Lex () [Corola-website/Law/252372_a_253701]
certificate indicated above. Animalele vii vor fi transportate în │ │concordanță cu Ghidurile CITES pentru 3. Complete the full name, permanent address and country of the owner of the specimen covered by the certificate (not of an agent). Absence of the signature of the owner renders the certificate invalid. 8. Where appropriate, indicate the number of the security stamp affixed în block 19. 9. The scientific name must be în accordance with the standard references for nomenclature referred to în Annex VIII
EUR-Lex () [Corola-website/Law/252372_a_253701]
country the expiry date shall be no later than that indicated on the equivalent certificate from that country. 3. Complete the full name, permanent address and country of the owner of the specimen covered by the certificate. Absence of the signature of the owner renders the certificate invalid. 4. The name, address and country of the issuing management authority should already be pre-printed on the form. 5. This block hâș been pre-printed to indicate the validity of the certificate for multiple
EUR-Lex () [Corola-website/Law/252372_a_253701]
descalificarea candidatului. By signing the present application form, I assume the responsibility: ● to provide correct and complete information; ● to fill în all the headings of the application form. The candidate who provides incomplete or incorrect dată is disqualified. Par la signature de la presente application, je m'engage a: ● fournir des informations correctes et completes; ● remplir toutes leș sections du formulaire. Le candidat qui fournit des informations incompletes ou incorrectes seră disqualifie. Dată / Date ................ Semnătură / Signature ....................... REZERVATĂ AUTORITĂȚILOR /
EUR-Lex () [Corola-website/Law/280290_a_281619]