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and prose, the paper approaches the problem of their visible impact on Romanian literature. The subtitle, Comic and Absurd in the Postcaragialian Prose and Playwrighting, points out the purpose of the critical approach, which is to determine the reverberations of Caragialism among the literary manifestations of the comic and of the absurd so as to prove the overwhelming influence of our great playwright, the creator of a continuously germinating work. In order to determine that an undeniable Caragialian tradition has been
by Loredana Ilie [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1088_a_2596]
of the absurd so as to prove the overwhelming influence of our great playwright, the creator of a continuously germinating work. In order to determine that an undeniable Caragialian tradition has been established in our literature, defining the notion of Caragialism is essential. The first pages of the book, in the section Caragiale's Sign, analyse the two meanings of the term. First of all, Caragialism is more than a specific style or "a certain way of talking", as some of
by Loredana Ilie [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1088_a_2596]
that an undeniable Caragialian tradition has been established in our literature, defining the notion of Caragialism is essential. The first pages of the book, in the section Caragiale's Sign, analyse the two meanings of the term. First of all, Caragialism is more than a specific style or "a certain way of talking", as some of Caragiale's most famous critics tried to define it. We consider that a proper definition is that of a group of defining features of Caragiale
by Loredana Ilie [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1088_a_2596]
place in our great classical writers' Pantheon, but due to the fact that he opened more lodes that could be later on explored in turn by numerous writers that followed his intuition. Thus, we can explain why certain components of Caragialism were predominantly restored in different literary periods: influences at the level of artistical expression are more frequent with authors from the end of the 19th century (G. Ranetti, Gh. Brăescu, Anton Bacalbașa), typological and thematic recurrences are noticed especially during
by Loredana Ilie [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1088_a_2596]
Crăciun, Sorin Preda etc.) revalue the elements of a certain Caragialian "textual engineering", while a great deal of the present day media resorts to the authority of Caragialian irony and gibe. Therefore, we can speak of a certain pliancy of Caragialism that maintains its essence in time, imposing itself through some of its components, in an endless flow. Our option for a global definition of Caragialism is consequently justified, since it must refer in an unbiased manner to all its constituents
by Loredana Ilie [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1088_a_2596]
authority of Caragialian irony and gibe. Therefore, we can speak of a certain pliancy of Caragialism that maintains its essence in time, imposing itself through some of its components, in an endless flow. Our option for a global definition of Caragialism is consequently justified, since it must refer in an unbiased manner to all its constituents that are successively selected as its representatives. All these being said, the second meaning of the term Caragialism is obvious, namely that of an attitudinal
by Loredana Ilie [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1088_a_2596]
Our option for a global definition of Caragialism is consequently justified, since it must refer in an unbiased manner to all its constituents that are successively selected as its representatives. All these being said, the second meaning of the term Caragialism is obvious, namely that of an attitudinal and aesthetic parentage of the Caragialian spirit and art. This perspective involves a lot of other themes, which are, yet, only indirectly linked to our discussion: the problem of the cultural impact, of
by Loredana Ilie [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1088_a_2596]
Continuous Competition by Sorin Preda, The Successor Vocation by Vasile Gogea are among these texts of adherence to and acceptance of their literary debt to Caragiale's tradition. Yet, we should not exclude a certain writer from the paradigm of Caragialism, just because there is no such an ars poetica that would justify his accepted position as the great dramatist's follower. If we only take into account these kinds of patrilineal documents, we cannot see the real impact that Caragiale
by Loredana Ilie [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1088_a_2596]
of his literary influence, the intertextual critical reading seems to be a much more productive solution since, on the basis of certain "memory associations"3, it allows the making up of a larger corpus of texts that are connected with Caragialism. From this perspective, we are entitled to affiliate to Caragialism both those writers who placed themselves in a more or less epigonic manner in this trend, as one could consider the case of G. Ranetti and Al. O. Teodoreanu, and
by Loredana Ilie [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1088_a_2596]
be a much more productive solution since, on the basis of certain "memory associations"3, it allows the making up of a larger corpus of texts that are connected with Caragialism. From this perspective, we are entitled to affiliate to Caragialism both those writers who placed themselves in a more or less epigonic manner in this trend, as one could consider the case of G. Ranetti and Al. O. Teodoreanu, and some writers who were remarkably original, but who were aware
by Loredana Ilie [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1088_a_2596]
were inevitably associated with Caragiale's name. This is the case of Tudor Mușatescu, Al. Kirițescu, Ion Băieșu, Aurel Baranga, Teodor Mazilu, as well as of Mircea Horia Simionescu or Costache Olăreanu. For another series of writers, the relation to Caragialism seems rather surprising at first sight, since they are commonly known as representatives of other distinctive literary currents or trends. Yet, we can discover enough traces of Caragiale's model in certain novels such as The Novel of the Short-sighted
by Loredana Ilie [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1088_a_2596]
is unequalled by any other Romanian writer. Taking into account the complexity of the theme, the paper was structured so that the construction of the post-Caragialian literary corpus should be achieved gradually, by detecting "genealogical" traces in those emblems of Caragialism that were reiterated and revalued into a series of works of art belonging to writers fascinated or intrigued by their great predecessor. The overview of the main representatives of the comic modes in the Romanian literature was necessary for an
by Loredana Ilie [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1088_a_2596]
subsequent literary manifestations. Broadly speaking, we noted the essential Caragialian contribution for each of the comic mode and the fact that the other writers do relate almost exclusively to his model. To complete both the comic paradigm and that of Caragialism, in the next chapter, One Century of ... Caragialism, we blended these two notions, as the central components of the latter (typology, themes and artistic expression) particularise, in a decisive manner, the more general classes of the comic of character, of
by Loredana Ilie [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1088_a_2596]
essential Caragialian contribution for each of the comic mode and the fact that the other writers do relate almost exclusively to his model. To complete both the comic paradigm and that of Caragialism, in the next chapter, One Century of ... Caragialism, we blended these two notions, as the central components of the latter (typology, themes and artistic expression) particularise, in a decisive manner, the more general classes of the comic of character, of mores and of language. In this way, we
by Loredana Ilie [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1088_a_2596]
modern plays, and of Romanian postmodernism. In conclusion, the analysis grid consisting in the combination of the major benchmarks of the comic and of the absurd functioned like a network designed to capture those illustrations that keep the image of Caragialism alive. Either by marking the intertextual dissemination in a large number of writers' works or by emphasizing Caragiale's precursor status in relation to Urmuz, Tudor Arghezi, Eugen Ionescu, the representatives of the 80's etc., the establishment of a
by Loredana Ilie [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1088_a_2596]
consisted in a deliberate transformation, revaluation and recycling of specific types, themes and stylistic devices and a profitable exploration of some of his great intuitions among which the absurd and the "texistence"4 (Mircea Cărtărescu) are the most obvious. Keywords: Caragialism, Postcaragialism, Intertextuality, Comic, Absurd Résumé L'ampleur du phénomène exégétique provoqué par " l'effet Caragiale "1 peut déconcerter et appliquer d'emblée le cachet de l'inutilité sut toute démarche interprétative nouvelle. Même si, à première vue, tout semble déjà
by Loredana Ilie [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1088_a_2596]
importance et leur intérêt également, d'un côté, à l'intérieur de la triade Caragiale-Urmuz-Eugen Ionescu, et de l'autre côté, entre des écrivains comme Tudor Arghezi, Teodor Mazilu, Marin Sorescu et la triade déjà mentionnée. La définition de la notion de " caragialisme " (dans la section " Le Signe de Caragiale ") est primordiale pour démontrer l'instauration d'une tradition de ce type dans la littérature roumaine. Les premières pages du livre établissent les deux acceptions du terme. Tout d'abord, nous appelons " caragialisme " non
by Loredana Ilie [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1088_a_2596]
de " caragialisme " (dans la section " Le Signe de Caragiale ") est primordiale pour démontrer l'instauration d'une tradition de ce type dans la littérature roumaine. Les premières pages du livre établissent les deux acceptions du terme. Tout d'abord, nous appelons " caragialisme " non seulement une attitude spécifique, un style ou une " manière propre de parler "2, mais aussi un ensemble de traits caratéristiques de l'œuvre de Caragiale, plus précisément une somme de telles coordonnées situées au carrefour de l'axe typologique
by Loredana Ilie [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1088_a_2596]
Pantéon de nos grands classiques, mais parce qu'il a ouvert plusieurs veines qui ont pu être exploitées tour à tour par beaucoup d'écrivains ayant confiance en l'intuition de leur prédécesseur. Ainsi s'explique pourquoi certaines composantes du caragialisme ont été cultivées de manière privilégiée en différentes périodes littéraires: les contaminations au niveau de l'expression artistique sont plus fréquentes chez les auteurs du siècle passé, des récurrences typologiques et thématiques sont identifiables surtout à l'époque entre-les-deux-guerre ; les
by Loredana Ilie [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1088_a_2596]
apport caragialien essentiel et la relation presque exclusive avec les autres écrivains au sujet de son modèle. Pour compléter le paradigme du comique, mais aussi de l'esprit de Caragiale, nous avons joint dans le chapitre suivant, Un siècle de ... caragialisme, les deux notions, parce que les composantes centrales de la dernière la typologie, la thématique et l'expression artistique rendent particulières, en fait, d'une manière décissive, les classes plus générales du comique de caractère, de mœurs et de langage, de
by Loredana Ilie [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1088_a_2596]
rapport à Urmuz, avec Eugen Ionescu et d'autres écrivains roumains tentés par les formules littéraires de l'absurde, comme Tudor Arghezi, Teodor Mazilu et Marin Sorescu. Réduisant progressivement le champ d'investigation, nous avons complété les affiliations régressives au caragialisme des premiers chapitres, avec celles qui démontrent la qualité de précurseur de Caragiale, d'un côté concernant la littérature de l'absurde, de l'autre côté concernant le " postmodernisme roumain " . Par conséquent, des étapes intermédiaires, comme la prose urmuzienne et
by Loredana Ilie [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1088_a_2596]
Don Nilsen analizează și exemplifică sumar o imensă bibliografie pentru umorul departajat în funcție de criteriul naționalității. (Don Nilsen, op. cit., pp. 131-213). 43 Cu o astfel de problemă se confruntă traducătorii, neputincioși uneori în efortul de menținere a valențelor comice a multor "caragialisme", neutralizate și secătuite prin echivalarea cu termeni corecți, dar lipsiți de savoarea imprimată de contextul românesc. Un inventar al dificultăților de transpunere din română în franceză a unor heteronime din opera lui Caragiale, descoperim în articolul lui Constantin-Ioan Mladin, Strategii
by Loredana Ilie [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1088_a_2596]
38 I. L. Caragiale, Opere, III, Publicistică, ed. cit., p. 796. 39 Problematica acestui capitol a fost tratată și în articolele: Loredana Ilie, Pe urmele lui Mitică, "Jurnalul literar", serie nouă, an XV, nr. 13-18, iulie-august 2004, p. 8, Loredana Ilie, Caragialismul în perioada interbelică, "Annales Universitatis Apulensis", Philologica, tom 1, Alba Iulia, 2003, pp. 113-119, Loredana Ilie, Pișicherul postcaragialian, "Buletinul Universității Petrol-Gaze", din Ploiești,vol. LV, seria Științe Umaniste, nr. 4/2003, pp. 7-13. 40 Al. O. Teodoreanu, Hronicul Măscăriciului Vălătuc
by Loredana Ilie [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1088_a_2596]
mondială: "Stimate domnule Queneau, cum ați putea pune alături dadaismul de duzină al lui Urmuz, cu marea artă a lui Caragiale?" (Lipatti, Valentin, Valori franceze. Studii și articole, ESPLA, București, 1959). 1 V. articolele publicate pe această temă: Ilie, Loredana, "Caragialism în tendințele și căutările prozatorilor târgovișteni", Jurnalul literar, serie nouă, an XVI, nr. 5-10, martie-aprilie-mai 2005, p. 16 și Ilie, Loredana, "Hipotextul caragialian la Mircea Horia Simionescu", Buletinul Universității Petrol-Gaze din Ploiești, vol. LVII, seria Filologie, nr. 1/2005, pp.
by Loredana Ilie [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1088_a_2596]
successorale, " Ateneu ", no. 11, novembre, 1988, reproduit en idem, pp. 356-357. 12 Michael Riffaterre, L'intertexte inconnu, " Littérature ", no. 41, févr., 1981, p. 4. 13 Gérard Genette, Palimpsestes. La litérature au second degré, Edition du Seuil, 1982. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- UN VEAC DE CARAGIALISM 2 1 2 323 Prefață Introducere Comicul o enigmă Comicul caragialian și postcaragialian Un veac de ... caragialism Absurdul Absurdul Caragiale precursor al precursorilor Caragiale precursor al precursorilor Concluzii Bibliografie Abstract Résumé Indice de autori Indice de autori
by Loredana Ilie [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1088_a_2596]