2,104 matches
universul arată o astfel de perfectă relaționare organică, în care fiecare parte se corelează cu toate celelalte, si toate cu întregul, potrivit scopului divinității. Universul este o "intrigă" desăvârșită; toate evenimentele istoriei cosmice izvorăsc din "the bosom of the thesis - ouț of the heart of the ruling idea" [chintesența tezei - din inimă ideii fundamentale]104, iar fiecare particulă există în conformitate un scop preconceput: "The plots of God are perfect. The Universe is a plot of God" [Planurile lui Dumnezeu sunt
72, 209 Worms, Frédéric, 112, 139, 209 Z zar, 55 zenit, 39, 42 Abstract Sketched în a few paragraphs of dense, and suggestive notation, distilling a large amount of disconcerting ideas, Ion Barbu's Vigil of Roderick Usher (Paraphrase) turns ouț to be a profound and serious mediation on creation, în general, and on the making of the poem, în particular. Given the unusual scale of the endeavor, the author places his investigation "at the limit of exact investigation", with a
dynamic schemes", în the sense that Henri Bergson gives the terms, can evoke them. Images, when finally turned into words, are replaced by a series of isolated, juxtaposed representations deprived of their original temporality (Creative Evolution). The poetic space turns ouț to be a realm of spiritual illumination. The creatures and objects that necessarily occupy the coherent and complex meso-cosmos of Poe's tale are all signa of a higher spiritual reality. The author of "Joc secund" [The Second Game] understands
poetic work, like the process, which it materializes, is however not the final product. Rather, it is a dynamic reality, with many indeterminations, that demands to be completed, concretized în the act of reading. It is an "organic form", born ouț of the specific nature of the poetical material, and which grows from the inside, together with the principle that generates it. Malleability, the capacity of generating unity ouț of multitude of heterogeneous elements characterize it. The form intuited by the
concretized în the act of reading. It is an "organic form", born ouț of the specific nature of the poetical material, and which grows from the inside, together with the principle that generates it. Malleability, the capacity of generating unity ouț of multitude of heterogeneous elements characterize it. The form intuited by the author, aș a constitutive principle, în accordance to which the individual, particular work consummates itself, is not an abstract geometrical framework, but a concrete and diverse "world". It
maintain that even this my primary assumption, is very, very far indeed from being really a mere assumption. Nothing was ever more certainly -no human conclusion was ever în fact, more regularly - more rigorously deduced" - but alas! The processes lie ouț of the human analysis - at all events are beyond the utterance of the human tongue". 21 Idem, p. 31: "The assumption of absolute Unity în the primordial Particle includes that of infinite divisibility [s.n.]. Let uș conceive the Particle, then
Essays & Letters, 1956, p. 26: "Words led back to their origin, which is the twenty-four letters of the alphabet, șo gifted with infinity that they will finally consecrate Language. Everything is caught up în their endless variations and then rises ouț of them în the form of the Principle". 59 În Edgar Allan Poe, Essays and Reviews, 1984, p. 256: "The mystic or the undercurrent of meaning". 60 În sensul folosit de Augustus William [Wilhelm] Schlegel. A Course of Lectures on
evidence of its hidden essence. Hence it is evident that the spirit of poetry, - which, though imperishable, migrates, aș it were, through different bodies [s.n.], must, șo often aș it is newly born în the human race, mould to itself, ouț of the nutrimental substance of an altered age, a body of a different conformation. The forms vary with the direction taken by the poetical sense; and when we give to the new kinds of poetry the old names, and judge
songs to uș aș bees carry honey, flying like bees. And what they say is true. For a poet is an airy thing, winged and holy, and he is not able to make poetry until he becomes inspired and goes ouț of his mind and his intellect is no longer în him. Aș long aș a human being hâș his intellect în his possession he will always lack the power to make poetry or sing prophecy. Therefore because it's not
cautious selections and rejections at the painful erasures and interpolations în a word, at the wheels and pinions the tackle for scene-shiftingthe step-ladders and demontrapsthe cock's feathers, the red paint and the black patches, which, în ninety nine cases ouț of the hundred, constitute the properties of the literary histrio". 15 Idem, p. 15: "No one point în its composition is referrible either to accident or intuition". 16 Edgar Allan Poe. "Joseph Rodman Drake Fitz-Greene Halleck", Essays and Reviews, 1984
s.n.], not the stars, which to uș seem the sole palpabilities, and for the accommodation of which we blindly deem space created - but that space itself - that infinity of which the truly substantive vastness swallows up the star-shadows - blotting them ouț aș non-entities from the perception of the angels". 8 J. E. Cirlot, A Dictionary of Symbols, 2001, p. 47. 9 Ion Barbu, "Legendă și somnul în poezia lui Blaga", în Versuri și proza, 1984, p. 172. 10 Henri Bergson, "La
dezvăluie concentrarea de materie și energie din vortexul maelstromului - intersecția dintre natural și supranatural, corp și suflet, timp și spațiu: "The rays of the moon seemed to search the very bottom of the profound gulf; but still I could make ouț nothing distinctly, on account of a thick mist în which everything there was enveloped, and over which there hung a magnificent rainbow, like that narrow and tottering bridge which Mussulmen say is the only pathway between Time and Eternity [s.n.
proza, 1984, p. 149) 2 Ion Barbu, "Veghea lui Roderick Usher", în Versuri și proza, 1984, p. 214 . 3 Edgar Poe, "The Raven", în The Complete Tales and Poems of Edgar Allan Poe, 1982, p. 946: "And my soul from ouț that shadow that lies floating on the floor / Shall be lifted - nevermore!". 4 Ion Barbu, "Pro domo" (1927), în Ion Barbu, Opere. ÎI. Proza, 2000, p. 37: Transubstațierea prin artă a acestor specii de vis necontrolat, de crepuscul de Ev.
singularity of my fâțe, I unwittingly daubed with a tar-brush the edges of a neatly-folded studding-sail which lay near me on a barrel. The studding-sail is now bent upon the ship, and the thoughtless touches of the brush are spread ouț into the word DISCOVERY". 2 Ion Barbu, "Veghea lui Roderick Usher" (1931), în Versuri și proza, 1984. p. 215. 3 Arthur Rimbaud, Poésies, 1984, p. 94. 4 Henri Bergson, "L'évolution créatrice", în Oeuvres, 1970, pp. 657-658. 5 Ion Barbu
an expression more of the eagerness of hope than of the apathy of despair. În the meantime the wind is still în our poop, and, aș we carry a crowd of canvass, the ship is at times lifted bodily from ouț the șea! Oh, horror upon horror! - the ice opens suddenly to the right, and to the left, and we are whirling dizzily, în immense concentric circles, round and round the borders of a gigantic amphitheatre, the summit of whose walls
and thus becomes an empty category. This difficulty is fundamentally caused by a further difficulty, connected to the multiple meanings of the term "culture". These meanings can be assigned schematically to either of two "families of signification"; the first picks ouț the actions which, în any given society, are contrained by everyday needs, and subjects them to aesthetic or intellectual judgement; the second looks at the shared practices whereby any kind of community experiences and reflects upon its own relationship with
fair and pragmatic report also for putting together realistic predictions/ scenarios; evaluation of proposed solutions over time, but also those of recent date, în order to end the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. We believe that the main merit of our approach goes ouț to the research conducted among specialists on specific issues of the Middle East (Israeli- Palestinian crisis by default), which have encourage our inițiative and have kindly given uș points of view about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, aș well aș assessments regarding
will address the critically related concept of post-conflict peace-building - action to identify and support structures which will tend to strengthen and solidify peace în order to avoid a relapse into conflict. Preventive diplomacy seeks to resolve disputes before violence breaks ouț; peace-making and peace-keeping are required to halt conflicts and preserve peace once it is attained. If successful, they strengthen the opportunity for post-conflict peace-building, which can prevent the recurrence of violence among nations and peoples". 64 Anna Tiedeman, op. cît
the Quartet office to take a position at the Council on Foreign Relations în Washington, DC". 1048 "Clearly from the EU record, they can, at best, keep momentum alive for peace talks, but not for too long. They cannot hammer ouț a deal simply because the Israelis do not listen to them. They cannot deliver when it comes to settlements, refugees, security, and financial compensation. If you want a real deal, you need the Americans în the negotiating room. Everybody knows
infecțioase - NHI - la pești, aprobată prin Ordinul ministrului agriculturii, alimentației și| |pădurilor nr. 471/2002 ce transpune în legislația națională Decizia Comisiei 2001/183/ CE | |după cum a fost utilizată următoarea schemă de supraveghere: | |- have been subject to health inspecțions, carried ouț at intervals adapted to the | |development of (1) [VHS] (1) [and] (1) [IHN] and samples are taken and examined for these | |pathogens with a negative result by an official authorised laboratory and the sampling and | |testing methods are at least
EUR-Lex () [Corola-website/Law/173304_a_174633]
laid down by Decision 2001/183/EC (14) or | |surveillance methods aș described în the OIE (8) Manual of diagnostic tests for aquatic | |animals, Chapter 1.1.4 and the relevant disease chapter, and aș laboratory tests have been | |carried ouț în accordance with the relevant chapters în the most current edition of the OIE | |(8) Manual of diagnostic tests for aquatic animals, with all test giving negative results. | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |sau (19) [provin din următoarea fermă continentală: ....................... unde au apărut în| |ultimii
EUR-Lex () [Corola-website/Law/173304_a_174633]
down în Decision 2001/183/EC | |(12) (13) or surveillance methods aș described în the OIE (8), Manual of diagnostic tests for| |aquatic animals, Chapter 1.1.4 and the relevant disease chapters and aș laboratory tests have| |been carried ouț accordance with the relevant chapters în the most current edition of the OIE| |Manual of diagnostic tests for aquatic animals, with all test giving negative results] | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |(20) 7.3. Eu, subsemnatul, inspector oficial, certific că peștele viu, icrele și lapții
EUR-Lex () [Corola-website/Law/173304_a_174633]
been submitted | |for at least two years to inspecțions by the competent authorities, with sample size at least| |equivalent to those sampling programmes laid down în Commission Decision 2001/183/EC (14)and| |sampling and laboratory tests have been carried ouț în accordance with the relevant chapters | |în the most current edition of the OIE (8) Manual of diagnostic tests for aquatic animals, | |with all test giving negative results; and the fărm is either situated în a part (21) of a
EUR-Lex () [Corola-website/Law/173304_a_174633]
ultimul animal afectat de boală a fost tăiat; │ │ (d) în the case of equine infectious anemia, until the date on whish, the infected │ │ animals having been slaughtered, the remaining animals have shown a negative reaction│ │ to two Coggins tests carried ouț three months apart, │ │ în caz de anemie infecțioasă, până la data la care ecvinele infectate au fost │ │ eliminate iar animalele rămase au reacționat negativ la două teste Coggins, efectuate│ │ la un interval de 3 luni; (5) or [on which, în the
EUR-Lex () [Corola-website/Law/165796_a_167125]
8) and vaccination │ │ Atestarea sănătății animalelor - Teste de sanatate *8) și vaccinare 10.1. during the isolation period specified în point 11.3 each of the animals described în │ │ point 8.4 was subjected to the following health tests carried ouț în a laboratory │ │ approved by the competent authority în România and by the competent authority în the │ │ Member State of destination on a blood sample taken within 10 days of export │ │ on ........... (date); În timpul unei perioade de izolare specificate la
EUR-Lex () [Corola-website/Law/165796_a_167125]