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Pentru două analize critice extrem de fine ale termenului, vezi Anil Gupta, „The Location of «the Indigenousș in Critiques of Modernity”, A 91-a Întâlnire Anuală a Asociației Americane de Antropologie, San Francisco, 2-6 decembrie, 1992 și Arun Agrawal, „Indigenous and Scientific Knowledge”, Indigenous Knowledge and Development Monitor 4, nr. 1, aprilie 1996, pp. 1-11 și comentariile ce urmează după acest artiol. Vezi, de asemenea, Agrawal, „Dismantling the Divide Between Indigenous and Scientific Knowledge”, Development and Change 26, nr. 3, 1995, pp.
Francisco, 2-6 decembrie, 1992 și Arun Agrawal, „Indigenous and Scientific Knowledge”, Indigenous Knowledge and Development Monitor 4, nr. 1, aprilie 1996, pp. 1-11 și comentariile ce urmează după acest artiol. Vezi, de asemenea, Agrawal, „Dismantling the Divide Between Indigenous and Scientific Knowledge”, Development and Change 26, nr. 3, 1995, pp. 413-439. Pentru o discuție generală asupra acestor teme, vezi Eric Hobsbawm și T. O. Ranger, The Invention of Tradition, Cambridge University Press, New York, 1983. Deși Hobsbawm și Ranger sunt interesați În
oubliée. La Dacie, une conquête inutile?", în Guerres & Histoire, nr. 30, aprilie 2016, pp. 60-64. 3 Ibidem, p. 63. 4 Despre natura și cauzele avuției națiunilor, publicată în anul 1776. 5 W.F. Bynum & Roy Porter (editori), Oxford Dictionary of Scientific Quotations, Oxford University Press, New York, 2005, p. 554. 6 Vezi ediția recentă în limba română, Adam Smith, Avuția națiunilor, Editura Publica, București, 2014. 7 Deseori, inclusiv în România, cartea este prezentată drept "cea mai bună carte de economie scrisă vreodată
CALENIC, CEZAR, Pornind de la sondajele din primele zile de școală, în “Tribuna școlii”, an 13 (34), nr. 278 (1364), 31 aug. 1985, p. 7-8. (lecții de cultivarea limbii). [37] CARTIANU, ANA, An Advanced Course in Modern Rumanian, Publishing House for Scientific Books, 1985. [38] CHIOSA, CLARA GEORGETA, „Arta" sau „știința" compunerii, LLR, 14, nr. l, 1985, 12-14. [39] CHIRIAC, ADRIAN; ȚEGHIU, LIVIU, Informație lingvistică și informație științifică, DSAP, 1985, 44-49. [40] CHISCOP, LIVIU, Algoritmii analizei gramaticale, CPub, l, oct. 1985, 8
Bibliografie signaletică de didactică a limbii şi literaturii române : (1757-2010)/Vol. 1 : Sistematizare după criteriul apariţiilor lucrărilor : ordonare cronologică şi alfabetică by Mihaela Secrieru () [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/440_a_1359]
produselor și serviciilor. Etapa principală, cea care a preocupat prima jumătate a secolului XX, este inspecția calității. Una dintre persoanele ce au studiat Îndeaproape acest concept a fost F.W. Taylor, teoriile sale fiind prezentate În lucrarea sa „ Principles of Scientific Management” (1911). Aceste teorii au condus la o serie de reguli și principii concretizându-se În: descompunerea procesului de realizare a produsului În operații elementare, limitarea responsabilităților, specializarea unităților funcționale. Astfel s-a ajuns la separarea funcțiilor Într-o companie
Managementul calitatii proiectelor by Cretu Gheorghe () [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1696_a_2955]
p. 87. 35 Thoma de Aquino, op. cit., p. 62. 36 Idem, p. 63. 37 Vezi Thoma de Aquino, op. cit. 38 Ibidem. 39 Vezi William Lane Craig, The Cosmological Argument, Barnes and Noble, New York, 1997. 40 William Lane Craig, Philosophical and Scientific Pointers to Creatio ex Nihilo, în Timothy Robinson (ed), God, Hacket Publishing Company, Indianapolis, 2002, pp. 69-70. 41 Schema argumentului este preluată după William Lane Craig. 42 Lawrence Pasternack, "The ens realissimum and necessary being in The Critique of Pure
Argumentul ontologic în filosofia analitică. O reevaluare din perspectiva conceptului de existenţă necesară by Vlad Vasile Andreica [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/891_a_2399]
at work (or în present organizationsă, Theoretical approaches Study syntheses regarding Leadership from American Psychologist (2007Ă Septimiu Chelcea, Emoțional sociology: cultural theories Georgeta Pânișoară, Ovidiu Pânișoară, From the barriers of the communication to the efficiency of the process. Didactical application Scientific students’ approaches A critical point of view regarding the establishment of the career’s anchors, Chirilă Cristina Reviews: Experimental psychology, Anitei Mihai, Polirom The consumer’s psychology, N. Gueguen, Aspects that influence the consuming behavior, Editura Polirom Iași, 2006 Organizațional
The main goal of the book is to highlight that the research methods are the most enjoyable -and the easiest to learnwhen you are actively involved and to teach the readers how phrase questions scientifically, how to design and conduct scientific research and how to interpret and communicate the results. Furthermore, în the experimental content are approached the cognitive processes: sensations, perceptions, attention, learning, memory and thinking. The book is divided into fourteen chapters. The first eight chapters present the fundamentals
the physiologic indicators, ethics and the APĂ format of the Research Activity. The last eight chapters reveal the cognitive processes approached from the experimental psychology point of view. Chapter three, the Observation aș empirical method underlines the role of the scientific empirical observation. Psychology relies on the scientific methods because this approach is the best one for eliminating bias and opinions, for reaching a consensus about how a behavior truly operates. The scientific methods provides convincing evidence because the scientists use
format of the Research Activity. The last eight chapters reveal the cognitive processes approached from the experimental psychology point of view. Chapter three, the Observation aș empirical method underlines the role of the scientific empirical observation. Psychology relies on the scientific methods because this approach is the best one for eliminating bias and opinions, for reaching a consensus about how a behavior truly operates. The scientific methods provides convincing evidence because the scientists use the events în nature aș the basis
aș empirical method underlines the role of the scientific empirical observation. Psychology relies on the scientific methods because this approach is the best one for eliminating bias and opinions, for reaching a consensus about how a behavior truly operates. The scientific methods provides convincing evidence because the scientists use the events în nature aș the basis for studying behavior and see how differ from nonscientific approaches. Most facts observed în psychology are behaviors: verbal behavior, nonverbal communication, psychological activity and șo
cît și materie. O bună introducere În teoria corzilor puteți găsi În lucrarea lui Brian Green The Elegant Universe: Superstrings, Hidden Dimensions, and the Quest for the Ultimate Theory (New York: W.W. Norton, 2003). 2. James Oschman, Energy Medicine: The Scientific Basis (New York: Harcourt, 2000). 3. Parafrazare din Shakespeare, Hamlet, Actul 2, Scena II. 4. Gary Null, Carolyn Dean, Martin Feldman, Debora Rasio și Dorothy Smith, death by Medicine (New York: Nutrition Institute of America, 2003). Capitolul 1 O medicină numită energie
În Paul J. Rosch și Marko S. Markovs (eds.), Clinical Applications of Bioelectromagnetic Medicine (New York: Marcel Dekker, 2004), 514-562. 23. Raportat În Paul Pearsall, The Heart’Code (New York: Broadway Books, 1998), p. 7. 24. James L. Ochsman, Energy Medicine: The Scientific Basis (Londra: Churchill Livingstone, 2000). 25. Bruce H. Lipton, The Biology of belief (Santa Rosa, CA: Elite, 2005). 26. Gary Null, Carolyn Dean, Martin Feldman, Debora Rasio și Dorothy Smith, Death by Medicine (New York: Nutrition Institute of America, 2003). 27
gnostische Rezidiv als Gegenneuzeit”, În Taubes (ed.), Gnosis und Politik, ed. cit., pp. 31-36; Wolfgang Hübener, „Das «gnostische Rezidiv» oder wie Hans Blumenberg der spätmittelalterischen Theologie den Puls fühlt” În Taubes, op.cit., pp. 37-53. 44. Amos Funkenstein, Theology and the Scientific Imagination: From the Middle Ages to the Seventeenth Century, Princeton Univ. Press, Princeton, NJ, 1986. 45. Vezi cartea mea Gnosticismo e pensiero moderno: Hans Jonas, L’Erma di Brettschneider, Roma, 1985, pp. 119 sq. 46. Idem, pp. 123-125. 47. Ioan
seria a patra, III (1922), pp. 1-34 ; McKerrow, loc. cit. (apendicele privind caligrafia elizabetană) ; Samuel A. Tan-nenbaum, The Handwriting of the Renaissance, New York, 1930. Metodele tehnice de cercetare a manuscriselor (microscoape, raze ultraviolete etc.) sînt descrise în R. B. Haselden, Scientific Aids for the Study of Manuscripts, Oxford, 1935. 9. Asemenea arbori genealogici întocmiți cu meticulozitate găsim în cartea lui R. K. Root, The Textual Tradition of C haucer's Troilus, Chaucer Society, Londra, 1916. 10. Cf. bibliografia capitolului de față
E. K. t hambers, The Integrity of The Tempest, în Reuieiv of English Studies, I (1925), pp. 129-150 ; S. A. Tannenbaum, How Not to Edit Shakespeare : A Review, în Philological Quarterly, X (1931), pp. 97- 137 ; H. T. Price, Towards a Scientific Method of Textual Criticism in the Elizabethan Drama, în Journal of English and Germanic Philology, XXXVI (1937), pp. 151-167 (articol care se ocupă de Dover Wilson, Robertson etc.). 20. Michael Bernays, Zur Kritik und Geschichte des Goetheschen Textes, Munchen, 1866
imagination, I considered that the development of the cognitive nature must be re-evaluated through the way image of the world is built. Knowledge relativity regarding the picture of the world introduces contextual elements within the epistemic structure belonging to cultural, scientific and psychosocial contexts, in a "freeze frame" that is both the scientific status quo reflected by an epistemic item (books, idea, mathematical formula, etc.) and the evolution during "history". Within this formula, the knowledge relativity overcomes the limitations of first-level
re-evaluated through the way image of the world is built. Knowledge relativity regarding the picture of the world introduces contextual elements within the epistemic structure belonging to cultural, scientific and psychosocial contexts, in a "freeze frame" that is both the scientific status quo reflected by an epistemic item (books, idea, mathematical formula, etc.) and the evolution during "history". Within this formula, the knowledge relativity overcomes the limitations of first-level specific to perceptual knowledge ("common sense") and includes the most profound scientific
scientific status quo reflected by an epistemic item (books, idea, mathematical formula, etc.) and the evolution during "history". Within this formula, the knowledge relativity overcomes the limitations of first-level specific to perceptual knowledge ("common sense") and includes the most profound scientific structure found inside the whole scientific framework, such as the mathematical abstractions. First, I started from a reassessment of the concept of imagination that has never been seen only in the light of a development on the fantastic images of
epistemic item (books, idea, mathematical formula, etc.) and the evolution during "history". Within this formula, the knowledge relativity overcomes the limitations of first-level specific to perceptual knowledge ("common sense") and includes the most profound scientific structure found inside the whole scientific framework, such as the mathematical abstractions. First, I started from a reassessment of the concept of imagination that has never been seen only in the light of a development on the fantastic images of the world. I took the scientific
scientific framework, such as the mathematical abstractions. First, I started from a reassessment of the concept of imagination that has never been seen only in the light of a development on the fantastic images of the world. I took the scientific risk to assimilate all the image parts of the imaginary definition expanding it to boundaries difficult to be accepted from a perspective still limited by the mechanism of modernity. Defining imagery is not about what is in our imagination (Imaginarium
of the world. This is the idea of imaginary developed and found in the title. Even if it can be seen as an extension of the current thinking in which Amos Funkenstein 1 is also reflected through his Theology and Scientific Imagination by linking science with imagination, the meaning in which we use this term is different. It covers the whole rational world images, through which we attempt to describe the im-mediate2 and especially the nature. Science is one of the
different. It covers the whole rational world images, through which we attempt to describe the im-mediate2 and especially the nature. Science is one of the cultural components of the imagination, becoming the dominant image of the modern period. Besides the scientific imaginary, the idea of the imaginary censorship must also be introduced, bearing connotations within this theoretical context. As a way of presentation during its evolution, the imaginary vary from simple, pure shapes, where the image has a low symbolic meaning
a moment of ending and beginning the cycle occurs at the beginning of the seventeenth century when Renaissance imagery was censored to allow a fresh start. Then the cycle of the modern era begins that will be dominated by the scientific rationality. In this context we can talk about a censorship of the scientific imagination in early modernity focused on the seveneenth century censorship that captures all the aspects of imagination. So we can initially identify a religious censorship represented by
the seventeenth century when Renaissance imagery was censored to allow a fresh start. Then the cycle of the modern era begins that will be dominated by the scientific rationality. In this context we can talk about a censorship of the scientific imagination in early modernity focused on the seveneenth century censorship that captures all the aspects of imagination. So we can initially identify a religious censorship represented by the reform, a methodical censorship imposed by Francis Bacon, René Descartes and moreover