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offered to their relatives, dominated the political life and favoured the close ones, offered charitable help for spiritual and cultural reasons, and some were remarkable spies. Some of them died as goddesses (in ancient times), as models for their followers, some were beloved and eternally admired by artists, while others retired in monasteries and died forgotten. With few exceptions, most of them were unhappy, although brightened for a while. No matter their qualities they remained inferior to any wife. Some nuances
Curtezane şi pseudocurtezane: în mitologie, istorie, literatură by Elena Macavei [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/942_a_2450]
followers, some were beloved and eternally admired by artists, while others retired in monasteries and died forgotten. With few exceptions, most of them were unhappy, although brightened for a while. No matter their qualities they remained inferior to any wife. Some nuances exist to this spectacular category that used feminity charm, and I called this category-courtesans-like. The courtesans and the courtesans-like have common features. All of them put their beauty and smartness in evidence, and put in value their qualities. This
Curtezane şi pseudocurtezane: în mitologie, istorie, literatură by Elena Macavei [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/942_a_2450]
the courtesans-like have only episodically erotic conducts and behaviours, using their charm and seduction to fulfil their purposes. A common feature is still the fact that both partners the seduced and the seducers depend on each other. I considered courtesans-like some empresses, queens, princesses, wives of military and political men: Hatshepsut, Queen of Shaba, Sammuramat, Cleopatra, Valeria Messalina, Sabina Popaea, Wu Zetian, Theodora, Lucrezia Borgia, Regina Margot, Maria Antoaneta, Ecaterine the Great, Joséphine, Emma Hamilton, Maria Catargi Obrenovici, Martha Bibescu, Elena
Curtezane şi pseudocurtezane: în mitologie, istorie, literatură by Elena Macavei [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/942_a_2450]
etc.. All of them used their charm to gain the throne, and to pass this to their descendants, to maintain and make their political power stronger as well as to get richer and richer. In the same category, I included some writers, singers, dancers, actresses: Sapho, Ban Zhao, Sei Shonagon, Mata Hari, Isadora Duncan, Josephine Baker, Georges Sand, Colette and others. Tey occasionally used their seduction power to advance and maintain in the art's world, to show their real talents
Curtezane şi pseudocurtezane: în mitologie, istorie, literatură by Elena Macavei [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/942_a_2450]
of courtesans-like just because they are hard working for themselves and for their families, being at risk of rape, illness, contempt, persecution and death. In order to deepen and nuance the psychological analysis of their behaviours and conducts I outlined some characters from universal literature and from Romanian literature which are treated by the authors with understanding, admiration and compassion but in an ironic and contemptuous way. The Greek and Roman hetaerism was exemplified by Ovidius' work, Amores, and by Lucian
Curtezane şi pseudocurtezane: în mitologie, istorie, literatură by Elena Macavei [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/942_a_2450]
Charlet și Myriam Hayem (Pierre La Mure), Sonia (F.M.Dostoievski), Lara (Boris Pasternak), Komako (Yasunari Kawabata), Delgadina (Gabriel Garcia Marquez), Maria (Paulo Coehlo), Lucia (Arthus Japin), Yoko (Takeo Arishima), Komako (Yasunari Kawabata), Sayuri (Arthur Golden). From Romanian literature I chose some interesting figures of lovers: Chera Duduca (Nicoale Filimon), Chira Chiralina (Panait Istrati), Didina (Eugen Barbu). Among the paid sex practitioners in bordellos, in hotels and on the streets, I mentioned: Manka, Tamara, Jenia, Liubka and others (Alexandr Kuprin), Béné (Bénédicte
Curtezane şi pseudocurtezane: în mitologie, istorie, literatură by Elena Macavei [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/942_a_2450]
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et qu'elle le seră toujours, et examinons plutôt la spécificité de l'opération traduisante qui a pour objet la poésie dans să manifestation textuelle la plus caractéristique : le poème. " V. aussi Guy Bennett, " Translation of Poetry/Poetry of Translation: Some Thoughts on Transpoiesis ", p. 9, consulté le 9 octobre 2011, URL: http://www.mindmadebooks.com/bennett.translation of poetry.pdf : " It is perhaps best not to spend too much time discussing translation it keeps one from translating. Problems arise and are solved
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poverty eradication and sustainable development. Din 1946 până în prezent a susținut în întreaga lume, prin împrumuturi avantajoase, proiecte în valoare de peste 333 de miliarde de dolari. Eighty percent of our global population have 20 percent of the world’s incomeă Some 800 Million peopleă go to bed hungry every night, the majority of them in rural areas. Indeed, 70 percent of the poor of our globe are in rural areasă Why is it that this year in the demand for World