1,907 matches
than the recorded singers) and beating some pans. I couldn’t hold my laughter, but the French in the hall fell into a hysterical trance and applauded till they could clap no more. Hochwissenschaftlich, wissen Sie, mein Herră And at some point, with no remorse, the lady made a revolutionary declaration: in general, Cambodgian songs resemble Romanian doina-s (I jumped from my chair, ears pricked up, and waited in suspense for the explanation.) As a supreme argument, the lady cleared
view, it was called sound film, so I thought to myself there was no way for it to be uninteresting. I swear to you they had doubled the film with waltzes, whenever you saw water and black men, and with some Wagner at the more impressive moments. And, in fact, whenever the chiefs of the expedition were shaking hands with the chief of the tribe, a noblest best composed march was not missing. What had they done? They brought the film
which the Trocadéro library is organized, for they have adopted a new American method which seems to be quite interesting (before, they had used the decimal system)” (2.V.[1933]). Final Remarks Francophilia varies in time and always reaches only some among the “elite” social groups in a country according to spatial and social trends that have to be carefully examined. With the development of modern Romanian culture, it tends to be gradually limited (to only some of the possible options
and always reaches only some among the “elite” social groups in a country according to spatial and social trends that have to be carefully examined. With the development of modern Romanian culture, it tends to be gradually limited (to only some of the possible options), relative (embracing openly critical forms and marking a simple openness with respect to French culture rather than the yielding to a “superior” culture that it had represented during the 19th century), and relaxed. The possibilities offered
the values system. If, in the past, the values accepted by the young generation were suffering by immobility (children’s future was like their parents’ past and present), now, things are very different: the adults are not anything else than some strangers in a new world. Their authority reduces, children look for their behaviour models exclusively among those of their age. In order to surprise the multiplicative dynamic of changes among the generations of the beginning of the millennium I have
of welfare. The essence of the investigation are the relations among generations simultaneously placed both within the framework of the family and at the border between the familial and the social life. The first empirical data obtained permitted to draw some conclusions: first, it stood out the fact that the social mobility performs an important part in the functioning and the cultural influence of the “intermediary social solidarities”, understood in a Durkheimian way. The transfers between generations happen both by interfamily
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activity of creating the system of the sociological monography, further used as an analytical basis for the direct field research in the villages. The study points to the fact that the Gustian sociological system is an original, creative synthesis of some of the highest European scientific contributions, especially German, French and Romanian. A more comprehensive image of the Gusti’s performance has been structured into two directions: sociological causality, especially the low of sociological parallelism, and the interdisciplinary principle. Primit la
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Enciclopedică, 1979; Demografia teritorială a României. București: Editura Academiei, 1986. Abstract The present research, concerning the socio-demographic developments of Fetești (Ialomița county), is focused on several dimensions: geographical, demographical, social, economical, cultural and even a historical one. The study presents some of our observations over a century of Fetești history. The research was made in 2003 within the University of Bucharest, the Faculty of Geography. Primit la redacție: mai 2005 Migrația românească în Spania Ana Bleahu Institutul de Calitate a Vieții
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the fragmentation of the partisan space, the difficulties in the emergence of a competent and professional political class and those of an at least delicate economic and social situation. On the other hand, the theme of membership has made, for some time, the political consensus as for the objectives of the foreign policy. Resumed by all the political parties, the external factor does not manage to surmount the cleavage which remains between urban Romania and rural Romania. The very tight results
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obviously the result of identifying the contemporary reality of intercultural communication as diversity management paradigm. At the end of the volume are presented în a separate set of appendices that include types and models free questionnaires and structured interview form, some of which were used în the volume, others are recommended for those who wish to deepen research on issues addressed în this volume. În seria ȘTIINȚELE COMUNICĂRII au mai apărut: Campanii și strategii de PR, Flaviu Călin Rus Comunicare culturală
Comunicarea interculturală. Paradigmă pentru managementul diversităţii by Silvia Popescu [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/923_a_2431]
semnul întrebării obiectivele și promisiunile specialiștilor în implant cohlear, dar a fost sever criticat de părinții copiilor surzi ca fiind romantic și alarmist cu privire la pericolele acestei chirurgii (L. Christonsen și I. Leigh, 1993)<footnote Lane, H., Cohlear Implants : Boon by Some, Bane for others. În: Hearing Health, Febr/Mai, 1993 footnote>. Părinții își pun problema de ce organizațiile de surzi au dreptul să le spună ce să facă cu copiii lor. Actualmente, în comunitatea de surzi s-a instaurat o concepție temporară
Cultura surzilor ?i viitorul comunit??ii lor by Florea Barbu () [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/84045_a_85370]
în cauză: Sorter(1,nrin); DrawNet; end În cazul în care condiția de verificare cu privire la încărcarea unui fișier de valori nu este satisfăcută atunci sunt avertizat de faptul că nu am introdus datele necesare: else showmessage('Please load some values or a network!'); end; În cadrul acestor proceduri am folosit diferite tipuri de variabile. Astfel am considerat nrin, nract, cstate ce reprezintă numărul de fire, numărul de comparatoare și respectiv faza curentă a animației: nrin,nract,cstate:integer; Variabilele de
REŢELE DE SORTARE APLICAŢIE by ŞTEFAN OLTEAN () [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/91709_a_107360]
de adevărul sintagmei axiomatice potrivit căreia „America este o țară de imigranți”. Se recunoaște, unanim, că „America was built by immigrants. From Plymouth Rock in the seventeenth century to Ellis Island in the twentieth, people born elsewhere came to America. Some were fleeing religious persecution and political turmoil. Most, however, came for economic reasons and were part of extensive migratory sistems that responded to changing demands in labour markets. Their experience in the United States was as diverse as their backgrounds
religious persecution and political turmoil. Most, however, came for economic reasons and were part of extensive migratory sistems that responded to changing demands in labour markets. Their experience in the United States was as diverse as their backgrounds and aspirations. Some became farmers and others toiled in factories. Some settled permanently and others returned to their homeland. Collectively, however, they contributed to the building of a nation by providing a constant source of inexpensive labour, by settling rural regions and industrial
for economic reasons and were part of extensive migratory sistems that responded to changing demands in labour markets. Their experience in the United States was as diverse as their backgrounds and aspirations. Some became farmers and others toiled in factories. Some settled permanently and others returned to their homeland. Collectively, however, they contributed to the building of a nation by providing a constant source of inexpensive labour, by settling rural regions and industrial cities, and by bringing their unique forms of
in the century prior to War War I, the major sources of immigrants were Germany, Italy, Ireland, Austria, Hungary, Russia and Great Britain, but Canada also supplied 4 million newcomers, including a large number of French, Canadians, and Mexico sent some 2 million. These emigrant centres supplied the largest ethnic concentrations in American society before the 1960s”. Așa cum era și de așteptat, România nu figura printre principalele „surse” de emigrare ale epocii, Întrucît românii din Austro-Ungaria erau Înregistrați printre cei plecați
South St. Paul, in Missouri, and in Montana, but for the most part they did not stray from the major industrial regions. Few settled in the Far West or the South before the 1960s, when many retired to California and some to Florida. The first-generation immigrants were unskilled and semiskilled industrial workers, congregating in urban colonies close to the factories in which they worked and where their fellow nationals from the same region or village lived”. Convingerea acestui istoric, informat și
În țara lor de origine, noii imigranți nu erau primiți cu entuziasm de nativi, indiferent dacă aceștia din urmă erau asimilați Întru totul sau Își afișau americanismul ca pe o virtute personală. Așa cum se recunoaște de altfel, „as sincere as some of the Americanizers were, in the end they imposed a standard of immigrant performance that left those who did not conform extremely vulnerable to nativist attacks. In the wake of World War I, anti-foreignism surfaced again in a particularly virulent
În urma unui calcul care nu pleca de la statistici ori de la alte surse credibile, ci de la aprecieri personale, rotunjite de autor, printr-o presupusă diminuare circumstanțială. În 1979, Radu Toma se arăta convins că „the number of the Romanian-Americans increased to some 120.000 in 1930”. Tot el ne informează că, „În anul 1930, grupul originar prin naștere sau părinți din România [deci nu numai români, n.n.] era format din 293.453 persoane, aproape 1% din populația Statelor Unite originară prin naștere sau