1,907 matches
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523. 109 P. Kiparsky, "Remarks on Denominal Verbs", în: A. Alsina, J. Bresnan, P. Sells (eds.), Complex Predicates, Stanford, California, CSLI, p. 473−499. 110 D. A. Cruse, "A Note on English Causatives", Linguistic Inquiry, 3, 522−528. 111 D. A. Cruse, "Some Troughts on Agentivity", Journal of Linguistics, 9, p. 11−23. 112 K. Hale, S. J. Keyser, "A View from the Middle", Lexicon Project Working Papers, 10, MIT, Cambridge, Mass. 113 W. Jacobsen, Transitivity in the Japanese Verbal System, Bloomington, Indiana
Syntaxe du roumain, chaînes thématique, teză de doctorat, Université Paris VII. 153 A. Naro, "The Genesis of the Reflexive impersonal in Portuguese: A Study in Syntactic Change as a Surface Phenomenon", Language, 52, p. 779−811. 154 E. Wehrli, "On Some Properties of Frech Clitic se", în: H. Borer (ed.), Syntax and Semantics, New York, London, Academic Press, p. 263−284. 155 Existența tuturor acestor contexte a fost verificată pe motorul de căutare Google. 156 B. Levin, M. Rappaport, "The Formation of
Schäfer (2009) au preluat această idee, dar au interpretat-o "radical", arătând (cu date parțiale din română) că ergativele acceptă nominalizarea de tip infinitiv, iar inergativele, pe cea de tip supin. 24 A. Belletti, L. Rizzi, "The Syntax of ne: Some Theoretical Implications", The Linguistic Review, 1, p. 117−154, apud Mackenzie (2006: 40). 25 L. Lonzi, "Pertinenza della struttura tema−rema per l'analisi sintattica", în: H. Stammerjohann (ed.), Theme−Rheme in Italian, Narr, Tübingen, p. 99−120. 26 G.
Delinquence and Opportunity, Free Press, New York. Conte, M., Tannenbaum, A.S. (1978), „Employee. Owned companies : Is the diference measureable?”, în Monthly Labor Review, vol. 7, nr. 101. Coser, L. (1955), The Functions of Social Conflict, Free Press, Glencoe. Coser, L. (1969), „Some social functions of violence”, în S. Heidt, A. Etzioni (ed.), Societal Guidance. A New Approach to Social Problems, Thomas Y. Crowell Company, New York. Costea, Ș., Larionescu, M., Ungureanu, I. (1983), Sociologia românească contemporană, Editura Științifică și Enciclopedică, București. Costner H.L.
John Wiley and Sons, New York. Kottak, C.Ph. (1974), Anthropology. The Explanation of Human Diversity, Random House, New York. Kuhn, A. (1974), The Logic of Social Systems, Jossey-Bass Inc. Publishers, San Francisco. Lanzetta, J., Hoegner, D., Laugaham, P., Axelrod, H. (1954), „Some effects of situational treat on group behavior”, în Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, nr. 3. Lawrence, P.R., Loresch, J.W. (1967), Organization and Environment, Harvard University Press, Boston. Lenin, V.I. (1966), „Materialism și empiriocriticism”, în Opere, vol. 18, Editura
Academiei RSR, București. Scott, R., Shore, A.R. (1979), Why Sociology does not Apply. A Study of the Use of Sociology, Elsevier, New York. Secord, P.F., Backman, C.W. (1964), Social Psyschology, McGraw-Hill Company, New York. Shils, E.A. (1968), „Rulers and intelectuals, some observations and some particular references to India”, în G. Wijeyewardene (ed.), Leadership and Authority, University of Malaya Press, Singapore. Simon, H.A. (1956), „Rational choice and the structure of environment”, în Psychological Review, vol. 63. Simon, H.A. (1957a), Models of Man
Scott, R., Shore, A.R. (1979), Why Sociology does not Apply. A Study of the Use of Sociology, Elsevier, New York. Secord, P.F., Backman, C.W. (1964), Social Psyschology, McGraw-Hill Company, New York. Shils, E.A. (1968), „Rulers and intelectuals, some observations and some particular references to India”, în G. Wijeyewardene (ed.), Leadership and Authority, University of Malaya Press, Singapore. Simon, H.A. (1956), „Rational choice and the structure of environment”, în Psychological Review, vol. 63. Simon, H.A. (1957a), Models of Man. Social and Relational
History, Charles E. Merrill Books, Londra. Conte, M., Tannenbaum, A.S. (1978), „Employee. Owned companies : Is the diference measureable?”, în Monthly Labor Review, vol. 7, nr. 101. Coser, L. (1955), The Functions of Social Conflict, Free Press, Glencoe. Coser, L. (1969), „Some social functions of violence”, în S. Heidt, A. Etzioni (ed.), Societal Guidance. A New Approach to Social Problems, Thomas Y. Crowell Company, New York. Costea, Ș., Larionescu, M., Ungureanu, I. (1983), Sociologia românească contemporană, Editura Științifică și Enciclopedică, București. Costner H.L.
John Wiley and Sons, New York. Kottak, C.Ph. (1974), Anthropology. The Explanation of Human Diversity, Random House, New York. Kuhn, A. (1974), The Logic of Social Systems, Jossey-Bass Inc. Publishers, San Francisco. Lanzetta, J., Hoegner, D., Laugaham, P., Axelrod, H. (1954), „Some effects of situational treat on group behavior”, în Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, nr. 3. Lawrence, P.R., Loresch, J.W. (1967), Organization and Environment, Harvard University Press, Boston. Lenin, V.I. (1966), Opere, vol. 1, Editura Politică, București. Lenin, V.I.
Academiei RSR, București. Scott, R., Shore, A.R. (1979), Why Sociology does not Apply. A Study of the Use of Sociology, Elsevier, New York. Secord, P.F., Backman, C.W. (1964), Social Psyschology, McGraw-Hill Company, New York. Shils, E.A. (1968), „Rulers and intelectuals, some observations and some particular references to India”, în G. Wijeyewardene (ed.), Leadership and Authority, University of Malaya Press, Singapore. Simon, H.A. (1951), Administrative Behavior, Macmillan, New York. Simon, H.A. (1956), „Rational choice and the structure of environment”, în Psychological Review, vol
Scott, R., Shore, A.R. (1979), Why Sociology does not Apply. A Study of the Use of Sociology, Elsevier, New York. Secord, P.F., Backman, C.W. (1964), Social Psyschology, McGraw-Hill Company, New York. Shils, E.A. (1968), „Rulers and intelectuals, some observations and some particular references to India”, în G. Wijeyewardene (ed.), Leadership and Authority, University of Malaya Press, Singapore. Simon, H.A. (1951), Administrative Behavior, Macmillan, New York. Simon, H.A. (1956), „Rational choice and the structure of environment”, în Psychological Review, vol. 63. Simon, H.A.
of its members spending long years or even dying in prison (this was the fate of A. Golopenția, M. Vulcănescu, E. Bernea), leaving the country (as did C. Brăiloiu, Ion Ionică, D.C. Amzăr) or unable to publish until the sixties, some even until 1989 (H.H. Stahl, Octavian Neamțu, Ștefania Cristescu, Xenia Costa-Foru, Christina Galitzi etc.). Between 1930 and 1935, when Bernea, Brauner, Cristescu and Ionică came to study in Paris, the Sociological School of Bucharest was, however, in full and spectacular
unexpected: he loves the young (he told me) and is ready at any moment to guide you in any kind of projects (27.XI.1932)”. “Monday evening, when I returned home, I found a parcel. René Maunier had sent me some of his works: Le Ménage kabyle; Le chien de Montargis (Travail de Folklore juridique) and Les débuts et les formes du contact des races (30.XI.1932).” Cristescu’s diary gives a number of details on the courses usually taken
30.XI.1932).” Cristescu’s diary gives a number of details on the courses usually taken by a student specializing in French ethnology at the time. We find the schedules and locations of the courses and, most importantly, remarks on some of the courses that she followed and on the professors who taught them. Among all, Marcel Mauss, Célestin Bouglé, Jean Marx and Meillet recur most often in Cristescu’s notes. While noting that Mauss’ course is not relevant to her
from Romania for several days. Saturday, 9 December [1933]/10 1/2: Rivet. I met Raoul Allier’s daughter, who invited me for tea at their home on Monday afternoon. To meet her father. He has been in Africa, knows some African language./ 5-6: Mauss./ I didn’t yet go to see Bouglé! Monday, 11 December [1933]/At four o’clock, tea at the home of R. Allier. (Bd. Raspail 282)./R. Allier: old, tired. He still works, though. Thursday, 14
swaddling (sumețindu-ne Încă din fașă științifică), to get elbow to elbow or even to surpass our poor Western colleaguesă(7.VI.1933)”. As for Ion Ionică, in a letter addressed to Anton Golopenția, he stressed the “doubts” expressed either by some of his colleague students, or, more politely, but also more difficult to bear, by Marcel Mauss, concerning Gustian terminology and Ionică’s systematic use of it: “I passed the two catalogues of the Drăguș [sociological] museum, together with some explanatory
by some of his colleague students, or, more politely, but also more difficult to bear, by Marcel Mauss, concerning Gustian terminology and Ionică’s systematic use of it: “I passed the two catalogues of the Drăguș [sociological] museum, together with some explanatory pages in French that I added, to professors Fauconnet and Mauss. There was a whole story with a young American lady who, seeing them before they were offered to the two professors, asked me, ‘candid and full’ if such
Oui, je le sais, mais c’est que précisément il ne s’agit pas de concilieră’ etc. I mention all this to you as a simple curiosity. The conversation continued for a while. I closed it by promising to read some field notes to him./ I am happy to learn that people are working on methodology in Bucharest. There are many things to reconcile. The research will become a lot more fruitful, I believe, in the effort of putting it in
et l’Esprit international, edited by the Centre d’Etudes de Politique Etrangère in 1938, can help understand the way in which the difference in vision between the Romanian and the French Schools was expressed in those years. Speaking of some recent lectures given by D. Gusti at the International Conference of Social Sciences organized in Paris with the occasion of the International Exhibition, Bouglé affirmed that “social sciences still need to overcome the national phase” and to establish universal methods
the anthropology that you practice even with respect to music, but what about the songs of Mr. Vulpescu, or rather, which are the conclusions you draw from this material? Personally, for in this (that is, in Romanian music) I have some knowledge, I dare ask you to give me some indications as to how you collect this music, or rather what method you are using on the field for, be it ethnography or anthropology or whatever you call it, I still
music, but what about the songs of Mr. Vulpescu, or rather, which are the conclusions you draw from this material? Personally, for in this (that is, in Romanian music) I have some knowledge, I dare ask you to give me some indications as to how you collect this music, or rather what method you are using on the field for, be it ethnography or anthropology or whatever you call it, I still don’t understand a bit what you’re doing
I asked him who is studying music, he answered, quite embarassed: ‘You see, this is a difficult thing, I asked the engineer of the expedition to also collect the songs there.’ When I heard this declaration as well, I got some courage and I started to tell him about our campaigns and how we work, that the engineer, the musicologist, the anthropologist, and the coordinator are apart and that, in our way of doing research, we concentrate on just one village
tried to convince the honorable public that, in fact, exotic music can’t be analyzed until one comes to like it, to feel it, and so she proceeded to make us feel it so as to understand it. She put some rather interesting records but didn’t let any of them go till the end, for princess Kura-go had told her that that song sounded better in this way and, as soon as saying so, she would start singing in Cambodgian
any of them go till the end, for princess Kura-go had told her that that song sounded better in this way and, as soon as saying so, she would start singing in Cambodgian (better than the recorded singers) and beating some pans. I couldn’t hold my laughter, but the French in the hall fell into a hysterical trance and applauded till they could clap no more. Hochwissenschaftlich, wissen Sie, mein Herră And at some point, with no remorse, the lady