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by Horaţiu Rusu [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1049_a_2557]
of the short-term higher education may continue their studies │ │within the long-term higher education. │ │Etudes approfondies are provided within 2 or 3 semesters (60 - 90 ECTS) în │ │the same field aș the diplomă obtained after long-term higher education. At │ │the end, the Studiile aprofundate are finalized with a Dissertation, and │ │graduates are awarded the diplomă de studii aprofundate. │ │Master studies last tor 2 to 4 semesters (60 - 120 ECTS) and they are │ │provided either în the field of the diplomă de
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Romanian Social Institute and of D. Gusti, eliminated sociology from among the disciplines to be taught in Romania (which is a last, indirect proof of the large impact of the Gustian School) and, for a long while, basically until the end of the fifties, the Sociological School of Bucharest was either decimated, with many of its members spending long years or even dying in prison (this was the fate of A. Golopenția, M. Vulcănescu, E. Bernea), leaving the country (as did
pentru mine”, 5.XII.1933), Cristescu’s remarks show a warm professional and human relation that was surely most helpful: “Saturday, 2 December [1933]/(...) p.m.: course with Mauss. He greeted me with great joy before starting the course. At the end of the class I went to say hello. Toward the conclusion [of our talk], he suddenly asked about my mother. His eyes were in tears at my answer [Cristescu’s mother had recently died]. Thursday, 11 January [1934]/10-12: Marx
compassion from head to toe: ‘Well, sir, you’ll not benefit much if you are a folklorist (the last word was uttered with utmost emphasis and very subversively), here we do ethnography and you have to admit that, in the end, ethnography is anthropology. So that, in fact, all our studies, including the musicological ones, are pursued on an anthropological basis.’ I tell to myself: ‘Good for you, Harry Brauner, you hit the jackpot and will learn a lot indeed.’ So
magnificent, if indeed you succeed to do so, what we lack is a musicologist that would occupy himself only with music and, after all, what we do is but a sort of propaganda. As you see, Anton dear, in the end, by putting to use the monographic method of investigation, I managed to realize what the ethnography and anthropology of the great Trocadéro consist of: propaganda’. I can’t describe to you the joy I felt when I thought that, quietly
analyzed until one comes to like it, to feel it, and so she proceeded to make us feel it so as to understand it. She put some rather interesting records but didn’t let any of them go till the end, for princess Kura-go had told her that that song sounded better in this way and, as soon as saying so, she would start singing in Cambodgian (better than the recorded singers) and beating some pans. I couldn’t hold my
French School of Sociology. Now, the investigation “Three Generations” is the most complete and recent qualitative and quantitative examination in the European sociology, succeeding to build a systematic and global image of the main transformations of the generations of the end of the 20th century. In an absolutely new way it is made what has permitted the appearance of the generation concept understood in a triple dimension: family generation, historical generation and the generation of welfare. The essence of the investigation
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prin folosirea scorului Duke (21). Un alt studiu mai nou arată că, în anumite condiții, scorul Duke poate fi util în stabilirea prognosticului pacientului vârstnic. Astfel, subdenivelarea ST indusă de testul de efort are valoare prognostică atunci când este selectată ca end point mortalitatea cardiovasculară. Vârful echivalent metabolic la testul de efort este cel mai important predictor la vârstnici, atunci când este selectată ca end point mortalitatea de orice cauză. Studiul prezintă comparativ și alte scoruri de risc, specifice pentru mortalitatea cardiovasculară la
Afectarea cardiovasculară în boala renală cronică by Florin Mitu, Mihai Roca () [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/91929_a_92424]
prognosticului pacientului vârstnic. Astfel, subdenivelarea ST indusă de testul de efort are valoare prognostică atunci când este selectată ca end point mortalitatea cardiovasculară. Vârful echivalent metabolic la testul de efort este cel mai important predictor la vârstnici, atunci când este selectată ca end point mortalitatea de orice cauză. Studiul prezintă comparativ și alte scoruri de risc, specifice pentru mortalitatea cardiovasculară la vârstnici. Scorul VA/UWV (Veterans Affairs/University of West Virginia angiographic diagnostic score) a fost dezvoltat pentru a fi folosit la pacienul
Afectarea cardiovasculară în boala renală cronică by Florin Mitu, Mihai Roca () [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/91929_a_92424]
in Romania but they mark a net recession of the extreme right. The number of parties represented in the Parliament remains stable but, paradoxically does not produce a strengthened or stabilized political scene. In this way, the elections in Romania end in coalitions to limited partners. The fragile balance characterizes the new government which will have the heavy spot to make of the country a separate member of the UE. Primit la redacție: iunie 2005 Anton Golopenția Rapsodia epistolară. Scrisori primite
that diversity can play în developing an organization. Lately, they speak even a new profession, that of manager of corporate diversity, which is obviously the result of identifying the contemporary reality of intercultural communication as diversity management paradigm. At the end of the volume are presented în a separate set of appendices that include types and models free questionnaires and structured interview form, some of which were used în the volume, others are recommended for those who wish to deepen research
Comunicarea interculturală. Paradigmă pentru managementul diversităţii by Silvia Popescu [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/923_a_2431]
pauză sau ultima acțiune a fost stop este prezentată prin: Procedura care este apelată prin apăsarea butonului care duce animația la stadiul următor este: procedure TForm 1.nextClick(Sender: TObjectă; begin if cstate<nract+1 then inc(cstateă; DrawState(CState); end; Procedura care se apelează la un timp anume, timp controlat de cronometrul t1, un cronometru care la un anumit timp execută anumite comenzi, conține probleme de design în care unele butoane pot fi funcționabile iar altele devin funcționabile după ce a
REŢELE DE SORTARE APLICAŢIE by ŞTEFAN OLTEAN () [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/91709_a_107360]