1,907 matches
refugiate În America 28.421 de persoane provenite din România. Abordînd același subiect, Gerald J. Bobango afirma În 1982 că, „giving the passing of the first generation by the 1970s, and the end of unlimited immigration, a recent estimate of some 85,000 ethnic Romanians in the United States and Canada, i.e., those themselves or with parents born abroad, might be fairly valid as of 1978”. Radu Toma concluziona, În 1979, că „it is presently estimated at about 200-230,000 people
Balkanism» has served as an explanation for what happened in Romania in the past, much as «communism» or «totalitarism» serves to explain what happends there in the present. Relatively few Romanians live in the United States, 300,000 according to some estimates. Furthermore, unlike the Hungarians, Czechs, Poles, or Yugoslavs, Romanians have not rebelled against their leadership to such an extent as to generate an influx of unsympathetic, anti-communist refugees and exiles. A community of exile intellectuals, if it can be
Moscova din octombrie 1944, dar omite să reproducă, după aceeași sursă (Kimball, op.cit., III, p. 350), schimbul de mesaje de la 10-11 octombrie Între Averell Harriman și președinte. Primul Îl avertiza pe Roosevelt: „Churchill and Eden will try to work out some sort of spheres of influence with the Russians, the British to have a free hand in Greece and the Russians in Romania and perhaps other countries. The British will attempt to retrieve a position of equal influence in Yugoslavia”. Diplomatul
Next port of call: g) Ultimul port și data la care s-au predat deșeurile generate de navă și reziduurile mărfii: ... Last port and date when ship-generated waste was delivered: h) Predați: Are you delivering: tot o parte nimic all some none [] [] [] *) din deșeurile dumneavoastră instalațiilor portuare de preluare? of your waste into port recepiton facilities? ----------- *) Bifați căsuța corespunzătoare. Tick the appropriate box. i) Tipul și cantitatea de deșeuri sau reziduuri ce trebuie predate și/sau care vor rămâne la bord
EUR-Lex () [Corola-website/Law/204387_a_205716]
PAHLAVAN F., DUDA D. și BONNET P., De l'étude des conduites agressives l'étude des mouvements impliqués dans les agressions: quelques mécanismes plausibles de l'effet d'armes. From the study of aggression towards the study of aggressive movements: Some plausible mechanisms of the weapons effect. Cahier de Psychologie Cognitive/Current Psychology of Cognition, 10, 1990, pp. 541-551,. DABBS J.M. Jr. și MORRIS. R., Testosterone, social class, and antisocial behavior in a sample of 4,462 men. Psychological Science, 1
Comportamentul agresiv by Farzaneh Pahlavan [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/919_a_2427]
psychology, (vol. 2). New York, Wiley, 1970, pp. 159-259. FESHBACH S., Nationalism, patriotism, and aggression: A clarification of functional differences. În L.R. HUESMANN (ed.) Aggressive behavior: Current perspectives). New York, Plenum Press, 1994, pp. 275-291. FESTINGER L., PEPITONE A. și NEWCOMB T., Some consequences of de-individuation in a group. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 47, 1952, pp. 382-389. FRACZEK A., Moral approval of aggressive acts: A Polish-Finnish comparative study. Journal of Cross Cultural Psychology, 16, 1985, pp. 41-54. FRIEDRICH L. K, și
Comportamentul agresiv by Farzaneh Pahlavan [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/919_a_2427]
American Psychological Association, 2001, pp. 249-269. HUSMAN B. și SILVA J.M., Aggression: definitional considerations. În J.M. SILVA și R.S. WEINBERG (ed). Psychological foundations of sport. Champaign, IL : Human Kinetics, 1984, pp. 246-260. JEGARD S. și WALTERS R.H., A study of some determinants of aggression in young children. Child Development, 31, 1960, pp. 739-747. KANE T.R., JOSEPH J.M. și TEDESCHI J.T., Person perception and the Berkowitz paradigm for the study of aggression. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 33, 1976, pp. 663-673
Comportamentul agresiv by Farzaneh Pahlavan [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/919_a_2427]
and representing knowledge, power-knowledge etc.) presents a new way of understanding knowledge, power, history beyond academic labels sticked on Foucault's social and professional identity. I explained why Foucault saw "relations of power" in every human relationship, and I criticized some of his generalizations concerning this concept. Power is not everywhere... "Problems", in Foucault's acception, include: how power works from the bottom to the top of societies and vice versa, from citizens to politicians and from politicians to citizens, as
Foucault, cunoaşterea şi istoria by Lucian-Mircea Popescu [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1446_a_2688]
neither rational, nor irrational. The fourth chapter presents the idea of power from a plural and non-ideological perspective. I describe how this concept was conceived by Foucault in opposition to Plato's ideas and I criticized Foucault's power-knowledge paradigm. Some solutions to the problem of this paradigmatic knowledge-power relations are also presented. I present what Foucault understood by the concept of 'technologies' and how these technologies were products of modern societies at the intersection of political power, individual power, self
Foucault, cunoaşterea şi istoria by Lucian-Mircea Popescu [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1446_a_2688]
which political power is organized differently and exercised beyond the centralization of power, beyond the arbitrary violence and authority. In the chapter fifth, entitled Written culture, the invention of ideologies, modern individualization, discourse, truth and market of ideas, I established some connections between these six concepts, depicting how modern society was developed and, at the same time, politicized. I tried to make sense to question: Why is the modern political state, as a valuable entity, the product of modern nations and
Foucault, cunoaşterea şi istoria by Lucian-Mircea Popescu [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1446_a_2688]
to Foucault, discourses are battles fought between citizens and socio-political technocrats in order to persuade people on a certain topic. I emphasized what are the elements and the strengths of a discourse. The chapter Foucault's conception of knowledge presents some original ideas about Foucault's epistemological conception, criticizing his essential thoughts about knowledge. In my view, the ideas and thoughts offered here as a counterweight to those of the French thinker can be fruitfully explored in new humanist studies. New
Foucault, cunoaşterea şi istoria by Lucian-Mircea Popescu [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1446_a_2688]
knowledge. In my view, the ideas and thoughts offered here as a counterweight to those of the French thinker can be fruitfully explored in new humanist studies. New ideas about the concept of 'representation' are also sketched. I also continue some ideas and concepts presented in my previous book Historical Knowledge in Western Civilization: Studies beyond the Sovereign View (2008, 2009), in which I try to go beyond the ideas of interpretation and of representation as valuable concepts for our humanist
Foucault, cunoaşterea şi istoria by Lucian-Mircea Popescu [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1446_a_2688]
created around his personality and thinking, including the "literary theme" proposed by Hayden White, that of Foucault the destroyer of history. The book is conceived as a general "method" of understanding Foucault, not a biased and subjective way of arguing some ideas depicted from the French thinker. The strong point is that my book explains Foucault's thinking through his words. This cultural synthesis offers a complex picture of contemporary historical and political theory, condensing in it the most important philosophical
Foucault, cunoaşterea şi istoria by Lucian-Mircea Popescu [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1446_a_2688]
the member states put Romanian economy in a position of disadvantage. During the negotiations between Romania and the U.S.S.R for adopting a non aggression or mutual assistance pact, the Georgist leaders expressed their distrust in the Soviets` intentions, suspecting some expansionist objectives. As the international situation deteriorated, the Gerogists adapted their external policy to the new international realities, in order to assure guarantees for the integrity of the national territory. This position situated Gheorghe Bratianu in opposition to the official
by GABRIELA GRUBER [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/943_a_2451]
local liberal organizations was about to take place, with the purpose of integrating the Georgists in the new structures. Gheorghe Bratianu was included in the permanent delegation of the Liberal Party with the plan of being named vice president after some time. Some of the former Georgists, unhappy with the reintegration process, continued their activity in separate groups within the Liberal Party. The conclusions highlight the features which individualize The National Liberal PartyGheorghe Bratianu, placing it among the important Romanian parties
by GABRIELA GRUBER [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/943_a_2451]
organizations was about to take place, with the purpose of integrating the Georgists in the new structures. Gheorghe Bratianu was included in the permanent delegation of the Liberal Party with the plan of being named vice president after some time. Some of the former Georgists, unhappy with the reintegration process, continued their activity in separate groups within the Liberal Party. The conclusions highlight the features which individualize The National Liberal PartyGheorghe Bratianu, placing it among the important Romanian parties which played
by GABRIELA GRUBER [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/943_a_2451]
a zeului suprem (M. Eliade, 1981, pp. 91-92). Mitul central al lui Indra, de altfel, cel mai important mit al Rig Vedei, relatează lupta victorioasă a acestuia Împotriva lui Vrta, balaurul uriaș care Închidea apele În adâncul muntelui. Întărit de some, Indra doboară șarpele cu temutul său vajra (fulgerul), Îi crapă țeasta și eliberează apele, care se Îndreaptă spre mare „asemeni unor turme de vaci mugind”. Bătălia unui zeu Împotriva unui monstru ofidian sau marin constituie, se știe, o temă mitică
of Caragialism is essential. The first pages of the book, in the section Caragiale's Sign, analyse the two meanings of the term. First of all, Caragialism is more than a specific style or "a certain way of talking", as some of Caragiale's most famous critics tried to define it. We consider that a proper definition is that of a group of defining features of Caragiale's work, namely those features that can be found at the intersection of the
by Loredana Ilie [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1088_a_2596]
Caragialian "textual engineering", while a great deal of the present day media resorts to the authority of Caragialian irony and gibe. Therefore, we can speak of a certain pliancy of Caragialism that maintains its essence in time, imposing itself through some of its components, in an endless flow. Our option for a global definition of Caragialism is consequently justified, since it must refer in an unbiased manner to all its constituents that are successively selected as its representatives. All these being
by Loredana Ilie [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1088_a_2596]
From this perspective, we are entitled to affiliate to Caragialism both those writers who placed themselves in a more or less epigonic manner in this trend, as one could consider the case of G. Ranetti and Al. O. Teodoreanu, and some writers who were remarkably original, but who were aware of being mere successors. Within the latter group there are more categories. First of all, there are writers that approached the comic and thus they were inevitably associated with Caragiale's
by Loredana Ilie [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1088_a_2596]
literature and is made visible by means of innumerable quotations, allusions, in general any kind of "intertextual traces" (Riffaterre) able to update Caragiale's work, thus perceivable in the palimpsest. For the first category there are only a few examples: some sketches written by Al. O. Teodoreanu, Camil Petrescu's play Mitică Popescu, Mircea Horia Simionescu's short-story The Fast Train of Compliments and Ioan Lăcustă's series of sketches Waiting at Mr. Caragiale's Door. These examples confirm, for each
by Loredana Ilie [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1088_a_2596]
or less loyal, more or less original, Caragiale's influence has not been limited to generating waves of epigones, but consisted in a deliberate transformation, revaluation and recycling of specific types, themes and stylistic devices and a profitable exploration of some of his great intuitions among which the absurd and the "texistence"4 (Mircea Cărtărescu) are the most obvious. Keywords: Caragialism, Postcaragialism, Intertextuality, Comic, Absurd Résumé L'ampleur du phénomène exégétique provoqué par " l'effet Caragiale "1 peut déconcerter et appliquer
by Loredana Ilie [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1088_a_2596]
Superlative geografice. Mica enciclopedie, Editura Ion Creangă, București, 1978. 137. Nesturh, M.F., Rasele omenești, Editura Științifică, București, 1957. 138. Neuhauss, Richard G., Deutsch-neuguinea, III, Berlin, 1911. 139. Opriș, T., Enciclopedia lumii vii, Editura Grammond, 2008. 140. Palmer, E., Notes ou some Australian Tribes, În Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland, XIII, London, 1883. 141. Parker, K.L. More Australian Legendary Tales, collected from Various Tribes, London, 1898. 142. Patte, E., Les Prăhistoriques et la religion, Paris, 1960
Asaltul tigrilor by Oltea Răşcanu Gramaticu () [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/320_a_1259]
periculoasă. Americanul însă a strigat: "De ce nu-l călcați pe picior pe soțul Dv., doamnă Carlyle? Cu siguranță, el e mai rău ca mine!" Întreaga adunare a izbucnit într-un rîs din toată inima și Carlyle cel dintîi. (Henry James, Some personal recollections of Carlyle. Literary Remains Boston, 1897, p. 454). 107 Cf. cuvîntarea mea la ceremonia lui Schiller, în Mindre Arbeider, Tredie Roekke, pp. 179 și urm. 108 Cf. articolului meu Darwin și filosofia, în volumul omagial, publicat la Cambridge
by Harald Hőffding [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/956_a_2464]
traducerea lui Mîhnea Gheorghiu. 1959 Charles Laughtin, în spectacolul de la Stratford, nu aduce nimic nou. "Ceea ce reiese din piesă sînt valorile creștine fundamentale. Pentru că pentru ceea ce se petrece in Regele Lear nu putem gasi alt cuvînt decît înnoire". L.C. Knights, Some Shakespeare Themes. 1960 Irving Ribner publică în 1960 Patterns în Shakespeare Tragedy (Modele în tragedia shakespeariana), Methuen. L.C. Knights scria în acest an: "În secolul al XX-lea, Hamlet a cedat Regelui Lear onoarea de a fi piesă în care
by William Shakespeare [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1030_a_2538]